Showing posts with label Undocumented Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Undocumented Democrats. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2016

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology.

Among Republicans, those numbers look significantly different: Just 17% of Republicans have a favorable opinion of socialism, while 71% have an unfavorable opinion of it. And for the most part — no matter what the party — it is young people who are most in favor of socialism. Fully 49% of people ages 18 to 29 have a favorable opinion of socialism, compared with just 23% of those 65 and up.

Also see: Karl Marx is the most assigned economist in U.S. college classes

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.

That may explain why, in a separate survey, less than half of Americans said they would vote for a socialist president (sorry, Bernie). Indeed, only 47% of Americans said they would vote for a president who was a socialist, according to a survey of 1,500 adults released by Gallup last year, which looked at 11 types of candidates people would be willing to vote for, including a woman, gay or lesbian, Muslim and evangelical.

Among Democrats, 59% would do it, while among Republicans just 26% would. “Republicans and Democrats differ most in their willingness to vote for a socialist candidate, by 33 percentage points,” according to the Gallup data.

Table: Who are Americans willing to vote for?

DemocratsRepublicansEvangelical Christian66%84%Mormon79%84%Jewish92%95%Catholic95%93%Hispanic94%91%Black96%90%Woman97%91%Atheist64%45%Gay or lesbian85%61%Muslim73%45%Socialist59%26%Source: Gallup More from MarketWatch


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

One person shows up to O'Malley event in Iowa, remains uncommitted

"The very last event of the night, we actually had a whopping total of one person show up, but by God, he was glad to see me. So we spent the time with him" former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley said. | Getty

Amid a vicious winter storm on Monday that forced some presidential campaigns to cancel their scheduled stops in Iowa, only Martin O'Malley decided to press on.

And one man at his last event, the only person to show up, in fact, "was glad to see me," the former Maryland governor said. But he still would not commit to caucus for O'Malley.

"The very last event of the night, we actually had a whopping total of one person show up, but by God, he was glad to see me. So we spent the time with him," the Democratic presidential candidate told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday, speaking from Des Moines.

A tweet shared by an ABC News reporter showed a bearded man, identified only as Kenneth, sitting at a table with O'Malley, who told MSNBC that he was "working on him," but also said people in Iowa "want to see the whole campaign play out" before deciding on a candidate.

Kenneth braved the snow storm to meet with @MartinOMalley in Tama. #iawx#iacaucus

— Sarah Beckman (@SarahBeckman3)December 29, 2015

"So I wasn't surprised that he was uncommitted," O'Malley said. "But I was glad he took the time to come out in the snow to see me. We almost canceled that last event but we were out there anyway, so we plowed through."

Two Republican candidates, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio had planned to visit the state but were forced to cancel those plans until a later date.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

RUSH: Coining the Term "Undocumented Democrats"

I've Been Properly Credited for Coining the Term "Undocumented Democrats"

December 22, 2015


RUSH: The Weekly Standard has a piece in it that, very, very rarely has this ever happened to me.  In fact, I can't ever remember it happening.  I'm sure it has, 'cause it's been 27 years I've been doing this.  The headline of this -- and it's not a hit piece.  It's not a criticism.  The headline's gonna mislead you.  The headline is:  "No, Ted Cruz Did Not Invent the Term 'Undocumented Democrat.'"

Apparently Senator Cruz has been running around, after this spat with Marco Rubio on immigration and amnesty and legalization, Cruz has been using the term "undocumented Democrat" instead of "illegal alien" as a means of demonstrating what the Democrats' interest in this whole thing is.  So, now that you know that, here's the Weekly Standard story. 

"Consider: In his current quest to out-Trump Trump, Ted Cruz has begun referring to illegal immigrants as 'undocumented Democrats.' This is hardly an original epithet; the phrase has been a staple of the Rush Limbaugh program for at least five years. (The joke migrated to a Jay Leno monologue in 2013 as well.) If there's any story here, it's that Cruz is making a strategic decision to appeal to dittoheads by lifting Rush's language. That is significant insofar as while Limbaugh has not endorsed Trump, he has tended to be very, very friendly towards the real estate mogul on his radio show."

"OK, so perhaps it's too much to ask for Times and NPR reporters to listen to Rush regularly, though given that he remains a singular figure on the right, it would certainly bolster their reporting if they tuned in every now and again. But this is a revealing episode, in that it shows how little many in the mainstream media understand about the American right. This isn't an example of journalists consciously skewing a story; rather, these two reporters at two of the most prestigious news organizations in the United States were simply unaware of the term, because they know nothing of Limbaugh."

Well, here's what's happening is that Cruz is being crucified.  The media can't believe that Cruz would actually call 'em undocumented Democrats.  That's not what they are. They're illegal aliens, they're brilliant people, they're acts of love or whatever they are.  And the Weekly Standard guy's point is, wait a minute, you idiot reporters, do you not know that this term has been floating around for five years and that Cruz is lifting it?  And that's not a criticism.  This guy's criticism is of the reporters upset at Cruz because they are blind.  They willingly ignore the news and the happenings, the thoughts, the fears, all of that of over half the people in this country, i.e., the American right. 

So, again, Weekly Standard story: "This isn't an example of journalists consciously skewing a story; rather, these two reporters at two of the most prestigious news organizations in the United States were simply unaware of the term, because they know nothing of Limbaugh, a massive success whose ratings are roughly on-par with Morning Edition. (Nor, apparently, do they know much about googling; had either reporter simply searched the term 'undocumented Democrat,' they would have seen that Cruz hardly invented it. Indeed, Iowa congressman Steve King, who has endorsed Cruz, used the term in an interview this spring.) And by the way, when Cruz perhaps takes it a step further and starts referring to 'Anchor Democrats,' know that he didn't invent that term either."

I mention this to you because I'm not aware of having been credited. You know, Gorbasm, invented that word, feminazi, invented that word, now part of the American lexicon. (interruption) Well, yes, yes, yes, in some corners and in some bedrooms I do get credit for the term "feminazi," you're right.  But I wouldn't say credit, Mr. Snerdley.  It's more like blame.  I mean, they don't say that happily.  They don't like the term.  But Gorbasm, that was one of the early inventions or creations here.  And of course it corrects the Drive-Bys before I even have the chance to or even the inclination to. 

But I'll tell you what it is.  It's a subtle move by Cruz because it's the only reason that the Democrats support this.  It's not compassion.  It's not humanitarianism.  It's none of that.  I'll say it again.  The Democrat Party requires a dependent and permanent underclass. Now, people in that underclass can improve and move out of it, but they need to be replaced.  The Democrat Party cannot survive if the population as a whole improves itself economically to the point of not being dependent on government.  If that were to ever happen, it'd be the end of the Democrat Party as we know it today.  So they need a permanent underclass.  They need permanent poor people, uneducated people.  And the greater challenge speaking English, the better.  The more dependent, the less educated, the less worldly, the better.  It doesn't matter what the impact on the country is.  All that matters is keeping Democrats in power.  'Cause the Democrats know they're never gonna live where these people live.  So they're never gonna be affected by this, in their own thinking, in their own minds. 

They're never gonna live in barrios. They're never gonna live in ghettos. They're never gonna live in inner cities. They're not gonna live where these people that they bring in the country are gonna end up being.  And they're not gonna hire them, not gonna be around 'em at all.  That's for the rest of us to deal with.  They're gonna be insulated, but they need that permanent underclass.  That's why I proposed, "Hey, look, I would support amnesty, I will join the Democrats, I will join, I will change. In fact I promised to do this, I promised to guarantee a shift in support among my listeners, sizable number, if amnesty had a lasting provision in it that no recipient of amnesty could vote for 25 years."  Call it a poison pill, I wasn't doing anything other than illustrating the truth. 

You put in a provision that the newly amnetized, for lack all of better term, can't vote for 25 years, and, bingo, Democrats stop caring about them.  There's no compassion.  There's no humanitarianism.  Not one person, Republican or Democrat, ever called me on that.  And let me tell you something.  If I were at any day in the future to announce that I've changed my mind and now support comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship with no provisos, they'll be all over me.  They'll call, they'll ask me to join them doing things here, they will celebrate, all of a sudden I become one of the greatest guys in the country.  But when I threw in the requirement they can't vote for 25 years, I was universally, totally ignored by everybody, Democrat, Republican, independent, communist, fascist, socialist, you name it, I didn't hear from one.


Related Links Dems Launch Campaign to Naturalize Immigrants, Register Them to Vote - EIB Used "Undocumented Democrats" Years Before Leno - Illegals: Undocumented Democrats - 07.01.10Weekly Standard‎: No, Ted Cruz Did Not Invent the Term 'Undocumented Democrat'