Showing posts with label bill cosby . Show all posts
Showing posts with label bill cosby . Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Trump to Arkansas: Hillary, Bill Clinton 'left you'

Donald Trump kept hitting two of his favorite targets, Bill and Hillary Clinton, during a campaign event in Little Rock, Ark. on Wednesday night, arguing that they fled the state.

After riffing against Ted Cruz over his Iowa caucus win on Monday, Trump bashed the Clintons, telling 11,500 attendees that they bailed on the state after the former president took over the White House in 1993.

"By the way, I have to tell you this," Trump told the crowd, "Hillary and Bill left Arkansas — they left you folks. They left you. Whether you like it or not, they left you.

"I guarantee you, if she or he was here tonight, they wouldn't be having 12,000 people filling up this arena," Trump said as boos rained down from the crowd.

Arkansans will take to the polls on Super Tuesday as part of the so-called SEC primary. Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee also will vote on the same day.

Donald Trump says they did. inPolitics on LockerDome


Friday, January 29, 2016

Bill Clinton's Approval Rating Plunges To 39 Percent Down from 50% Breitbart

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

by Mike Flynn28 Jan 20160

28 Jan, 201628 Jan, 2016 Bill Clinton’s poll ratings are in free-fall, and that surprise crash undermines the conventional wisdom that Hillary Clinton has a lock on the Democrat nomination.

A new CBS/New York Times poll shows that just 39 percent of American voters have a favorable opinion of Bill Clinton.

This is down from a 50 percent approval rating just a few months ago. In 2012, when Bill Clinton was campaigning aggressively for President Obama’s reelection, 66 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of Mr. Clinton.

Bill Clinton’s favorable rating today is actually lower than it was in 2008, when he last campaigned forcefully for Hillary as she was battling Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination. As that contest heated up, Mr. Clinton’s favorable rating sank to 46 percent.

A modest drop in Bill Clinton’s approval rating is to be expected as he reenters the political fray. As a former President, Clinton is normally viewed by voters as somewhat “above” politics, allowing them to hold more favorable views of the former politician.

Campaigning for one side in a political debate, even if that candidate is his wife, is naturally going to impact the opinions of those on the other side of that debate. The steep drop in Bill Clinton’s approval ratings, though, as he is only beginning to campaign for Hillary in the primary suggests something deeper is going on.

A few weeks ago, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump responded to criticism from Hillary Clinton by raising the issue of Bill Clinton’s sexual transgressions and the allegations of sexual assault against the former President.

In the wake of the controversy between Trump and Hillary Clinton, several women from Bill Clinton’s past emerged again from the media shadows to retell their stories of Mr. Clinton’s alleged sexual abuse.

The last time these allegations were raised at all in the media was back in 1998, during the height of the controversy surrounding Bill Clinton’s sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Tellingly, during this time, Mr. Clinton’s approval rating also sunk to 39 percent in the CBS poll.

While the resurfacing of the old allegations brings back memories of a dysfunctional Clinton White House for older voters, for a large portion of the electorate, these stories are largely new. Voters younger than 35 weren’t even old enough to vote when the Lewinsky story dominated political news.

Interestingly, young voters are a powerful force behind the dramatic rise of Hillary Clinton’s current rival,Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Sanders leads Hillary by 12 points among voters aged 18-34. In another poll, voters younger than 24 prefer Sanders over Hillary by a massive 42 points, 68-26.

It isn’t hard to imagine that these twin phenomenon — Bill Clinton’s plummeting approval ratings and Sanders’ surge among young voters — are related.

Before Trump, the conventional wisdom was that voters didn’t care about Clinton’s past sexual transgressions. These, the pundits assured us, were old news. For many voters, though, these allegations aren’t old news at all.

Even for those who do remember the old controversies, the kind of conduct allegedly committed by Bill Clinton is viewed much differently today than 20 years ago. This may be the clearest sign that the Clinton era is truly over.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

FBI's Clinton investigation not letting up

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Six months after it began, the federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server shows no signs of slowing down.

Former FBI officials said the length of the probe is not unusual, and speculated that a decision on whether to file charges against Clinton of her top aides could come later this year, during the heat of the general election campaign.

“I don’t know that there’s any magical cutoff date,” said Ron Hosko, the FBI’s former assistant director of the criminal investigative division and a 30-year veteran of the bureau.

For Democrats, the extended investigation has become a source of some anxiety, with Republicans gleefully raising the prospect of their presidential front-runner being indicted.

“It does give pause to Democrats who are concerned that there may be another shoe to drop down the road,” said Andrew Smith, a political science professor at the University of New Hampshire.

The government has been looking into the possible mishandling of classified information since last July, when the inspector general for the intelligence community issued a security referral about the possible mishandling of classified information on Clinton's server.

That referral came months after Clinton acknowledged that she had exclusively used a personal email address housed on a private server during her tenure as secretary of State.

The scrutiny of Clinton’s email practices has mounted since then, as more than 1,300 emails that passed through her “homebrew” setup have been marked as classified, some at the highest levels.

The State Department and Clinton’s campaign contend that none of the information in the emails was classified when it was originally sent, and have portrayed the matter as an inter-agency dispute.

The FBI and Justice Department have refused to discuss the details of their investigation and declined to comment to The Hill.

However, officials have indicated that the bureau is not targeting Clinton specifically, but instead is investigating whether any information on her account was mishandled. Earlier this month, Fox News reported that the FBI had expanded its probe to examine how the State Department’s work intersected with the Clinton family foundation.

In December, FBI Director James Comey pledged that the probe would be “competent,” “honest” and “independent.”

“We don't give a rip about politics,” he told a Senate committee.

Yet the FBI is well aware of the high political stakes surrounding the investigation.

“I think the clock ticks louder every day,” said Hosko, who is the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund. “I’m sure they’re all incredibly sensitive to it.”

President Obama has downplayed Clinton’s email setup, claiming that it was “not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

Multiple former officials, lawmakers and lawyers have said they are confident that Comey, who is a Republican, will not let the presidential campaign influence the FBI’s investigation. 

Yet many conservatives worry that even if the FBI comes up with sufficient evidence that Clinton broke the law, the Justice Department will decline to press charges. In response, some have pressed for a special prosecutor to be appointed, or for the FBI to pledge to release the evidence that it dug up. 

So far, Democrats have largely publicly shrugged of the threat of criminal action by painting it as a partisan attack from Republicans.

Clinton’s top rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), channeled the feelings of Democrats in October when he told Clinton during a debate that “the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails.”

But Clinton will have to confront the issue more forcefully if charges are actually filed. 

And should Clinton win the nomination, the topic is sure to rear its head in the general election — even if no indictment is ever handed down. 

A general election fight over the emails could weaken Democratic enthusiasm and turn off swing voters, some analysts predicted. 

“More likely, it’s going to sour some of those folks in the middle,” said Doug Roscoe, a political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

“Having to be in the news talking about this investigation takes her off-message,” he added.

It might not be Clinton herself who faces the music for any potential crime, however.

The former secretary of State did not appear to send most of the emails now marked classified. Instead, they were largely sent or forwarded along to her by close aides.

“It’d be a lot harder to make a criminal charge for having received [classified] information," said Bradley Moss, a lawyer who specializes in national security and protection of classified information

“If I’m in Clinton’s campaign, I’m more worried if am Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin or Jake Sullivan than if I’m Hillary Clinton,” Moss said. Mills, Abedin and Sullivan were all top aides of Clinton’s at the State Department. Abedin and Sullivan continue to hold high positions in Clinton’s presidential campaign. 

“The sloppiness and the complete fundamental failure to comply with any aspect of operational and informational security is what puts them at risk,” Moss said. “You just can’t do that that many times and not expect to find yourself in trouble.”

Clinton’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment from The Hill.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Voter to Hillary: ‘Quite a Few People My Age’ ‘Think You’re Dishonest

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Democrat presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was told “I’ve heard from quite a few people my age that they think you’re dishonest” by a first-time caucusgoer at Monday’s Democrat Presidential Town Hall on Monday.

Hillary was asked, “It feels like there’s a lot of young people like myself, who are very passionate supporters of [Democrat candidate Senator] Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and I just  don’t see the same enthusiasm from younger people for you. In fact, I’ve heard from quite a few people my age that they think you’re dishonest, but I’d like to hear from you on why you feel the enthusiasm isn’t there.”

Hillary responded, “Well, I think it really depends upon who you’re seeing and talking to. you know, today in Oskaloosa, I spent time with about ten high school students who are enthusiastically working for me. I see young people across the state who are doing the same. But I’m totally happy to see young people involved in any way. That’s what we want. And we want to have a good primary, to pick a nominee, and then, we want to have everybody join together to make sure we win in November. Which after all, is the purpose of this whole campaign.”

She continued, “[Y]ou know, look, I’ve been around a long time. People have thrown all kinds of things at me. and you know, I can’t keep up with it. I just keep going forward. They fall by the wayside, they come up with these outlandish things, they make these charges, I just keep going forward because there’s nothing to it. They throw all this stuff at me, and I’m still standing. But if you’re new to politics, if it’s the first time you’ve really paid attention, you go, ‘Oh my gosh, look at all of this.’ And you have to say to yourself, ‘Why are they throwing all of that?’ Well I’ll tell you why, because I’ve been on the front lines of change and progress since I was your age.”

Hillary further said, “I have been fighting to give kids and women and the people who are left out and left behind a chance to make the most out of their own lives. And I’ve taken on the status quo, time and time again. I have had many, many millions of dollars spent against me. When I worked on healthcare back in ’93 and ’94, and I don’t know if you were born then, I can’t quite tell, but, if you’d been around, and had been able to pay attention, I was trying to get us to universal healthcare coverage, working with my husband. Boy, the insurance companies, the drug companies, they spent millions, not just against the issue, but against me. And I kept going. And when we weren’t successful, I turned around and said, ‘At least we’re going to get healthcare for kids.’ And we got the Children’s Health Insurance Program, working with both Democrats and Republicans, and eight million kids have insurance because of that today. So, you’ve got to keep going. You can’t give up. You can never get knocked off course. That’s my hope for you and for all the young people who are getting involved this first time, don’t get discouraged. It’s hard. If it were easy, hey, there wouldn’t be any contest, but it’s not easy. There are very different visions, different values, different forces at work. And you have to have somebody who is a proven fighter, somebody who has taken them on and won, and kept going, and will do that as president. That’s why I hope you’ll reconsider.”

2016 Presidential Race, Hillary Clinton, SmythRadio, bill cosby, bill clinton, sex, rape, Benghazi

Subject: Fwd: So the Clintons weren't so bad, eh?

------ Forwarded Message

If you’re under 50 you really need to read this.  If you’re over 50, you lived through it, so share it with those under 50.  Amazing to me how much I had forgotten!
When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform.  Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn’t even get a vote in a democratic controlled congress.  This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts.
Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration.  Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill described her selection as “my worst mistake.”  Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children.
 Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission.  Lani Guanier was her selection.  When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration. Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations.  She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department.  Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.Many younger voters will have no knowledge of “Travelgate.” Hillary wanted to award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson – and the White House Travel Office refused to comply.  She managed to have them reported to the FBI and fired.  This ruined
their reputations, cost them their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month investigation.  Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with a crime, and that of the enormous crime of mixing personal and White House funds.  A jury acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours.
Still not convinced of her ineptness, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security.  When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge of drug use in the White House.  Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after more than thirty years of service to seven presidents. Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the “bimbo eruption” and scandal defense.  Some of her more notable decisions in the debacle were: She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit.  After the Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones. She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor.  After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs. Hillary’s devious game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for 'lying under oath' to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives. Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” a total of 56 times while under oath. After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen. What a swell party – ready for another four or eight year of this type low-life mess? Now we are exposed to the destruction of possibly incriminating emails while Hillary was Secretary of State and the “pay to play” schemes of the Clinton Foundation – we have no idea what shoe will fall next.  But to her loyal fans - “what difference does it make

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Women Won’t Save Hillary

People hold Hillary Clinton campaign signs during the King Day at the Dome rally at the S.C. State House at the S.C. State House January 18, 2016 in Columbia, S.C. (Photo: Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

Two new polls released in the past week show women won’t be voting in droves for Hillary Clinton the way African-Americans voted in droves for President Obama.

First, a USA Today/Rock the Vote pollfound millennial women preferring Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to Ms. Clinton. Women between the ages of 18 and 34 preferred Mr. Sanders by a 19-point margin, with 50 percent choosing the senator and 31 percent choosing the former secretary of state.

On Tuesday, a Monmouth Universitynational poll found Ms. Clinton’s lead among women had taken a nose dive since December. Ms. Clinton currently leads Mr. Sanders by 19 points among all women, a smaller lead than what the same poll found at the end of 2015, when Ms. Clinton had a 45-point lead. That’s a huge drop in just one month.

If these polls are indicative of the direction Ms. Clinton’s support among women is heading, as voters tend to make their final decisions in the last month and days before an election (or primary), then Ms. Clinton has a problem.

Women don’t appear as though they will support Ms. Clinton the way African-Americans supported Mr. Obama. Part of that reason is due to a larger split of the demographic between Republicans and Democrats. Sure, more women vote for Democrats than Republicans, but the gap is much closer than with African-Americans.

In 2012, Mr. Obama won women by 12 points, or 56 percent to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s 44 percent. Black voters favored Mr. Obama at a much wider margin, with 93 percent voting for the president’s second term and just 6 percent voting for Mr. Romney.

Mr. Obama also didn’t pander to black voters. He didn’t bring up his race during every speech, every appearance or every debate. He didn’t constantly say he was running to be the first black president. Sure, his surrogates and a friendly media didn’t let voters forget that, but Mr. Obama himself didn’t. It’s one thing for supporters to point that out, but it’s another thing for the candidate to feel the need to remind them.

Does Ms. Clinton think we will forget she’s a woman? Or that we can’t tell? Does she think we have the attention span of a goldfish and must be reminded every few sentences? It’s insulting, condescending and makes one wonder if she’s sure of her own candidacy beyond her gender.

Ms. Clinton is also not as inspirational a candidate as Mr. Obama was. Beyond being the (at the time) potential first black president, Mr. Obama also seemed to have fresh, new ideas, and wasn’t seen as a Washington insider. Ms. Clinton, on the other hand, is seen as an entrenched politician who doesn’t have a bold new viewpoint.

This is important for millennials and was one of the reasons they came out to vote for then-Senator Obama. Millennials are following politics more, and are more dedicated to their opinions than any other generation. As a millennial myself (apologies for my generation, we’re not all terrible), I can’t meet another person in my age group who doesn’t have loud opinions about everything. Maybe it’s because I live on the East Coast, but seriously, young people won’t shut up about their politics.

Mr. Sanders is the candidate who is talking more like Mr. Obama in 2008. He’s calling out Wall Street, capitalism and cronyism. When Ms. Clinton talks about those things we laugh, because she receives large donations from Wall Street, including speaking fees and appears to love cronyism—just check out all of her friends she helped while at the State Department.

Her story is also not something that inspires a generation that is more focused on their career and more desiring of personal success. Mr. Obama had help throughout his career, of course, but it was still him getting the help because of his own merit or because of what he represented for political elites. Ms. Clinton, on the other hand, relied on her husband to get where she is today. She was hired to a top law firm in Arkansas and made partner after her husband became governor. She was elected to the senate with help from her husband’s donors and riding on the momentum of her husband’s popularity after leaving the White House. She ran for president because of all these things, which she only achieved because of whom she was married to.

Young women are averse to the idea that we need a man to succeed, yet that is what Ms. Clinton exemplifies. Sure, Ms. Clinton appeals to more extreme feminists just because of her gender, but the ideals she represents are decidedly not feminist.

There are of course some things working in Ms. Clinton’s favor for this election. She does better with older women than Mr. Sanders, and older voters tend to turn out. Mr. Obama was able to get young Americans to vote in record numbers, so if Mr. Sanders can’t replicate that, he’s toast. Ms. Clinton is also doing better with black and Hispanic voters than Mr. Sanders, so if they come out to vote, she’ll have a clear path to victory.

As with every election, it all comes down to who actually turns out and in what numbers. Ms. Clinton has many factors working in her favor, but if Mr. Sanders’s supporters are more energized to go to the polls, then Ms. Clinton will have a problem.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New York Times: Clinton Women Scandals ‘Threaten’ Hillary Campaign

Darren McCollester/Getty Images

by PATRICK HOWLEY20 Jan 201624

The New York Times admits that Bill Clinton’s sex scandals now “threaten” his wife Hillary Clinton’s Democratic campaign for the White House.

Times correspondent Amy Chozick, who covers Clinton, reports that entertainer and Clinton supporter Lena Dunham, who campaigns for Clinton, is privately “disturbed” by the scandals, and particularly by Clinton’s targeting of Bill’s female accusers:

But at an Upper East Side dinner party a few months back, Ms. Dunham expressed more conflicted feelings. She told the guests, at the Park Avenue apartment of Richard Plepler, the chief executive of HBO, that she was disturbed by how, in the 1990s, the Clintons and their allies discredited women who said they had had sexual encounters with or been sexually assaulted by former President Bill Clinton.

The conversation, relayed by several people with knowledge of the discussion who would speak about it only anonymously, captures the deeper debate unfolding among liberal-leaning women about how to reconcile Mrs. Clinton’s leadership on women’s issues with her past involvement in her husband’s efforts to fend off accusations of sexual misconduct.

Breitbart News has extensively reported on the Clintons’ problems with numerous women, including Bill Clinton rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick.

Clinton is also dealing with revelations about to be made in the new documentary “Weiner,” about the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal, which is opening Sunday at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah. As The Times reported:

“Weiner” has become a source of heightened anxiety for Ms. Abedin and the Clinton campaign. She and her husband have pleaded with filmmakers to see the movie but have not been allowed to do so, according to people with direct knowledge of the conversations who could discuss the subject only without attribution, as the project has been kept under tight control. A spokesman for the filmmakers denied this and said they would have shown the couple the film had they asked.

Mrs. Clinton is referred to in overt and subtle ways throughout “Weiner.” One sequence focuses on a claim in New York magazine that Ms. Abedin was being pressured to choose between remaining a Clinton insider and supporting her husband.

Ms. Abedin turns to Mrs. Clinton’s longtime spokesman, Philippe I. Reines, for guidance, preferring his counsel to Mr. Weiner’s terse advice toward the end of his campaign that she “act like a normal campaign candidate’s wife” and say, “I think Anthony is doing an amazing job.” Ms. Abedin is also shown heeding the suggestion of Mr. Reines to not appear in public with Mr. Weiner as he casts his ballot. Mr. Weiner finished with less than 5 percent of the vote.

CNN, which in 2013 abandoned a disputed documentary project about Mrs. Clinton’s career, placed an unsuccessful bid on the film.”

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Five Questions for Hillary Clinton

AP Photo/Mic Smith

by PETER SCHWEIZER18 Jan 2016798

Lots of questions got tossed around during the Democratic Presidential Debate last night.

But Hillary Clinton avoided any serious questions about the ethical problems she faces. Here are five simple, straightforward questions that Hillary Clinton needs to be asked:

When are you going to disclose the names of all of the donors to the Clinton Foundation? In your written signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Obama Transition Team, during your confirmation hearings before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, you promised that the Clinton Foundation would be completely transparent. Bill Clinton also went on CNN and promised it to the American people. Yet after it was discovered that secret multimillion dollar donations went to the Clinton Foundation after the questionable uranium deal that your State Department signed off on, Clinton Foundation support Frank Giustra admitted that there are more than 1,000 donors that have never been disclosed. The Clinton Foundation promised in the Spring of 2015 that those names would be forthcoming but we are still waiting.Why did your husband’s speaking fees to foreign countries and companies more than triple after you were appointed Secretary of State? We all know that your husband has had successful and lucrative speaking career. But between 2001 and 2012, he gave 13 speeches for which he was paid $500,000 or more. Eleven of those came while you were Secretary of State, most from foreign governments and companies. Can you explain why this happened?Why did your State Department approve the transfer of 20 percent of American uranium to the Russian government? Did it have something to do with the fact that the Clinton Foundation hauled in $145 million from investors in the deal, and the fact that Bill received $500,000 from a Kremlin-baked bank for a speech in Moscow?Why did the State Department push for open pit coal mining in Bangladesh, in direct violation of Obama Administration policy on advocating for fossil fuels in the developing world? Did it have something to do with the fact that foreign mining magnate Stephen Dattels, who owned a large stake in the mine, gave the Clinton Foundation 2 million shares of stock in the company in a undisclosed contribution?Why does your family and the Clinton Foundation continue to accept large sums of money from the business partners, friends, lawyers, and advisors of Marc Rich? Your husband admitted it was a terrible mistake to pardon the international fugitive back in 2001 given that Rich’s ex-wife had made large contributions to the Clinton Foundation before the pardon. Are any the post-pardon payments part of a payoff?

These are all well documented controversies swirling around the Clintons.

When other candidates are subjected to questions about loans from Goldman Sachs and their business bankruptcies, these basic questions deserve answers.

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Monday, January 18, 2016

EXCLUSIVE–Linda Tripp: ‘Bill Had Affairs with Thousands of Women’ - Breitbart

In a rare interview, Linda Tripp, a pivotal figure in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, revealed on Sunday it was common knowledge while she worked in the West Wing that Bill Clinton had affairs with “thousands of women.”

Speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Tripp for the first time divulged that she personally knew another White House staffer aside from Lewinsky who was also having an affair with Clinton. That unnamed staffer was mentioned by Tripp in various depositions but she has not spoken about it publicly.

She charged that Hillary Clinton not only knew about her husband’s exploits, “She made it her personal mission to disseminate information and destroy the women with whom he dallied.”

Tripp says she cringes at the sight of Clinton presenting herself as “a champion of women’s rights worldwide in a global fashion, and yet all of the women she has destroyed over the years to ensure her political viability continues is sickening to me.”

Tripp documented evidence of Lewinsky’s phone calls about her relationship with Bill Clinton and submitted the evidence to independent counsel Kenneth Starr, leading to the public disclosure of the affair. She explained to Klein that she did so because she believed her own life and Lewinsky’s were in danger, saying that Lewinsky was threatening Clinton with outing the relationship.

Tripp also used the interview to criticize what she says is the news media’s unwillingness to investigate the Clintons. She singled out and thanked Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report, declaring that without him “things would have been very, very different.”

Drudge’s website was the first media outlet to break the Lewinsky scandal after Newsweek sat on the story.

Tripp had unique access to the Clintons because her office was directly adjacent to Hillary’s second floor West Wing office for the entire time she served in the Clinton White House from 1993 to the summer of 1994 with the exception of the first three months of the Clinton administration, when she sat just outside the Oval Office.

Tripp’s nonpartisan position was a carryover from the George H. W. Bush administration in which she served.

‘Monica Lewinsky is alive today because of choices I made’

She told Klein that her role in the Lewinsky case followed “years of alarm at what I had seen in the Clinton White House, particularly Hillary and the different scandals, whether it was Filegate, Travelgate, Whitewater, Vince Foster.”

“All of the scandals that had come before and were so completely obliterated in the mind’s eye of the American people because of the way all of them were essentially discounted. So I watched a lying President and a lying First Lady present falsehoods to the American people.

“So my dismay predated the January 1998 period when the Monica Lewinsky scandal surfaced. To me it was very important that the American people see what I was seeing. My years with the Clintons were so disturbing on so many levels.”

Tripp maintains that she went public with the Lewinsky evidence to ensure the intern’s safety as well as her own.

She told Klein:

I say today and I will continue to say that I believe Monica Lewinsky is alive today because of choices I made and action I took. That may sound melodramatic to your listeners. I can only say that from my perspective I believe that she and I at the time were in danger, because nothing stands in the way of these people achieving their political ends.

I think that had it not become public when it did, particularly in light of the Paula Jones lawsuit, which was coming to a head with President Clinton’s deposition, that we may well have met with an accident. It’s a situation where unless you lived it as I did you would have no real framework of reference for this sort of situation.

Tripp said the young Lewinsky, 21-years-old when she entered the White House as an intern, was unaware of the danger that she faced.

She described Lewinsky as a “young girl, smart, clever … but in this one area she was blinded and she fancied herself in love.”

Trip continued:

He fancied himself entitled. It was nothing more than a servicing agreement. She romanticized that there was an affair. And when it didn’t pan out the way she had hoped it would – he had promised her he would bring her back to the White House as soon as the 1996 election campaign had finished. When he didn’t, she essentially lost her mind and started acting in erratic and frightening ways. Threatening the president.

There came a point in July of 1997 when she not only threatened to expose the affair, as she referred to it. But also she at that time informed him that I knew all about it. So at that time it became dangerous for Monica and for me. This was something that absolutely could never see the light of day. And she never realized the implications of threatening a president or her behavior. And I did.

‘Thousands’ of women

Tripp told Klein that “the biggest fallacy that most people believed is that this was a unique occurrence. Monica was somehow special. And regrettably that’s the farthest thing from the truth.”

She said, “Everyone knew within the West Wing, particularly those who spent years with him, of the thousands of women.

“Now most of your listeners might find that difficult if not impossible to believe. And I can tell you in the beginning I felt the same way. But let me be clear here. This is a pattern of behavior that has gone on for years. And the abuse of women for years.”

Asked whether Clinton was having affairs with others in the West Wing, Tripp replied, “I know that to be true. One in particular who I will not name told me this herself.”

“But as to the hundreds or thousands, remember I worked closely with the closest aides to the president. And it was a loosey-goosy environment so there was not a lot of holding back. So it was common knowledge, let’s put it this way, within the West Wing that he had this problem. It was further common knowledge that Hillary was aware of it.”

Hillary ‘instilled fear’

Tripp described the tense West Wing atmosphere between what she characterized as two almost diametrically opposed Clinton camps.

The dynamic between the two groups – the Bill Clinton people and the Hillary Clinton people. It was as though they were almost opposing forces. But I can tell you that the one with the power and the one that instilled the fear in the other was the Hillary camp.

And the [Bill] Clinton people would cower if she were coming into the area, just as an example, of the Oval without notice. There would be scurrying around to make sure there was no one in the wrong place at the wrong time, shall we say. It was a fascination to see the amount of energy that was expended covering up his behavior. It was horrifying.

Hillary’s ‘war on women’

Tripp said Hillary personally targeted Bill’s female conquests and accusers, with the future presidential candidate exhibiting behavior that is “egregious and it’s so disingenuous.”

In my case, for instance, right after the Lewinsky story broke, she was heard directing her staff to get anything and everything on Linda Tripp. So the defamation of character and the absolute assurance that my credibility would be destroyed began right away. And it happens with any woman who is involved in any way, either with him in a physical relationship or an assault or anything that can endanger their political viability.

Tripp recalled Hillary’s January 27, 1998appearance on NBC’s The Today Show in which she was seen as standing by her husband while blaming the Lewinsky scandal on a “vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.”

“She didn’t do it in an honest way,” said Tripp of Clinton’s NBC interview. “Instead she lied, which didn’t surprise me. And I will give her credit. She is enormously effective. And became a victim. A wife who was betrayed.”

“This is someone who had no real personal problem with any of this behavior. The problem was in it becoming public. They had to continue to become electable… She was the more aggressive one in ensuring that the political viability was not endangered in any way.”

Tripp told Klein that Hillary “does not possess integrity on any level. I just wish that your listeners could know the person that I knew. Because if they did there is not a chance she would be elected president.”

Disdain for military, classified material, email scandal

Tripp’s ringside seat afforded her rare insight into the scandals of the 1990s and perhaps alleged wrongdoings to come, with the West Wing employee personally witnessing behavior that may have foreshadowed Clinton’s email scandal, in which she is accused of sending classified materials through her personal server.

Tripp said she noticed major differences in the manner in which classified material was handled by both the Clinton and Bush administrations in which she served.

President George H.W. Bush’s administration had “a completely different way of operating on every level, including on classified and secret material,” she said.

She continued:

All the regulations were followed, right down to a cover sheet being essential if the document had had any sort of classifications. The securing of classified documentation in safes. The burn bags that were used if any sensitive material was to be disposed of. All of this was familiar to me and followed every security protocol that I had experienced in the past.

When the Clintons came in this was one of the things that I found appalling right from day one. And it went hand and hand with the disdain for the military. The military was present in the White House in the form of presidential aides. The aide that carried the nuclear football, just as an example. And in the Bush White House they were respected, as they should be. In the Clinton White House, they were disdained. To see it treated this way and to see these people treated this way was disturbing.

Tripp referred to Clinton’s private mail woes as “classic Hillary Clinton in a nutshell.”

“She gets to decide what she does. Look, the rules don’t apply to the Clintons. If you understand that basic premise you understand the Clintons.”

For Tripp, Clinton’s use of a private server was “all about control. She has a need to control every single aspect of her life. And you know anyone in government knows that any key

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Chelsea Clinton goes on the attack; Democrats ask why

Chelsea Clinton is stepping onto the 2016 battlefield against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a shift that some Democrats are interpreting as a sign of trouble for her mother’s presidential campaign.

Making her first solo appearance on the stump, Chelsea Clinton late Tuesday ripped Sanders over his proposals on healthcare and college affordability, arguing the White House hopeful wants to “dismantle” ObamaCare and Medicare.

Democrats have almost universally panned the attack, believing it to be ineffective and a misuse of her talents.

They note that Chelsea Clinton has mostly been used to highlight Hillary Clinton’s softer side as a mother and grandmother and say she seemed uncomfortable shedding her first daughter persona for the role of attack dog.

“The thing that tells you as much as anything about [the Clinton campaign’s] current state of mind is Chelsea going on the attack. It tells you everything you need to know,” said one Democratic strategist. “That this [challenge from Sanders] is real and they’ve got to be freaking out.”

The attack caught many Democrats, including Sanders and his supporters, by surprise. 

Following Tuesday night’s State of the Union address, CNN played the clip of Chelsea Clinton’s criticism directly to Sanders. The Vermont senator held back a wry smile as he offered a measured rebuke of Chelsea, who is nearly 40 years his junior.

“As much as I admire Chelsea, she didn’t read the plan,” he said.

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), who is one of only two members of Congress who has endorsed Sanders for president, told The Hill the attacks are a sign the Clinton campaign is worried about Sanders’s rise in Iowa and New Hampshire.

“I perhaps could see it coming from Bill, but I was taken aback hearing it from Chelsea,” said Grijalva, who backed President Obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008 after first endorsing John Edwards.

“I was surprised and thought it was out of character. It seems the Clinton campaign is going into full destruction mode very early in this process.”

In a conference call with reporters on Wednesday, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon defended Chelsea Clinton as a “very spirited and fierce advocate for her parents.”

Asked if she would continue to attack Sanders and whether she’s suited for the role, Fallon called Chelsea Clinton “policy-obsessed” and said the attack lines had not been planned.

“Her comments were spontaneous and spoke to the fact that she follows these issues closely herself and is deeply studious of the details of the candidate’s policy proposals,” he said.

While the media zeroed in on the Sanders lines, they represented only a small portion of Chelsea Clinton’s remarks at the event in New Hampshire, where she spoke at length about her upbringing and how it has influenced her as she raises her own family.

That’s similar to the role she played during the 2008 presidential campaign, when she worked to soften her mother’s image, particularly during events on college campuses. Rather than attack then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama directly, Chelsea Clinton sought to make inroads among the young voters that her mother was struggling to reach.

But having grown up in politics, Chelsea Clinton likely knew that her criticism of Sanders would make headlines.

Democrats interviewed by The Hill were scratching their heads over why she’d be so aggressive in taking on her mother’s rival for the Democratic nomination at this stage, with new polls showing Sanders in the lead in both Iowa and New Hampshire. 

“I’m 100 percent for sharp elbows and blunt contrasts in campaigns, including paid negative ads in every possible medium,” said Democratic strategist Craig Varoga. “But I cringe at the idea of using close family members to carry personal attacks, especially when the opponent is well-positioned to say the attack is untrue and desperate.”

It’s not just the messenger that’s drawing scrutiny. 

Many Democrats are puzzled that the Clinton campaign would open up a front against Sanders on healthcare, arguing that the questions the campaign is raising over how he intends to pay for his plan resemble Republican talking points.

Furthermore, Sanders’s desire for a single-payer system is wildly popular among the grassroots liberals who are key in the early-voting states.

“I really regret that the Clinton campaign sent Chelsea out to make the attack that she made,” former Obama adviser David Axelrod said on CNN on Tuesday night. “I don’t think it was the right attack. ... It’s not really an honest attack, and it’s not something that they should have sent her out to do.”

Democrats note that Chelsea Clinton taking on a more aggressive role in the campaign could make her a target, particularly for Republicans.

She has given paid speeches on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, has close ties to Wall Street and benefited from the Clinton name in securing a media job with NBC in 2014 that reportedly paid $600,000 annually.

Nobody expects Sanders will go down that road. Speaking Wednesday on MSNBC, he avoided a question about whether he thinks Chelsea Clinton is a powerful voice for her parents, saying only that “I think she is wrong” about his healthcare plan.

But the list of Clinton enemies is long, and at the top of it right now is GOP front-runner Donald Trump, for whom nothing is out of bounds.

“This makes Chelsea just another political player in the arena, and if I was Chelsea, that’s not where I’d want to be,” said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon.

Democrats say she should reprise her role from 2008 and try to help her mother connect with voters on a personal level.

“The best role for her is to help in humanizing Hillary and talking about what a great mother and grandmother she is,” Bannon said. “Hillary has plenty of edge on her own, she doesn’t need help there. She has such an asset in her family if only they can use them the right way.”


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Donald Trump just threw the kitchen sink at the Clintons

This post has been updated.

On Thursday morning, Donald Trump upped the ante in his ongoing back and forth with Hillary and Bill Clinton by releasing this Instagram video detailing some of the lowest moments for the former first family and their friends.

Monica Lewinsky. Anthony Weiner. Bill Cosby! All overlaid on Hillary Clinton's famous assertion in China in 1995 that "human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights."

The video, which as of this writing already had almost 7,000 "likes" on Instagram, will undoubtedly get extended airtime this afternoon and tonight on cable television. And it will force the Clinton campaign to respond in some shape or form - which she did, sort of, via Twitter Thursday afternoon.

Unlike many of Trump's other fights — over John McCain's POW status, Megyn Kelly, Fox News — attacking the Clintons is a conventional — and smart — strategy in a Republican primary.

Hillary Clinton is deeply unpopular among self-identified Republicans. Just 15 percent of Republicans had a favorable opinion of Clinton in Washington Post-ABC News polling done in the fall. Given those numbers, it's hard for any Republican to go wrong attacking the Clintons.

And it's hard to "go too far" in those attacks — at least in the eyes of GOP voters. Lots and lots of Republicans believe that the Clintons have never truly been called out for how they acted in public office and never been properly shamed for their behavior. Attacking Bill Clinton for his admitted extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky or noting that Weiner, a Clinton friend, was sending salacious pictures of his privates to women on the Internet is not only considered fair game but is also applauded by the very voters Trump wants and needs if he is going to be the Republican presidential nominee.

Former president Bill Clinton spoke in New Hampshire on Jan. 4, his first speech in support of his wife, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, in 2016. (The Washington Post)

The "attack Clinton" strategy also hews to a strategy that has earned Trump broad support among GOP voters: He says what he believes and believes what he says. Trump doesn't apologize — no matter the blowback. He's the opposite of politically correct, a very good place to be in an environment in which large numbers of Republicans believe that liberal-led political correctness is destroying society.

As always with Trump, it's hard to know how much of what he does is the result of well-thought-out political calculation and how much is simply him saying, "Let's do a video with Monica, Weiner and Cosby in it!"

Regardless, his strategic antenna — even when it has operated directly against conventional wisdom — has been perfectly tuned for the majority of this race. His decision to up the attack on the Clintons — and, in particular, Hillary's position as a leader on women's rights — makes perfect sense from a conventional political perspective. Which, if past is prologue with Trump, means it won't work.


Hillary Could Face Indictment within 60 days

As Written By Sarah Westwood for The Washington Examiner:

A former U.S. attorney thinks Hillary Clinton could face a criminal indictment from the FBI within the next 60 days.

Joe DiGenova, a Republican U.S. attorney appointed by President Reagan, said Clinton’s “biggest problem right now” is the open FBI investigation into the contents of her private emails.

“They have reached a critical mass in their investigation of the secretary and all of her senior staff,” DiGenova said Tuesday on the “Laura Ingraham Show” radio program. “And, it’s going to come to a head, I would suggest, in the next 60 days.”

FBI Director James Comey has refused to answer questions about when his agents will wrap up a months-long probe into whether Clinton and her staff mishandled classified information on an unsecured network.


Bombshell Claim: More Clinton Sexual Assault Victims Are About To Come Forward

by Staff

Since returning to the campaign trail as an advocate for Hillary, Bill Clinton has been harried by renewed interest in his past sexual misconduct as well as Hillary’s alleged role in intimidating his victims into silence.

Roger Stone, author of the New York Times bestselling "The Clinton’s War On Women", claims that he has personal knowledge of previously unknown victims who are preparing to come forward with accusations against the former president.

"I identified 24 women who’ve been assaulted by Bill Clinton," Stone said on The Sean Hannity Show. "Now some of these women are still terrified. Some of them have had IRS audits. Some of them have had their families threatened. But others have come forward."

"Are you saying there's women whose names we don't know that are mentioned in your book or not mentioned in your book that are going to come forward and start telling those stories?" Sean asked.

"Yes, I think it’s very probable," Stone responded. "Not all of them because some of them are still terrified, their families have been threatened, their lives have been threatened."

"Are we talking about affairs, or are we talking about assaults?" asked Hannity.

"We’re talking about assaults," declared Stone. "I don’t want to get out ahead of myself but I think as Broaddrick, and [Kathleen] Willey, and Jones speak out, other women are encouraged who have been assaulted, who have been threatened by Hillary are encouraged by the courage of those three women."

Listen to Roger Stone’s bombshell revelation along with author Ed Klein on The Sean Hannity Show:


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For Hillary Clinton, old news or new troubles?

The ghosts of the 1990s have returned to confront Hillary Clinton, released from the vault by Donald Trump and revved up by a 21st-century version of the scandal machine that almost destroyed her husband’s presidency.

This is a moment that her campaign has long expected. What remains to be seen is whether a reminder of allegations of sexual impropriety against Bill Clinton — which were deemed to have varying levels of credibility when they were first aired — can gain new traction in a different context.

The fresher case being made is that Hillary Clinton has been, at a minimum, hypocritical about her husband’s treatment of women, and possibly even complicit in discrediting his accusers.

And it is being pressed at a time when there is a new sensitivity toward victims of unwanted sexual contact, and when one of the biggest news stories is the prosecution of once-beloved comedian Bill Cosby on charges that he drugged and assaulted a woman 12 years ago — one of dozens who have accused him of similar behavior.

In November, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.” She has made women’s issues a central focus of her campaign and is counting on a swell of support for the historic prospect of the first female president.

Former president Bill Clinton spoke in New Hampshire on Jan. 4, his first speech in support of his wife, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, in 2016. (The Washington Post)

Clinton’s campaign appears confident that Americans will see all of this as old news, and that her husband will remain an asset to her efforts to get his old job. It is happening early in the campaign season, and Trump himself has come under heavy criticism for his many boorish comments about women.

Trump started hammering on Bill Clinton’s behavior in retaliation for Hillary Clinton’s assertion, during a pre-Christmas interview with the Des Moines Register, that Trump has demonstrated a “penchant for sexism.”

“Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but HE’S DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM, so inappropriate!” Trump tweeted on Dec. 26.

In an interview Monday on CNN, Trump amped up his rhetoric, calling Bill Clinton “one of the great women abusers of all time” and saying Hillary Clinton was his “enabler.”

Both Clintons have declined to comment on Trump’s latest barrages against them.

Until Trump turned his outsized media spotlight to Bill Clinton’s past sexual behavior, the issue had largely receded to the darker corners of the Internet, although it had continued to percolate.

Last month, a woman in the audience at a Clinton campaign event in New Hampshire asked her: “You say that all rape victims should be believed. But would you say that about Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and/or Paula Jones?”

It was not a spontaneous question. The woman read from a card and mispronounced the first two names she mentioned.

But to anyone who followed the sagas of the Clinton presidency, they were familiar ones:

●Broaddrick had accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978, when she was working on his Arkansas gubernatorial campaign.

●Willey, a former White House volunteer, said he had attempted to kiss and grope her in a private hallway leading to the Oval Office.

●Jones, a onetime Arkansas state employee, sued Clinton in 1994 for sexual harassment, saying he had three years earlier exposed his erect penis to her and asked her to kiss it.

And, of course, the biggest of all was the scandal over Clinton’s extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky, who was a White House intern at the time. Diane Blair, a close friend of Hillary Clinton, wrote in her journal unearthed in 2014 that the then-first lady had privately called Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon.”

Publicly, Clinton’s defenders were at times brutal in their characterizations of the women who made sexual allegations against him. “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville, Bill Clinton’s former strategist, once said.

Yet Bill Clinton settled Jones’s lawsuit in November 1998 for $850,000, acknowledging no wrongdoing and offering no apology. Just under a month later, he was impeached by the House on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice that stemmed from Jones’s lawsuit; he was acquitted by the Senate.

He also denied both Willey and Broaddrick’s allegations.

But all of these past accusations are being stirred up again, including by some who claim they were his victims.

Broaddrick, now a Trump supporter, tweeted Wednesday: “I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73. . . .it never goes away.”

In an interview, she said she had watched Bill Clinton’s first solo campaign appearance on his wife’s behalf on television Monday.

“He looked so beaten, and he looked like everything in his past was catching up to him. He looked so downtrodden. It made my heart sing,” Broaddrick said.

And she is not the only one.

Tom Watson, owner of Maverick Investigations, an Arizona-based private investigative agency, built a website — “A Scandal a Day” — for Willey last spring, shortly after Hillary Clinton declared she was running for president. It aims to bring forward new allegations.

The site went live in June, Watson said, and in the first two hours it received 100,000 hits.

“Kathleen is going to be very popular this year,” Watson predicted.

Last month, Aaron Klein, a writer for such right-of-center publications as World Net Daily and host of a weekly radio talk show, wrote an article on headlined “In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency.”

In it, Klein described how his radio program had become “a support center of sorts” for Bill Clinton’s female accusers — “a safe-space for these women to sound off about the way they were allegedly treated by both Bill and Hillary.”

In the article, Klein quotes Broaddrick, Willey and Gennifer Flowers, an actress who had an affair with Clinton when he was governor.

In what Klein described as Flowers’s only interview since Clinton announced her candidacy, Flowers accused Hillary of being “an enabler that has encouraged [Bill] to go out and do whatever he does with women.”

“I think it’s a joke,” Klein quotes Flowers as saying, “that she would run on women’s issues.”


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bill Cosby charged with 2004 sex assault, free on $1M bail

Bill Cosby was charged Wednesday with sexually assaulting a Temple University employee at his suburban Philadelphia mansion in 2004.

Montgomery County Prosecutor Kevin Steele announced the aggravated indecent assault case against the creepy comedian at a spellbinding press conference that dealt the most devastating blow yet to Cosby's once-wholesome image as America's Dad.

“The evidence is strong,” Steele said. "We made this determination because it was the right thing to do."

The new case marks the first criminal prosecution of the fallen funnyman and sets the stage for what could be a blockbuster trial involving other accusers with similar stories.

Police Handout

Bill Cosby booking photo after being charged with sexually assaulting a Temple University employee at his suburban Philadelphia mansion in 2004.

Cosby, 78, faces up to a decade behind bars if convicted. He walked into the courtroom for his arraignment using a cane and wore a gray hoodie sweater.

He replied yes several times to Magistrate Judge Elizabeth McHugh in Montgomery County as she set his bail at $1 million and ordered him to hand over his passport.

He did not enter a plea and is due back in court Jan. 14.

“Make no mistake, we intend to mount a vigorous defense against this unjustified charge and we expect that Mr. Cosby will be exonerated,” Cosby’s attorneys said in a statement.

Authorities said in an affidavit that Cosby made two separate and unwanted sexual advances on victim Andrea Constand in the months leading up to the January 2004 assault.

Constand, who worked with Temple’s women’s basketball team, stepped forward a decade ago and said Cosby doped and groped her, but prosecutors at the time declined to file charges citing a lack of evidence.


Bill Cosby arrives in court to be arraigned in Elkins Park, Pa. on Wednesday.

The affidavit made public Wednesday said Constand returned to his home on the day of the assault thinking they were going to discuss her career. Instead, Cosby offered her three blue pills to “take the edge off” and urged her to drink wine, according to the paperwork.

"These will make you feel good. The blue things will take the edge off,” Cosby said, according to documents.

Constand asked if the pills were herbal.

“Yes,” Cosby allegedly replied, according to the affidavit. “Down them. Put ‘em down. Put them in your mouth.”

“Just taste the wine,” he urged her afterwards, according to documents.

She later claimed to have experienced blurred vision and difficulty speaking and was unable to consent when Cosby had sex with her, the affidavit states.

View GalleryWomen who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault

Constand passed out and eventually woke up around 4 a.m. the next day with her bra undone, according to the affidavit.

Cosby, dressed in a robe, gave her a muffin, walked to the front door, opened it and said, “Alright,” the paperwork states.

Ron Bull/AP

Andrea Constand in 1987. 

Constand told investigators she left the residence without saying anything.

After the alleged assault, Constand fled to Canada to be near family and eventually told her mom what happened. The mom confronted Cosby over the telephone.

Cosby admitted the encounter during their conversation, said he gave Constand some type of "prescription" medication and invited the women on an all-expenses-paid trip to Florida, the affidavit states.

Cosby later gave an interview to Cheltenham Township police in January 2005 and claimed the sexual encounter was consensual, according to the affidavit.

He admitting giving Constand one and a half over-the-counter Benadryl pills and claimed she willingly engaged in petting and kissing and "never pushed him away," the affidavit states.

“When directly asked if he ever had sexual intercourse with the victim, Cosby gave (police) the unusual answer, ‘never asleep or awake,’” the affidavit claims.


Constand sued Cosby in 2005 and settled out of court in 2006.

Victoria Will/Victoria Will/Invision/AP

Over 50 women have accused Bill Cosby of drugging and assaulting them.


Constand, who has accused Bill Cosby of sexually assaulting her, walks in a park in Toronto, Canada, on Wednesday, the same day a Pennsylvania prosecutor announced sexual assault charges against the comedian stemming from their alleged 2004 encounter at his Philadelphia mansion. 

Bill Cosby is accused of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand (r.) in 2004. He was arraigned in a Montgomery County, Pa. court Wednesday and released on $1 million bail.

In deposition testimony related to the civil lawsuit, Cosby said under oath that he gave Constand three halved pills that he described as "three friends to make (her) relax," according to the affidavit.

He also acknowledged under oath that he obtained seven prescriptions in his own name for Quaaludes.


Montgomery County Prosecutor Kevin Steele announced the charges against Cosby. 

"When you go the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" Constand's lawyer asked Cosby on Sept. 29, 2005, according to the deposition excerpted in the affidavit.

"Yes," Cosby replied.

Constand has said she will cooperate with prosecutors in the new case, Steele said.

"He urged her to take pills he provided and drink wine," Steele said during the press conference. "Unable to move or respond to his advances, he committed aggravated indecent assault.

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"Frozen, paralyzed, unable to move. A person in that state is unable to consent," Steele added.

Her attorneysreleased a statementthanking Montgomery County authorities for "the consideration and courtesy they have shown Andrea during this difficult time."

Cosby has said the sex was consensual.

Authorities had until next month to file charges against Cosby under the state's 12-year statute of limitations for felony sexual assault.

A judge unsealed depositions in Constand's suit filed in Philadelphia federal court earlier this year, prompting prosecutors to reopen her case.

"We examined evidence from the civil case and information from other alleged victims," Steele said.

“Reopening this case was not a question. Rather, reopening this was our duty.”

He said Cosby's prior testimony about obtaining and distributing Quaaludes, which Cosby called "disco biscuits" during his deposition in the Constand case, played a significant role in the charging decision.

Over 50 women have accused Cosby of assaulting them. They have shared similar stories in which Cosby targeted them after gaining their trust and using his trusted public persona to his advantage.

Cosby has denied the accusations and said the women are out to get money.

His career irreparably damaged, Cosby has fought back in the last month by filing defamation suits against some of his accusers.

Tags:bill cosby ,sex crimes ,pennsylvania