Showing posts with label Super PAC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super PAC. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2016

Cruz's faltering campaign shows the risks of depending on a few wealthy donors

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Ted Cruz, in his outsider’s bid for the White House, has depended heavily on the largesse of just three wealthy donors to establish credibility and stay afloat amid a chaotic nominating process that killed off most of his rivals.

Now, at perhaps the most desperate moment in his quest to win the Republican nomination, Cruz is learning the perils of relying on strong-willed magnates who carry their own agendas and have demanded an unprecedented level of control in how their money is spent.

One of the three primary donors to Cruz’s presidential efforts, a private equity manager who recruited the other two top donors, has refrained from spending the vast majority of his $10 million contribution to bolster the Cruz campaign. He is instead fighting openly with the top strategist for the super PACs that were set up to spend the money. 

The man at the center of the fight, TobyNeugebauer, is a close friend of Cruz and his wife, Heidi. Neugebauer and his own wife have vacationed with the Cruzes, and he still counts himself a major supporter. But he has refused to spend $9 million of the $10 million he put into a super PAC.

“He was going to go up with ads in October or November. That came and went, and then he said he’s saving it for Super Tuesday,” said Kellyanne Conway, who oversees a network of super PACs supporting Cruz.

“I don’t know if he’s having a $10 million party in Cleveland, or what. It became apparent almost immediately that his money wasn’t really there.”

Neugebauer, though, said he was alarmed by the profligate spending of other super PACs that spent vast sums on candidates who flamed out. He said he is relieved to have set up a strategy where he and two other major donors dictate how their money is spent. 

“How we set up in these big PACs was a response to how unhappy people were in 2012,” he said in an interview. “Trust me, all the other big donors wish their PACs were set up the same way.”

After Citizens United and other court decisions opened the door to nearly unlimited campaign donations, many donors became frustrated with the control they surrendered to campaign consultants, who blew through millions of dollars on TV ads in a fruitless effort to elect Mitt Romney in 2012. This year, an outside group supporting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush spent more than $100 million from big donors in a disastrous endeavor that saw Bush  falter as soon as the first primary voters went to the polls.

To counter the risk of a repeat of 2012, Neugebauer, the son of Texas Rep. Randy Neugebauer, helped set up three super PACs last year to support Cruz, each using a variation of the name Keep the Promise — one for each major donor. The groups, forbidden by law to communicate with the Cruz campaign, planned to divvy up responsibilities for aiding his candidacy.

But that strategy proved unwieldy, and the super PACs united in early March under the name Trusted Leadership PAC to raise more money. Neugebauer, however, has yet to come aboard. He complained that the political consultants remain addicted to buying negative television ads, a strategy that has proven particularly ineffective against the star power of front-runnerDonald Trump. Neugebauer said he has instead pressed for positive ads placed in social media, but has been rebuffed.

“There were some political consultants, especially the establishment’s favorites, who didn’t know they were extinct,” Neugebauer said. “People are going to be looking for a completely fresh set of talent.”

Neugebauer said he would not start spending money on Trump during the primary but declined to disparage Trump’s credentials for office, as many other Cruz backers have done.

“Ted and I are close friends. I am going to support the nominee. I’m not 'Never Trump,'" he said, referring to the effort among some Republicans to deny Trump the nomination. "I think all that talk is just disgusting and shows a complete lack of understanding of what the middle class is going through in America. I want those voters for Ted in November.”

If the other two donors are frustrated that the man who helped recruit them to the effort appears to be bailing on it, they have not said so publicly. Neither Robert Mercer, who has donated $13.5 million to help Cruz, nor Farris Wilks, who along with his family donated $15 million, agreed to be interviewed or responded to written questions submitted to their representatives. The Cruz campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

Conway said the division of labor among the funders was “baked in the cake from the beginning” and that Neugebauer knew his money was to be used for television ads. The other super PACs, she said, were concentrating on contacting voters directly, sending direct mail, radio ads and digital advertising campaigns.

“The guy could be a hero,” Conway said. “He could be a white knight right now.”

The separate super PACs raised eyebrows from political consultants and other campaigns, who wondered whether it made sense to hand over so much control to donors.

But Cruz’ former communications advisor Rick Tyler said the $38 million infusion from the big three was critical to establishing Cruz’s bona-fides as a serious presidential contender, disproving early doubts that he could compete with establishment candidates.

“One of them was ‘Cruz might be able to raise grass-roots money, but he’ll never be able to raise big money,’” Tyler said. “It was important for people to understand this was a well-funded campaign, and it was balanced.”

Yet the power and lifestyles of the Cruz mega-donors have also highlighted the wide gulf between Cruz’s populist critiques of “crony capitalism,” and the relationships he maintains with the ultra-wealthy to fuel that message. Ten donors have given a total of $48 million to his super PACs, more than three-fourths of the money he has raised from outside groups. Many of them made their money in oil and gas, industries that have received strong support from Cruz.

They make an eclectic group.

Neugebauer, for example, lives in Puerto Rico with his family among a community of mega-wealthy Americans who are taking advantage of the island’s generous income tax breaks.

Farris Wilks and his brother Dan founded Frac Tech, which provided equipment and services for hydraulic fracking; they sold the company, of which they owned a majority, for more than $3 billion in 2011. Wilks serves as a pastor in Assembly of Yahweh, a church that forbids the celebration of Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter.

Wilks has called climate change God’s will and condemned homosexuality as “a perversion tantamount to bestiality, pedophilia and incest,” according to recordings of sermons reviewed by Reuters.

Mercer, a hedge fund executive, is a strong advocate for returning to the gold standard who has funded groups that have cast doubt on the science of climate change.

Cruz also has criticized the consensus scientific view of climate change, and has suggested he too would welcome a return to the gold standard, an idea that has little backing among mainstream economists.

“The Fed should get out of the business of trying to juice our economy and simply be focused on sound money and monetary stability, ideally tied to gold,” Cruz said last year during a debate.

Neugebauer said he and the other donors were not motivated by personal issues or gain, nor do all of them necessarily agree with Cruz’s sharply conservative views on social issues. Rather, he said, they are united by a concern for the country’s debt.

“I know it sounds crazy,” he said. “We are anti-establishment and we all think the country is on the precipice of insolvency.”

With Neugebauer on the sidelines, the other super PACs have begun spending money on television ads. In Indiana, where Cruz desperately needs an upset Tuesday to slow Trump’s rise, the super PAC is spending nearly $2 million. Strangely, the biggest chunk, $1.3 million, is going toward a television ad attacking John Kasich for his support of Obamacare; after the money was spent, Cruz and Kasich announced a deal where Kasich would not compete in Indiana.

Neugebauer said he still is weighing whether to spend money in California before its June 7 primary.

“There have been a lot of opportunities to waste money this political cycle,” he said in an email.

Staff writers Maloy Moore and Anthony Pesce contributed to this report.

Rising confidence in California's economy is a challenge for GOP presidential candidates


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Roger Stone Launches Pro-Trump Super PAC to Defeat Rubio

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


by PATRICK HOWLEY17 Dec 2015404

Legendary political operative Roger Stone is launching a super PAC to support Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump by bludgeoning Trump’s establishment rivals.

The Committee to Restore America’s Greatness, chaired by Stone and already cleared with the Federal Election Commission, is taking dead aim at SenatorSen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

“It is an effort to educate the voters in the early primary states about the establishment candidates who may be challenging Donald Trump for the nomination,” Stone told Breitbart News. “We’re focusing specifically on Marco Rubio, but it could also conceivably be Chris Christie.”

Stone, who formally resigned from the Trump campaign in August, met Trump at a Ronald Reagan campaign event decades ago and led his exploratory committee during Trump’s shortlived run for the Reform Party nomination in 2000. The veteran political trickster is making it clear that he intends to go for the jugular.

“TV and cable is certainly the most effective” method for getting anti-Rubio information out to the voters, Stone said. “If we raise more, perhaps we’ll do broadcast TV.”

“We specifically are not going to take corporate or lobbyist money because I think that corrupts the political process,” Stone added, noting that his PAC wants small-dollar donations and that it has not and will not coordinate with Trump in any way.

But as for Trump-style putdowns of his weak-kneed competitors? Stone thinks it’s fair game.

“The donor class of the Republican Party is shocked at how easily Donald Trump ended the viable candidacy of former Governor Jeb Bush,” Stone explains in his introductory email announcing the PAC. “Jeb was supposed to be the anointed one, and all the other candidates were expected to drop out of the race to make way for the restoration of the ‘House of Bush.’ But Trump branding Jeb as ‘low energy’ and a ‘stiff’ was the beginning of the end of his candidacy. He is now in 5th place.”

With Bush knocked to the sidelines, Stone thinks it’s time to go after Rubio, who has picked up the support of Republican donor heavyweight Paul Singer and is angling for the endorsement of billionaire Sheldon Adelson.

Stone identified Rubio’s support for the Gang of 8 amnesty bill, for President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership deal with East Asian countries, and his support for importing Syrian refugees as the issues that make him “the Establishment’s Water Boy.”

“Rubio’s campaign slogan is ‘A New American Century,” Stone said. “But make no mistake, Rubio’s New America is the wet dream of the crooked lobbyists, Wall Street billionaires and special interests.”

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald Trump

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio
24 FEB 2016  by Brian P Smyth
Scouring through the polls it's not hard to see very quickly the end result of Super Tuesday.
It's not too shocking that Rubio and the establishment will lose there's no question about that.
However there are only a couple of states that Cruz or Rubio even have a fighting chance of splitting the delegates or tying with Trump.
Below are the states and delegates. Our predictions are based on polls.
Below R is for Republican delegates only.
Alabama               R50        Trump 45
Alaska                   R28.       Trump 15 Cruz 10
Arkansas              R40        Cruz 28 Trump 10
Colorado              R37        Carson 15 Rubio 10
Georgia                 R76       Trump 65 Rubio 10
Massachusetts   R42         Trump 35 Rubio 7
Minnesota           R38        Trump 30 Rubio 8
Oklahoma             R43      Trump 25 Cruz 9
Tennessee            R58      Trump 25 Carson 25
Texas                   R155      Trump 75 Cruz 75
Vermont               R16       Trump 10
Virginia                 R49       Trump 38 
Wyoming              R29       Rubio 12 Trump 12
As of 24 FEB 2016 
Current delegates 82 plus Super Tuesday 320 for a total of 467.
Current delegates 17 plus Super Tuesday 140 for a total of 157
Current delegates 16 plus Super Tuesday 60 for a total of 76.


Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio

24 FEB 2016  by Brian P Smyth

Scouring through the polls it's not hard to see very quickly the end result of Super Tuesday.
It's not too shocking that Rubio and the establishment will lose there's no question about that.
However there are only a couple of states that Cruz or Rubio even have a fighting chance of splitting the delegates or tying with Trump.
Below are the states and delegates. Our predictions are based on polls.
Below R is for Republican delegates only.

Alabama               R50        Trump 45
Alaska                   R28.       Trump 15 Cruz 10
Arkansas              R40        Cruz 28 Trump 10
Colorado              R37        Carson 15 Rubio 10
Georgia                 R76       Trump 65 Rubio 10
Massachusetts   R42         Trump 35 Rubio 7
Minnesota           R38        Trump 30 Rubio 8
Oklahoma             R43      Trump 25 Cruz 9
Tennessee            R58      Trump 25 Carson 25
Texas                   R155      Trump 75 Cruz 75
Vermont               R16       Trump 10
Virginia                 R49       Trump 38 
Wyoming              R29       Rubio 12 Trump 12
As of 24 FEB 2016 

Current delegates 82 plus Super Tuesday 320 for a total of 467

Current delegates 17 plus Super Tuesday 140 for a total of 157. 

Current delegates 16 plus Super Tuesday 60 for a total of 76.

Friday, February 12, 2016

DNC allowing donations from federal lobbyists and PACs

The Democratic National Committee has rolled back restrictions introduced by presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 that banned donations from federal lobbyists and political action committees.

The decision, which may provide an advantage to Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, was viewed with disappointment Friday morning by good government activists who saw it as a step backward in the effort to limit special interest influence in Washington.

“It is a major step in the wrong direction,” said longtime reform advocate Fred Wertheimer. “And it is completely out of touch with the clear public rejection of the role of political money in Washington,” expressed during the 2016 campaign.

The change in the rules, already apparent to leading Washington lobbyists, was quietly introduced at some point during the past couple of months.

The ban was both a symbolic and substantive way for Obama to put his stamp on the party in 2008 when he promised voters “we are going to change how Washington works.”

Since it was introduced, lobbyists and corporate advocates in Washington have complained about the ban and other limitations imposed by Obama. The only portion of the old rules now remaining in place is that lobbyists and PAC representatives will still not be able to attend events that feature Obama, Vice President Biden or their spouses, according to Mark Paustenbach, deputy communications director for the DNC.

“The DNC’s recent change in guidelines will ensure that we continue to have the resources and infrastructure in place to best support whoever emerges as our eventual nominee,” Paustenbach said in an email. “Electing a Democrat to the White House is vital to building on the progress we’ve made over the last seven years, which has resulted in a record 71 straight months of private-sector job growth and nearly 14 million new jobs.”

Last summer the DNC announced it was lifting a ban on lobbyist contributions to convention-related expenses. At the time, DNC officials said the move was necessary because Congress had eliminated about $20 million in federal funding for the quadrennial party gatherings.

The DNC’s recent, sweeping reversal of the previous ban on donations from lobbyists and political action committees was confirmed by three Democratic lobbyists who said they have already received solicitations from the committee. The lobbyists requested anonymity to speak freely about the committee’s decision, which has been otherwise kept quiet.

For the most part, they said, the DNC is back to pre-2008 business as usual. The DNC has even hired a finance director specifically for PAC donations who has recently emailed prospective donors to let them know that they can now contribute again, according to an email that was reviewed by The Washington Post.

The decision is the latest move likely to inflame tensions between the DNC and supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who has railed against lobbyist influence, particularly those representing Wall Street.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, has set up a joint fundraising committee with the DNC and the new rules are likely to provide her with an advantage.

The new rules have already opened up opportunities for influence-buying “by Washington lobbyists with six-figure contributions to the Hillary Victory Fund,” said Wertheimer, suggesting that lobbyists could also face “political extortion” from those raising the money.

Sanders has made his small-dollar-infused campaign a hallmark of his stump speech, boasting that he is the candidate of the little guy, to the point where supporters in Iowa could finish the portion of his stump speech in which he crowed that the average donation was $27.

In recent months Sanders’s supporters have accused the DNC of trying to prevent more primary debates, trying to tilt the race in Clinton’s direction. Just this week his backers were enraged that the DNC allowed the senior members of the Congressional Black Caucus to use the committee’s Capitol Hill headquarters to announce that their PAC had endorsed Clinton over Sanders.

Sanders backers have also expressed concern that the DNC is not playing a more vigorous role in checking out disputes over voting in the recent Iowa caucuses, which Clinton narrowly won.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton Super PAC’s Statement on Trump’s Palin Endorsement Is Just a Mocking Smiley Face

by PATRICK HOWLEY19 Jan 201677
The pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC Priorities USA officially responded to Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump by releasing a graphic of a smiley face pointing and laughing.
Unable, apparently, to string together a couple sentences, the PAC instead released a mocking image.

Liberals and Democrats in the post-Jon Stewart Age frequently fail to argue substantive points, but rather use the strategy of empty ad hominem attacks to insult conservatives without actually saying anything meaningful.

This tactic allows younger, groupthink-minded progressives to feel like they’re part of a fashionable crowd, in opposition to conservatives, while also appealing to the most base and vicious elements of human nature.
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