Showing posts with label  Fact Check. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  Fact Check. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Fact Check: Top 10 Lies in Obama’s State of the Union

Chip Somodevilla / Getty

by JOEL B. POLLAK12 Jan 20162,776

President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it “low-energy.” One thing it was notwas accurate–or honest. Here are Obama’s top ten lies, in chronological order.

1. “[W]e’ve done all this while cutting our deficits by almost three-quarters.” This is pure fiction. Obama has doubled the national debt, and it’s not because he cut the deficit. Rather, he spent staggering amounts of money in his first months in office–which he assigns, dishonestly, to the previous fiscal year, under George W. Bush. He “cut” (i.e. spent more gradually) from that spending, but only under protest, after Republicans took the House in 2010.

(Update: It is true that Obama’s 2015 budget deficit was about 25% of his 2010 deficit. But he referred to “deficits,” plural. Until last year, all of Obama’s deficits were worse than all of Bush’s deficits except for the last two.)

2. “Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.”With that line, Obama took a shot at his would-be Democratic successors, as well as his Republican critics. But the truth is that despite the slow recovery–the slowest since World War II–labor force participation is the lowest it has been in decades. Wages are stagnant, household incomes still have not recovered from the recession, and young people see a bleak future.

3. “That’s what the Affordable Care Act is all about. It’s about filling the gaps in employer-based care so that when we lose a job, or go back to school, or start that new business, we’ll still have coverage.”That is a cruel joke, given that Obamacare canceled insurance coverage for millions of Americans who did not change jobs. It also raised deductibles and premiums so high that many insurance companies are leaving the Obama exchanges totally.

4. “Food Stamp recipients didn’t cause the financial crisis; recklessness on Wall Street did.” Actually, food stamp recipients, metaphorically speaking, were indirectly responsible–as well as Wall Street sharks. Obama leaves out the government’s role, under the Community Reinvestment Act, in pushing mortgages on people who could not afford them, and in backing the derivatives based on those mortgages that ultimately burst the whole bubble.

5. “We’ve protected an open internet…”. Obama’s policy of Net Neutrality has turned Internet service providers into public utilities under an ancient regulatory regime. The result has been a sharp decline in broadband investment and a much less free and open system. In addition, the Obama administration is rushing to shift control of ICANN to the international community, which will ensure that the Internet is less free, and subject to overseas censorship.

6. “Seven years ago, we made the single biggest investment in clean energy in our history. Here are the results.” It is laughable that Obama would claim his failed clean energy spending–think Solyndra–led to the fracking-fed energy boom we have enjoyed for the past several years, especially when the administration did all it could to stop oil and gas development. He also nixed the Keystone pipeline and started a plan to kill coal plants.

7. “No nation dares to attack us or our allies because they know that’s the path to ruin.” Of all the lies in Obama’s speech, this was undoubtedly the worst, coming hours after Iran seized two U.S. Navy boats and ten sailors. Obama did not even mention those Americans in captivity at any point in his speech, declining the chance to reassure the nation that they would come home safely. It is an omission that will define this address in history.

8. “As someone who begins every day with an intelligence briefing, I know this is a dangerous time.” Obama does not attend most of his daily intelligence briefings, preferring instead to read intelligence reports–so he claims–on his iPad, a stark contrast to the attentive approach of his predecessor. Late last year, even as Obama claimed that there was little risk from attack, radical Islamic terrorists carried out brutal attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino.

9. “We are training, arming, and supporting forces who are steadily reclaiming territory in Iraq and Syria [from Islamic State].” The Obama administration’s attempt to train and arm Syrian rebels has been a disaster. Belatedly, the administration has helped Kurdish peshmerga forces, and the Iraqi military has made gains lately, but Obama has not made a serious effort to defeat the Islamic State, and is even giving up on regime change in Syria.

10. “Fifty years of isolating Cuba had failed to promote democracy, setting us back in Latin America.” And a year of appeasement has not promoted democracy, either. The Castros remain firmly in power, and we are not helping the opposition. Worse, the Cuban regime continues to arrest thousands of political dissidents, to cozy up to enemies like Iran and North Korea, and to carry out provocative acts–such as stealing a U.S. Hellfire missile.

Towards the end of his speech, Obama told one important truth: “There’s no doubt a president with the gifts of Lincoln or Roosevelt might have better bridged the divide…”.

An unusual, but overdue, admission of guilt.

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Big GovernmentState of the UnionFact Checklies

Monday, December 28, 2015

Losing Influence: 6 Great DC Media Failures of 2015

by JOHN NOLTE26 Dec 201544

We will never be fully rid of the DC Media. Like the garbage-in/manure-out maggots they are, the DC Media will always be a rancid part of the circle of political life. The political left is, if nothing else, relentless, and they will never fully give up the propaganda perch that is this corrupt institution.

That doesn’t mean that the righteous war to politically-exterminate them should be any less relentless, because it is already resulting in quantifiable benefits. The influence these serial-liars once enjoyed to sway public opinion and set the parameters of the national debate, is evaporating.

In no particular order, here are six battles the DC Media waged relentlessly and handily lost in 2015.

Feel free to point and laugh.

The Annihilation of Donald Trump

Ridicule, dismissal, outright lying, coordinated hate-campaigns… Nothing has worked. Using New Media, social media, and a brilliant understanding of how to manipulate a crooked institution, Donald Trump has used, abused and weaponized the American political media to a point where the Republican nomination is now his to lose.

Moreover, in the most recent head-to-head poll, Trump is only -2 points behind Hillary Clinton; this is after 2 months of the worst press he could imagine, and 2 months of the best press she could imagine.

Trump hasn’t even begun to train his fire on Clinton, and this terrifies a corrupt political media used to Republicans who, for decades, have agreed to play and lose by their rules.


Gun Control

Feasting off a pile of dead Sandy Hook Elementary schoolchildren, the DC media was sure they had a two-fer: A propaganda bonanza that would end with law-abiding citizens being disarmed, and a political victory for The Precious Obama.

Ever since, up to and including the San Bernardino terror attack, the DC Media has exploited every opportunity to restrict our Second Amendment civil rights.

With New Media refusing to cave to the emotional blackmail, exposing the madness of gun-free zones and the serial lies told by the gun-grabbers, and reporting the truth about the huge decrease in gun violence as gun sales soar,  fast-forward more than two years and this anti-science propaganda campaign has not only failed, it has failed spectacularly.

Moreover, gun sales continue to soar to record heights.


The Washington Redskins

Last time I looked the Washington Redskins are still named the Washington Redskins.

While our delusional left-wing DC Media and their allies in the Democrat Party use this non-troversy to puff themselves up as self-righteous Mississippi Burning warriors (can I still say “warriors?”) , the American people aren’t falling for it.

Because the maggots can no longer bottleneck the truth, the public knows that the people who are supposed to be offended — not white limousine liberals but, you know, actual American Indians — are not only are not offended, but name some of their own high school teams the Redskins.


Syrian Refugees

After the Paris terror attacks earlier this year, the common sense call went out to put the brakes on Obama’s suicidal plan to resettle 100,000 Syrian refuges here in America. ISIS has promised to seed this group with terrorists, and did so successfully with at least one of the terrorists in Paris.

Coordinating another emotional blackmail campaign, the entire DC Media Complex banded together to again pretend Mississippi was burning.

“Meet the Press” spent an entire hour comparing us to Nazis.

CNN compared us to anti-Semites who denied Jewish refugees fleeing from the Nazis.

The sanctimonious, self-righteous editorials flowed as one “journalist” after another dropped all pretense of objectivity to smear America as racist.

New Media again fought back with the truth. Not only had Obama’s own F.B.I. Director stated that vetting these refugees would be next to impossible, there was also the matter of the female jihadist responsible for 14 murders in San Bernardino. As it would happen, she managed to slip through the very same federal government vetting program the liars in the DC Media had just assured us was flawless.

This issue is now a major liability for Democrats, including Hillary Clinton.


The End of the Rigged Republican Debates

After John Harwood’s appallingly dishonest performance as moderator of the October CNBC GOP primary debate, New Media, the Republican presidential candidates, and the Republican Party rose up and finally said no more.

For decades, the maggots have used Republican primary debates to disqualify our candidates with loaded questions, serial lies, and a premise that says Democrats are right about everything.

The two debates since, including one hosted by CNN, have been professional — have been night and day.


The Implosion of the Lying Fact-Checkers

The serial-leftwing liars and propagandistswho pose as objective fact checkers, finally went too far. One phony fact check after another has exposed these frauds forever. Their impact is nowhere near what it was, and continues to dwindle as they are caught time again calling black white and white black, all in service to Democrats.

Watching one Republican candidate after another wrist-flick the very same fact checks that used to put them on defense, is about as good as it gets.


As it always will with the American people, the Truth is winning. It just needs to get out there. Nevertheless, the DC Media is just going to keep lying. In return, we need only keep telling the truth. These people deserve zero respect. Contempt, scorn, and truth have gotten us this far.

Let’s use 2016 to double and triple down.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC               

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Big Journalism2016 Presidential Racegun controlRedskinsMedia BiasDonald Trump 2016Washington RedskinsSyrian refugeeFact Check