Showing posts with label  Donald Trump 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  Donald Trump 2016. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

‘Love-Fest:’ Megyn Kelly Blasts Donald Trump, Flirts With Michael Moore

by JOHN NOLTE27 Jan 201610,919

Those of us who obsessively observe the media never thought we would see a day like yesterday, a day when someone finally got the better of Fox News and Roger Ailes. The infallible network proved itself fallible with two of the biggest strategic errors in the history of its existence. First, The Mighty Fox fired off a snarky but strategically stupid press release that played directly into Donald Trump’s hands. Then, an obviously rattled Megyn Kelly seeking solace from Trump’s withering spotlight, sought that solace in no less than anti-American filmmaker Michael Moore.

To understand just how big of a blunder this is, we have to step back a few months.

Ever since the first Fox News Republican primary debate took place back in August, Trump has been pounding the cable news network for what he felt was a gang tackle from the three moderators, Kelly, Bret Baier, and Chris Wallace, and there is no shortage of those on the political right who agree with him. Trump’s primary complaint was directed at Kelly, who didn’t so much ask a question as much as she attempted to paint the billionaire businessman and reality TV star as a degenerate sexist.

To put it mildly, Trump took umbrage with the question and for the past six months the two have been feuding. To his credit, Trump has been openly attacking Kelly. Via Twitter and various interviews, he has criticized her directly. Kelly’s and Fox News’s response has been subtler, and some might say dishonest. “The Kelly File,” a primetime cable news juggernaut, is seen by many as a Anti-Trump Organ for Establishment Republicans.

In the lead up to Thursday night’s debate, the final one before actual voting begins in Iowa, Trump has used every opportunity to again express his concerns about Kelly’s return as moderator. Fox News refused to budge on the issue. But Trump obviously found his way into Ailes’s head because Tuesday night the network made an unprecedented strategic blunder by releasing this statement:

We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.

When a major presidential candidate is accusing your network of bias, unless you want to prove him 100% correct, this is about as tone-deaf and dumb as it gets.

Knowing he had Fox by the short hairs, Trump waved the snarky press release and further burnished his brand as a leader and fighter by announcing his withdrawal from the debate.

In short: Trump spent a half-year carefully crafting and building the Narrative that Fox News was out to get him, and with one press release, Roger Ailes blundered right into it.

The benefits for Trump are obvious. 1) Just 5 days before Iowa, he will own the news cycle at least through the Sunday shows. 2) The controversy will overwhelm any opportunity his opponents might have had to get their message out. 3) Trump has completely upset any gameplan his rivals had planned, not only for the debate, but as a closing argument in Iowa. 4) The Fox News debate has been diminished into an undercard event because Trump’s competing event will dominate the news cycle.  5) Beating up on Fox News will hardly hurt Trump in a general election. 6) Trump looks like a badass who refuses to jump through the media’s hoops — which is exactly the type of candidate the GOP base has been praying for.

As though the gods smile on The Donald, just a few hours after the world came crashing down on The Mighty Fox, left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore made an already-scheduled appearance on “The Kelly File,” and it was an unmitigated disaster.

After the August debate, I actually defended Kelly’s questioning of Trump. My rationale was that Kelly, unlike the rest of the mainstream media, is tough on everyone — right and left alike. Presidential candidates should be asked tough questions. As long as the questioner isn’t biased in favor of one side or another, nothing should be off-limits.  As Kelly played kissy-face with Moore last night, I started to feel like a fool for defending her.

Moore isn’t some run-of-the-mill celebrity pitching his latest blockbuster. He is an anti-American propagandist, a fabulously wealthy hypocrite, and a degenerate liar. Under normal circumstances, it would be nauseating to watch Kelly giggle, joke, softball, and get all chummy with this cretin. The fact that she did so in the wake of Trump’s charges of bias showed an extraordinary lack of judgment.

Watch for yourself what even the left-wingWashington Post and Salon described as a“love-fest.“:

Is it just me, or did Kelly actually flirt with Lenny Riefenstahl?

For six months Kelly has played it cool. With Trump’s blistering spotlight on her, she’s put on a face meant only to assure the world and her critics that she’s a professional journalist interested only in holding The Powerful accountable. Most of all, Kelly wanted the world to know that Trump wasn’t living rent-free inside her head.

Well, now we know the exact opposite is true because all it took for Michael Moore to play Kelly like a fiddle, to turn her into a giggling Rachel Maddow, was to open the interview by commiserating with her about that awful Donald Trump.

Even the Washington Post noticed the gooey affair:

[A]fter Kelly introduced Moore’s “Where to Invade Next?” — in which, as Kelly put it in an opening that probably made many Fox viewers’ skin crawl, “Moore travels through Europe to highlight what he believes to be America’s shortfalls” — Moore didn’t want to talk about himself. For the man who hounded General Motors chief executive Roger Smith and vilified President George W. Bush, it was all about Kelly and her bold stand against Trump.

“What does this feel like for you?” Moore said. “Because you don’t want to be the story — you’re a journalist.”

Kelly’s rejoinder: “I get to ask the questions here!”

“I feel bad for you,” Moore said. He then wondered why Trump would deprive himself of Kelly’s company: “What’s he afraid of? I’m sitting here. I don’t feel any fear.”

“You shouldn’t,” Kelly said. “I’m a pussycat.”

“You can ask Donald,” Moore said, volunteering to play chaperone for the candidate. “Donald — come down. Come sit beside me. I’ll hold your hand. She’s fine.”

Kelly: “Stop that!”

Somehow it got worse. Moore asked her out, and the Washington Post thinks she may have blushed:

 “I was thinking I was maybe going to have to, like, take you out to dinner afterwards,” Moore said. “We could talk. You could emote … get it out. I’m here for you.”

“I had no idea there was this side to you,” Kelly said.

Maybe this all was a joke. Maybe it wasn’t. But then, Moore got real about Kelly and Trump.

“In all seriousness, let me say this,” Moore said. “… You’ve done something that Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Rubio, Cruz — none of them have been able to do. Which is to, essentially, frighten him.”

“Would you move on from the Trump situation?” Kelly said. But, at least on some laptop screens, it appeared she may have blushed.

In short, Megyn Kelly made a fool of herself, and Donald Trump can now add two more scalps to his collection: Kelly’s and the previously unbeaten Fox News.

Read More Stories About:

Big Journalism2016 Presidential RaceFOX NEWSMichael MooreMegyn KellyDonald Trump 2016Roger Ailes

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Pride Goeth Before the Fall: Ailes Calls Trump’s Wife and Daughter


by BREITBART NEWS27 Jan 20167,434

From Chris Spargo writing at The Daily Mail:

The Fox News and Donald Trump feud is heating up now that the Republicanfront-runner has announced he will not be attending the network’s debate Thursday night over the presence of anchor Megyn Kelly.

And while the network appears to be publicly siding with Kelly, who is still set to moderate Thursday’s debate, the network is also reportedly trying to privately plead with Trump the best way they know how – through the women in his life.

Joe Scarborough revealed on Morning Joe Wednesday morning that Fox News CEO Roger Ailes had been trying to contact both Ivanka and Melania Trump hoping they could convince Trump to change his mind, but that Trump would only speak to Rupert Murdoch.

Read the rest of the story at The Daily Mail.

Read More Stories About:

Big Journalism2016 Presidential RaceFOX NEWSDonald Trump

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Trump Fires Back At Obama: SOTU ‘Boring, Slow, Lethargic’

Getty Images

by JOHN NOLTE12 Jan 20161,499

Near the end of President Obama’s final State of the Union address, which was really a petulant, partisan stump speech aimed in large part at Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner used his Twitter account to criticize the speech as “really boring, slow, lethargic – very hard to watch!”

Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,barack obamaDonald Trump 2016State of the Union 2016

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Drudge Boosting Donald Trump?

Why Is Matt Drudge Boosting Donald Trump?
Daily Beast Jealous

The Republican frontrunner owes his rise to a whole host of factors. But Drudge’s conservative media behemoth could’ve stopped him. Why didn’t it?

Who’s responsible for Donald Trump? The establishment honchos of the Republican Party first and foremost, for not having to stones to stand up and stop the crazy in their party over the last seven years when Steve King and Louis Gohmert and Michele Bachmann and all the others said the unhinged things they said. The cable networks, for covering his every utterance and letting him play them like a fiddle.

A less discussed culprit: Matt Drudge. He may not get the headlines he got 15 years ago, so if you don’t read his site you might think he’s kinda gone away. Well, he has not. The Drudge Report is as huge as ever: Around 700 million visitors a month.

And what they’ve been getting for the last six months is a steady stream of pro-Trump agitprop. Drudge’s own weird, quasi-libertarian, crypto-racialist-populist political views have found their perfect echo in Trump’s campaign. If you’ve read the Drudge site over the years, you know how expert the site has always been at finding and promoting news stories that aren’t capital-P political on their face but whose political moral, and the reason Drudge highlights them, is obvious.

A preposterous-sounding grievance from a minority group member; a left-wing academic making some nutty claim or another; some new manifestation of political correctness afoot. These stories are the mother’s milk of the site, and they create the same paranoia that Trump is creating, and among the same audience.

And the audience is gobbling it up—and regurgitating it in the hoped-for way. As Republican-turned-independent (and now Hillary Clinton supporter) Jimmy LaSalvianoted at Salon recently, after every GOP debate, the Drudge site polls its readers on who won. And every time, Trump has won, usually big.

It’s no wonder. The Drudge site is (gulp) its readers’ most trusted news source, and nearly every day it’s playing a pro-Trump piece high up. As I write this, Tuesday the 29th, the story is “New poll shows Trump strong among minorities.” The link is to a story on World Net Daily, a far-right site whose stock in trade isheadlines like “Democrats Think Christians Bigger Threat Than Muslims,” and it’s to a poll commissioned by…World Net Daily! It finds that “40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics, and even nearly 19 percent of Asians.” Right.

Now, if you’re reacting to this by thinking so what, tell me something new, my answer is that I am telling you something new. In 2012, Drudge generally backed not Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul or Rick Santorum or Herman Cain, but Mr. Establishment himself, Mitt Romney! You can go back and Google it and find loads of stories from that cycle about how Drudge highlighted pro-Romney storiesand how the other GOP contendersgroused that Drudge was helping Mittens.

Why the change? I’m not exactly a Drudge world insider. The public evidence we have is the big and very rare interviewDrudge gave back in October to wingnut radio host Alex Jones, where he delivered gems like this one: “You’ve got to be the greatest you can be now—now. Before this country is so completely altered and we’re left with Hillary’s brain in the Oval Office in a jar. Cuz that’s what we’re getting. She is old and she’s sick. She is not a contender. They’re making her a contender with these propped up Saturday Night Live things; it’s like a head on a stick. And then on the Today show with [Savannah Guthrie]—a head on a stick. She is not a viable, vibrant leader for this country of 300—including the illegals, 380 million—Americans. So the media is trying to put us to sleep.”

Eighty million illegals. And you thought it was 11.5 million. See how the corporate media have been lying to you? For what it’s worth, Drudge has been a major promoter of Jones’ conspiracy-mongering websites, often giving them prominent links.

So now we’re getting to crunch time. How much juice does Drudge still have with GOP primary voters, especially in the key states? Probably a lot is my guess. It’s obviously impossible to say how much Drudge has helped Trump thus far. Trump probably didn’t need a push from Drudge to get where he is. But look at it from the reverse point of view: If Drudge had been anti-Trump these last six months, Trump very well might not be where he is right now.

The more serious question is how much juice Drudge might have in a general election contest. He will want to destroy Hillary Clinton, there’s no doubt about that. If Trump is actually the Republican nominee, Drudge will have his dream match-up: the right-wing nativist fuck-the-establishment candidate versus a Clinton. Destroying, or trying to destroy, a Clinton (Bill) is what made Drudge world famous in the first place, back in 1998. But that didn’t work out for him. And promoting the candidate that half the Republican Party would run away from holding its nose doesn’t seem like the best way to stop this Clinton.

Maybe deep down on some level even they only dimly grasp, all these people want her to be the president. She’s great for ratings and page views, and everything they don’t like about a changing country that they no longer speak to or for can be immediately blamed on her. Only a Clinton victory would support their idea of America as a place where the corporate media are brainwashing people to become diversity-worshipping automatons, and conservative media will be there to ride the decline.

And that’s what Drudge’s move from Romney to Trump proves: On the radical right, it’s not about stopping liberalism anymore. It’s about demolishing conservatism.


Glenn Beck attacks Melania Trump as a lesbian porn star

By clyde -


Dec 29, 2015


In recent Facebook post, libertarian radio talk show host Glenn Beck thought that it would be funny to viciously attack Donald Trump’s wife, Melania Trump.

“[If Donald Trump is elected President], the First Lady would be the first to have posed nude in lesbian porno shots,” Beck stated on Facebook.

The problem is that this claim is not verified. We searched and searched for articles to back up Beck’s claim, and were unable to find any except from one 2007 post from an unpopular celebrity gossip website called Nice try, Glenn.

For the record, The New York Daily news reported the story; however, it was listed in their gossip section (which means that it is just a rumor).

Sean Hannity responded to Beck’s disgusting attack, “I thought you were libertarian? Also I go back to the fact that you have changed. Trump’s wife is a mother and what she did in the past doesn’t make my top 10,000 list of problems we face as a country.”

While Hannity is not aware that Beck’s claim was solely based on a rumor from an unpopular tabloid article, his response pointing out Beck’s hypocrisy was brilliant.

Day after day on his radio show, Beck has been smearing Donald Trump and now he is smearing his wife by spreading unproven, disgusting rumors designed to degrade her.

To everyone who still gets your news from Glenn Beck, remember this: you are getting your news from a guy who gets his news from tabloid magazines.

red flag news

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Minorities line up behind … Donald Trump

Donald Trump

Editor’s Note: This is another in a series of reports on the polling by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio, for

Pundits might point to billionaire Donald Trump’s huge lead in the GOP presidential primary race as being the result of his generally anti-Washington, anti-government, anti-establishment, anti-politically correct attitude.

If so, it’s not just whites who are ticked at the bureaucracy, but minorities too.

Because a new poll, which still has Trump leading the race, shows 40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics, and even nearly 19 percent of Asians.

Blacks and Hispanics, in fact, even support Trump at a higher level than whites.

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The results are from a new WND/Clout poll by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio. The telephone survey of registered voters was taken Dec. 18-27, except for the holiday, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.35 percentage points.

Only Dr. Ben Carson pulled more support from the black community than Trump, at 50 percent, and no one had more support from Hispanics than Trump. Among Asians, 37.5 percent supported Sen. Marco Rubio, with Sen. Ted Cruz matching Trump’s 18.8 percent.

Among whites, Trump was far and away the leader, with 37.7 percent of the respondents. Cruz was second at 25.1 percent.

The rankings put Trump in the No. 1 slot, Cruz second at 23.3 percent, Rubio third at 10.1, Carson fourth at 9.4 percent, and Jeb Bush fifth at six percent.

Will Bill and Hillary Clinton ever be held accountable? Help make sure they are by supporting the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project, an effort targeting the racketeering enterprise known as the Clinton Family Foundation

Explained Fritz Wenzel, chief of Clout Polling, “The Republican presidential primary preference nationally remains unchanged through the Christmas holiday and heading into the New Year, as Donald Trump continues to lead by double digits.

“The newish development of Sen. Ted Cruz rising and now solidifying his top-tier stature is likely going to remain for the coming weeks before the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. But the rise of Cruz signals nothing new in this race, as voters continue to voice their complete dissatisfaction with the GOP establishment. Cruz merely supplanted Carson as a more conservative outsider alternative to Trump.”

He said a key will be whether Republicans, whose divisions have been opened by Trump’s brash criticism of the establishment and refusal to go along, can come together.

“There really is just one more act to come and question to be answered before the nomination is sealed: ‘Will the establishment coalesce behind one moderate candidate and mount a serious challenge, or will they remain divided and be conquered?’” Wenzel said.

“For this challenge to develop, three of four candidates – Bush, Rubio, Kasich and Christie – would have to step aside, and given the stakes involved, it is hard to imagine that happening in time to make a difference. The clock has now become a serious factor in this race.”

He said moderates like Trump, with a sizable chunk also favoring Marco Rubio, while conservatives favor Cruz.

“Cruz does so badly among moderates that it is hard to make a case for him as the consensus candidate. Trump’s ability at this stage of the game to gain solid support among all demographic groups makes him a significant favorite to win the nomination. It is interesting to note that there is a significant gender gap inside the race for the GOP nomination – as Trump wins only 29 percent support among men but wins 47 percent support among women who will be voting in the GOP primary elections. Among conservative women voting in the GOP primaries, Trump wins 53 percent support,” Wenzel reported.

The survey shows Trump collecting nearly 40 percent of the GOP support, but also 31 percent of the independents and even 26-plus percent of the Democrats.

While Ohio Gov. John Kasich gets 31 percent of the Democrats who responded to the poll, most other candidates share tiny fractions. Only Cruz was event close to Trump, with 21 percent of the Democrats, 24 percent of the GOP and 21 percent of the independents.

It showed Trump dominates among those voters who think of themselves as very liberal or liberal, with 60 percent and 40 percent support, respectively. But he’s no slouch among the moderate and conservatives either, with support higher than 41 percent in each group.

The rest of the support was splintered among the candidates.

The question: “If you were voting today in your state’s primary or caucus election for the Republican nomination for president, and the candidates were, in alphabetical order, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Donald Trump, for whom would you vote?”

Among men and women, Trump also had far and away leads, with 30 percent of the men and more than 46 percent of the women. Only Cruz was within sight, with about 23 percent of support from each group.

Trump dominated, too, among the religious categories, getting 40 percent support from Protestants, 30 percent from Catholics, 40 percent of Jews and more. Trump also dominated among the age groups as well as across all geographic regions in the country

Trust the government? Maybe you shouldn’t. Read the details in “Lies the Government Told You,” by Judge Andrew Napolitano.

See the results:

Question 3: If you were voting today in your state’s primary or caucus election for the Republican nomination for president, and the candidates were, in alphabetical order, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Donald Trump, for whom would you vote?”

One person shows up to O'Malley event in Iowa, remains uncommitted

"The very last event of the night, we actually had a whopping total of one person show up, but by God, he was glad to see me. So we spent the time with him" former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley said. | Getty

Amid a vicious winter storm on Monday that forced some presidential campaigns to cancel their scheduled stops in Iowa, only Martin O'Malley decided to press on.

And one man at his last event, the only person to show up, in fact, "was glad to see me," the former Maryland governor said. But he still would not commit to caucus for O'Malley.

"The very last event of the night, we actually had a whopping total of one person show up, but by God, he was glad to see me. So we spent the time with him," the Democratic presidential candidate told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday, speaking from Des Moines.

A tweet shared by an ABC News reporter showed a bearded man, identified only as Kenneth, sitting at a table with O'Malley, who told MSNBC that he was "working on him," but also said people in Iowa "want to see the whole campaign play out" before deciding on a candidate.

Kenneth braved the snow storm to meet with @MartinOMalley in Tama. #iawx#iacaucus

— Sarah Beckman (@SarahBeckman3)December 29, 2015

"So I wasn't surprised that he was uncommitted," O'Malley said. "But I was glad he took the time to come out in the snow to see me. We almost canceled that last event but we were out there anyway, so we plowed through."

Two Republican candidates, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio had planned to visit the state but were forced to cancel those plans until a later date.

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BREAKING POLL: 40% of Blacks Line Up Behind Trump – 45% of Hispanics

Jim Hoft Dec 29th, 2015 8:42 am 5 Comments

A SurveyUSA poll released in September showed that 25% of black respondents said they would vote for Trump over Clinton.

According to The American Mirror Trump would more than double the best result for a Republican in modern American history.

Looking at the last 10 presidential election cycles, the highest black vote share for a Republican was 12% for Bob Dole in 1996.

Now there’s even better news for Trump.
40% of black voters and 45% of Hispanic voters support Donald Trump.
If these numbers hold up Donald Trump would win the 2016 election in a landslide.
World Net Daily reported:

Pundits might point to billionaire Donald Trump’s huge lead in the GOP presidential primary race as being the result of his generally anti-Washington, anti-government, anti-establishment, anti-politically correct attitude.

If so, it’s not just whites who are ticked at the bureaucracy, but minorities too.

Because a new poll, which still has Trump leading the race, shows 40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics, and even nearly 19 percent of Asians.

Blacks and Hispanics, in fact, even support Trump at a higher level than whites.

The results are from a new WND/Clout poll by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio. The telephone survey of registered voters was taken Dec. 18-27, except for the holiday, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.35 percentage points.

After Obama, Americans are yearning for a leader who loves America, for a change.

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 Gateway Pundit

Monday, December 28, 2015

Hate-Media Strikes Again: New Hampshire Paper Compares Donald Trump to Murderer

Carlos Osorio/AP Photo

by JOHN NOLTE28 Dec 2015358

“Meet the Press” spent an hour last monthcomparing Republicans to Nazis. CNN has compared us to anti-Semites refusing Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany. The Washington Post has likened 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)


’s 4 and 7 year-old daughters to monkeys. Apparently, that was just the warm up for a season of mainstream media demagoguery and hate speech because the New Hampshire Union Leader is now comparing Donald Trump to a murderer.

In an editorial published Sunday, publisher Joseph McQuaid writes,  Trump “reminds us of the grownup bully ‘Biff’ in the ‘Back to the Future’ movie series.”

Everyone knows that the “grownup bully Biff” is a cold-blooded murderer who abuses women. When we meet the grownup Biff in “Back to the Future II ” he has already murdered the father of Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) and physically and mentally abuses Marty’s mother. Moreover, the “grownup bully Biff” then attempts to murder Marty.

The impotent rage of the elite media always reveals who these people really are: bigots, bullies, crybabies, and screamers — hate-filled demagogues of the first order.

The same mainstream media that scold the GOP and Trump over “rhetoric” is infinitely worse in that regard, and every other.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

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Big GovernmentBig Journalism2016 Presidential RaceDonald Trump 2016New Hampshire 2016 presidential primaryNew Hampshire Union Leaderback to the future day

Losing Influence: 6 Great DC Media Failures of 2015

by JOHN NOLTE26 Dec 201544

We will never be fully rid of the DC Media. Like the garbage-in/manure-out maggots they are, the DC Media will always be a rancid part of the circle of political life. The political left is, if nothing else, relentless, and they will never fully give up the propaganda perch that is this corrupt institution.

That doesn’t mean that the righteous war to politically-exterminate them should be any less relentless, because it is already resulting in quantifiable benefits. The influence these serial-liars once enjoyed to sway public opinion and set the parameters of the national debate, is evaporating.

In no particular order, here are six battles the DC Media waged relentlessly and handily lost in 2015.

Feel free to point and laugh.

The Annihilation of Donald Trump

Ridicule, dismissal, outright lying, coordinated hate-campaigns… Nothing has worked. Using New Media, social media, and a brilliant understanding of how to manipulate a crooked institution, Donald Trump has used, abused and weaponized the American political media to a point where the Republican nomination is now his to lose.

Moreover, in the most recent head-to-head poll, Trump is only -2 points behind Hillary Clinton; this is after 2 months of the worst press he could imagine, and 2 months of the best press she could imagine.

Trump hasn’t even begun to train his fire on Clinton, and this terrifies a corrupt political media used to Republicans who, for decades, have agreed to play and lose by their rules.


Gun Control

Feasting off a pile of dead Sandy Hook Elementary schoolchildren, the DC media was sure they had a two-fer: A propaganda bonanza that would end with law-abiding citizens being disarmed, and a political victory for The Precious Obama.

Ever since, up to and including the San Bernardino terror attack, the DC Media has exploited every opportunity to restrict our Second Amendment civil rights.

With New Media refusing to cave to the emotional blackmail, exposing the madness of gun-free zones and the serial lies told by the gun-grabbers, and reporting the truth about the huge decrease in gun violence as gun sales soar,  fast-forward more than two years and this anti-science propaganda campaign has not only failed, it has failed spectacularly.

Moreover, gun sales continue to soar to record heights.


The Washington Redskins

Last time I looked the Washington Redskins are still named the Washington Redskins.

While our delusional left-wing DC Media and their allies in the Democrat Party use this non-troversy to puff themselves up as self-righteous Mississippi Burning warriors (can I still say “warriors?”) , the American people aren’t falling for it.

Because the maggots can no longer bottleneck the truth, the public knows that the people who are supposed to be offended — not white limousine liberals but, you know, actual American Indians — are not only are not offended, but name some of their own high school teams the Redskins.


Syrian Refugees

After the Paris terror attacks earlier this year, the common sense call went out to put the brakes on Obama’s suicidal plan to resettle 100,000 Syrian refuges here in America. ISIS has promised to seed this group with terrorists, and did so successfully with at least one of the terrorists in Paris.

Coordinating another emotional blackmail campaign, the entire DC Media Complex banded together to again pretend Mississippi was burning.

“Meet the Press” spent an entire hour comparing us to Nazis.

CNN compared us to anti-Semites who denied Jewish refugees fleeing from the Nazis.

The sanctimonious, self-righteous editorials flowed as one “journalist” after another dropped all pretense of objectivity to smear America as racist.

New Media again fought back with the truth. Not only had Obama’s own F.B.I. Director stated that vetting these refugees would be next to impossible, there was also the matter of the female jihadist responsible for 14 murders in San Bernardino. As it would happen, she managed to slip through the very same federal government vetting program the liars in the DC Media had just assured us was flawless.

This issue is now a major liability for Democrats, including Hillary Clinton.


The End of the Rigged Republican Debates

After John Harwood’s appallingly dishonest performance as moderator of the October CNBC GOP primary debate, New Media, the Republican presidential candidates, and the Republican Party rose up and finally said no more.

For decades, the maggots have used Republican primary debates to disqualify our candidates with loaded questions, serial lies, and a premise that says Democrats are right about everything.

The two debates since, including one hosted by CNN, have been professional — have been night and day.


The Implosion of the Lying Fact-Checkers

The serial-leftwing liars and propagandistswho pose as objective fact checkers, finally went too far. One phony fact check after another has exposed these frauds forever. Their impact is nowhere near what it was, and continues to dwindle as they are caught time again calling black white and white black, all in service to Democrats.

Watching one Republican candidate after another wrist-flick the very same fact checks that used to put them on defense, is about as good as it gets.


As it always will with the American people, the Truth is winning. It just needs to get out there. Nevertheless, the DC Media is just going to keep lying. In return, we need only keep telling the truth. These people deserve zero respect. Contempt, scorn, and truth have gotten us this far.

Let’s use 2016 to double and triple down.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC               

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Big Journalism2016 Presidential Racegun controlRedskinsMedia BiasDonald Trump 2016Washington RedskinsSyrian refugeeFact Check