Showing posts with label fools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fools. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Girl Has Nose/Ears Cut Off By Taliban (Graphic)

Girl Has Nose/Ears Cut Off By Taliban (Graphic) 


Saturday, November 17, 2012

The "Red" Coats are Coming and Obamas Master Plan

  Its not enough for me to say wake the hell up any more, because you must now wake your stupid neighbor.
  Communism is a disease that will cause hallucinations into sick twisted beliefs of media bias and non-sense that will eventually be the cause of your own early demise. Communism is a slow acting disease that doesn't take hold over night, it usually takes years and sometime decades before its completely irreversible.  It starts with agreeing that its ok for the Government to tax and spend into prosperity and to have more and more control over the states and their people.  Another sign is when you start to agree with the democrate party and watching MSNBC.
   When you see Democrats and Unions pushing for the good of everyone you are on the path to Communism.  They will convenience you that they know better how to spend your money than you do.  The Government will start to give Giant auto makers and Banks your hard earned tax dollars to keep them open for business when in reality their tragic decisions would have sunk any random business.  Governments and Unions will convince employees that they should tell the CEO of their company how to run his business because the CEO does nothing all day but play golf.  CEO's dont know what it takes to run a company but the employees do. 

  Unions have become completely communist and they will pay politians to pass laws that give them more and more power.  For example if the Unions want to spend millions of employee dollars to support Obama there is nothing anyone can do about it.  Unions vote Democrat 95% of the time and there is always an agenda for that, to push closer and closer into communism.  Democrats ! why democrate ? Because they are both on the same path with the same agenda.  Give all the power to the government and the more they control your lives the longer the stay in power.  Look at Russia in the last 100 years and you can see a perfect time line and excellent results of Communism.

We must begin by taking back our schools where the unions have been indoctrinating them for decades.  Why would obama send his kids to private schools ? Because he knows that public schools are in place to keep our children stupid and to not teach them about how to be successful in life.  obama knows that if he can keep 51% of the people in America stupid then he will always win.
Capitalism will save you from communism.