Showing posts with label  Clinton Foundation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  Clinton Foundation. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2016

Roger Kimball to Never Trumpers: ‘Clinton Cash’ Shows Hillary Is Even Worse Than You Think

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by BREITBART NEWS16 May 201696

Roger Kimball writes in PJMediaabout the new documentary film “Clinton Cash” based on Peter Schweizer’s bestselling book by the same name, which premiered during the Cannes film festival this week. Read Kimball’s review below (emphasis in the original).

In his column for PJ Media, my friend Ron Radosh, the distinguished historian, outlines the case for believing that Hillary Clinton is the “lesser of two evils” compared to Donald Trump. Ron says that he is “fully aware” of Hillary’s liabilities, yet concludes: “On foreign policy, there is more hope that [she] will take a course that asserts American leadership abroad.”


Ron is not alone in asserting this. Several prominent conservatives have, with varying degrees of hesitation (not to say repugnance), embraced Hillary Clinton as the less bad alternative to Donald Trump.

A new film, which will debut Monday at Cannes, may force them to reconsider that judgment.

Clinton Cash, the documentary film which I watched in previews yesterday, is based on the best-selling exposé of the same name by Peter Schweizer, the tireless investigative journalist who has devoted himself to confronting political corruption and crony capitalism regardless of the political affiliation of the perpetrators. Produced by Breitbart’s Stephen K. Bannon and directed by M. A. Taylor, Clinton Cash is crisply narrated by Schweizer and provides a relentless and devastating portrait of brazen financial venality in exchange for political favors.


Read the book. But then watch the documentary, coming to a television screen near you much sooner than the announced release date of July 24.


It gives a detailed analysis of how the Clintons hypocritically mouth progressive pieties while selling out those values to multinational corporate interests on the one hand, and some of world’s creepiest political actors on the other.

Clinton Cash should outrage not only conservatives but also supporters of Hillary Clinton’s Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders. Despite its thriller-like scenarios, this brilliant documentary is not a partisan melodrama. It is a public service.

This should be watched by anyone who cares about restoring basic trust and accountability to our political life. The sad truth is, I conclude, Hillary Clinton is ostentatiously unfit to be President of the United States. We do not, pace my friend Ron Radosh, possess instruments delicate enough to determine that she is the “lesser of two evils.”

What we do know, however — what this documentary demonstrates beyond cavil — is that Bill and Hillary Clinton are as corrupt as they are hypocritical, lining their pockets by selling out the values they pretend to cherish. It makes for a repellent spectacle.

Read the rest here.

Watch the Clinton Cash trailer below:


Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceCronyismHillary ClintonBill and Hillary ClintonClinton CashClinton FoundationClinton Foundation foreign donations scandal,Hillary ClintonPeter SchweizerRoger Kimball

Thursday, May 12, 2016

SALON: ‘Devastating’ ‘Clinton Cash’ Documentary Set to Rock Cannes Next Week

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by BREITBART NEWS12 May 20161,469


Brendan Gauthier writes in Salon:

“Clinton Clash,” premiering at the Cannes Film Festival on May 16, is a “devastating” documentary, according to MSNBC, alleging Bill and Hillary Clinton used the Clinton Foundation to “help billionaires make shady deals around the world with corrupt dictators, all while enriching themselves to the tune of millions.”

The film, written and produced by Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon and directed by M.A. Taylor, is based on the New York Times bestselling book of the same name (subtitled “The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich”) by Peter Schweizer.

Read the rest here:

Watch the “Clinton Cash” trailer below:

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceBig Hollywood,Clinton CashClinton FoundationHillary ClintonPeter Schweizer

TIME: ‘Clinton Cash’ Is a ‘Scathing Broadside Aimed at Persuading Liberals’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by BREITBART NEWS12 May 2016412

Philip Elliot pens the followingreview for TIME Magazine of the new documentary “Clinton Cash,” based on the bestselling book by Peter Schweizer. Read the excerpt below.

It would be easy to dismiss an hour-long film adaptation of Peter Schweizer’s book about the charitable-political-nonprofit complex of Bill and Hillary Clinton as nothing more than conservative propaganda. But sitting in a Manhattan screening room late Wednesday, it quickly became clear that conservatives weren’t the intended audience for Clinton Cash.

Environmentalists. Anti-nuke activists. Gay-rights advocates. Good-government folks. They’re all going to find themselves increasingly uncomfortable over claims that the likely Democratic nominee, in the film’s words, takes cash from the “darkest, worst corners of the world.”

The 60-minute indictment of the Clintons will soon find its way to an awful lot of televisions ahead of November’s elections. Based on a heavily researched book by the same name, Clinton Cash is careful in laying out a series of facts that are mostly true, though both the book and the movie sometimes draws connections and conclusions that aren’t as solid as their evidence.

“When it comes to the Clintons, you have to follow the money,” Schweizer says in a rough-cut previewed for TIME.

No doubt, there are many places where dotted lines are smudged into solid ones, and some assumptions are made where concrete evidence of quid pro quo is impossible to prove. But as a work of persuasion, the movie is likely to leave on-the-fence Clinton supporters who see it feeling more unsure about casting a vote for her. Made by the conservative Breitbart News’ executive chairman, Stephen K. Bannon, and director M.A. Taylor, this film rises above the traditional campaign hit job.



There are a lot of leaps of logic in the film, but the insinuations, told through a pattern of favorable results following cash to Clintons, make for a disheartening watch. For instance, Clinton pal Joe Wilson, a former U.S. Ambassador at the center of the Bush-era controversy over weapons of mass destruction, allegedly got a leg up for his investment firm with help from the Clintons in South Sudan. Then there is a $100 million pledge to the Clintons that coincided with favorable contracts in Nigeria and a $1.4 million speaking fee for Bill Clinton personally. Investor Marc Rich, who received a controversial last-minute pardon in 2001, even makes an appearance.

This is not a movie that is going to dissuade the #imwithher crowd from supporting Clinton. But it is a movie that might keep disaffected liberals at home, energize the Sanders supporters to keep up the fight even after their preferred candidate bows to reality and serve up new fodder for conservative talking heads on cable news. This isn’t a game-changing movie, but one that could keep some less enthusiastic voters on the sidelines.

Read the rest here.

Watch the film’s trailer below:



Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceBig Hollywood,Hillary ClintonClinton CashClinton FoundationClinton Foundation foreign donations scandalHillary ClintonPeter Schweizer