Showing posts with label poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poll. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

Marcomentum Downwards: Polls Indicate Marco Rubio Home State Collapse in Florida

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by MICHELLE MOONS13 Mar 2016908
New poll results released on Sunday for the big March 15 primary elections show Donald Trump on top in Florida and home-state Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) struggling for second place.
Ohio’s Gov. John Kasich is just ahead of Trump in his midwestern home state.
In Florida, Rubio sits almost tied with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for second place in the new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll. The establishment pick trails GOP frontrunner Trump by more than 20 per cent in Florida.
Rubio sits in last place in Illinois and Ohio, according to the survey conducted March 4-10.
Kasich is winning his home state of Ohio with 39 per cent support to Trump’s 33 percent. Cruz comes in with 19 per cent there and Rubio with a mere 6.
Rubio indicated on Friday that his Ohio supporters could vote for Kasich in an attempt to block Trump’s bid for the Republican nomination. The effectiveness of that play has yet to be seen, but it came at such a late hour it may have little to no effect. UPI reported that some 84,000 Ohioans have already marked their choice in early voting.
In Florida, Trump polls at 43 percent, while Rubio at 22 percent is only 1 point ahead of  Cruz at 21 percent. Kasich is last with just 9 per cent.
In Illinois, Trump leads at 34 percent of likely Republican primary voters while Cruz is favored by 25 percent.
Cruz will campaign aggressively in Illinois on Monday holding five campaign events in the course of the day. Kasich trails Cruz in the state at 21 percent and Rubio sits in last at 16 percent.
On Sunday Rubio promoter Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) took to Fox News on Saturday tolobby for Rubio to remain in the race even if he doesn’t win Florida. Issa and his allies hope Rubio can enough delegates to deny Trump the nomination.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton leads Sanders in the three states polled, but in Illinois that margin is slim at 51 percent to Sanders’ 45 percent.
Clinton’s margin is the greatest in Florida, where she is shown beating Sanders 61 percent to 34 percent. In Ohio, she leads 58 percent to 38 percent over Sanders.
While Kasich and Rubio are battling in their respective home states Cruz won his home state of Texas in a definitive Super Tuesday victory. That contest delivered Cruz a significant chunk of his delegate count.
Missouri and North Carolina will also hold primary contests on Tuesday in the second largest one-day delegate haul of the primary election cycle. In the Republcan vote, Florida will award 99 delegates, Illinois will give up 69, Missouri will give 52, North Carolina has 72 and Ohio will award 66 delegates. o
After Saturday’s primary contests in Washington, D.C. and Wyoming, Trump has won 460 delegates, Cruz has 370, Rubio trails at 163 and Kasich sits in last with 63.
Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter@MichelleDiana.
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Monday, March 7, 2016

Michigan Polls Put Donald Trump Far Ahead Of Ted Cruz, and John Kasich in Fourth Place

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by MICHELLE MOONS6 Mar 20162966
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton lead with likely Michigan primary election voters, according to two polls released Sunday.
In the GOP primary race, Trump received 41 per cent of support from respondents, according to a NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)had 22 percent support, while Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) received just 17 per cent and Ohio Gov. John Kasich came in at 13 per cent. Only 5 per cent were undecided in the poll. Marist surveyed 482 Republican likely primary voters from March 1 to March 3.
YouGov/CBS poll released Sunday also showed Trump at 39 percent in Michigan, far ahead of Cruz at 24 percent. Rubio scored 16 percent and Kasich was in fourth place, with 15 percent. The March 2 to March 4 poll included 638 likely GOP primary voters.
The two polls are every different from a poll by American Research Group, released late Saturday, which showed Kasich beating Trump, 33 percent to 31 percent.
That ARG poll was conducted March 4 and March 5, and it shows Kasich doubling his mid-February rating of 17 percent. But the poll was based on a small sample of 284 self-identified Republicans, plus responses from 116 independents and Democrats.
When matched up head-to-head, Cruz does better against Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), according to the Marist survey. Clinton beat Trump 53 per cent to 36 per cent in a hypothetical head-to-head race. Cruz polled better than Trump in these match-ups, losing to Clinton by only 7 per cent, said the Marist poll.
The YouGov/CBS poll showed Clinton beating Sanders, 55 percent to 44 percent, in Michigan. That Democratic poll questioned 597 likely Democratic primary voters, and was conducted March 2 to March 4.
Clinton received 72 per cent of support, far outpacing Sanders’ 22 percent support. Democratic voters were more resolute in their decisions with 72 per cent strongly committed to their chosen candidate, 22 percent somewhat committed and a mere 5 per cent that expressed a willingness to vote differently.
Clinton edges up among African American voters with 76 per cent to Sanders’ 21 per cent. However self-identified independent voters strongly favor Sanders over Clinton by a margin of 27 points. The survey also showed that voters under age 45 backed Sanders, while voters above age 45 favored Clinton.
Sunday night brings a Democratic party debate between Clinton and Sanders in Flint, Michigan.
Voters in Michigan and Mississippi will vote on both Republican and Democratic candidates on Tuesday. Republican candidates also will be up for election in Hawaii and Idaho on that day.
Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter@MichelleDiana
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Monday, February 8, 2016

TRUMP +21 7NEWS/UMass Lowell Poll NH Tracking Poll day 8


This time tomorrow, some of the voting places in New Hampshire will already be open.And our final tracking poll gives us a last look at where the candidates stand right now.

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The Republicans are the big story...Because we know who's on top, but that's about all we know. The Democratic race is much easier to predict:

Bernie Sanders is now beating Hillary Clinton by 16 points- 56% to 40%, after he lost a point overnight, and she kept what she had.

Undecided is up to 4%, an increase of two points since yesterday.

Related: Sanders returns to N.H., Clinton heads to Michigan in final days of campaigning

The tracking poll shows Sanders is too far ahead of Clinton for her to catch him by Tuesday.

All she can do now is try to cut the margin her loss..

But the Republican race is more complicated, and the outcome is a mystery.

Donald Trump stays in the top spot, with 34%, after dropping two points overnight..

Related: Trump seeks to reverse fortunes in New Hampshire

Then, a tie for second--at 13%--after Marco Rubio lost a point, and there was no change in Ted Cruz's support. 

John Kasich and Jeb Bush also are now tied, at 10%. Kasich gained one point...While Bush held steady.

In the back of the GOP pack:

Chris Christie gained a point, and is now at 5%; Carly Fiorina stays at four, and Ben Carson is stuck on three.

And look at this number:  Nine percent of Republican primary voters are undecided the day before polls open.

The tracking poll gives you the picture: Donald Trump, alone on top.   Then the cluster of Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, and Bush.

All four of them are in the hunt for second and third place.

Who'll decide the Republican race?

The voters who are still undecided..

There are enough of them to make one candidate Tuesday night say "I love New Hampshire," while others will say something I can't repeat onT.V. 

(Copyright (c) 2016 Sunbeam Television. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hiller Instinct: 7News/UMass Lowell New Hampshire tracking poll day 4


It's not an earthquake, yet...But the political ground in New Hampshire is moving.

We're seeing more of Iowa's impact, and the war of words underway here.

Hillary Clinton is coming back; and Marco Rubio is coming up.

Watch 7News streaming live onmobile / desktop.

Donald Trump stays in first, with 36%; Rubio takes over second place, with 15%. Ted Cruz, now in third, has 14%. Jeb Bush, 8%; and John Kasich 7%.

Other news: Trump calls for Iowa election do-over as Cruz campaigns in NH

For the rest of the Republicans: Chris Christie, 5 %, Ben Carson, 4%; Carly Fiorina 3% and undecided 8%.

Our tracking poll show its all: Trump on top, but down two points-- the first time he's dropped in our poll. 

Marco Rubio shoots into second place, with 15%, a gain of three points overnight.

Ted Cruz holds his support, but slips into third place.

Jeb Bush lost a point; no change for John Kasich.

In the Democratic race, Hillary Clinton can start thinking about a comeback, and Bernie Sanders is coming down.

Sanders still has a significant lead over Clinton-- 58% to 36%-- a 22 point margin.

But look at the direction of the tracks: Sanders is down three and Clinton is up four, our biggest single gain since we started this poll.

Related: Clinton defends progressive record against Sanders critique

You see the trends, and so will the candidates.

They're good for Rubio and Clinton... and not very good for anyone else.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders need to win big here, and our tracking poll shows both are losing ground right now.

This time next week, we'll know the winners.

Between now and then, this is the best way to see who's going to win.

'Like' 7News on Facebook for latest NH Primary coverage

(Copyright (c) 2016 Sunbeam Television. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Donald Trump just surged to a new high in a poll — and he's doubling his closest competitor

Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio

Joshua Lott/Getty Images
Gretchen Ertl/REUTERS Donald Trump.
Real-estate mogul Donald Trump has hit a new high-water mark in the CNN/ORC survey, garnering 41% support among national Republican-primary voters in a poll released Tuesday.
That was more than double the support of Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Trump's closest rival in the GOP presidential primary. Cruz had the support of 19% of GOP voters in the survey. No other candidate hit double digits.
An ABC News/Washington Post pollpublished Tuesday found similar results, with Trump leading Cruz nationally 37% to 21%. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida came in third at 11%, but no other Republican candidate ticked up to double digits.
That poll also found, significantly, that 64% of Republican voters viewed Trump as the most likely Republican nominee. And a majority — 56% — said Trump was the most electable potential nominee.
The poll results came out less than a week before Monday's caucus in Iowa, where the first votes of the 2016 primary will be cast. Trump and Cruz have been locked in an increasingly bitter back-and-forth ahead of the caucus, in which polls have shown the race tighter than in the national surveys.
Quinnipiac University survey of the Hawkeye State released Tuesday found Trump leading Cruz there 31% to 29%. But Trump has led in seven of the past eight Iowa surveys after briefly falling behind Cruz in the state, according toRealClearPolitics. According to the website's average of six recent polls, Trump leads Cruz by about 6 points in the state.
Trump also finds himself in exceedingly good shape in polls of New Hampshire, which on February 9 will hold the first primary. A new Boston Herald/Franklin Pierce University pollreleased Monday night found Trump leading there with 33% support. Cruz was again his next-closest competitor, garnering 14% in the survey.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

NH Poll: Trump Leads, Cage-Match for Second

Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio

by MIKE FLYNN20 Jan 201663
A new CNN poll of New Hampshire finds Donald Trump still dominating the crowded Republican field, with the support of 36 percent of Republicans in the Granite State, up somewhat from his position last month.
In December, Trump had 32 percent support, four points less than his January score — but well within the 4.8 percent margin of error in the polls.
The real activity, however, is in the race for second. Six candidates are locked in a cage match to secure place and show out of New Hampshire. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is currently second, with 14 percent support, followed closely by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Jeb Bush each with 10 percent.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are tied with 6 percent each. Considering the margin of error, all six candidates are within striking distance of finishing second, with Cruz have a slight edge for runner-up.
Rubio, Bush, Kasich and Christie are all pouring millions of dollars into paid advertising in New Hampshire. With the exception of Rubio, all have conducted dozens of campaign events in the state, whose voters put a premium on direct contact with candidates. Cruz has campaigned in the state little, and hasn’t advertised there, but his stronger showing is likely a result of his consistent second place showing in national polls.
Although almost half of Republicans, 43 percent, say they are still deciding whom to support, Trump is widely expected to win New Hampshire, the first primary state to vote this year. The real battle is for the limited number of candidates who can realistically continue their campaign beyond New Hampshire.
Bush, Kasich and Christie has each staked much of their campaign on a strong showing in New Hampshire. Bush can likely continue his campaign, even if he finishes far behind the leader, because of his fundraising edge and perceived strong ties in South Carolina.
If Kasich and Christie fail to finish in the top three, it is hard to imagine their campaigns will have the resources or momentum to continue. After New Hampshire, the Republican primary calendar features a swathe of contests in the South, where neither is expected to poll well.
Marco Rubio faces perhaps the biggest challenge. Rubio is trying to consolidate the support of more mainstream Republicans as the most serious challenger to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. If he doesn’t finish in the top three however, he will have a difficult time arguing that he has the fortitude for a long campaign.
His campaign has recently been criticized for its light campaigning schedule and use of campaign resources. To date, his campaign’s spending has been second only to Jeb Bush’s campaign. If he can’t translate that spending into a strong finish in either Iowa or New Hampshire, mainstream Republicans will likely look to a different candidate.
In terms of favorability rating, though, Rubio does still have an edge. His net favorable rating, the difference between favorable and unfavorable opinions, among Republicans is +26. Ted Cruz’s rating is almost the same, at +25. Donald Trump’s is +14.
Jeb Bush, by comparison, is upside down, with a net favorable rating of -11.
The poll also asked voters who their second choice would be. Combining the first and second choice results are interesting. Trump still leads with 42 percent, followed by Cruz with 34 percent. Rubio is third with 29 percent, followed by Bush with 20 percent.
The second choice question is important because so many Republican voters say they are still trying to make up their mind. How they make their decision over the next three weeks will determine who gets to live to campaign another day.
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Friday, January 15, 2016

Trump More Than Doubles National Lead in NBC/WSJ Poll

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Donald Trump has more than doubled his national lead in the Republican presidential race ahead of Thursday night's GOP debate here, according to the results from a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Trump is the first choice of 33 percent of national Republican primary voters - his highest percentage in the poll. He's followed by Ted Cruz at 20 percent, Marco Rubio at 13 percent and Ben Carson at 12 percent. Chris Christie and Jeb Bush are tied at five percent. No other Republican presidential candidate gets more than 3 percent.

Trump's 13-point lead over Cruz is an increase from last month, when he held a five-point advantage over the Texas senator, 27 percent to 22 percent.

Yet in a hypothetical one-on-one race between the two Republicans, Cruz tops Trump, 51 percent to 43 percent, while Trump beats Rubio in their one-on-one matchup, 52 percent to 45 percent.

In a three-way contest featuring the Top 3 Republicans in the poll, Trump gets 40 percent, Cruz 31 percent and Rubio 26 percent, underscoring the overall strengthen out of the outsider/insurgent wing of the Republican Party.

Maybe the most striking finding in this NBC/WSJ poll is the growing GOP acceptance of Trump. Back in March, only 23 percent of Republican primary voters said they could see themselves supporting the real-estate mogul. Now that number stands at 65 percent.

The Republican candidates with the highest percentages on this question are Cruz (at 71 percent, up from 40 percent in March) and Rubio (at 67 percent, up from 56 percent 10 months ago).

By contrast, only 42 percent of Republicans say that they can see themselves supporting Jeb Bush, which is down from 75 percent in June.

Sixty percent of GOP primary voters say they can see themselves backing Carson - down from 77 percent in the late Oct. 2015 NBC/WSJ poll, when he was leading the Republican field.

The NBC/WSJ poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies (a Republican polling firm) and Hart Research Associates (a Democratic firm) from Jan. 9-13. The margin of error for the responses among the 400 Republican primary voters is plus-minus 4.9 percentage points. For this full poll, click here.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

BREAKING POLL: 40% of Blacks Line Up Behind Trump – 45% of Hispanics

Jim Hoft Dec 29th, 2015 8:42 am 5 Comments

A SurveyUSA poll released in September showed that 25% of black respondents said they would vote for Trump over Clinton.

According to The American Mirror Trump would more than double the best result for a Republican in modern American history.

Looking at the last 10 presidential election cycles, the highest black vote share for a Republican was 12% for Bob Dole in 1996.

Now there’s even better news for Trump.
40% of black voters and 45% of Hispanic voters support Donald Trump.
If these numbers hold up Donald Trump would win the 2016 election in a landslide.
World Net Daily reported:

Pundits might point to billionaire Donald Trump’s huge lead in the GOP presidential primary race as being the result of his generally anti-Washington, anti-government, anti-establishment, anti-politically correct attitude.

If so, it’s not just whites who are ticked at the bureaucracy, but minorities too.

Because a new poll, which still has Trump leading the race, shows 40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics, and even nearly 19 percent of Asians.

Blacks and Hispanics, in fact, even support Trump at a higher level than whites.

The results are from a new WND/Clout poll by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio. The telephone survey of registered voters was taken Dec. 18-27, except for the holiday, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.35 percentage points.

After Obama, Americans are yearning for a leader who loves America, for a change.

Get news like this in your Facebook News Feed, 

 Gateway Pundit

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Trump Jumps To 39 Percent in Post Debate Fox Poll

Getty Images

by NEIL MUNRO18 Dec 2015152

Donald Trump has spiked his primary support to 39 percent among the 402 GOP primary voters reached in the latest Fox News poll, released Friday evening.

In mid-November, Trump was at 28 percent in a Fox poll. His December score of 39 percent is almost a 40-percent spike  in one month.

In the new December poll, 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)


 climbs 4 points to 18 percent, while 

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)


 is down 3 points to 11 percent. Brain-surgeon Ben Carson crashed from 18 percent down to 9 percent. The poll was conducted after Tuesday’s GOP debate in Las Vegas.

Gov. Jeb Bush, once the hero of the establishment GOP, scored only 3 percent, equal to Gov. Chris Christie, CEO Carly Fiorina and 

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)


. Bush was at 5 percent in Fox’s November poll.

However, Trump may be hitting his support ceiling, partly because his support among women and college-educated voters is much below his support among non-college voters. He’s got the support of 45 percent of non-college voters, reflecting his strong campaign opposition to the inflow of cheap illegal labor.

But that narrow base of support means that Trump only gained two points when the poll’s respondents were asked to pick from a four-man field of Trump, Cruz, Rubio and Carson.

That narrow set of choices left Trump with 41 percent, while Cruz jumped to 25 percent, Rubio climbed to 17 percent, and Carson only reached 12 percent.

Also, Trump has the most distance to reach Hillary Clinton’s support, according to Fox’s poll.

He now lags behind her, 38 percent to 49 percent.

In contrast, Cruz matches Clinton, 45 percent to 45 percent, while Rubio is a little ahead, at 45 percent to 43 percent.

One advantage that Rubio has over Trump is stronger support among younger voters, perhaps because of the demographic differences between young and old. “Clinton tops Trump by 29 points among those under 30, while Rubio bests her by 4 points,” notes Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News Poll along with Anderson.

“For whatever reason, millennials are more resistant to Trump’s appeal,” said Fox.

The Fox News poll reached 1,013 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research, and Shaw & Company Research, on Dec. 16-17.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpTed CruzMarco RubioBen Carsonpoll

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hostess: Union Rules were Harder to Digest than Twinkies

Hostess: Union Rules were Harder to Digest than Twinkies

reprint from : Courtesy of Dr. Paul Price
Did union workers simply get their 'Just Desserts' for backing Hostess into a corner with too many unreasonable demands? Consider the evidence.
Union workers have now completed their mission. 18,500 jobs are gone forever.
The national labor bosses stood firm. Labor leaders are proud they stood up to those nasty ‘suits’ [see Entourage for definition] who refused to run a money-losing business simply to continue paying salaries and benefits.
Hostess posted a $341 million loss in 2011 on revenues of about $2.5 billion. Contributing to those 2011 losses:
  • $52 million in Workers’ Comp Claims
  • Dealing with 372 Distinct Collective-Bargaining Contracts
  • Administration of 80 Separate Health and Benefits Plans
  • Funding and Tending to 40 Discrete Pension Plans
  • $31 million in year-over-year increases in wages and health care benefits for 2012 v. 2011
Uncounted in the above numbers were the outrageous union-imposed rules that made for a too-high-to-bear cost of sales:
  • No truck could carry both bread and snacks even when going to the same location
  • Drivers were not permitted to load their own trucks
  • Workers who loaded bread were not allowed to also load snacks
  • Bringing products from back rooms to shelves required another set of union employees
  • Multi-Employer pension obligations made Hostess liable for other, previously bankrupted, retirement plan contributions from employees that never worked for Hostess at all
America has come to this. The only defense against insane union demands is the willingness to walk away and close shop.
With General Motors and Chrysler we found that even that remedy wouldn’t work.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sickest Liberal Bias of the Year

YAHOO READERS ARE BEING DUPED. Please read this in full to see:The propaganda wing of the Obama Campaign, Politifact, just released one of the most egregious, inciting, and blatantly and outrageously dishonest articles today.   of Yahoo News wrote an article about it that is currently plastered all over the front of It talks about the claim and of the possibility that it led to Romney's defeat in the 2012 election.What it doesn't tell you is how dishonest this article is. The article is based on another article written by a far left political blog called Politifact.comApparently Romney's statement that Fiat (the company that bought Chrysler from Barack Obama for peanuts) planned on building Jeeps in China was deemed "Lie of the Year" by Angie Drobnic HolanWhat's even MORE important is that the neither the Yahoo article OR the Politifact article explains where this "Lie of the Year" came from. What were the other candidates for lie of the year? If you look at another article that asks its readers what THEY think the lie of the year should be, you'll see that they got a choice of 11 options - 11 of which were supposed Romney lies, ZERO of which were Obama lies.The truth is that the Romney campaign assertion that Fiat planned on producing Jeeps overseas has never been refuted. The truth that these overseas productions were going to come at the expense of American jobs was a figment of liberal imagination. They literally needed to IMAGINE facts in order to spin lies out of Romney statements. Nevermind that Obama has yet to answer for the 4 brave American diplomats who were left for dead by Barack Obama. The gut-wrenching incident was blamed, BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION on a ridiculous Youtube video that hardly anyone saw. So it turns out that the real big fat lie of the year is that Obama got re-elected by a well informed electorate.

Many of you are no doubt wondering why Liberals are campaigning after the election is over. It is not because they want to get a 4 year head start. Its not even to finish off the wounded Republicans after such a stinging loss. The real reason is because they know that Obama's communist agenda is going to ruin the economy and possibly the country, and that by continuing a campaign style assault against conservatives they have the ability to continue to blame them for whatever goes wrong. It makes what they say slightly believable to the mob that otherwise doesn't know any better. We here at are dedicating our lives to educating young Americans about truth and facts to make them more informed voters. We will fight hard against the dishonest Propaganda used to manipulate you the reader into voting the way THEY want you to and against what is best for you and your family, and freedom and prosperity for America.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lesson of 2012: Propaganda Works!

A new Pew Poll came out today that says if America falls off the "Fiscal Cliff," 53% will blame the GOP (Republicans) to only 29% blaming President Obama.

First of all remember the difference between reality and perception. We are talking about a party that let their president add $4.8 trillion to the national deficit in only 3 years, more than Bush did in 8 years. The economic crisis started when Democrats took over the real power in America - both the House of Representatives and Senate of Congress, in 2006. Meanwhile the downward spiral looks to be slowing finally, thanks largely to the sweeping victories of the GOP (particularly the Tea Party) in the 2010 election, which gave the House back to the party which I thought everyone knew was the more fiscally responsible.

I should think again.

It turns out, whatever lie NBC, CBS, ABC, CNNHollywood, teachers, professors, labor unions, musicians, the NY Times, community organizers or any other entity that makes up the propaganda arm of the progressive movement tell you or your children, IS REAL.

This Pew Poll just tells me two things: #1 the false propaganda worked. #2 the GOP needs to spend all of their time, energy, resources and money into taking back the schools to stop the indoctrination of our children and implement a program to properly educate adults not only of the righteousness of conservatism, but the evils of socialism.

And don't listen to the simpletons on the news networks saying "the GOP has a demographics problem." That is just code for, "the indoctrination of graduates of the last 20 years is finally paying dividends." We have a perception problem. Re-educating them is now required, but let's prevent the Cancer of America in the first place, not just administer chemotherapy. We just have to prey Socialism in America is not stage 4.

Here is a guy named Toots Sweet that points out that our ability to get the message out is so bad compared to the Left that we are left with no other choice but to "get out of their way" and "let them sink themselves" by letting them raise taxes and spend like drunken sailors until America is collapsed. His video:
I really hope it doesn't collapse but if we can't get our message out, Toots is right - we must let them see for themselves what communism does.