Wednesday, March 30, 2016


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Cruz camp insider washes his hands from the dirtiest campaign in his entire political career.  The underhanded tactics are out of control.  Listen to Bill Still’s report on the Cruz ‘cult like’ campaign and those who are involved from an insider who is now coming clean.
Published on Mar 30, 2016
By Bill Still

With Heidi Cruz missing in action, a significant Cruz insider – let’s call him John Doe – started cleansing his spirit of what apparently is a more evil Cruz campaign than most of us imagined.
At the outset, we are convinced that John Doe is legit. We have seen his employment letter on Cruz campaign stationary. He makes north of $3500 per week.
When this is all over, it is John Doe the nation has to thank for being brave enough to come forward. Right now, the only thing that concerns him is that he doesn’t want to get a reputation for being a whistleblower.
He stresses that he has been in this business for over 20 years and this is the first campaign that was so dirty that he just has to spill the beans on them.
John has been tweeting under the handle Stop Ted Cruz for several weeks now. He tweeted to Ann Coulter on Feb. 11:
[Tweet Feb 11] “I used to work for Ted Cruz and now look at my Twitter handle the guy is a huge liar.”
Then John Doe offers proof of his employment as communications director:
[Tweet, Feb. 12]

“…follow for DM of proof that I worked on campaign as comm director.
But let’s now jump up to March 10. John claims that the night of the Iowa caucus, the operation against Ben Carson was not accidental and not put together on the fly. It had been thoroughly planned out starting two weeks before. It was:
[Tweet, March 10 ]
“…a plan that was hatched on January 15th for the record.”
Trump supporter Melanie Lauren tweeted back:
[ March 10]
“What, the robo calls were planned on Jan. 15th?”
John Doe responded:
[Tweet, March 10]
“…the plan for caucus night was made 2 weeks prior.”
Then my wife tweeted out:
“…I believe it is was too well coordinated to have been on the spot”
Next Melanie Lauren asked:
“What was he like in person, day to day?”
John Doe responded:
“…he just panders to whoever he is talking to after a while it wears thin and many staffers quit. Lookup Don Fairly (my friend)”
That was the last we heard from John Doe. No one knew if he was for real, or just some internet troll trying to plant confusion. Then suddenly, after nearly a 6 week absence, on March 26, John Doe reappeared.
“Since a few people have asked the other campaigns I’ve worked on: GW Bush, Rick Scott, Rubio (senate), Nikki Haley, Santorum ’12, Tom Cotton”
[Tweet, Mar. 28]
“The strategy by the Cruz Campaign is pretty obvious: trying to bring Trump down has failed so now let’s bring down his staff and family.”
Then, this disturbing tweet on March 28:
“They are setting Trump up for a red wedding style betrayal we need to be in Cleveland ready.”
The Red Wedding is apparently a reference to an episode in “Game of Thrones”.
The meaning is that they intend to take Trump down in some nefarious way at the convention in Cleveland.
John Doe then tweeted:
[March 29]
“The cruz camp wouldn’t expect defectors like me because the campaign is run similarly to Jones Town”.
As he explained to us personally, even though Cruz is lying constantly and doing all sorts of dirty deeds, the staff is told that only he – Cruz – is a true conservative and since the ends are noble – namely Cruz becoming the President – then any means can be excused. The staff knows this is wrong, but they are afraid to question it.
We also talked to John Doe over a private connection. He talked about what led him to quit the Cruz campaign. He explained that it was over this very complex plan hatched by none other than Amanda Carpenter – a former Cruzer, who had been hired by CNN.
Carpenter rolled out the idea on or about Jan. 15, 2016 – 17 days before the Caucus. The plan was able to manipulate Carson out of delegates that should have voted for him and sent them mostly to Cruz.
“The basic story is I have worked on republican campaigns since I graduated from ….. 24 years ago. Not once have I quit a campaign even when I had disagreements with strategy, language, anything really.”
“I had to quit the Cruz campaign after in Mid January I was flown from South Carolina to Iowa for the home stretch before the Iowa Caucus.”
“Once in Iowa I was instructed to make calls and monitor other volunteers making calls – hundreds of calls a day. Lying about Trump as well as Senator Rubio.”
“I bit my tongue at first knowing it was wrong. Then 2 weeks prior to the Iowa Caucus myself and a few other Cruz top campaign aids were in a room and we received the results of our internal poll.”
“Trump was leading Cruz second and Ben Carson 3rd with a shockingly high amount of support – meaning much more support than what CNN/Fox had him at.”
“The kicker was that a majority of Carson supporters had Cruz as their second choice.”
“At that time the plan to tell people Ben Carson was dropping out of the race on caucus day was hatched. Coordinated with former Cruz Op Amanda Carpenter at CNN. Actually, this operation was her idea initially.  I strongly opposed this, but they decided they were going to do it anyways so I quit January 18th.”
My wife, Beth responded:
“Wow, not surprised at all – he always did seem slimy to us and I have always said it was more like a cult.”
“You mentioned that it seemed like Jonestown. In what way?“
John Doe: “Just in the way that almost everyone knew the Ben Carson thing was coming. Everyone knew it was wrong but no one said anything because Cruz has them all convinced he is some conservative God and anything he suggests is for the betterment of society.”
Beth Still:
“My husband wants to know if he can use this information and should he say from a reliable source, or characterize it in another way, or if not we certainly understand.”
“Yes you can use the info just don’t want it getting back to me. I’m actually off to …. next week to start working as …. for [another campaign].”
“Call me a Cruz operative with 24 years of political experience. You can use the picture of my offer letter from the campaign just blur out the name ….”
And finally, we asked John Doe if there was anything to the allegations in the National Enquirer about Cruz having mistresses.
“It’s 100% true that he has affairs. All top-level staffers got an email directly from Heidi Cruz saying that she knew about it and it was ok, and for us to not concern ourselves with it.”
I’m still reporting from Washington.
Good day.- Bill Still

Dear , this is UNREAL. I don't have anywhere else to turn -- so I'm turning to you.

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Ted Cruz Personal Email -- May Include Privileged Communication

Dear , this is UNREAL. I don't have anywhere else to turn -- so I'm turning to you.
"Once in a lifetime," is not a strong enough phrase to describe the importance of this moment and amount of pressure our campaign is under right now.
AND I don't have anywhere else to turn -- so I'm turning to you.
I need to ask you for a personal favor -- even though it may come at great personal expense.
With only hours before tomorrow's MIDNIGHT FEC deadline -- and just a few days before the Wisconsin primary (perhaps the most important primary before the RNC nominating convention) -- I need your help now more than ever.
I'm going to do my part -- to take on Donald Trump -- and show all of America that I'm the one candidate who will defeat Donald Trump, who will defeat Hillary Clinton in November, and who will reverse the years of destruction from Obama -- restoring our country to its founding, conservative principles.
But I really need you to do your part too...
You see: my campaign faces its biggest challenge in only a few hours, and I know we can win if I have the resources.
But as of this morning, I am $219,326 short of what I need for my FEC deadline.
Will you do your part right now -- before tomorrow night's deadline -- by making a $35, $50, or $100 special gift?
I hope you know me well enough by now to know that I wouldn't ask if it weren't vitally important and that I wouldn't ask you this favor if I wasn't willing to make the same deep sacrifices myself.
Please let me briefly explain because I'm running out of time.
Running for President of the United States has come at a steep price with relentless attacks coming from all sides on my family, my marriage, and worst of all, attacks against my young children.
It is only by the grace of God, the prayers of my friends and family -- my dad is a prayer warrior -- and the continued support of people just like you have I been able to endure such deep personal sacrifices.
, this battle I fight daily is a responsibility not to be taken lightly.
But, if I'm being honest, I must share something with you...
Every single time we have a victory for the campaign or that we see a bump in the polls -- the negative attacks double and triple against us.
Between Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, the liberal media, and the Washington Cartel, there is not one moment where they are not savagely attacking me. And , by extension of our shared conservative values, they're attacking YOU too.
Rest assured -- no matter how hard they try to drag my name through the mud, I will not give in to them.
But now, I really need you to make your own personal sacrifice for this campaign -- click here to make a special sacrificial donation of $35, $50, or even $10 if you can afford it.
You see: the sacrifices I'm making for our campaign are deep and personal. I'm proud and even honored to be making them on your behalf, but today, before the most important deadline that we face at MIDNIGHT tomorrow, I need to hear back from you personally.
To make it as quick and easy as possible for you to respond, I've asked my team to put together the secure links below.
You can use them to make an instant, secure gift to support me when I need it most:
Please, time is critical.
, I hope to hear back from you before tomorrow's deadline passes.
For liberty,

Ted Cruz 
PAID FOR BY CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy

149 S. Barrington Ave. #401
Los Angeles CA 90049

FDA authorizes expanded use of medical abortion pill

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Published March 30, 2016

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has kicked up a potential abortion hornet’s nest with states that impose restrictions on a common abortion-inducing drug, approving a new label for the medication that relaxes guidelines for using it.


The FDA notified the manufacturer of Mifeprex, a drug previously known as RU-486, in a letter on Tuesday that the drug is safe and effective for terminating a pregnancy in accordance with the new label. Also known as mifepristone, the synthetic steroid drug is used in combination with another drug, misoprostol, to end a pregnancy.

Under the new label, a smaller dose of Mifeprex can be used significantly later in the pregnancy — up to 70 days of gestation, from 49 days.

The decision could rankle lawmakers in states that required the drugs to be used in accordance with the original labels. Critics complained those labels were outdated and restrictive. 

More on this...

Abortion Pill Via Telemedicine Seen Safe, Effective

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Dr. Manny: Video of woman filming her own abortion fails to tell the whole story

Abortion rights groups say the FDA change will now affect laws in Ohio, North Dakota and Texas that prohibited "off-label" uses of the drug. Similar laws are on hold in Arizona, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

The National Right to Life Committee argued that the FDA changes would not increase safety for women.

“In the end, it is obvious that the FDA's new protocol serves only the interests of the abortion industry by expanding their base of potential customers, increasing their profit margin, and reducing the level of staff and amount of resources they have to devote to the patient,” Randall K. O'Bannon, National Right to Life director of education and research, said in a statement. “It is clear whose interests it is the FDA is serving. It isn't the women, and it isn't the babies.”

The new label rules will make it easier to use the drug. Not only do they widen the window for using it, but according to the New York Times, they reduce the number of trips women have to make to a doctor from three to two in most states.

Under the new label, the drug dosage has been reduced from 600 milligrams to 200 as well. According to The New York Times, the previous dosage had been deemed too high by most medical societies and abortion rights advocates said it increased the cost and side effects of the procedure.

The drug, formerly known as RU-486, induces miscarriage when used with misoprostol.

“This is a huge step in increasing access to medication abortion and it comports with the scientific evidence,” Elizabeth Nash, a senior state issues associate at the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks women’s reproductive health issues, told The New York Times. She said that medication abortions accounted for about a quarter of all abortions in 2011, the last year measured by the institute.

According to a statement by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the organization was “pleased that the updated FDA-approved regimen for mifepristone reflects the current available scientific evidence and best practices.”

Additionally, The New York Times reported the group saying, “medication abortion has been subject to legislative attacks in various states across the country, including mandated regimens that do not reflect the current scientific evidence. We hope that these states take the FDA label into account.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report

Donald Trump proposes abortion ban, punishment for women who undergo procedure

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Donald Trump said Wednesday that abortions should be banned and that there "has to be some form of punishment" for women who undergo the procedure.

In a pre-taped segment for an MSNBC town hall that will air Wednesday night, host Chris Matthews asked the GOP frontrunner if women should be punished for having abortions.

"I would say it's a very serious problem and it's a problem that we have to decide on," Trump initially said.

Asked what his proposal to ban abortion means, Trump said "I am against. I am pro-life. Yes. I am pro-life." But Trump failed to explain how he would actually ban the procedure.

"You know, you'll go back to a position like they had where people perhaps will go to illegal places," he said when asked how he would outlaw it. "But you have to ban it."


Trump defends aide charged with battery

Matthews eventually asked Trump if he believes in punishment for abortion as a principle "The answer is there has to be some form of punishment," Trump said. "For the women [who have abortions]?" Matthews followed up. "Yes," Trump responded.

Matthews then asked Trump, "10 days or 10 years" and Trump said, "I don't know. That, I don't know," adding that this is a "very complicated position."

After the clip of that segment aired, Trump issued a statement of clarification.

"This issue is unclear and should be put back into the states for determination. Like Ronald Reagan, I am pro- life with exceptions, which I have outlined numerous times," Trump said.

Hillary Clinton immediately weighed in on Trump's remarks on Twitter.

During a pre-taped interview that will also air during MSNBC's town hall, host Chuck Todd asked anti-abortion Ohio governor John Kasich if he would punish women who get abortions.

"Absolutely not," Kasich said. "I do have exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother but of course women shouldn't be punished. Look, you know -- I think probably Donald Trump will figure out a way to say that he didn't say it or he was misquoted or whatever but I don't think so. I don't think that's an appropriate response and it's a difficult enough situation then to try to punish somebody."

Asked how abortion could ever be banned, Kasich said, "I think it's rape, incest, life of the mother, and you build some restrictions around it, but I think you have to be very careful in the way you do it. We're a long way from there."

Trump has admitted during this presidential election that he had once been pro-abortion, but is now strongly anti-abortion. While his opponents, however, have blasted Planned Parenthood, Trump has actually defended the organization for some of the other health services it provides to women.

Just last month, Ted Cruz released a campaign ad that targeted Trump's previous position on abortion. It used footage from an interview Trump did on "Meet the Press" in 1999 where he says, ""I'm very pro-choice" and says he would not ban partial-birth abortions.

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Lewandowski prosecutor outed as Hillary supporter

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NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.
An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”
Mike Cernovich, writing Tuesday in the blog, cited the Palm Beach Post article in arguing the charges against Lewandowski were politically motivated. He contended “there was no assault,” because reporter Michelle Fields “was heading towards Trump and was brushed away due to security concerns.”
Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg’s office hasn’t yet weighed in on what it will do, Bob McGovern reported in the Boston Herald on Wednesday.
“That’s probably because this high-profile case will be tough to prove in court. In Florida, you have to show that Lewandowski ‘actually and intentionally’ touched Fields against her will.”
McGovern wrote that the “ball is in Aronberg’s court now.”
“And even though he’s a well-known Hillary Clinton supporter, those who know Aronberg’s office say there is little reason to believe he’ll try to score political points by throwing the book at Lewandowski.”
The official website for the Office of State Attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach County, Floridanotes Aronberg, elected state attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit in November 2012, is a former assistant attorney general, a White House fellow in 2000 and a Florida state senator.
“Dave Aronberg was born in Miami,” the Palm Beach County website continues. “He attended public schools before going on to graduate with honors from Harvard College and Harvard Law School. After graduation, he worked in the litigation department of a large South Florida law firm while also working closely with then-Insurance Commissioner Bill Nelson to investigate European insurance companies that refused to honor World War II-era policies sold to victims of the Holocaust.
“In 2010, Aronberg returned to the Florida Attorney General’s Office as a special prosecutor for prescription drug trafficking,” the website continues. “In his role as the Attorney General’s ‘Drug Czar,’ Aronberg led an anti-pill mill initiative that helped clean up the pain clinic industry and reduced the record number of people dying each day from oxycodone abuse.”
A Newsmax TV interview April 7, 2015, pitted Aronberg against Sid Dinerstein, chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, regarding how the antagonism between President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would impact Florida voters.
See the report:
Former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields filed assault charges against Lewandowski this week, alleging the campaign manager roughed her to the point of bruising her arm. She claims video of the incident proves she was wrongfully handled.
Trump, meanwhile, has defended Lewandowski, saying the video actually clears his campaign manager of wrongdoing. The candidate suggests Fields is using Florida law – which defines assault as just about any type of unwanted physical contact – for a political or personal agenda.
In a tweet, Trump wrote, as WND previously reported: “Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my campaign manager and a very decent man, was just charged with assaulting a reporter. Look at tapes – nothing there!”
One unnamed Secret Service agent, meanwhile, has given a different version of events, saying in a statement to the London Daily Mail that Fields “crossed in between agents and our protectee after being told not to,” and touched Trump first, WND reported.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

After Taxpayer Bailout, General Motors Plans Rollout Of Chinese-Built Buicks In America

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by DUSTIN STOCKTON29 Mar 2016127
In 2016, General Motors will roll out for the first time in the United States a new model of Buick built exclusively in China: the Buick Envision.
It’s the first time the iconic American auto manufacturer will sell cars built in China in the United States since receiving a sizable taxpayer-funded bailout at the end of the George W. Bush administration and beginning of the Barack Obama administration.
The Buick Envision–which was available in China for purchase as far back as 2014–will make its official debut in the United States in the summer of 2016.
The Buick Envision bills itself “a luxury crossover designed to turn heads and welcome you in.”
A quick search of “Buick Envision” leads to the Buick Envision’s website where one can explore all the features and design of the vehicle. The website doesn’t appear to make any reference to the fact that the Envision is manufactured in China.
The issue of U.S. auto manufacturers moving production facilities overseas has taken a center stage this presidential election, with the rise of both billionaire Donald Trump in the Republican Party and of 
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
 of Vermont in the Democratic Party.
Trump has drawn attention to GM competitor Ford for the company’s decision to move manufacturing to Mexico, but Ford wasn’t the recipient of a taxpayer-funded bailout. Sanders, meanwhile, has used his opposition to the bailouts to show that he isn’t influenced by crony capitalism–all while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has tried to take credit for saving the auto industry with her support of the bailout.
Breitbart News reached out to American Jobs Alliance to get its reaction to GM’s decision to import Chinese-produced cars. “When the taxpayers bailed out General Motors, we were told it was all about saving jobs in America. Now GM turns around and throws Americans under the wheels of Buicks made in China. Where does it stop? Will General Motors build Cadillacs, Chevys and GMC trucks in China next?” Curtis Ellis executive director American Jobs Alliance told Breitbart News.
General Motors has also announced plans to sell a Chinese manufactured hybrid Cadillac, the CT6 in American markets.
“Flint was known for decades as Buick City. It’s now jobless, bankrupt and destitute,” Ellis continued.
That’s inevitable if America is stripped of jobs and industry. 
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
 and Barack Obama promise more of the same with the TransPacific Partnership, another globalist trade deal like the ones that destroyed Flint and thousands of communities across America. This must stop. We must put America and Americans first again. What’s good for GM should be good for America, not China.

Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, blasted GM’s decision in a statement to Breitbart News.
When the Bush Administration bailed out GM there was an implicit agreement that they would build cars here.  GM’s decision to manufacture vehicles in China was an insult, but it takes real chutzpah to import those very cars to compete against American made autos that don’t necessarily have a US companies nameplate. This is an inexcusable slap in the face of American workers and taxpayers. And people wonder why blue-collar workers support Trump?

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Breaking: Secret Service attempted to stop Michelle Fields from touching Donald Trump

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US Political Editor for Daily Mail reported the following update via Twitter: "UPDATE: Member of Trump's Secret Service detail confirms Fields touched Trump twice and was warned to stop, before Lewandowski intervened"

Surveillance video released by law enforcement