Showing posts with label child rape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child rape. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bombshell Claim: More Clinton Sexual Assault Victims Are About To Come Forward

by Staff

Since returning to the campaign trail as an advocate for Hillary, Bill Clinton has been harried by renewed interest in his past sexual misconduct as well as Hillary’s alleged role in intimidating his victims into silence.

Roger Stone, author of the New York Times bestselling "The Clinton’s War On Women", claims that he has personal knowledge of previously unknown victims who are preparing to come forward with accusations against the former president.

"I identified 24 women who’ve been assaulted by Bill Clinton," Stone said on The Sean Hannity Show. "Now some of these women are still terrified. Some of them have had IRS audits. Some of them have had their families threatened. But others have come forward."

"Are you saying there's women whose names we don't know that are mentioned in your book or not mentioned in your book that are going to come forward and start telling those stories?" Sean asked.

"Yes, I think it’s very probable," Stone responded. "Not all of them because some of them are still terrified, their families have been threatened, their lives have been threatened."

"Are we talking about affairs, or are we talking about assaults?" asked Hannity.

"We’re talking about assaults," declared Stone. "I don’t want to get out ahead of myself but I think as Broaddrick, and [Kathleen] Willey, and Jones speak out, other women are encouraged who have been assaulted, who have been threatened by Hillary are encouraged by the courage of those three women."

Listen to Roger Stone’s bombshell revelation along with author Ed Klein on The Sean Hannity Show:


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