Showing posts with label bear rape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bear rape. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

Bill Clinton's Approval Rating Plunges To 39 Percent Down from 50% Breitbart

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

by Mike Flynn28 Jan 20160

28 Jan, 201628 Jan, 2016 Bill Clinton’s poll ratings are in free-fall, and that surprise crash undermines the conventional wisdom that Hillary Clinton has a lock on the Democrat nomination.

A new CBS/New York Times poll shows that just 39 percent of American voters have a favorable opinion of Bill Clinton.

This is down from a 50 percent approval rating just a few months ago. In 2012, when Bill Clinton was campaigning aggressively for President Obama’s reelection, 66 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of Mr. Clinton.

Bill Clinton’s favorable rating today is actually lower than it was in 2008, when he last campaigned forcefully for Hillary as she was battling Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination. As that contest heated up, Mr. Clinton’s favorable rating sank to 46 percent.

A modest drop in Bill Clinton’s approval rating is to be expected as he reenters the political fray. As a former President, Clinton is normally viewed by voters as somewhat “above” politics, allowing them to hold more favorable views of the former politician.

Campaigning for one side in a political debate, even if that candidate is his wife, is naturally going to impact the opinions of those on the other side of that debate. The steep drop in Bill Clinton’s approval ratings, though, as he is only beginning to campaign for Hillary in the primary suggests something deeper is going on.

A few weeks ago, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump responded to criticism from Hillary Clinton by raising the issue of Bill Clinton’s sexual transgressions and the allegations of sexual assault against the former President.

In the wake of the controversy between Trump and Hillary Clinton, several women from Bill Clinton’s past emerged again from the media shadows to retell their stories of Mr. Clinton’s alleged sexual abuse.

The last time these allegations were raised at all in the media was back in 1998, during the height of the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton’s sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Tellingly, during this time, Mr. Clinton’s approval rating also sunk to 39 percent in the CBS poll.

While the resurfacing of the old allegations brings back memories of a dysfunctional Clinton White House for older voters, for a large portion of the electorate, these stories are largely new. Voters younger than 35 weren’t even old enough to vote when the Lewinsky story dominated political news.

Interestingly, young voters are a powerful force behind the dramatic rise of Hillary Clinton’s current rival,Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Sanders leads Hillary by 12 points among voters aged 18-34. In another poll, voters younger than 24 prefer Sanders over Hillary by a massive 42 points, 68-26.

It isn’t hard to imagine that these twin phenomenon — Bill Clinton’s plummeting approval ratings and Sanders’ surge among young voters — are related.

Before Trump, the conventional wisdom was that voters didn’t care about Clinton’s past sexual transgressions. These, the pundits assured us, were old news. For many voters, though, these allegations aren’t old news at all.

Even for those who do remember the old controversies, the kind of conduct allegedly committed by Bill Clinton is viewed much differently today than 20 years ago. This may be the clearest sign that the Clinton era is truly over.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Leonardo Talks about bear rape scene

The Revenant: Leonardo DiCaprio 'not at liberty' to speak about filming of bear attack that involves 'intimacy of both man and beast'


Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio has told the ABC's 7.30 program a "ground-breaking" bear attack scene in his latest film The Revenant involved the director watching 100 different attacks.

But the actor stopped short of discussing the sequence in detail, despite some online outlets claiming it depicts DiCaprio's character Hugh Glass being raped by the bear.

Fox Studios was this month forced to deny The Drudge Report's story that claimed the film features "a shocking scene of a wild bear raping Leo DiCaprio".

The studio told US entertainment bulletin Entertainment Weekly the bear in the film is female, and attacks DiCaprio's character "because she feels he might be threatening her cubs".

DiCaprio was coy with the details, but praised director Alejandro Inarritu's approach to directing the scene.

"I'm not at real liberty to speak to you about exactly how [the director] pulled this off," DiCaprio told 7.30's Leigh Sales.

"So much of the director's technique is something that he wants to keep to himself because he loves the idea of audiences submerging themselves in something that is almost like virtual reality.

"But I will say that it involved months of rehearsal and it involved him watching 100 different bear attacks.

DiCaprio says scene is 'very raw, violent, savage'

"What he achieves cinematically is something that I think is very ground-breaking, and that is the ability for an audience to be in a sort of very raw, violent, savage bear attack, yet feel the intimacy of both man and beast."

DiCaprio said the sequence was a visceral one for the viewing audience.

"You feel the sweat, and the heat coming off the animal," he said.

"It's almost like he awakens other senses within you as an audience member, and you feel like you're some voyeuristic animal watching something that you shouldn't be watching.

"But most of that is achieved in a lot of the silent moments that he creates in that sequence."

DiCaprio said he was glad it had started a conversation about the film, which tells the story of a legendary 1800s frontiersman who must utilise his survival skills after the bear attack.

"People are talking about it because it's something incredibly ground-breaking," DiCaprio said.

"People have responded to it because it's unlike anything that they've ever seen in cinema ever, really."

External Link: The Revenant trailer