Showing posts with label  2016 presidential campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  2016 presidential campaign. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2016

Exclusive — Donald J. Trump to San Francisco: Sanctuary Cities ‘Unacceptable,’ A ‘Disaster’ Creating ‘Safe-Haven for Criminals’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

The Associated Press

by MATTHEW BOYLE16 May 2016NEW YORK CITY, New York1,643

NEW YORK CITY, New York — Donald J. Trump, the billionaire businessman and presumptive 2016 GOP presidential nominee, told Breitbart News that he is shocked that San Francisco’s local government would entertain the possibility of expanding its sanctuary status for illegal aliens after what happened to Kate Steinle last year.

“Sanctuary cities are a disaster,” Trump said when questioned. “They’re a safe-haven for criminals and people that should not have a safe-haven in many cases. It’s just unacceptable. We’ll be looking at sanctuary cities very hard.”


Trump’s comments came in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News in his office on the 26th floor of Trump Tower in Midtown, Manhattan last week. They come in response to efforts by far left progressive organizations in San Francisco to expand that city’s sanctuary city laws.

As Breitbart News’ Lee Stranahan reported from the scene last week at a city meeting, San Francisco city officials are aiming to expand their sanctuary city protections for illegal aliens there. As Stranahan was recording the event via video, several illegal alien sympathizers successfully sought to have him illegally removed by law enforcement from the public meeting.

When informed of what happened to Stranahan at the meeting during this interview, Trump said it was “unbelievable.”

In subsequent reporting, Stranahan has exposed the fact that the groups pushing this expansion of sanctuary city policies are actually radical progressives who want to hand several U.S. states in the American southwest back to Mexico. In other words, they want to—as some signs and hats have stated—literally “Make America Mexico Again.”

Trump has repeatedly honed in on sanctuary cities—and specifically the Steinle murder—throughout the course of his campaign.


The San Francisco Board of Supervisors expects to vote on expanding sanctuary cities next Tuesday.

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceBig Government,Immigration2016 presidential campaign,Donald Trumpkate steinlesan francisco,Sanctuary Cities

Friday, April 22, 2016

Exclusive — Ted Cruz: Donald Trump Joining the ‘PC Police’ by Allowing a ‘Grown Adult Man’ and ‘Stranger’ in Restroom ‘With Little Girls’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Jessica Kourkounis/Getty

by MATTHEW BOYLE22 Apr 2016Washington, DC3,140

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)


, a GOP presidential candidate, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, slammed his chief rival and the party’s frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump over Trump’s comments on the bathroom law in North Carolina.

Trump said he opposed the law that requires transgendered people to use the restrooms accorded to their biological sex, and he said that things should be just left the way they are. Cruz told Breitbart News on Friday afternoon:

Yesterday morning on the Today Show,Donald Trump agreed with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama that grown men should be allowed to use little girls’ restrooms. This is political correctness on steroids. It is basic common sense that a grown adult man, a stranger, should not be alone in a restroom with little girls. As a father of two young daughters, I can say unequivocally that’s a terrible idea. That is not a matter of right versus left or Democrat versus Republican. It’s a matter of common sense. The fact that Donald Trump is willing to join the PC police, the same zealots who just fired Curt Schilling from ESPN for making the obvious point that adult men should not be alone in a bathroom with little girls, illustrates that Donald meant it when he told us a couple of months he could be the most politically correct person on earth.

On the Today Show, Trump was asked aboutthe North Carolina law that would not allow transgender folks to use the bathroom of their choice but require them to use the bathroom that corresponds with their biological makeup.

“North Carolina did something — it was very strong — and they’re paying a big price,” Trump said on the Today Show. “And there’s a lot of problems. And I heard — one of the best answers I heard was from a commentator yesterday saying, leave it the way it is, right now.”

“There’s a big move to create new bathrooms” for such transgender people for themselves, Trump added. “First of all, I think that would be discriminatory in a certain way. It would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and for the country,” Trump said of that plan. “Leave it the way it is.”

Trump, though, thinks it’s better to not change anything—and to not strengthen the laws the way North Carolina did.

“You leave it the way it is,” he said. “There have been very few complaints the way it is.”

Cruz, though, disagrees. In his exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Friday, the Texas Senator and thus far second place candidate for the GOP nomination for president, said that Trump’s comments indicate he’s not the conservative outsider he presents himself to be on the campaign trail. Cruz said:

This episode has even more significance when you combine it with the other remarkable things Donald has said in the last 48 hours. In that same interview, Donald came out in support of raising taxes. So now Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both support raising taxes on the American people. Simultaneously, Donald’s campaign team was down in Florida with RNC party officials telling them that everything Donald has been saying on the campaign trail was simply a show. It’s all for appearances. He doesn’t mean any of it. He’s not going to build a wall. He’s not going to deport anyone. That’s just what he’s saying to try to fool the voters. Strikingly, what Donald’s campaign said is almost identical to what Donald himself told the New York Times editorial board in January—that he doesn’t believe what he says on immigration, that he’s not going to build a wall and he’s not going to deport anyone.

Meanwhile, Cruz hammered Trump for bringing on lobbyists like Paul Manafort, his new delegate and convention manager, and others. A story in Politico on Thursday detailed how Trump is bringing a variety of lobbyists aboard his campaign. Cruz said:

And, at the same time, we are discovering that Donald’s entire campaign has been taken over by career Washington lobbyists. The man running his campaign, Paul Manafort, has been a Washington lobbyist for 40 years representing dictators and torturers across the face of the globe. The man running Donald Trump’s campaign has been hundreds of thousands of dollars by Saudi Arabia to lobby against Israel and to lobby against moving the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and Donald’s lobbyist campaign manager has now brought in an army of Washington lobbyists to run every aspect of the campaign. As Carly Fiorina has powerfully pointed out, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are flip sides of the same coin. Hillary Clinton has made millions of dollars selling power and influence in Washington, and Donald Trump has made billions of dollars buying politicians like Hillary Clinton—trading power and influence. Donald Trump is the system, and his lobbyist campaign team is now saying very explicitly that Donald has been lying to us. I believe that Republicans want a candidate who actually knows what he believes, who’s not going to wake up tomorrow and embrace the liberal New York Democratic values that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have imposed on this country the last seven years.

The Politico report detailed how several lobbyists have joined the Trump campaign. Politico’s Ken Vogel and Isaac Arnsdorf wrote:

Among the influence industry veterans who have been helping the campaign in recent weeks, according to sources close to the Trump campaign, are Laurance Gay, who worked with Manafort on an effort to obtain a federal grant that one congressman called a ‘very smelly, sleazy business,’ and Doug Davenport, whose firm’s lobbying for an oppressive Southeast Asian regime became a liability for 

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)


’s 2008 presidential campaign. The pair join another former Manafort lobbying partner named Rick Gates, who was identified as an agent of a Ukrainian oligarch in a 2011 racketeering lawsuit that also named Manafort. And Manafort this week met with Marc Palazzo, a former lobbyist for a Koch Industries subsidiary who used to work as a communications staffer for GTECH Corp., the controversial lottery operator, to which Gay, Davenport, Gates and Manafort all have ties.

Cruz also said that Trump should answer a question that Breitbart News’s Dr. Susan Berry sent to the Trump campaign on Thursday and again on Friday.

“Would Mr. Trump be comfortable with a 4-year-old Ivanka going into a bathroom at Target in which there was a 35-year-old man wearing a dress. YES or NO?” Dr. Susan Berry asked the Trump campaign.

Trump’s team has yet to respond to the question. When read the question over the phone, and asked about it, Cruz said he thinks Trump is too scared to debate—but he should answer the question. Cruz specifically noted that there hasn’t been a GOP debate in 44 days—a full month and a half. Cruz said:

I think Donald is afraid of answering difficult questions. It is why he is scared to debate. It’s been 44 days since the last Republican debate. That is a great question to come up in a debate, and let Donald answer it. He doesn’t want to answer that question because there’s a tension between the campaign rhetoric he’s been using to fool the voters, and what Donald actually believes. What Donald believes are the liberal Manhattan Democratic values that he has embodied his entire life. It is why Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both support taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. It is why Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both support the individual mandate in Obamacare. And so Donald doesn’t want to answer that question or any difficult question. It is striking that both Hillary Clinton and

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)


have had one debate, and they’ve scheduled another debate. Both liberal Democrats are more willing to have their positions challenged, to be under the scrutiny of the voters, than Donald Trump. And part of the reason is he doesn’t have any meaningful solutions for the problems facing this country. If you ask Donald how we bring jobs back to this country, he has no idea. He has no economic policies that make any sense. He simply yells and screams and curses a lot. And one of the reasons why so many Republicans are uniting behind our campaign is that we want to be supporting a campaign with a positive optimistic forward-looking conservative vision with real solutions to bring jobs back to America, to reduce the burdens on small businesses, to bring manufacturing jobs back to America, to raise wages for working men and women—and Donald Trump has no answers to that, which is why he has refused to debate for 44 days straight now.

Earlier on Friday, Breitbart News reportedthat a Pennsylvania man was charged with photographing a 10-year-old girl in a public restroom at a store. When asked about that, Cruz noted that this issue affects people in Pennsylvania and everywhere in the country. He went on:

I spent five and a half years as the Solicitor General for Texas, the chief lawyer for the state in front of the U.S. Supreme Court—and having spent those years in law enforcement I dealt with case after case of child molesters and pedophiles, predators who had taken advantage of and abused small children. Under Donald Trump’s political correctness, if a pedophile enters the women’s restroom waiting for little girls, law enforcement is not allowed to remove him. That makes no sense and the PC police need to answer the question of what you would say to that little girl who is abused because of nonsensical policies that refuse to recognize that there is a difference between men and women and the modern Democratic Party wants to pretend there are no differences.

Cruz wouldn’t criticize Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender woman formerly known as Bruce Jenner, who is actually supporting his campaign despite thinking he is “misunderstood” on these issues. When asked about Jenner’s position on these issues regarding transgender people and public restrooms, and about how Trump said he would let Jenner use whatever bathroom—men’s or women’s—in Trump Tower than Jenner wanted to, Cruz didn’t even mention Jenner in his response. Cruz said:

Adult men who are strangers should not be alone in the bathroom with little girls. That is basic common sense. It is remarkable that Donald Trump cannot see that. But it’s not surprising because the politicians Donald Trump has supported for the last 40 years—Chuck Schumer, 

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
, Eliot Spitzer, Anthony Weiner, Hillary Clinton—every one of those liberal Democratic politicians likewise supports policies allowing grown men to go into the restroom with little girls. Enough is enough with this PC nonsense. The Obama administration right now is litigating against a junior high, trying to force the junior high to let a teenage boy shower with teenage girls. That’s not a reasonable public policy position. That is foolishness and it’s dangerous, and those are the policies that Donald Trump supports and those are the policies that the liberal Democrats that Donald Trump has funded support as well. They are not policies supported by the American people.

Cruz said that the instance of Boston Red Sox great Curt Schilling getting fired from ESPN over common sense criticisms of the transgender bathroom issue is a sign that “of course” political correctness has gone off the rails in American media and culture. Schilling appeared earlier in the day on Breitbart News Daily with Stephen K. Bannon on Sirius XM 125 The Patriot Channel to note that he isn’t apologizing because he did nothing wrong, and he won’t back down. Cruz continued:

There is a liberal intolerance that seeks to punish anyone who dares speak out against political correctness. It is an intolerance for free speech that Donald Trump has reflected as well when he has said he wants to punish newspaper reporters who dare criticize him. The left engages in bullying, they engage in using brute political force to punish those who disagree with them. Real conservatives actually believe in individual liberty, and believe in free speech. The same way Donald Trump says if any company actually dares leave America, he will punish them—that is almost to what Obama and Hillary say, that they’re going to impose fines and penalties on any company that leaves America. The companies leaving America are being driven out by misguided leftwing policies that are making it harder and harder for small businesses to survive. Rather than using force to punish those who disagree with you—which is the approach of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama—we should be working to create and environment that businesses want to come and expand jobs. As president, my priorities will be jobs, freedom and economic growth—and by reducing the taxes and regulations that are hammering small businesses. By ending amnesty, securing the borders, ending sanctuary cities, and stopping welfare benefits for illegal aliens, we will see millions of new high-paying jobs come back to America, manufacturing jobs coming back to America, wages rising. So, in three or four years, we’ll hear yet more talk about corporate inversions but this time it’s going to be other countries complaining that their businesses are leaving their countries to come to America because it’s such a good place to do business—creating jobs here, driving up wages. That’s the proper approach. That’s not Donald Trump’s approach. Donald Trump’s approach is the approach of big government power to punish you and indeed that’s the same approach Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have. It doesn’t work. I believe in the power of the American people, not the brute force of the government to punish anyone who dares to oppose Big Brother.

When asked, to conclude the interview, if he believes that Trump’s answer here is proof that Trump is not prepared on issues or has no ideological core, Cruz replied that he thinks it’s worse than that:

It’s worse than that. Trump is and always has been a New York liberal. That’s why he supported partial birth abortion for most of his life. That’s why today he supports taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood just like Hillary Clinton. It’s why in the last 48 hours he came out for abandoning the pro-life planks of the Republican Party. It is why he is advocating for allowing grown men into the bathroom with little girls just like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It is why he supports the individual mandate in Obamacare just like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It is why he is advocating raising taxes just like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It is why he supports allowing illegal immigrants to become citizens just like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton although Donald would have them fly back to their home countries first and then come back as U.S. citizens. Those are his values.

Cruz also, for the first time since Trump’s big win in New York, once again hammered Trump for “New York Values.” That criticism got him in trouble in the Empire State, where he won no delegates after hitting Trump with the phrase earlier in the cycle, but now that the map shifts back to America’s heartland with Nebraska and Indiana in the month of May, Cruz is turning back to the attack line. He said:

They are liberal New York values and you know one of the most insightful comments made recently was made by Jonah Goldberg of National Review—it was when Donald Trump went on television and called for punishing women who have abortions. Jonah pointed out how Donald was rightly criticized by both pro-life supporters and pro-choice supporters for his ridiculous position calling for punishment of women. This is an important insight, Jonah said that is something that is said by a liberal that is pretending to be a conservative. A New York liberal who’s trying to pretend to be pro-life thinks that pro-lifers want to punish women. No one who is actually pro-life, who’s actually thought through the issues and principles, would ever believe that because with every abortion there are two victims: The unborn child whose life is taken, and the mother. There are millions of women who grieve about the consequences of abortion, who grieve about being pressured into abortion, sometimes against their wishes by Planned Parenthood and those who profit from the business of abortion. And Jonah linked it to a similar incident when Donald was on CNN and Donald was asked about Donald being endorsed by David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Donald refused to denounce the Ku Klux Klan, and Jonah pointed out that a liberal thinks that conservatives wouldn’t want him to denounce the Ku Klux Klan because a New York liberal believes that’s who conservatives are. Anyone who is a principled conservative wouldn’t hesitate to say the Klan is evil and bigoted and racist and has no place in American society—and denounce the Klan in an instant. All of these comments that are playing out are Donald revealing who he really is: A New York liberal who put on a mask for a few months to pretend he was a conservative and as Donald observed just a few months ago he was the establishment. He is the establishment. He funded not only Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi when took over Congress and passed Obamacare, but he also funded the Republican establishment when they sought to crush the Tea Party and crush conservatives—and that’s why the Trump campaign is now run by Washington lobbyists who want to expand the cronyism, expand the power of Washington over our lives and we’re all seeing Donald’s true colors.

Monday, April 4, 2016

SHOCK Poll: Trump Takes 10 Point Lead Over Cruz in Wisconsin’s Home Stretch

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by MATTHEW BOYLE4 Apr 2016Washington, DC3,517

Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has taken a 10-point lead over 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)


 in Wisconsin in the final hours before the critical primary on Tuesday, a new poll released on Monday afternoon shows.

The bombshell new polling data, from American Research Group (ARG), show Trump’s 42 percent towering over Cruz’s 32 percent in the Badger State. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, for whom it is already mathematically impossible to win the nomination outright before the GOP convention in Cleveland in July, lurks back at 23 percent.

The poll surveyed 400 likely voters and has a five percent margin of error. It was conducted from April 1 to April 3. 54 percent of likely GOP primary voters polled in Wisconsin were men, 46 percent were women.

The Washington Post‘s Chris Cillizza signaled this poll is a “siren” worth looking at.

The results are certainly different than other recent polling that has shown Cruz with a similar lead over Trump. ARG has had mixed results throughout the campaign, finding Trump a point back behind Cruz in Texas. Cruz ended up winning Texas by big margins, well more than 10 points.  In Florida, ARG had Trump up 25 points over

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)


–seven points too many. But in New Hampshire, ARG had Trump up 16 points–which was about right. Trump won the Granite State by 20 points.

Marquette and Fox Business polls released last week showed Cruz with 10-point leads over Trump and a smattering of other polling over the last week showed Trump trailing Cruz by around five to seven percent.

It’s unclear if this new ARG poll has any truth to it, but Trump and Cruz have been dueling on the campaign trail over the past few days throughout the state. Both have been barnstorming the state, going all in for Wisconsin.

Earlier on Monday, Trump suggested he might even win Wisconsin—something that was unthinkable just a couple days ago, as everyone thought Cruz would take the Badger State thanks to the endorsement he got from Gov. Scott Walker.

Trump compared Wisconsin to South Carolina—where Gov. Nikki Haley backed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who has since dropped out of the race. Trump ended up winning decisively in South Carolina.

“It was over. I was going to get killed. The governor of the state, who is fairly popular” endorsed Rubio, Trump said. “The governor supported Marco and I said, ‘That’s bad.’”

“But guess what happened? I won in a landslide. Same thing is going to happen here,” Trump said. “I think the same thing.”

“I don’t know, maybe not,” Trump added.

If Trump does pull off a come-from-behind victory in Wisconsin, it could be devastating to his remaining rivals.

“If we do well here, folks, it’s over,” Trump also said on Monday.

But if Cruz wins, it could cause more damage to Trump—and spark renewed momentum, almost a campaign reset, for Cruz.

Cruz in a CNN interview pushed back on Trump’s prediction, saying that he thinks ultimately “The people of Wisconsin will decide” what happens.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpTed Cruz2016 presidential campaignJohn Kasichwisconsin

Thursday, February 11, 2016

It’s A Revolution: Donald Trump More Than Doubles the Competition in New Hampshire

AP Photo/David Goldman

by MATTHEW BOYLE10 Feb 2016MANCHESTER, New Hampshire4933

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Billionaire businessman Donald Trump, the runaway winner of the first in the nation GOP presidential primary, picked the right song to celebrate with.

When Trump, who was making his closing pitch to Granite State voters at the Verizon Wireless Arena, came on stage to a room with a crowd of more than 4,000 on Monday night—as concessions like pretzels, popcorn, and soda were sold to rally attendees as if it were a professional sports game—he took the stage while speakers blared “Revolution” from The Beatles.

When he left the stage, he played it again. And when Trump came on and left the stage while giving his victory speech on Tuesday evening after winning the primary election, the song was once again playing.

“You say you want a Revolution?” John Lennon, the iconic deceased Beatles frontman, sings at the opening the track. “Well, you know. We all want to change the world. You tell me that it’s Evolution. Well, you know We all want to change the world.”

That’s what Trump has promised throughout his campaign: a pledge to change the world and a political revolution in America. And on Tuesday in New Hampshire, voters rallied in astonishingly high numbers behind him. Not only did Trump exceed the number of voters even the most generous polls had projected he’d win by, he more than doubled his closest opponent.

According to Fox News totals, with 92 percent of New Hampshire precincts reporting around 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Trump has received 92,417 votes. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, his closest rival, pales in comparison with just 41,813 votes. Kasich’s total is less than half of Trump’s 35 percent of the electorate. All the networks projected Trump’s victory once the polls closed.

While it’s not final yet with regards to counts on either side, at this time Trump’s more than 50,000 vote margin of victory in a divided field over his next best competitor is even better than that of the blowout victory on the other side of the aisle, where Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) of Vermont beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by just under 50,000 votes. On the Democratic side, there weren’t multiple other candidates to compete against, which makes Trump winning by that amount over not just Kasich but everyone else all the more impressive.

What’s more, right behind Kasich in third place is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)—a firebrand conservative nobody ever thought could finish in New Hampshire ahead of not just former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush but also Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie—with 30,416 votes at 12 percent. Bush’s 11 percent and 29,186 votes has him in fourth, a little over a thousand votes ahead of Rubio—who also got 11 percent with 27,774 votes.

While the political establishment—and especially the Fox News commentariat—still are talking up the chances of Rubio emerging from this horde of divided establishment candidates, it’s Trump who really has shocked everyone: he cut deeply into establishment control over many voters. Exit polling shows he dominated party-wide, and GOP insiders told Breitbart News throughout the evening they are amazed at Trump’s ability to win in areas throughout New Hampshire where conservatives and anti-establishment candidates never before stood a chance.

If Trump repeats this success nationwide, he could become entirely unstoppable—if he isn’t already. What’s more, the insiders say, Trump did it all without a sophisticated ground game—at least not one as organized as ones from the many other candidates who spent far more money and time in New Hampshire.

Exit polling showed voters over and over again, on every single major issue ranging from radical Islam to immigration to the economy and more, trusted Trump more than anyone else to handle it. Half of GOP voters are furious with the failures not just of outgoing Democratic President Barack Obama but the Republicans who have enabled him for years.

Trump has been a master this election cycle of manipulating news cycles to his advantage. For instance, on Tuesday evening as Bush—who Trump still clearly views as more of a threat to his electoral chances than anyone else, including Rubio—came out to deliver his post-election speech here, Trump came out on stage seconds later. The move forced news networks to drop Bush’s speech and cut instead to Trump’s, squeezing Bush out of precious air time when voters in soon-to-vote states are watching most closely. The move was—as it’s hard to believe anything Trump does is an accident—brilliant.

But it’s not just the media manipulation that Trump has mastered. It’s second nature to Trump, who worked in reality television in addition to building his real estate empire and massive fortune, to capture the emotion and strike the right tone for his target audience. Trump’s deep understanding of media and show business allows him to convey an extraordinarily personal message to voters—something they’ve been dying to hear from somebody as they crave leadership from anybody—that matches the raw emotion of the electorate.

The best in television and radio, they say, have a personal relationship with their viewers and their listeners. They know them, what they like to talk about, and how they think. It’s as if the host is sitting there in the living room of the audience member during the show–and if that media personality is part of the family. Trump operates very much the same way, and people feel like they know him personally because of the way he communicates directly with them.

Trump’s policy positions are the core of his campaign. Most importantly, he’s promising to stop the madness when it comes to immigration. Voters also believe he will actually listen to them on trade, healthcare, and the economy. His core policy positions—nationalist populism, essentially—poll extraordinarily well across America.

But the other side of Trump, his celebrity, helps him permeate the American community through a media establishment determined to see him lose. His policy positions are popular not just among conservative Republicans, but also GOP-wide and even among many Democrats. All Trump has to do is make sure the voters understand where he stands on the issues. As such, Trump uses his celebrity—and his innate ability to draw attention to himself and away from others—as a tactic of sorts to emanate messages directly to Americans.

Those messages come in a variety of forms, ranging from tweets to speeches to carefully placed interviews to Instagram videos to rare advertisements to surrogate commentary. Trump’s top three surrogates are his children, Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Eric Trump, but others who communicate for him include campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, newly hired policy adviser Stephen Miller, national co-chairman Sam Clovis, national spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, and more. Each serves a particular purpose, as does every message Trump transmits through these various mechanisms to voters.

In other words: there’s a method to what the media portrays as madness, and Trump is really, really good at it. The first thing to keep in mind when trying to understand Trump is that everything Trump does or is involved in has a reason behind it. That means the setup of a stage has a reason. The ordering of a speech’s content has a reason. Where he does events has a reason. Who he does interviews with has a reason. Who he attacks has a reason. Who he praises has a reason. Trump is a stagecraft genius. He understands the importance of the presentation game—show business—better than anyone else in politics.

That includes the music that plays at his rallies. So, when Trump came on stage to “Revolution” from The Beatles—and left the stage to it—on Monday night, the night before the primary election here in New Hampshire as he was making his closing pitch, there’s a reason. When Trump took the stage and left the stage at his victory speech after his landslide win in New Hampshire’s primaries—and blared “Revolution” from the speakers again—there’s a reason. All night long, the ever-influential proprietor of the Drudge Report, Matt Drudge, ran a bright red headline above the election results under Trump’s photo on one side and Sanders’ on the other: “REVOLUTION!”

The Beatles’ song certainly took on a different political meaning—the context and times were different back in the late 1960s—when Lennon wrote it and the band came out with it, bit Trump has now purposefully incorporated an entirely new meaning of it into his 2016 narrative. That meaning, or the theme Trump is angling for, is that this election is a “REVOLUTION” by Americans against the elites. He constantly talks about “the silent majority” not being silent anymore, and how his supporters are a “movement.”

Trump barrels now into South Carolina with substantial momentum, so America will soon see if Trump’s revolution continues.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald Trump2016 presidential campaign,revolutionThe Beatles

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Donald Trump Returns to Core Populist Nationalism in Last Pitch to New Hampshire Before Primaries in Packed Stadium

Associated Press

by MATTHEW BOYLE8 Feb 2016MANCHESTER, New Hampshire1,734

MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Before a packed 4,000-strong crowd at Verizon Wireless Arena here Monday evening — hours before the polls open in the first-in-the-nation primary state — Donald J. Trump, billionaire and national GOP presidential frontrunner, made his final case to the set of voters who will decide his future.

“So we have something very, very special going on: We’re going to have a country that’s smart, we’re going to have a country that’s tough, that makes the proper decision, that makes the right deals,” Trump said after taking the stage to The Beatles hit “Revolution.” He continued:

Our trade deals are so bad. I have the greatest dealmakers in the world, the richest men, the richest women who are truly successful. The best people in the world, we have them in this country. We don’t use them. We use political hacks. These are political hacks, to negotiate with China, with Japan, with Russia, with Mexico—Mexico, Mexico is taking business away from us folks like you wouldn’t believe. What are we going to do with Mexico, folks? We’re going to build a wall. We’re going to build a wall. And this is going to be a real wall. This is going to be a wall that is going to stop the heroin and the drugs from coming to New Hampshire completely. This is going to stop.

Trump added that this is “sort of our final love fest” before the primaries tomorrow, and he implored everyone to vote. “You have to get out and you have to vote no matter what,” Trump said.

“I don’t care what happens, no matter what, this has been the most amazing experience — the most amazing experience of my life,” Trump added later. “And you people have made it that way. You people have made it that way.”

Trump, who came in second in last week’s Iowa GOP caucuses to the firebrand conservative Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), has upended the entire political process during his entirely unconventional run for the presidency. Most expect Trump to win here handily, while others like Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) compete for second place. The question that remains is what margin of victory Trump will face, assuming he wins.

Tomorrow’s vote will determine much of what happens next. A big win by Trump — double digits or more — would send him barreling into the first-in-the-South primary state of South Carolina with incredible momentum. A smaller margin of victory could stunt Trump’s efforts to create an appearance of inevitability heading forward, and a loss, meanwhile, could be difficult to recover from.

Moments later, Trump brought his wife Melania, and shortly thereafter his daughter Ivanka, up on stage.

“We love you, New Hampshire,” Melania Trump said. “Together, we will make America great again!”

When Ivanka — who is expecting a child soon — joined him on stage, Trump said, “If she has the baby tonight in New Hampshire, that guarantees victory tomorrow. Please Ivanka, have the baby tonight!”

“I should be so lucky,” Ivanka Trump said. “New Hampshire, thank you so much. It has been amazing spending the last couple of hours here and obviously over the previous weeks I’ve been here quite a bit. My father has called so many times and said just the energy, the enthusiasm, the spirit of the crowds here are amazing. It really encourages us and keeps the momentum going.”

After thanking the local chief of police, who was in attendance, Trump turned back to the core messages of his campaign.

“A couple weeks ago, a politician — Nikki Haley — said in a speech, a rebuttal speech, referring to me, although my name wasn’t mentioned, although it was ultimately confirmed, that I’m angry, that I’m very angry,” Trump said. “And that the people that are with me are very angry. The people that are with me are really with me.”

He referenced polling that shows how loyal Trump’s supporters are as compared to other candidates’ supporters, before walking through how “We’re not angry people.” Trump said:

We don’t want to be angry. But I said right now, I will agree, me personally and a lot of the people that are with me, we are angry. Because we’re angry at incompetence. We’re angry at the Iran deal, where we give away $150 billion and get nothing. We’re angry at our trade deals, where China is making so much money that we’ve rebuilt their country, and then in the meantime our country and infrastructure of our country is going to hell. We’re angry when we make a Sergeant [Bowe] Bergdahl deal, who’s a dirty rotten traitor, where six people were killed looking for him and trying to bring him back. Six young great people killed looking for Sergeant Bergdahl and we make a swap knowing that he was a traitor. They had a colonel and a general talking to these people, and talking to the people that worked with them. They knew he was a traitor. They knew it and we made a deal.

After attacking Obamacare and the ineffective budget deals that feckless House GOP leaders have negotiated, he turned his fire on Common Core and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

“Bush loves Common Core,” Trump said. “He’s the only one that I know that loves Common Core, but that’s okay. We’re going to be bring education back locally. No more Common Core.”

“He’s also weak on immigration—remember they come as an ‘Act of Love,’?” Trump said, ribbing Bush some more.

Trump then hit Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for his failure to be original, something New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie exposed as Rubio’s robotic nature. Trump said:

They’re politicians, all talk no action and getting re-elected. But you have some good politicians, but it’s mostly people who think about ‘How do I get re-elected?’ So I’m the only one. I’m self-funding. So when these guys see me — I know many of the guys — I’m looking at the room, I’m standing at the debate, I’m watching Marco sweating like a dog on my right. I’m watching Ted Cruz say, ‘No I would never say that about Donald,’ but he said something bad and they asked him ‘You said something bad, would say it again?’ and he said, ‘No,’ and I liked that he didn’t do that because we would have ended up in a big fight. It’s nice that he didn’t, honestly. Honestly, Marco was having a hard time — and I think he’s a nice guy. He’s a nice guy, but again and again and again after three times — I have a very good memory —so after three times, I said, ‘Wait he said that about three minutes ago.’ Then I said, ‘Wait, wait, wait, he said that two minutes ago.’ So after the fifth time I said, ‘What the hell’s going on?’

Trump hammered the permanent political class for looking out only for themselves and not for the American people. Trump walked through the way the crowd at the most recent debate was stacked with donor class figures, and not college kids, noting that “I know half the people out there” when he looked out upon the crowd.

“Sometimes you think the politicians are doing horrible, horrible deals — and they are horrible — but you think they’re really, really not smart people,” Trump said. “But they are actually smart people, but they’re working for themselves. They’re doing what their lobbyists who put up millions and millions and millions of dollars — I’m just talking about the honest stuff.”

Trump then shifted back to immigration, noting:

We’re accepting people and we’re accepting them in by the thousands, and you look at New Hampshire and the problems you have here with the drugs — people come into this country and you have absolutely no idea who they are, where they come from, are they ISIS? Maybe, maybe not. Somebody said, ‘Well ninety percent of them aren’t.’ Really? If we had 10 percent — look at what those two people did a couple months ago, radicalized people, they killed 14 people [in San Bernardino].

Trump walked through the Paris terrorist attacks and how he would defend the Second Amendment — arguing that an armed populous would have prevented the attacks from being as severe as they were, since gun control in France only allows the bad guys to have guns — then he shifted back to how there are criminal fugitive illegal aliens all throughout America right now.

“Right now, as we speak — it was released last week — we have 179,000 illegal criminal immigrants, illegal criminals, these are people who have been convicted of crimes, some very big crimes,” Trump said. “We have 179,000 people here that have committed crimes and shouldn’t be in the country. That’s bigger — 179,000 people is bigger, a lot bigger — than any city in New Hampshire. That’s a massive amount. So we’re going to do something about it.”

Trump harkened back to former President Dwight Eisenhower, who ran “Operation Wetback” and deported masses of illegal aliens back in the 1950s, saying, “I Like Ike.”

“I don’t want to put them in our jails,” Trump said. “Our jails are costing us a fortune. We’re bringing them back where they came from. And we’re going to be respected by those countries — we’re not respected at all by those countries — we’re bringing them back, and let that country put them in prison for the next 25 years, because we’re not going to do it. And they’re never, ever coming back to our country again. Never.”

The crowd roared.

Trump laid out how the rest of the GOP field has followed him on immigration and how other candidates are now talking about wanting to build a wall on the border. Without naming Cruz, Trump knocked him for copying him on the debate stage the other night, also saying there needs to be a wall on the border.

“My wife came up to me, Melania, and she said, ‘Darling did you hear that? That’s the first time I heard that from anybody else but you,’” Trump said. “We have to build a wall. Walls work. Just ask Israel. Walls work. They work. I don’t mean the little walls. I mean those walls. I mean serious walls. I mean Trump walls.”

He then laid out how the federal government, under President Barack Obama, has ordered Border Patrol not to enforce the law. Trump said:

I’ll tell you something, I met the Border Patrol people — they’re phenomenal — and the reason I met them is they called me. They said, ‘I want to meet you’ so I went to Laredo, Texas, and it was incredible. These people are incredible. They’re told to stand back. They’re told don’t touch anybody. They’re told to let people come in. They don’t want that. These are incredible men and women, there are people walking right in front of them and their incredible equipment, except for one thing: They’re told, ‘Don’t do anything.’ And when they do something, they say, ‘Give them a fine, let them go,’ and they go wherever they want, and that’s the end. You never see them again. We either have a country or we don’t. And just let me ask you one question about the wall: Who the hell is going to pay for the wall?”

“MEXICO!” the crowd shouted back at him.

“What?” Trump egged on the crowd.

“MEXICO!” the crowd yelled louder.

After mocking former Mexican president Felipe Calderon for saying Mexico won’t pay for the wall earlier on Monday, Trump said, “You know the wall’s just going to get bigger with that attitude.”

Trump wrapped his speech with a plea to New Hampshire to show up and vote for him because, “We don’t win anymore.”

“We don’t win on trade, we don’t win on anything,” Trump said. “We can’t beat ISIS with our military. Can you imagine Gen. George Patton, ‘We can’t beat ISIS?’ He would beat them by the time we walked out to the front row. We don’t beat ISIS. We’re going to start winning again. We’re going to win on every single level in our country. We’re going to win every single time we do something. We’re not going to make stupid deals anymore. We’re going to be led by smart people and have our smartest people representing us. Now I leave you with this. It’s so important. It’s so important. Tomorrow is going to be the beginning. I hear we have a lead, it doesn’t matter to me. Who the hell knows what the lead is? We have some snow, it looks like it’s going to stop. It’s so important; we have something so special going on. You have to go out, you have to vote, we have to celebrate tomorrow evening, we have to have a great victory. It’s so important, because we are going to make America great again.”

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Donald Trump to Hold Veterans Event During GOP Thursday Debate

Kevork Djansezian/AP

by MICHELLE FIELDS27 Jan 20163370

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has released the first details about the veterans-benefit event he’s producing instead of attending the presidential debate arranged by Fox News and Google.

The 8.00 p.m. Thursday event will take place at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. The event will raise funds for veterans’ organizations.

Trump announced Tuesday evening that he would not participate in Thursday’s Fox News debate.

According to Washington Post reporter Robert Costa, Trump’s campaign says they have reached out to “all major networks” to carry the event live.

UPDATE: In a CNN interview with Erin Burnett, Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski gave out more details on the forthcoming event at Drake University.

“As you know we just put out a statement that says Mr. Trump is going to be at Drake University tomorrow night at 9 p.m. eastern and we’re going to raise money for the veterans of our great country who are treated like third-rate citizens,” Lewandowski told Burnett. “We’ve got a full program. We’ve got hundreds of media credentialed people who are going to be there to hopefully cover Mr. Trump’s event. We’ll take care of our veterans because our country isn’t doing that. The VA is a disaster and it’s time to put those people first so that is what we’ll be doing tomorrow night at 9 p.m. eastern as opposed to participating in the Fox News debate.”

Lewandowski added that he hopes most media outlets carry Trump’s veterans event live.

“It’s open the media and obviously as all of Mr. Trump’s speeches are if the networks choose to come and cover that we obviously would welcome that opportunity,” Lewandowski said. “It’s open. If they want to live feed or live stream that, they’re welcome to do that as they do many of his speeches. And I hope they will do that because I think the American people are going to look at that Fox News debate with that series of career politicians on that stage and say ‘you know what? This is not what we want. We want a leader. We want someone who is going to fix this.’ So why bother watching a debate which is all politicians who are all talk no action. ‘We’d rather watch a real leader in Donald Trump and what he’s going to talk about.”

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald Trump

Ted Cruz Super PACs Offer $1.5 Million for Veterans if Donald Trump Will Debate Him One-on-One In Iowa

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

by MATTHEW BOYLE27 Jan 2016DES MOINES, Iowa11,444

DES MOINES, Iowa — A pair of pro-Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Super PACs just offered $1.5 million for veterans if Donald Trump will debate Cruz one-on-one in Iowa before Sunday evening.

Keep The Promise I and Keep The Promise II offered up the sizable donation for America’s veterans on Wednesday evening.

The principal donors of Keep the Promise I, the Mercer family, and Keep the Promise II, the Neugebauer family, in a joint statement released Wednesday evening said:

Senator Cruz and Mr. Trump both respect the veterans and hold them in the highest regard but Senator Cruz respects the process and we are calling on Mr. Trump to do the same and debates are the purest form of democracy. Iowans – and Americans – deserve to hear from the frontrunners in this ‘two-man race’ one last time.  Not only would this be a heck of a debate, but it would also be a terrific opportunity to generate millions of dollars for the veterans.

The press release made clear the parameters of the pro-Cruz Super PACs’ offer: The debate must be between just Trump and Cruz, must take place on or before Sunday Jan. 31 in Iowa, must be one-hour long, and the candidates can pick a jointly-agreed-to moderator themselves.

The two organizations said in a press release:

In response to Senator Ted Cruz’s challenge of a one-on-one debate, the principal donors of the Keep the Promise I and II super PACs are offering presidential candidate Donald Trump a truly fantastic deal, pledging to donate $1.5 million to charities committed to helping veterans if Mr. Trump agrees to debate Senator Cruz in Iowa. This money is in addition to the millions of proceeds available to the veterans as a share of the revenues that this debate could secure from a host network.

It’s unclear at this time whether Trump would move forward with this offer. But at a rally in Des Moines here on Wednesday evening, Cruz announced he has a venue and time and place already set for it.

“We have a venue, we have a time — all we’re missing is a candidate,” Cruz said.

According to the Texas Tribune, the date and time Cruz has reserved is 8 p.m. on Saturday at Western Iowa Tech Community College in Sioux City, Iowa.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpTed Cruz2016 presidential campaignFox News Channel