Showing posts with label American thinker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American thinker. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tyranny is Color Blind or Democrat Plantations Alive and Well.

American Black Slavery alive and well on the Liberal Progressive Democrat Plantations.  

Who Do You Serve ? 

You better take this as a sign that Progressives are correct and we need to put mandates on the Globe to keep these threats down so that no child has to die at the hands of assault weapons whether military or non-military and that we need to tax the rich so that we can create the utopia we all know to be self evident i.e. the "Garden of Eden" and if you disagree with me you are a radical racist and you hate America and the beauty of the utopian society.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Duck Dynasty Is Back

We Did It! A&E Reinstates Phil Robertson to Duck Dynasty! View this email in your browser Together, we did it! In response to the massive outpouring of support from hundreds of thousands of Faith Driven Consumers just like you, A&E Network announced hours ago that it is reinstating Phil Robertson to the helm of Duck Dynasty. You made this happen, and we are so very thankful for your tireless efforts! But, we also want to send you a note of caution, because we are not assured at this moment that A&E has actually heard us. Their statement to The Hollywood Reporter left many unanswered questions. We have included below the statement released to the media moments ago, which expresses our concerns about today’s events:

Applauds Return of Phil Robertson, Remains Deeply Concerned Over Unanswered Questions Does A&E's latest call for tolerance and inclusion reflect and embrace the biblically based values of the Robertson family and millions of Faith Driven Consumers? (Raleigh, NC – December 27, 2013) — Faith Driven Consumer, the organization behind the widely publicized petition drive, with more than 260,000 supporters signing on in one week, has issued the following statement regarding the A&E Network's decision to reinstate Phil Robertson to Duck Dynasty. This statement can be attributed to Chris Stone, founder of Faith Driven Consumer: “Today’s decision by A&E to reinstate Phil Robertson to Duck Dynasty is in direct response to the powerful and engaged voices of millions of Faith Driven Consumers, as highlighted by more than 260,000 signers of the petition.

 “However, the question remains, has the Faith Driven Consumer community truly been heard? “Despite our celebration, we remain uncertain of A&E's true intent. Today, in the network’s statement of their core values – centered on ‘creativity, inclusion, and mutual respect’ - Faith Driven Consumers are left wondering whether A&E considers us to be a part of America's rich rainbow of diversity. “Do they also now embrace the biblically based values and worldview held by the Robertson family and millions of Faith Driven Consumers? “Did the network’s engagement and consultation with 'numerous advocacy groups’ include Faith Driven Consumers? We eagerly anticipate A&E’s naming of those groups to ensure that our community was included. “Faith Driven Consumers will remain vigilant as we measure whether A&E’s actions reflect true tolerance, diversity, and mutual respect – including their equal embrace of our biblically based values and deeply held beliefs.” Thank you for all you have done, we’ll keep you informed as this situation develops. Blessings, Chris Stone Founder Faith Driven Consumer Facebook Facebook Twitter Twitter LinkedIn LinkedIn Website Website Email Email

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Interview with Greta Van Susteren "Obama a Bad Guy ?"

Excellent interview on who Obama is and what he really believes and wants for America.  Rush goes off in detail on why Obama is a "Bad Guy" and how he wishes that Americans feel the pain that he (Obama) believes America is dishing out to other countries.  Obama with a chip on his shoulder for Capitalism and the absolute hate he (obama) has for Rich Americans, is the root of all his policies.  This interview was over a year ago but still very insightful and educational. 

Thank You Mr. Rush Limbaugh