Showing posts with label black racist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black racist. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Google and Fox TV Invite Anti-Trump, Hitler-Citing, Muslim Advocate to Join Next GOP TV-Debate


by NEIL MUNRO26 Jan 20163,293

Fox News and Google have invited three YouTube personalities to ask questions at the Jan. 28 GOP debate — including a Muslim advocate who describes Donald Trump as a bigot and who visually portrayed him as being in agreement with national socialist Adolf Hitler.

“We have a presidential candidate whose loudest message reeks of hatred and Islamophobia… turning on the news now is scary, and oftentimes, humiliating,” the Muslim woman, Nabela Noor, says in a December YouTube video.

She admits to becoming a Muslim political activist amid the growing criticism of Islam’s doctrines. “The current social environment for Muslims today is not safe or just… as a Muslim American, I felt like I needed to use my voice,” she claimed. 

Noor also urged her YouTube viewers to rally against critics of Islam. “I’m so thankful for those who speak up and out against anti-Islamic speech and ideologies. Our community needs more allies like you, but we have a long way to go,” she said.

The two companies announced Tuesday afternoon that the anti-Trump Muslim advocate would be allowed to play a role in the debate.

Google is teaming up with the Fox News Channel for the final  Republican debate in Iowa on Thursday, January 28, 2016, and integrating three new components into the debate to help people get informed before they head to the polls, including a way to hear directly from candidates on Google; real-time Google Trends data; and questions from three of YouTube’s most prominent voices—Nabela NoorMark Watson, and Dulce Candy — who will join the moderators in the debate to ask the candidates a question on an issue that matters to them and their communities.  

The Republican National Committee also approved the choice of Noor, an LA.-based press aide for YouTube, Jackie Cavanagh, at MPRM Communications, told Breitbart. “I believe” she was chosen by YouTube, with help from the RNC and Fox, she said.

“YouTube creators were selected in collaboration with Fox based on things such as audience size and their ability to bring a new, fresh perspective to the most important issues of our time. Fox informed the party/candidates of the format,” said a p.r. person. 

Allison Moore, a press secretary for the RNC, told Breitbart that “We had nothing to do with that.” 

Irena Briganti, a spokeswoman for Fox, also did not respond.

In December, Trump announced he would restrict the immigration of Muslims until the jihad problem can be addressed. “It is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” said Trump.

The statement came 14 years after Islamic jihadis killed 3,000 Americans and destroyed the Twin Towers in New York, and after many other jihadis launched or tried to launch a series of attacks across the United States.

In her videos, Dulce Candy, the invited Latino questioner, said she was brought from central Mexico to the United States while a young girl. She later joined the U.S. military and served in Iraq. The press announcement described Candy:

With over 2 million subscribers on her YouTube channel, Dulce is a top YouTube beauty, fashion and lifestyle influencer. The only thing more impressive than her fanbase is her story: she immigrated to the United States from Mexico at age 6 and served in the armed forces in Iraq. Today, she’s a proud U.S. citizen, mother, and entrepreneur who serves as a role model for latinas, women, and more.

Noor is described in the company anouncement as well: 

Born in New York, Nabela is a 24 year old Muslim American whose parents immigrated from Bangladesh. As an up-and-coming beauty creator with over 140,000 subscribers, Nabela hasn’t shied away from social issues. In arecent video, she spoke about being called a “terrorist” in elementary school after 9/11 and emphasized the importance of tolerance above all.

The perspective of the Muslim woman, Noor, has been shaped by her Bangladeshi immigrant parents, who were paired off by their parents in an arranged marriage as teenagers, aged 17 and 14.

These Bangladeshi Muslim parents migrated to the United States — while hiding am anchor-baby pregnancy — and later kept Noor in the house for many years to prevent her from integrating with American society. “Growing up, we weren’t allowed out much, our parents wanted to preserve our culture at all costs,” she said. They even refused tolet her date a man, even after she had gone to college, Noor said in a biographical video. The parents also arranged a marriage for Noor’s older sister. Her mother still wears a head-covering to mark her as a loyal Muslim. 

Aspects of Islamic culture remain part of Noor’s personality, under the outward appearance of an American fashionista.

For example, Noor argues that Muslims are individually and collectively insulted when many Americans’ offer sincere and well-argued criticism of Islam’s violent doctrines — for example, jihad, bans against free speech, the death penalty for quitting Islam, sexual subordination of women, opposition to democracy and the separation of mosque and state, etc., etc. That bigoted claim of injury from free speech echoes the demand from orthodox Islam that critics of Islam be silenced – by force if needed – and that the status or honor of each Muslim is damagedif they fail to fight against any criticism of Islam by non-Muslims.

So Noor claimed:

To be hateful and Islamophobic has become so common that it is proudly displayed all around us, online, on the news, and in politics. it is dehumanizing and it hurts. It is hard not to see a bumper sticker of a bigoted presidential candidate and not feel personally attacked when his entire campaign rests on the backs of Muslim-Americans. Where there should be messages of hope and tolerance, there are messages being spread of fear and hate, thus breeding violence.

In contrast, Western Christians and non-Christians try to treat criticism of ideas, such as Christianity’s claim that unborn humans deserve the right to life, or the merits of any particular presidential candidate, as a problem to be solved by facts, logic, free-speech, and compromise. That’s fundamentally different from Noor’s Islamic-style, only-one-winner fight over honor, pride, and supremacy.

That only-one-winner, zero-sum attitude often pushes Muslims to escalate debates into shouting matches and threats. Noor, for example, showed an image linking Trump and Hitler, which suggests that Trump’s criticism of Islam’s jihad ideology is so morally reprehensible that it is equivalent to actually murdering six million Jews, plus at least 10 million Slavic Russians, plus millions of other victims of Hitler’s socialism-for-Aryans Nazi ideology.

In fact, much to the embarrassment of Muslim advocates in the United States, that aggressive aspect of Islam was admired by Jew-hating, left-wing Hitler, who naturally also hated Christianity’s peacefulness, reason and emphasis on individuals’ conscience.

Noor also described criticism of Islam as “Islamophobia,” as if only the existence of a nationwide mental-disease could explain why Americans criticize jihad or child-marriages or the murder of captured Christians or the murders of homosexualsor the murder of a seventh-century poet.

That term, “Islamophobia,” was developed by Islamic advocates to help their allies stigmatize critics of Islam. Generally, Western advocates do not describe their critics as mentally diseased, but as illogical, selfish, or misinformed.

In her video, Noor also tried to argue that Trump’s implied criticism of the violence associated with Islam — likely, including the 9/11 atrocity, the San Bernardino murders, and many other recent jihad attacks — is somehow causing more attacks by Americans against Muslims in America. She did not supply evidence, but did show anewspaper clipping that was actually about a Muslim in Detroit who stabbed two non-Muslims after asking them if they were Muslims. 

“Nick Loussia, Deputy Chief of Police for the Southfield Police Department, said [the stabber] ‘is Muslim, and asked the victims what religion they were’ before allegedly attacking them,” said a report

But Noor portrayed the Muslim-against-not-Muslim jihad attack as actually caused by Americans’ fear of Muslim attacks

“The fear-mongering tactics are a direct cause of hate-violence against Muslims and that makes being a Muslim in America today very, very scary,” she claimed. Noor did not mention any of the manymany,many attacks by Muslims against non-Muslims in America.

She did, however, try to argue that the many Islam-inspired attacks are not Islamic. ‘There are people out there that manipulate our texts to serve their own sick twisted agenda,” she said, without trying to explain how ISIS violates Islamic texts, or trying to disavow the many commandments for jihadin the Koran. 

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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oscars: Al Sharpton Criticizes "Fraudulent" Hollywood Over Zero Nonwhite Acting Noms

Al Sharpton lit into Hollywood Thursday morning after this year's Oscar nominations were released and not a single African American was up for one of the 20 available slots in the four acting categories. 

This marks the second year with this result; the protest hashtag last year was #OscarsSoWhite.

Before that, 2011 was the last time all of the acting contenders were white and then again in 1998.

Sharpton criticized the industry for having a "fraudulent image of progressive and liberal politics and policies" and compared success in Tinseltown to climbing the Rocky Mountains.

“Hollywood is like the Rocky Mountains, the higher up you get the whiter it gets and this year’s Academy Awards will be yet another Rocky Mountain Oscars. Yet again, deserving Black actors and directors were ignored by the Academy – which reinforces the fact that there are few if any Blacks with real power in Hollywood," Sharpton said in a statement.

He added: "Being left out of Awards consideration is about more than just recognition for a job well done; winning an Oscar has long-lasting cultural and economic impacts."

The Academy attempted to diversify membership, inviting 322 new members over the summer, which included Selma star David Oyelowo, British actress Gugu Mbatha-Raw, who appears in Concussion, and Compton director F. Gary Gray.

Awards-caliber films focused on African American stories and performances included Compton, Beasts of No Nation, Will Smith in Concussion, Michael B. Jordan in Creed, Idris Elba in Beasts and Samuel L. Jackson in The Hateful Eight.

Last year, David Oyelowo, who was praised for his role as the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, was one of the most notable snubs. 

All white Oscar nominations are another example of the lack of diversity in Hollywood. Like the Rocky Mts. The higher u climb the whiter.

— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl)January 14, 2016

Hollywood has a fraudulent image of progressive and liberal politics and policies. We must take direct action to correct this. Talk is cheap

— Reverend Al Sharpton (@TheRevAl)January 14, 2016

Gregg Kilday contributed to this report.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Obama Accuses Trump of Exploiting Working-Class Fears

President Obama during a news conference on Friday. In an interview with NPR, he was critical of Donald J. Trump while defending his own strategy for taking on the Islamic State.By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVISDecember 21, 2015

President Obama said in a radio interview airing on Monday that Donald J. Trump, a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, is exploiting the resentment and anxieties of working-class men to boost his campaign. Mr. Obama also argued that some of the scorn directed at him personally stems from the fact that he is the first African-American to hold the White House.

Demographic changes and economic stresses, including “flatlining” wages and incomes, have meant that “particularly blue-collar men have had a lot of trouble in this new economy, where they are no longer getting the same bargain that they got when they were going to a factory and able to support their families on a single paycheck,” Mr. Obama said in the interview with National Public Radio.

“You combine those things, and it means that there is going to be potential anger, frustration, fear — some of it justified, but just misdirected,” the president added. “I think somebody like Mr. Trump is taking advantage of that. That’s what he’s exploiting during the course of his campaign.”

The comments were Mr. Obama’s most pointed response to Mr. Trump since the Republican candidate suggested that Muslims be barred from entering the United States after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. The attack was carried out by a couple who apparently were radicalized Muslims, one of whom had entered the United States on a fiancĂ©e visa.

In the wide-ranging interview, conducted the day before he left Washington on Friday for a two-week holiday vacation with his family in Hawaii, Mr. Obama defended his approach to taking on the Islamic State. He dismissed the notion that the militant group is an existential threat to the United States even as he conceded that he had received “legitimate criticism” for failing to adequately explain his strategy for confronting it.

He also described his view of the anxiety on which Mr. Trump has capitalized, arguing that some voters who voice fears about his presidency and doubts about where Mr. Obama’s loyalties lie are reacting to the fact that he is the first black president.

“If you are referring to specific strains in the Republican Party that suggest that somehow I’m different, I’m Muslim, I’m disloyal to the country, etc. — which unfortunately is pretty far out there, and gets some traction in certain pockets of the Republican Party, and that have been articulated by some of their elected officials — what I’d say there is that that’s probably pretty specific to me, and who I am and my background,” Mr. Obama told Steve Inskeep, the host of “Morning Edition” on NPR. “In some ways, I may represent change that worries them.”

“That’s not to suggest that everybody who objects to my policies may not have perfectly good reasons for it,” the president added. He noted, as an example, that voters living in coal-dependent areas may blame him for the loss of their jobs.

Mr. Obama has struggled to appeal to white voters who do not have a college education, carrying only 36 percent of them when he was re-elected in 2012. Republicans perform particularly well among that group, although it represents a shrinking share of the electorate.

On the Islamic State, which is also called ISIS or ISIL, Mr. Obama pushed back against criticism of his approach and said he was “confident that we are going to prevail.”

“This is a serious challenge — ISIS is a virulent, nasty organization that has gained a foothold in ungoverned spaces effectively in Syria and parts of western Iraq,” Mr. Obama said, referring to attacks the group organized in Paris and apparently inspired in San Bernardino. “But it is also important for us to keep things in perspective, and this is not an organization that can destroy the United States.”

He also suggested that heavy coverage of the media-savvy extremist group by news outlets chasing viewership had contributed to the public anxiety that has dragged down his approval ratings on the issue.

“If you’ve been watching television for the last month, all you have been seeing, all you have been hearing about is these guys with masks or black flags who are potentially coming to get you,” Mr. Obama said. “And so I understand why people are concerned about it.”

Asked whether news organizations had been manipulated by the Islamic State, he added: “Look, the media is pursuing ratings. This is a legitimate news story.”

He rejected critiques from Republican presidential candidates who have suggested “carpet bombing” the group, as well as the suggestion by Hillary Clinton, his party’s leading presidential candidate, that the United States establish a “no-fly zone” over Syria. He argued that doing so would require substantial ground troops and would fail to damage the Islamic State, which does not have an air force.

Still, the president said his administration had not done enough to explain its strategy and promote its successes in carrying it out.

“There is a legitimate criticism of what I’ve been doing and our administration has been doing in the sense that we haven’t, you know, on a regular basis, I think, described all the work that we’ve been doing for more than a year now to defeat ISIL,” Mr. Obama said.

On domestic matters, Mr. Obama said he was concerned that a recent uptick in campus protests around the country, in which students have shone a spotlight on racial misunderstandings, has in some cases shut down important debates.

“I think it’s a healthy thing for young people to be engaged, and to question authority,” Mr. Obama said. “I do think that there have been times on college campuses where I get concerned that the unwillingness to hear other points of view can be as unhealthy on the left as on the right.”

He cited as examples student protests last year of planned appearances by Christine Lagarde, the head of theInternational Monetary Fund, at Smith College, and Condoleezza Rice, the former secretary of state, at Rutgers University that led both women to withdraw.

“Feel free to disagree with somebody,” the president said, “but don’t try to just shut them up.”

Correction: December 21, 2015

An earlier version of this article misstated Steve Inskeep’s job at NPR. He is the host of “Morning Edition,” he is not a correspondent.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Black Racist on Facebook is Caught being Racist and then Schooled.

Racist And Completely Clueless. 

OUTRAGEOUS! Click on her name to comment on any of Gov. Mary Fallin's posts and tell her to stop putting her wealthy donors before the needs of struggling, hard-working Oklahomans. You can also write on her posts on her official Governor page (Governor Mary Fallin) call her office at (405) 521-2342 or tweet her at @GovMaryFallin.

Article link in the comments. Thanks to Raise The Minimum Wage.
OUTRAGEOUS! Click on her name to comment on any of Gov. Mary Fallin's 
ry Fallin) call her office at (405) 521-2342 or tweet her at @GovMaryFallin.

Article link in the comments. Thanks to Raise The Minimum Wage.
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  • Linda Clark Maybe she understands how this works for the best of the economy--it seems the left are clueless.
  • Brian P Smyth Yes minimum wage was instituted by the democrats to keep the black minorities from ever achieving success. You see if there is no racist in America then there will be no more democrat party. So you have to keep people down and then bus them in from other countries that will be completely dependent on the govt.

REPUBLICANS are MESSED UP CHRIS CHRISTIE _ investigation for all kinds CORRUPTION HE"s FATHER OF THE YEAR is that all they've GOT
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5 hrs ·

REPUBLICANS have NO PLANS NO IDEAS Just to talk about the PRESIDENT, THAT is not helping anyone , OH BEN CARSON if you think those OLD WHITE PEOPLE - MEN would ever nominate you for anything other than talk about PRESIDENT KEEP DREAMING , AFTER his term is over, SEE how long they keep you, look M. Steele H CAIN only when they want you to say bad things about President
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  • 2 people like this.
  • Brian P Smyth Your words are extremely racist. BTW who the hell is the vice president or speaker of the senate or secretary of state ? Old white men WTF ??? ITs not because obama is black its because he is completely incompetent and inept at his job. Name one "Good" thing he has accomplished in 6 years ????

5 hrs ·

WAKE UP WAKE UP BLACK and BROWN AMERICA ,SUPREME COURT decision was to make sure a person of color will never be PRESIDENT ONE of OLD WHITE MEN said it OUT LOUD. WE DO NOT have JUSTICE !!!!!!SUPREME COURT it's not court , it's another office for REPUBLICANS,,. IT is NOT FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE like it was suppose to be . VOTE VOTE VETO WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!
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Brian P Smyth Who do you think supported the KKK or Jim Crow and tried to suppress the black man/woman ?? Who do you think tried to keep you from having a gun for protection ??? YEA THE DEMOCRATS. Lady stop drinking the cool aid and have a glass of freedom from the Tea Party an all inclusive party that fights for your freedom. Sick Bias

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Day of Awakening is Coming, and can not be denied.

RUSH: Charlie Cook of the famous Cook Report has been in the news lately. Charlie Cook raised the possibility lately of Mrs. Clinton's physical appearance while aging and asking if it would be detrimental to her campaign should she run.  Charlie's considered the dean of these political analysts and so forth.  He tends left like everybody in Washington does, sort of, for the most part establishment types.

He's got a piece today in The Cook Report, and in his piece today, he's very worried that America may have lost its nerve, that days of malaise have set in, much like in the latter years of the Carter administration in the seventies.  In this piece he asks, "What happens When the Nation Loses Its Bootstrap Self-Image?"  And he cites some polling data.  He's a pollster, and he analyzes other polling data, and he says that 63% are confident that better days for their kids will materialize.
There are people that, no matter what's happening, think it's gonna get better. I can relate to it.  I've told you many times. I can't pinpoint when, I can't tell you what the impetus is gonna be or what the tipping point's gonna be, but I, too, believe that. It's partially my genuine overall optimism.  Folks, I really do... This may sound loony, and I've thought this for 10 years.
I really think the day's coming where we're gonna be shocked at people we call low-information, people we think aren't paying much attention, people who aren't really that informed. I think that some point they're gonna have had enough of this.  Oh, 63% say it will not be.  Okay, then there's a typo.  "Sixty-three percent are confident better days..." All right.  Okay.  I take it back.
"Sixty-three percent are not confident of better days for their kids, and 53% say life will be worse for the next generation."  Okay, so Charlie doesn't agree with me.  I misread this.  Well, I didn't misread it. There's a typo.  Despite this, it is a feeling -- I'm not gonna deny that -- and there's faith.  I'm not gonna deny that.  I just think that, at some point, people are going to say, "Enough of this!"
Obviously it's gonna require some kind of leadership to spur this.  It's just not going to happen on its own, although I even think that might happen. But it would really facilitated if there were an inspirational, can-do leader that popped up.  Right now people are peppered with nothing but pessimism, and we've got a Democrat Party which wants us to believe that our better days are behind us, that this is it and, you know, "Bunker down with us!
"We're gonna do the best for you that we can, but days of American exceptionalism are over." Chuck Hagel, when announcing military cuts, said, "We're not the dominant military power anymore.  It just isn't gonna be the case."  And, yeah, the new normal is 9% employed. The new normal is 92 million, 95 million not working.  I mean, people are bombarded with this every day, and for 10 years I've been waiting for this.  Honest to God.
I don't know how else to describe it.  For 10 years I've been waiting for this national awakening, and it's done nothing but worsen.  There is nothing close to a national awakening, and I will be the first to admit it.  The closest thing to it is the Tea Party, and so to what extent the Tea Party is gonna be successful politically in winning elections and having a majority of like-minded people in elective office, that's up for grabs.
We don't know that.
We know the Democrats are gonna lose a lot of seats, but we don't know what kind of Republicans are gonna replace them.  If they're anti-Tea Party Republicans, then big whoop.  If they're pro-Republican establishment, who just think it's what it is, the government's gonna get bigger, stay big, and we're just gonna be in charge of it now, then big whoop.
I'll take it, getting rid of Democrats, but it could be better if Tea Party types -- conservatives is what I mean -- end up winning.  So Charlie Cook: 63% are not confident of better days.  Fifty-three percent say life will be harder for the next generation -- and that's, sadly, probably true. (interruption) Well, but why get out of bed?  I'm talking about attitudinally.  I'm not talking what's possible.  I'm talking about the national attitude that's been impacted. (interruption)
We are a nation of sad sacks, but look at what the sad sacks are bombarded with every day! I mean, normal food that they eat and drink can kill 'em, and for how many years have they been hearing this stuff?  Now for five years they've been hearing what a reprobate country we've always been -- what an unfair, unjust country and how we've gotta make things right and balance what's been wrong for 250 years and so forth. It's a never ending assault on people's sensibilities.
Let's add the way they're being educated, and what they're being taught from the youngest ages about this country.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

American Black Slavery Explained by Liberal Progressive Democrates.

Bone Head Racist Black Americans supported by the Liberal Progressive Media.

'Runaway Slave,' or How Progressives Rob Black Citizens of Their American Dreams