Showing posts with label hurricane sandy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hurricane sandy. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016


Lupica: Just no value to Cruz's 'New York values' comment

This is what Ted Cruz, who wasn’t just born out of town but out of the country, said about Donald Trump the other day:
“Donald comes from New York and he embodies New York values.” And made it sound as if this was some variation of insulting Trump about his hair.
Later Cruz kept digging, telling Megyn Kelly of “Fox News” that New York values weren’t Iowa values or New Hampshire values, as if he is suddenly as big an expert on values as he says he is on the Constitution. Finally on Thursday night he brought his cockeyed theories about the city to the Republican debate in South Carolina.

The next time Cruz shows up here and treats the city like an ATM machine, he should make a side trip to the Bronx and explain himself there on New York values.

“Everybody understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal and pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage,” he said. “And focus on money and the media.” This was right before Trump turned and calmly took him apart again for insulting the city the way he has.
Ted Cruz, who only comes here with his hand out, has decided that the most diverse city the world has ever known is filled with people who all think alike. He sounds in these moments like as slow a thinker as we have ever had run for President.
If you are dumb enough to think that New York values are some sort of handicap in this presidential season, then you are as dumb and tone deaf as Jesse Jackson was calling the city “Hymietown,” as dumb as Gerald Ford was when he gave this paper the most famous front page in its history, the day he effectively told New York to drop dead.
Shawn Baldwin/AP

New York City became the capital of heroes on Sept. 11, 2001.

The next time Cruz shows up here he should tear himself away from his friends at Goldman Sachs and make a side trip to the Bronx and explain himself there on New York values; or to the Lower East Side, or Williamsburg, Brooklyn, or Jamaica, Queens, or 125th St. in Harlem. He should go talk to people in the Rockaways or Staten Island, the hardened survivors who bound together after Hurricane Sandy, about New York values. Or finally he should go all the way downtown, and back to September 2001.
Here is what New York values are: New York values are a young guy, a paralegal, literally giving somebody he doesn’t knowthe shirt off his back on a subwaybecause winter has finally come to the city and brought freezing temperatures with it. New York values are the New York taxi driver who traveled three boroughs across four days to find the guy who had left $1,400 in his cab, so he could return the money to him. You know what that really was? It was the real life of a city that Ted Cruz knows nothing about. He is simply another tourist here, one constantly on the make.
The best of this city is the best of this country, and always has been. When it was hit in a way that no American city had ever been hit, it came together and rose up together in a moment as thrilling as any America had ever seen.
This wasn’t the civil rights movement, it was a different kind of movement, to lower Manhattan. That was where the city was stronger and better than it ever had been on Sept. 12, when in the words of the great Pete Hamill, the city first got to one knee, and then began to get up. We will never know how it would have gone in another American city. We just know how it went here.
New York values? New York values are the ironworkers who carried their tools in backpacks and gym bags and, by God, walked over the Brooklyn Bridge on the night of Sept. 11, 2001, or all the way downtown from all the way uptown.
One of them I know simply said to a cop who didn’t want to let him get close to where the towers had been. And the guy said, “They need me. I cut steel.”

"Well, look, he may shift in his new rallies to play 'New York, New York' because Donald comes from New York and he embodies New York values,’” Ted Cruz said of the bombastic billionaire GOP front-runner, who was born in Queens.

Cruz didn't make things better for himself at the debate. Somehow he sounded even dumber about New York City as he talked about abortion and gay marriage and the rest of it, even as he applauded after Trump spoke to the greatness of the city. Cruz means what he says about New York values, clearly believes they are in opposition to the values on which he has based his campaign, whatever those actually are.
Earlier on Thursday Rep. Pete King came right at Cruz like some guy he’d grown up with in Sunnyside, Queens, who needed a good slap.
“Memo to Ted Cruz,” King said in a statement on Thursday. “New York values are the heroes of 9/11; the cops who fight terror; and the people you ask for campaign donations. Go back under a rock.”
Cruz is a lightweight. He always has been, however well he is doing in caucuses in the heartland. He may do well there. He is just out of his class here. It is the other party that has a donkey as its mascot. But Cruz is the one who’s a career jackass.
City to him: Get lost.
ted cruz ,
september 11 terrorist attacks ,
donald trump ,
2016 election ,
hurricane sandy ,
lower east side ,

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Note to Editor - American Birth and Demise

  Before the birth of our nation, there were only monarchies and dictatorships. The United States was unique in the hirstory of man, with or Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Freedom of the Press. 
  After this past election, the president and his Czars can mandate any law with the backing of a liberal justice system, making Congress irrelevant.
  The Press is now dead and the constitiution and bill of rights is being trampled over. We are now just another third world dictatorship.

Gordon S.

Cincinnati Ohio.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I'm Really Not a Conspiracy Theorist, But...

If any of you reading this are true conspiracy theorists, please don't try to friend me. I generally don't get along with your types because the way you connect dots is ridiculous, your facts are usually made up and your conclusions are at best leaps of faith.

That being said, why did gas go up $0.42 in one single jump at all gas stations at midnight the night of election November 6, 2012? I'm sorry I don't have before and after pictures. It wouldn't even be believable. I never subscribed to the all-powerful, secret "Gas Price Czar" that sends down orders to all gas stations what the prices are to be, but after last Wednesday, there cannot be any other explanation that He exists and that Obama had corrupted this mystery man to help get him elected. The thing is, gas price spikes and dips are very predictable. When oil goes up, gas follows one to two weeks. When oil goes down, oil follows. When there is a problem in the Middle East, gas spikes up pretty quickly - usually within a couple of days. When there is a hurricane in an area that has off-shore drilling, there is usually a pretty quick spike in price. But Hurricane Sandy did the opposite. Before Sandy hit, oil refineries were shut down so gas production stopped, but there was so much devastation, that gas demand dropped enough to cause gas to go down. We saw this. It happened as expected. Gas in my neighborhood gradually dropped from $3.49 all the way down to $3.07 over the course of about a week immediately after Sandy hit. Late Tuesday evening, gas was between $3.07-3.09 at all gas stations. Very early Wednesday morning, gas at my local station was $3.49. Now NORMALLY when gas moves that much that quickly there is ALWAYS another station nearby that still has the old price. Not every gas station changes at the exact same time - in fact I've seen spans of up to 36 hours where nearby stations have not yet adjusted to a major change in gas prices.

Not Wednesday after the election. With absolutely zero warning, nothing in the news, no change in oil price, no terrorist attacks and no new hurricanes or any other news that would warrant a significant change in gas price, every single gas station, all within several hours (maybe minutes) popped their price by 40-42 cents. Am I the only one that feels like there is something very fishy about that?

In other conspiracy news, can someone explain to me why more Mormons would vote for John McCain in 2008 than for the Mormon, Mitt Romney in 2012? Please find a plausible explanation for this apparent fact...