Thursday, February 25, 2016


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24 FEB 2016  by Brian P Smyth

Scouring through the polls it's not hard to see very quickly the end result of Super Tuesday.
It's not too shocking that Rubio and the establishment will lose there's no question about that.
However there are only a couple of states that Cruz or Rubio even have a fighting chance of splitting the delegates or tying with Trump.
Below are the states and delegates. Our predictions are based on polls.
Below R is for Republican delegates only.

Alabama               R50        Trump 45
Alaska                   R28.       Trump 15 Cruz 10
Arkansas              R40        Cruz 28 Trump 10
Colorado              R37        Carson 15 Rubio 10
Georgia                 R76       Trump 65 Rubio 10
Massachusetts   R42         Trump 35 Rubio 7
Minnesota           R38        Trump 30 Rubio 8
Oklahoma             R43      Trump 25 Cruz 9
Tennessee            R58      Trump 25 Carson 25
Texas                   R155      Trump 75 Cruz 75
Vermont               R16       Trump 10
Virginia                 R49       Trump 38 
Wyoming              R29       Rubio 12 Trump 12
As of 24 FEB 2016 

Current delegates 82 plus Super Tuesday 320 for a total of 467

Current delegates 17 plus Super Tuesday 140 for a total of 157. 

Current delegates 16 plus Super Tuesday 60 for a total of 76.

THE BLAZE (Glenn Beck) Poll in Texas Bad News for Ted Cruz

New Poll Reveals GOP Landscape in Texas — and It Spells Some Bad News for Ted Cruz

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Feb. 24, 2016 7:33pm Oliver Darcy
Ted Cruz only holds a one-point lead over 2016 rival Donald Trump in his home state of Texas, according to anew Emerson Polling survey released Wednesday.
Of the 446 likely primary voters surveyed Feb. 21-23, 29 percent said they supported the Texas senator, compared to 28 percent who went for Trump.
Marco Rubio came in third with 25 percent of support in the Lone Star State.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Additional figures spelled some bad news for Cruz in his home state.
Of the three candidates, Cruz was viewed by respondents as the least honest about his record. 37 percent said he was the least truthful, compared to 35 percent who viewed Trump as the least honest in the race.
The poll revealed that Trump had the highest favorable opinion in Texas at 56 percent. In that category, Cruz came in second at 50 percent and Rubio third at 36 percent.
The poll had a margin of error of 4.6 percent. The Texas primary will take place on March 1.


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Cruz, Trump tied in KHOU Texas poll

HOUSTON -- A newly released poll shows Ted Cruz in a dead heat with Donald Trump among Republican primary voters in Texas, indicating the state’s junior senator may be destined for a disappointing showing in his home state on Super Tuesday. Cruz and Trump are tied at 32 percent in The Texas Tegna Poll of GOP voters, with Marco Rubio at 17 percent, John Kasich at 6 percent and Ben Carson at 5 percentNORTH CHARLESTON, SC - JANUARY 14: Republican presidential candidates (L-R) more
The poll results are especially noteworthy because the survey was conducted over the weekend, after Trump defeated Cruz in the South Carolina primary.
“If it’s correct, it’s over for Cruz and Trump is the nominee,” said Bob Stein, Rice University political scientist and KHOU political analyst
newly released poll shows Ted Cruz in a dead heat with Donald Trump among more
Cruz himself acknowledged the importance of the Texas primary in next week’s Super Tuesday voting, but he conspicuously avoided speculating on whether he would win a majority of GOP votes here.
“I believe next Tuesday will be the most important day in the entire presidential election,” Cruz said. “The crown jewel of super Tuesday is the great state of Texas.”
Cruz had hoped to win Texas by a substantial margin, offering him a trove of delegates before the primary map moves into states considered less receptive to his evangelical message. The primary schedule is also moving into winner-take-all states where second place finishers walk away empty handed.
“The way delegates are selected in Texas, he needs to get 50 percent or more of the vote in each of the state’s 36 congressional districts to sweep the state,” Stein said. “Most of the polls, including the ones that are just coming out today, seem to indicate he is not leading at 50 percent in any of these congressional districts.
“All the primaries from now on after Super Tuesday are winner take all,” Stein said.  “And the winner in the primaries has always been Donald Trump.”
Cruz and Trump effectively tied among a wide range of GOP voting groups, including men and women, older and younger voters, gun owners and non-gun owners and Republicans with and without college educations.
The poll also indicates comparatively few primary voters are still up for grabs, with only 6 percent declaring themselves uncommitted or undecided.
Hillary Clinton’s deep roots among Democrats in Texas – where her husband started building a network of supporters when he campaigned for George McGovern more than 40 years ago – are apparently paying off with a substantial lead over Bernie Sanders. Clinton is supported by 61 percent of surveyed Democrats compared to Sanders’ 32 percent.

According to a newly released poll, Hillary Clinton is supported by 61 percent of surveyed Democrats c
ompared to Bernie Sanders’ 32 percent.
The poll also found Texans almost evenly divided on the question of whether the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement should be chosen by President Obama or the next president. About 41 percent of surveyed voters said the decision should be left to the next administration, while 38 percent would leave the choice to the current president. The other 21 percent said they didn’t know enough to offer an opinion.
The latest presidential primary poll results raise the stakes even higher for Thursday night’s GOP presidential debate on the campus of the University of Houston, offering Cruz a high-profile opportunity to score points against Trump before a hometown crowd and a nationwide audience.
METHODOLOGY: Of the 1,750 Texas adults interviewed in either English or Spanish, 1,531 were registered to vote in Texas. Of the registered voters, SurveyUSA identified 1,293 as likely to vote in the 11/08/16 general election for president, 645 who had either already voted in the Texas Republican primary or were certain to do so on or before 03/01/16, and 569 who had either already voted in the Texas Democratic primary or were certain to do so on or before 03/01/16. This research was conducted using blended sample, mixed mode. Respondents reachable on a home telephone were interviewed on their home telephone in the recorded voice of a professional announcer. Respondents not reachable on a home telephone were shown a questionnaire on their smartphone, tablet or other electronic device

Super Tuesday: Trump Leads Early Polling, Cruz, Rubio Fight for Second

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by MIKE FLYNN 23 Feb 2016
new round of polling from three Super Tuesday states shows Donald Trump dominating the Republican contest, with 
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) locked in tight battles for second. These early polls show Trump leading in a diverse set of states across the country, including: Georgia, Vermont, and Massachusetts.
In Georgia, with the second biggest number of Super Tuesday delegates after Texas, Trump has 32 percent support, a 9 point edge over second place Marco Rubio with 23 percent. Ted Cruz is third with 19 percent support. Trump has gained 5 points in support since the last Georgia poll in early February, but his 9 point margin has stayed flat as Rubio has also gained. Cruz has gained just 1 point since the beginning of the month.
Trump and Rubio are tied in the Atlanta metro-area, while Trump has a large 15 point lead in the rest of the state. Another interesting aspect of the poll is that Rubio is running last, even behind Kasich and Carson, among Republican voters 40 or younger.
In the Super Tuesday states in New England, Massachusetts and Vermont, Trump has large leads against the rest of the field. In Massachusetts, Trump draws an overwhelming 50 percent of the likely Republican primary vote. Rubio is a distant third with just 16 percent, followed by Kasich at 12 percent and Cruz at 10 percent.
Unsurprisingly, the top issue for Massachusetts Republicans is “dissatisfaction with government,” picked by 35 percent of voters. The next most important issue, at 20 percent, is the economy. Almost half of Massachusetts Republican voters, 44 percent, say Ted Cruz is the “least honest” of the candidates. Trump is the second “least honest” at 20 percent.
In Vermont, Trump has a 15 point lead over second-place Marco Rubio. Trump has 32 percent, followed by Rubio with 17. Ted Cruz is in third with 11 percent, followed closely by John Kasich with 10 percent.
There are two enormous caveats to theVermont poll, however. The poll was conducted over a two-week period, February 3-17 and the Republican sample is tiny. The poll sample is only 151 likely Republican voters. The margin of error in the poll is 9 percent, almost high enough to render the poll meaningless.
In addition, the poll was conducted before Jeb Bush dropped out of the Presidential race. He earned 8 percent support in this poll. It isn’t at all clear where his support will go before Super Tuesday.
A total of 11 states will vote in the Republican contest on Super Tuesday, March 1st. A twelth state, Colorado will vote for delegates that day, but won’t vote for a Presidential candidate. The Colorado delegates will go to the convention “unaffiliated.”
All other polling of Super Tuesday states is from early February or earlier in the campaign. These earlier polls provide a base-line of each candidate’s support, but tells us little of the race today. In these, Ted Cruz led in two, Texas and Arkansas. Rubio led in Minnesota. Donald Trump led in Alabama, Alaska, Oklahoma and Virginia.
No Republican candidate for President has swept all of the Super Tuesday contests since Bob Dole in 1996. Donald Trump, however, is currently near accomplishing that feat. If Cruz can hold onto his leads in Arkansas and Texas, however, he will likely win sufficient delegates to keep the contest competitive and undecided throughout March.
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‘Path to 9/11’ Director Reveals How Clintons Had Film Banned in U.S.

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Getty Images
by DANIEL NUSSBAUM25 Feb 20163
In an explosive new interview, award-winning filmmaker Cyrus Nowrasteh (The Stoning of Soraya M.The Young Messiah) detailed how Bill and Hillary Clinton allegedly used their influence at Disney/ABC to effectively ban the 2006 miniseries The Path to 9/11, which examined the events leading up to the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.
As Breitbart’s John Nolte reported last year, the four-hour miniseries from the acclaimed Iranian-American writer-director presents an unflinching dramatization of the events leading up to 9/11, including an examination of then-President Bill Clinton’s failure to capture and kill its chief architect, Osama bin Laden. ABC reportedly spent $40 million to produce the miniseries, but shelved it indefinitely under alleged pressure from the Clintons.
“The amazing thing was the Clintons were able to put pressure on Disney/ABC basically to bury their own movie that they spent $40 million on, The Path to 9/11, which did air once, by the way, over two nights, and was number one in the ratings with 20 million viewers,” Nowrasteh told KSFO The Morning Show’s Brian Sussman.
The filmmaker said that in many ways, the Clintons are “more effective” at censorship “than the ayatollahs in Iran,” who banned his 2008 film, The Stoning of Soraya M., for its critical examination of the Iranian government. While Nowrasteh was able to smuggle DVD copies of Soraya M. into Iran, the filmmaker said “the Clintons made sure that no one can see The Path to 9/11.”
Nowrasteh said his miniseries, which won an Emmy and was nominated for six others in 2007, covered the period spanning the World Trade Center attacks of 1993 until September 11, 2001 “in factual detail, which was really the problem for the Clintons because we portray the opportunities that Bill Clinton had to kill bin Laden, and passed on it.”
“By censoring it, they made sure that the DVD was never released so that Americans could not see it, and they made sure that it was never re-broadcast,” he continued. “It is basically the only banned film in America.”
The film was apparently so politically controversial for the Clintons that Senate Democrats, led by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), reportedly threatened to revoke ABC’s broadcasting license if changes were not made to the film.
“[The Clintons] are out to silence their critics, as aggressively as they can possibly get away with,” Nowrasteh told KSFO. “The suppression of The Path to 9/11, the burying of it, the making sure that no DVD of it was ever released by a major company in this country, was all a direct result of her run for the presidency, her initial run. She was ultimately defeated by Barack Obama, but that’s what it was all about.”
Sussman asked Nowrasteh which is worse: the “blatant censorship” of Iran when it banned The Stoning of Soraya M., or the “sophisticated, backroom censorship” of The Path to 9/11 in the United States.
“I think the latter is worse, because we know better,” Nowrasteh replied. “This country is founded on freedom of expression, and freedom of artistic expression, and the mainstream media fell in line behind the Clintons.”
Nowrasteh concluded by saying that he was “hoping and praying” that no one would ban his upcoming film, The Young Messiah, which explores the life of a 7-year-old Jesus Christ. The film will be shown at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) next month before opening in theaters across the country on March 11.
Listen to KSFO’s full interview with Cyrus Nowrasteh above.
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Kerry Having ‘Additional Evaluation’ Done to Decide if Slaughter of Mideast Christians is Genocide

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(Screen Capture)
( - Secretary of State John Kerry told the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Department of State and Foreign Assistance today that he is having an “additional evaluation” done to help him determine whether the systematic murder of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East—at the hands of the Islamic State and others—should be declared “genocide.”
“I will make a decision on it as soon as I have that additional evaluation and we will proceed forward from there,” Kerry said.
Kerry was responding to a question put to him by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R.-Neb.), who is the sponsor of a resolution that would declare on behalf of Congress that it is in fact genocide.
The resolution expresses “the sense of Congress that those who commit or support atrocities against Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities, including Yezidis, Turkmen, Sabea-Mandeans, Kaka‘e, and Kurds, and who target them specifically for ethnic or religious reasons, are committing, and are hereby declared to be committing, ‘war crimes,’ ‘crimes against humanity,’ and ‘genocide.’”
As a preface to his question, Fortenberry told Kerry about a young Syrian man who had been murdered by jihadists after refusing to renounce his Christian faith.
“I had the extraordinary privilege of being in the room with Pope Francis when he, in a very powerful moment, was given a small cross, a Christian crucifix,” said Fortenberry. “That crucifix had belonged to a young Syrian man who had been captured by the jihadists, and he was told to choose: Convert or die. And he chose his ancient faith tradition. He chose Christ, and he was beheaded.”
“His mother was able to recover the body, recover this cross, and bury him,” said Fortenberry. “She fled to Austria, which set the stage for this moment which I witnessed.”
“Mr. Secretary, this is repeating itself over and over and over again against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities in the region,” said Fortenberry.
“What I’m urging here today,” said Fortenberry, “is that you use the authority and power of your office to call this genocide, to help restore the rich tapestry of the ancient faith traditions in the Middle East, to stop this assault on human dignity and civilization itself.”
Kerry said he is now considering declaring the targeting of Middle East Christians and other religious minorities in the region a genocide.
But, Kerry said, he has asked for “further evalution” to be done before he makes a final decision.
“I share just a huge sense of revulsion over these acts, obviously,” Kerry said. “None of us have ever seen anything like it in our lifetimes. Although, obviously, if you go back to the Holocaust, the world has seen it.
“We are currently doing what I have to do, which is review very carefully the legal standards and precedents for whatever judgment is made,” he said.
“I can tell you we are doing that,” he said. “I have had some initial recommendations made to me. I have asked for some further evaluation. And I will make a decision on this. And I will make a decision on it as soon as I have that additional evaluation and we will proceed forward from there.”
Here is the transcript of the exchange between Fortenberry and Kerry:
Fortenberry: Mr. Secretary, I had the extraordinary privilege of being in the room with Pope Francis when he, in a very powerful moment, was given a small cross, a Christian crucifix. That crucifix had belonged to a young Syrian man who had been captured by the jihadists, and he was told to choose: Convert or die. And he chose his ancient faith tradition. He chose Christ, and he was beheaded.
His mother was able to recover the body, recover this cross, and bury him. And she fled to Austria, which set the stage for this moment which I witnessed.
Mr. Secretary, this is repeating itself over and over and over again against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities in the region. In 2004, Colin Powell, when he was secretary of state, came before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and I believe you served on that committee at that point, and declared what was happening in Darfur to be a genocide.
There are 200 members of Congress in a bi-partisan fashion, we’ve put our names on a resolution that is forthcoming that declares this genocide. There is a growing international consensus in this regard. The European Parliament has passed something similar. The U.S. Catholic Bishops, Pope Francis has spoken out, Hillary Clinton has called it such, Marco Rubio, the international association of genocide scholars.
I want a note as well a word of thanks to you and President Obama for the quick action on Mount Sinjar that actually saved the lives of women and children, countless persons who would have been wiped out and victimized.
So, what I’m urging here today is that you use the authority and power of your office to call this genocide, to help restore the rich tapestry of the ancient faith traditions in the Middle East, to stop this assault on human dignity and civilization itself. And to set potentially the conditions that we are all hoping and praying for that re-establishes stability and reintegration of these ancient faith traditions into the fabric of the communities in the Middle East entirely.
I think the stability, the future stability, of the entire region depends upon this.
Kerry: Well again Congressman thank you for a very moving and eloquent description of the problem. And I appreciate, you were lucky to be in that room to witness that, and I certainly appreciate your reactions to it. And I share just a huge sense of revulsion over these acts, obviously. None of us have ever seen anything like it in our lifetimes. Although, obviously, if you go back to the Holocaust, the world has seen it.
We are currently doing what I have to do, which is review very carefully the legal standards and precedents for whatever judgment is made. I can tell you we are doing that. I have had some initial recommendations made to me. I have asked for some further evaluation. And I will make a decision on this. And I will make a decision on it as soon as I have that additional evaluation and we will proceed forward from there.
I understand how compelling it is. Christians have been moved in many parts now of the Middle East, I might add. This is not just in Syria, but in other places there has been an increased forced evacuation and displacement, which is equally disturbing, though it’s not—you know, they aren’t killing them in that case, but it’s a removal, and a cleansing ethnically and religiously, which is deeply disturbing. So we are very much focused on this. And, as I say, I will make a judgement soon.
Fortenberry: They have taken the conditions for life as well as life away from Christians, Yazidis, and religious minorities. And I bring up the declaration by former Secretary of State Colin Powell to demonstrate the power that the declaration actually has, because in doing so he helped put a stop to that grim reality there in Darfur.
I know you share deep sympathies in this regard. I just urge you, and plead with you, partner with us. There is a growing consensus that this is not only true and real but I think, again, it sets the condition for whatever the future settlement we have to have.  

Watchdog Finds Billions in Possible Fraudulent Obamacare Payments

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The federal government has failed to properly monitor enrollee eligibility for Obamacare, according to a reportby the Government Accountability Office (GAO). As a result, the government has made billions of dollars in Obamacare subsidy payments to individuals that may have been committing fraud.
As the report notes, the system used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) relies on data sent by three government agencies – the IRS, SSA, and DHS – to check eligibility for Obamacare. However, the system used by CMS is unable to verify many inconsistencies in the data.
This inability to properly verify enrollment has meant billions of dollars have been sent out to enrollees without verifying whether the applicants were fraudulent. As the report notes:
“According to GAO analysis of CMS data, about 431,000 applications from the 2014 enrollment period, with about $1.7 billion in associated subsidies for 2014, still had unresolved inconsistencies as of April 2015—several months after close of the coverage year.”
While CMS has information that could shed light on fraud, it has not developed any procedure to utilize it. As the report notes:
“CMS foregoes information that could suggest potential program issues or potential vulnerabilities to fraud, as well as information that might be useful for enhancing program management.”
These latest findings should not be surprising. Time and time again, watchdogs have sounded the alarm over Obamacare exchange verification and controls.
An auditor’s report examining Minnesota’s Obamacare exchange found the exchange enrolled more than 100,000 individuals who were ineligible for the program. In all, the audit estimated an error rate of close to 50 percent, and the state overpaid up to $271 million over the five-month period that was analyzed by auditors.

A December 2015 report by the Health and Human Services Inspector General (HHS OIG) found that CMS relied entirely on data from health insurers to verify whether enrollees had paid their premiums and were eligible. However, this data was completely insufficient - insurers provided payment information on an aggregate rather than enrollee-by-enrollee basis, making verification all but impossible. A October 23, 2015 report by GAO found that Obamacare exchanges (both state and federal) were failing to verify key enrollment information of applicants including Social Security numbers, household income, and citizenship.A September 1, 2015 report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) found that Obamacare exchanges are failing to provide adequate enrollment information to the IRS for proper payment and verification of tax credits.A August 2015 report by HHS OIG found that the federal exchange is failing to verify Social Security numbers, citizenship, and household income of Obamacare applicants. As a result, the exchange is unable to verify whether applicants are properly receiving tax credits. A July 16, 2015 audit by GAO found that 11 of 12 fake 'test' applicants received coverage for the entire 2014 coverage period despite many using fraudulent documents, and others providing no documentation at all. From these 11 applicants alone, paid $30,000 in tax credits.A June 16, 2015 report released by the HHS OIG found that $2.8 billion worth of Obamacare subsidies and payments had been made in 2014 without verification.A June 10, 2015 TIGTA report found the IRS failed to properly administer nearly $11 billion in Obamacare tax credits.A May 21, 2015 report by TIGTAfound that the IRS failed to testObamacare processing and verification IT until a week before the filing season began.