Showing posts with label migrant rape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label migrant rape. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Obama: Criticism of Muslim Americans ‘Has No Place In Our Country’


by BEN SHAPIRO3 Feb 20161,747

On Wednesday, President Obama, who has become the executive branch equivalent of a professional commenter troll, took his traveling roadshow of perverse failure to the Islamic Society of Baltimore.

There, he lectured Americans – as always – on our own intolerance, the glories of Islam, and how if we just gaze longingly into his eyes, our souls will be set free of the baser matter surrounding them.

First, a note: the Islamic Society of Baltimore has significant ties to terror supporters. Its former imam, Mohamed Adam el-Sheikh, presided over the mosque for 18 years and justified Palestinian suicide bombings in the pages of The Washington Post, as well as founding the radical Muslim Brotherhood-associated Muslim American Society.

Now, on to President Obama’s speech.

Obama began by stating that the ISB is as American as apple pie (minus the whole former imam who supported suicide bombing thing). He then said, “So the first thing I want to say is two words that Muslim Americans don’t hear often enough — and that is, thank you. Thank you for serving your community. Thank you for lifting up the lives of your neighbors, and for helping keep us strong and united as one American family. We are grateful for that.”

So, no bitter clinger talk for those who worship Allah. Got it.

Then he moved on to his real message: Americans who aren’t nice like President Obama are super duper mean to Muslims. Never mind the fact that, according to FBI statistics, 60.3 percent of all hate crimes based on religion target Jews, as opposed to 13.7 percent targeting Muslims. Muslims who must fear intolerant Americans, and must rely on President Obama’s great goodness to protect them from the slobbering, yabbering masses who would emerge en masse on the streets of the United States, armed with pitchforks and torches, to roust them from their homes and do them harm. Here’s Obama:

I know that in Muslim communities across our country, this is a time of concern and, frankly, a time of some fear. Like all Americans, you’re worried about the threat of terrorism. But on top of that, as Muslim Americans, you also have another concern — and that is your entire community so often is targeted or blamed for the violent acts of the very few.

Oh. Well, statistically, virtually all suicide bombings across the planet are conducted by Muslims. Hundreds of millions of Muslims hold extreme beliefs. In the United States, as Mark Krikorian wrote at National Review in December, “Muslims account for only about 1 percent of the U.S. population but account for about half of terrorist attacks since 9/11. That means Muslims in the United States are about 5,000 percent more likely to commit terrorist attacks than non-Muslims.”

But statistics are Islamophobic, so Obama merely ignored them. Instead, he focused on the “inexcusable political rhetoric against Muslim Americans that has no place in our country,” lamenting “the threats and harassment of Muslim Americans have surged.” No statistics, just anecdotal evidence, followed. And then more scaremongering:

[Y]ou also could not help but be heartbroken to hear their worries and their anxieties. Some of them are parents, and they talked about how their children were asking, are we going to be forced out of the country, or, are we going to be rounded up? Why do people treat us like that? Conversations that you shouldn’t have to have with children — not in this country. Not at this moment. And that’s an anxiety echoed in letters I get from Muslim Americans around the country. I’ve had people write to me and say, I feel like I’m a second-class citizen… These are children just like mine.

So Obama’s adding to his fictional family of victims once again. First, there was Trayvon. Then there was his fictional son who got hurt playing football. Now he’s got fictional Muslim children. That family’s growing by leaps and bounds!

That wasn’t Obama’s only fiction here. Who, exactly, is talking about “rounding up” Muslims? Who is talking about forcing Muslims out of the country? What brand of verbal cow-vomit is this?

It was just Obama setting up the strawman for its ceremonial Islamic sacrificial burning, apparently. Obama called for Americans to “tackle this head on,” to be “honest and clear about it,” to “speak out.” He then began gibbering platitudes until someone had to tap him on the shoulder and remind him where he was:

Islam is rooted in a commitment to compassion and mercy and justice and charity….The world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are as diverse as humanity itself…. Here’s another fact: Islam has always been part of America… Jefferson and John Adams had their own copies of the Koran.

He did not quote what Jefferson and Adams once said about their dealings with Islamic pirates:

The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.

Probably best for Obama to ignore that.

Ignore it he did, and instead called for changes to American media and culture to be nicer to Islam. He suggested that “our television shows should have some Muslim characters that are unrelated to national security.” Sounds great! Let’s start an #OscarsSoIslamophobic campaign, which will work fantastically well until Muslims around the world riot when somebody does an improper depiction of Mohammed.

After attempting unsuccessfully to carve off the Islamic State from Islam, Obama then set forth four points.

First: “We are all God’s children. We’re all born equal, with inherent dignity.” Obama could say that to the wide swaths of Muslims sanguine about the stabbing of Jewish children in Jerusalem and the shooting of Christian ones in Syria; instead, he chose to direct that at the inhabitants of the most tolerant nation in the history of humanity.

Second: “[W]e have to stay true to our core values, and that includes freedom of religion for all faiths… if we’re serious about freedom of religion – and I’m speaking now to my fellow Christians who remain the majority in this country – we have to understand an attack on one faith is an attack on all religions.” Well, not necessarily. An attack on the teachings of Satanism is not an attack on Christianity. An attack on the nature of Islam is not an attack on Judaism. Not all religions are the same, contrary to Obama’s presumably-treasured COEXIST bumper sticker. And it’s rather insulting directing his ire toward American Christians rather than the hundreds of millions of Muslims around the planet responsible for the vast majority of religious warfare, bloodshed, and targeted violence.

But Obama continued, “We have to be consistent in condemning hateful rhetoric and violence against everyone. And that includes against Muslims here in the United States of America.” “Hateful rhetoric” is not violence, although Obama would lump the two together. Doing that is a dangerous violation of free speech. But Obama doesn’t care about that – after all, the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam, remember?

Third: “[T]he suggestion is somehow that if I would simply say, these are all Islamic terrorists, then we would actually have solved the problem by now, apparently…. I refuse to give [ISIL] legitimacy. We must never give them that legitimacy. They’re not defending Islam.” It would, in fact, help for Obama to acknowledge our enemies and their ideology. Wishing their philosophy into the corn field won’t work; no serious Muslim takes Obama’s interpretation of Islam seriously, anymore than serious Jews take Obama’s interpretation of Judaism seriously. But Obama is too busy wishing, and lecturing Americans that the best way to thwart radical Islam is to “celebrate and lift up the success of Muslim Americans,” as though ISIS cares whether we have White House Ramadan dinners other than to think us weaklings and fools. That’s not a case against White House Ramadan dinners – it is a case that such dinners make no difference in the fight against radical Islam.

Fourth: “Muslims around the world have a responsibility to reject extremist ideologies that are trying to penetrate within Muslim communities.” Nice of Obama to get around to this one. But he promptly said that Muslims were doing enough, and put the responsibility on Americans to “amplify them more.” So actually, the Muslims are doing just fine, it’s the Islamophobic Westerners who are, as always, the problem.

Hilariously, Obama added this note:

[I]n the discussion I had before I came out, some people said, why is there always a burden on us? When a young man in Charleston shoots African Americans in a church, there’s not an expectation that every white person in America suddenly is explaining that they’re not racist.

LOL. Let me expand: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. President Obama and the entire media blamed the Confederate damn flag for Charleston, and then lectured us on the continuing racism of white Americans.

But back to Obama’s demagoguery:

We will — I will — do everything I can to lift up the multiplicity of Muslim voices that promote pluralism and peace….We can’t give in to profiling entire groups of people. There’s no one single profile of terrorists…. We are one American family. We will rise and fall together. It won’t always be easy. There will be times where our worst impulses are given voice. But I believe that ultimately, our best voices will win out. And that gives me confidence and faith in the future.

Obviously, Obama believes that the greatest threat to America is the cruel voices of those like Donald Trump, not the stealthy recruitment of Muslim radicals. He believes that Americans need his lectures, and Muslims just need reassurance that we care about them. He believes a lot of things that simply aren’t true.

And so more Americans will die.

Which means he will give us more speeches about Islamic peace and American intolerance.

Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News, Editor-in-Chief of, and The New York Times bestselling author, most recently, of the book,The People vs. Barack Obama:The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.

Trump to Arkansas: Hillary, Bill Clinton 'left you'

Donald Trump kept hitting two of his favorite targets, Bill and Hillary Clinton, during a campaign event in Little Rock, Ark. on Wednesday night, arguing that they fled the state.

After riffing against Ted Cruz over his Iowa caucus win on Monday, Trump bashed the Clintons, telling 11,500 attendees that they bailed on the state after the former president took over the White House in 1993.

"By the way, I have to tell you this," Trump told the crowd, "Hillary and Bill left Arkansas — they left you folks. They left you. Whether you like it or not, they left you.

"I guarantee you, if she or he was here tonight, they wouldn't be having 12,000 people filling up this arena," Trump said as boos rained down from the crowd.

Arkansans will take to the polls on Super Tuesday as part of the so-called SEC primary. Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee also will vote on the same day.

Donald Trump says they did. inPolitics on LockerDome


Friday, January 8, 2016

UPDATE BREAKING: Two Middle Eastern Refugees Arrested In U.S. On Terror Charges — One from Syria

Two Middle Eastern Refugees Arrested In U.S. On Terror Charges — One from Syria

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

by JOHN NOLTE8 Jan 2016406

UPDATE: CNN is already lying about where these refugees came from. Although the Reuters report clearly states that one of the men “came to the United States in 2012 as a refugee from Syria,” the CNN chyron falsely claims both are from Iraq. 

Reuters is reporting that two Middle Eastern men who came to America as refugees were arrested in California and Texas on federal terrorism charges. One of the refugees is charged with aiding ISIS. Most importantly, although time again we have been assured and reassured by the White House and DC Media that the refugee screening process is near-perfect, both refugees are charged with providing false information about their ties to terror groups.

Here’s the kicker: one of the men, 23 year-old Aws Mohammed Younis, is a refugee from Syria who came to America in 2012.

If you recall, after the bloody and brutal terror attack in Paris late last year, Republicans demanded a pause in the Syrian refugee program. At least one the Paris terrorists used the refugee program to get into Europe.

Next year alone, President Obama is eager to re-settle at least 10,000 Syrian refugees here in America, on top of the hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees he plans to bring in from all over. ISIS has vowed to seed Syrian refugees with terrorists, and the country itself has no database infrastructure to screen anyone and is awash in forged documents.

Nevertheless, for demanding a pause in refugees, Democrats and the DC Media attacked Republicans as bigots. “Meet the Press” spent a full hour comparing the GOP to Nazis. CNN’s Chris Cuomo compared those in favor of the pause to anti-Semites who turned away Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany.

The other man arrested, Omar Faraj Saeed Al-Hardan, is a refugee from Iraq.

As you might expect, in its report of this extremely disturbing news, Reuters and the Obama Administration bend over backwards to reassure us that neither man was “planning acts of terrorism in this country,” as though that’s a distinction with a difference when it comes to providing “material support” to ISIS.

One refugee from Syria, the other from Iraq, both Muslims, both charged with plotting with the very same Islamic savages who rape women, behead everyone, and are determined to kill as many Americans as possible.

And our government allowed them into our country.

And our media smears anyone who opposes that program as Nazis.

The female jihadist responsible for 14 murders in San Bernardino last month made her way into America after lying on her visa application.

Donald Trump wants to halt Muslim immigration until we figure out what’s going on

And he’s the one the DC Media is calling crazy.

Now stand back and prepare yourselves for the biggest media cover-up in years.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,terrorismBorderDonald Trump 2016,Chris CuomoMeet The PressSyrian refugeeSyria Refugees

MORE EUROPEAN CITIES report Muslim Sex Attacks on New Year’s Eve: ZURICH, HELSINKI

ByPAMELA GELLER on January 7, 2016




The news of Muslim sex attacks is being censored, whitewashed, and covered up. In Germany, the attacks were coordinated — that was a New Year’s jihad-terror attack.

Photo: One of the victims of the Stuttgart attack. (Photo from Facebook).

Finnish police reported Thursday an unusually high level of sexual harassment in Helsinki on New Year’s Eve and said they had been tipped off about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women.

Helsinki deputy police chief Ilkka Koskimaki told AFP: “There hasn’t been this kind of harassment on previous New Year’s Eves or other occasions for that matter… This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki.”

Security guards hired to patrol the city on New Year’s Eve told police there had been “widespread sexual harassment” at a central square where around 20,000 people had gathered for celebrations.

Zurich: ‘Dark Skinned’ Men Molested Six Women on New Year’s Eve.” AFP, January 17, 2015:

At least six women have reported Cologne-style sexual harassment and molestation while celebrating the New Year in Zurich, according to local news sources.

Although information from the Swiss city has been less detailed than what is now known about the rapes, sexual harassment, and theft in German city centres, the victims have apparently reported men who were “dark skinned” to be the perpetrators.

It is not yet known if the Zurich sexual assaults have been committed by recently arrived migrants, as is believed to be the case in Cologne, but the news of the epidemic of sexual attacks now seems widespread across Europe and not simply confined to Germany.

Earlier, Finnish authorities reported that a similar scenario had been seen in Helsinki, citing an unusually high level of sexual harassment.

Helsinki deputy police chief Ilkka Koskimaki told AFP of some of the attacks reported, noting: “Police have… received information about three cases of sexual assault, of which two have been filed as complaints,” Helsinki police said in a statement.

“The suspects were asylum seekers. The three were caught and taken into custody on the spot,” Koskimaki told AFP.

Despite public reluctance, and increased parliamentary representation for anti mass migration Swiss People’s Party – which is the largest party in the country – Switzerland still agreed to take 1,500 “refugees” as part of a European Union resettlement plan at the tail end of 2015.

The nation has been criticised by the United Nations refugee agency for being too strict on immigration, but the latest news will no doubt vindicate the government’s stance and lead to a further hardening of public sentiment towards migrants

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