Showing posts with label Breitbart London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breitbart London. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Obama Might As Well Have Declared: ‘Britain Lost the War Of Independence Because You Have Small D**ks’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio 

by JAMES DELINGPOLE24 Apr 2016406
President Obama’s visit to the United Kingdom was nothing more than a trolling exercise, straight out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.
The tactics went like this:
The Provocation
Barack Obama came to Britain and, in the guise of lofty, statesman-like disinterested amity made a statement so outrageously provocative that he might just as well have said: “My historians tell me the reason you guys lost the War of Independence is because your penises were incredibly small.”
No really – his presumption in telling us which way to vote in the European Union debate was that arrogant and rude. The only people in Britain who welcomed Obama’s intervention were the ones already on board with the European Union project. For anyone else, it was a calculated insult from a meddling hypocrite interloper.
The Inevitable Reaction
That’s why, naturally enough, those on the opposing side of the argument – the ones advocating exit from the European Union – responded in kind. If Obama was going to behave like a bumptious prick, well, he deserved to be treated like a bumptious prick.
Hence the perfectly proportionate response by Boris Johnson (Mayor of London; leading light of the Brexit faction) making gentle reference to the President’s Kenyan, anti-British heritage, to Obama’s pointed return of the Winston Churchill bust, and to the meddling, anti-democratic, and thoroughly un-American nature of his suggestion that Britain should remain shackled to the kind of socialist superstate that no American would personally tolerate.
The Manufacture of the Outrage
If you understand how the modern left – especially its Praetorian Guard, the Social Justice Warriors (SJW) – operates, what you’ll realise is this: that the sole tactical purpose of the President’s visit was to generate a kind of “beneficial crisis” which could then be exploited for political ends.
No one could have known beforehand what this beneficial crisis would look like. Essentially it had to be manufactured out of whatever material, however flimsy, that events managed to throw up.
What the SJW hive mind eventually decided on was this: Boris Johnson is a racist.
Probably the finest example of this humbug was to be found not in the Guardian but in the Spectator in this spluttering exercise in over-the-top sanctimoniousness by Nick Cohen.
Here’s a taste:
I’m not someone who throws accusations of racism around – it’s too serious a charge to devalue. But, come now, the fantasy that Obama is the heir of the Mau-Maus with no right to govern is a racist lie that appeals to deep, dark traditions in the US. From slavery, through the Civil War, the backlash against Reconstruction, and Jim Crow, the argument has been the same: blacks have no right to vote, and black politicians have no right to rule.

Yep, that’s it, Nick. Let me translate for you: “Anyone who wants to leave the European Union is the kind of racist bastard who, like Boris Johnson, wants to bring back slavery and hang all black people.”
The Hive Swarms
Vox Day describes this in more detail in his excellent book Social Justice Warriors Always Lie. It’s an essential part of the strategy of the modern left, as laid out decades ago by Saul Alinsky in his Rules for Radicals. Essentially you seek to destroy your most dangerous opponents by isolating them and swarming on them like an angry hive.
Pretty much everyone on the left joins in to condemn Johnson’s outrageous outrageousness. So does everyone else on the Remain campaign. So, amazingly, does one of Winston Churchill’s grandsons – the Conservative MP Nicholas Soames.
The purpose is to leave the victim isolated and confused. And ideally to extract from him some kind of humiliating apology (which of course will not be accepted).
Truth is the First Casualty
Which, in this case, is the fact that Boris Johnson was entirely correct in what he said about Obama and the Churchill bust; that his point was well made; that the scumbags trying to make political capital out of this manufactured scandal are more slippery than a bag of eels in KY jelly and lower than bubonic vermin.
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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Obama: Britain Should Stay in the EU Because Of Iran, Climate Change, TTIP, And Because Sovereignty Is Outdated

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


by RAHEEM KASSAM21 Apr 20161,468

U.S. President Barack Obama has penned an opinion columnin Britain’s Daily Telegraphnewspaper outlining why he believes Britain should remain in the European Union (EU). The core of his arguments are: that Britain’s voice would be lost without Brussels bureaucrats; his failing deal with the largest state sponsor of terrorism; the pro-mass-privatisation TTIP deal; and the fact that dead American servicemen are buried in Europe.

One might argue that he has failed to read the room.

Just as President Obama parodied himself in his multitude of snubs to Britain during his tenure, he has, probably unknowingly, lampooned himself again – which hasn’t gone unnoticed by staff at the Telegraphthemselves, when tweeting out his column tonight.

President Obama begins by talking up the United Nations and NATO: institutions that are increasingly being called into question not just in Britain, but across Europe and further afield. And he acknowledges the timing of his visit is poor to say the least, jesting:

“I realise that there’s been considerable speculation – and some controversy – about the timing of my visit. And I confess: I do want to wish Her Majesty a happy birthday in person.”

But his op-ed column takes a turn for the bizarre when he mentions the U.S. servicemen who died defending sovereignty and freedom in Europe. This is perhaps especially concerning when he is effectively backing a new German takeover of the continent. He writes:

“The tens of thousands of Americans who rest in Europe’s cemeteries are a silent testament to just how intertwined our prosperity and security truly are. And the path you choose now will echo in the prospects of today’s generation of Americans as well.”

And then comes the attack on the idea of sovereign nations themselves. President Obama insists that “collective action” is more pressing than the idea of independent countries: a notion that those same American servicemen died fighting against:

“And in today’s world, even as we all cherish our sovereignty, the nations who wield their influence most effectively are the nations that do it through the collective action that today’s challenges demand.”

President Obama then goes on to cite the nuclear deal with Iran that has emboldened the country – the globe’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, and enemy of the Western world and its allies:

“When we negotiated the historic deal to verifiably prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, it was collective action, working together with the permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany, that got the job done. And the EU’s seat at the table magnified the United Kingdom’s voice.

“When the climate agreement in Paris needed a push, it was the European Union, fortified by the United Kingdom, that ultimately helped make that agreement possible.”

Finally, President Obama discusses theTrans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal – now widely knownto be a corporate lobbyist effort to privatise Britain’s National Health Service en masse and give corporations the right to sue governments. It is massively unpopular with the socialist left and the nationalist right, yet he says:

“When it comes to creating jobs, trade, and economic growth in line with our values, the UK has benefited from its membership in the EU – inside a single market that provides enormous opportunities for the British people. And the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the EU will advance our values and our interests, and establish the high-standard, pro-worker rules for trade and commerce in the 21st century economy.”

Just this week France threatened to derail the entire deal.

Conclusively, one might argue that President Obama’s op-ed is a litany of unpopular, establishment narratives. The most worrying thing about it? Most people aren’t likely to have a clue what he’s talking about.

Read More Stories About:

Big GovernmentBreitbart LondonIran,GermanyObamabarack obamaClimate ChangeEU referendumUnited Nations,NatoTTIPTelegraph

Friday, February 26, 2016

Breitbart Reverses Smear: Heckles Ailes, Murdoch, Beck, Establishment in FoxNews.Com Front Page Article

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by BREITBART NEWS25 Feb 20161723

Earlier tonight, covered a segment on Glenn Beck’s radio program where the host likened Breitbart News Network Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Bannon, also a SiriusXM radio host, is a former Surface Warfare Officer in the U.S. Navy. The article was featured toward the top of front page. Breitbart News contributed a comment to the article, which we’ve highlighted in bold:

Conservative talk show host Glenn Beck slammed Donald Trump’s supporters Wednesday on his radio show as “vile” and likened them to Nazis – while accusing Breitbart Chairman Stephen Bannon of doing Trump’s bidding, comparing him to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.


[Beck] reserved his most fiery comments for Bannon, claiming his Breitbart news blog site is promoting Trump’s “lies.”

“I’m telling you that I believe that Bannon thinks he’s either going to be the chief of staff or he’s going to be the next Roger Ailes. And let me tell you something, Bannon whatever your first name is. Um, you’re not going to be the next Roger Ailes. There is not going to be another Roger Ailes,” Beck said, referring to the Fox News chairman.

He continued: “Roger Ailes didn’t answer to anybody. He certainly didn’t take orders from a real estate developer. … By taking orders from a political candidate and reworking your entire site to promote the lies of a specific candidate without any kind of truth behind these things … If that is what your idea of being Roger Ailes is, you are so sadly mistaken. That doesn’t make you Roger Ailes. That makes you Goebbels.”

Reached for comment, a Breitbart spokesman jokingly referenced Beck’s call to fast for Cruz, saying:

“Since Glenn had been fasting, we assume he was simply ‘hangry.’ Either that or this is another example of Beck trying to carry water for the Ailes-Murdoch-Fox News establishment in their anybody-but-Trump crusade.”

The conservative news blog site’s primary financial backer is Robert Mercer, a billionaire supporter of various political causes.

You can read the rest of the story here.

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Big JournalismRoger AilesbreitbartGlen Beck

Thursday, February 11, 2016

German Govt Begins Migrant Propaganda Campaign, Urges Citizens To Overcome Their ‘Dark Side’

Sean Gallup/Getty

by LIAM DEACON10 Feb 2016693

A German government ministry has begun an aggressive advertising campaign urging citizens to overcome their “dark side” and embrace open door mass migration and multiculturalism.

“Germany, stay strong! With humanity towards your dark side” and “Against Hate & baiting – no ifs or buts” read the propaganda billboards.

The text is written over a German flag dripping with black paint. Organisers say they hope to “retrieve” the flag from “right wing” and “nationalist” groups such as the PEGIDA and the Eurosceptic Alternative for Germany (AfD), represented on the poster by the encroaching black paint.

“‘Germany, stay strong!’ Is a call to civil society, to oppose right-wing tendencies and incitement. An appeal to a welcoming culture for people in need – and for a cosmopolitan Germany”, writes the left wing ‘Show Your Face! For a cosmopolitan Germany’ group on its website.

Six hundred such giant billboard adverts are expected to go up, and 20,000 stickers and 45,000 postcards will be distributed in the campaign, which is backed by Germany’s Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth.

“PEGIDA and Co. abuse the flag of the Federal Republic,” proclaimed Uwe-Karsten Heye, the chairman of the group at the campaign launch. “Indeed the flag and Constitution stand for an open society, the right to asylum and for inviolable human dignity”, he claimed.


“I think it is necessary to give people courage to stand against right-wing extremism and xenophobia,” Mr. Heye added, talking to Der Tagesspeigel. 

The organisation’s manager, Sophia Oppermann, said that they also wished to encourage left wing and “humanitarian” groups to use and display the national flag more often.

“We’re tired with the right constantly waving the German flag, and all the others have no chance,” she said. “We are also proud of this country and we stand for the values ​​that have this flag and this country.”

Specifically, the group wants the German public to embrace the 1.5 million migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015, and to keep welcoming them this year as Chancellor Merkel’s open door policy continues unabated.

“We must continue to act with humanity and we must insist that we are dealing with individuals, individuals, have to do”, Ms. Oppermann said.

She argued that the majority of migrants were refugees seeking protection, but admitted there are “huge problems” associated with the mass influx from the Middle East.

“You have to develop ideas on how you can do that”, she said. Adding: “People will, together we hope, strengthen the great majority of society”.

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Breitbart LondonGermanyEurope Migrant CrisispropagandaGermany Migrantsanti racism

Trump Thumps Merkel On Migrant Madness: ‘It’s The End Of Europe’


by BREITBART LONDON10 Feb 2016878

REUTERS – U.S. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump said German Chancellor Angela Merkel was wrong to let in thousands of migrants into Germany and that the refugee crisis could trigger revolutions and even the end of Europe.

“I think Angela Merkel made a tragic mistake with the migrants,” Trump told French conservative weekly Valeurs Actuelles, which said it was the billionaire’s first in-depth campaign interview with European media.

“If you don’t treat the situation competently and firmly, yes, it’s the end of Europe. You could face real revolutions,” Trump was quoted as saying, according to the French translation.

The 69-year-old property magnate also said Brussels had become a breeding ground for terrorists and some neighbourhoods in Paris and elsewhere in France had become no-go zones.

“Unfortunately, France is not what it used to be, and neither is Paris,” he said. He also said tight French gun laws were partly responsible for the killing of dozens of people at the Bataclan concert hall last November by Islamist militants.

“I always have a gun with me. Had I been at the Bataclan, I can tell you I would have opened fire,” he said.

Trump further said he thought the United States could have very good relations with Russia‘s Vladimir Putin and that nothing could be worse than the current situation where President Barack Obama and Putin scarcely spoke with each other.

“He (Putin) said I was brilliant. That proves a certain smartness,” said Trump.

The French magazine said the interview was conducted at Trump’s office in New York’s Trump Tower a week before the Iowa caucuses, in which he finished second among candidates seeking the Republican nomination for November’s presidential election.

Trump was widely expected to win Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire, which is part of the state-by-state process of picking party nominees for the Nov. 8 election to replace Democratic President Barack Obama.

(Reporting by Michel Rose; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Read More Stories About:

Breitbart LondonDonald Trump,ImmigrationEurope Migrant Crisis,European UnionAngela Merkel

Thursday, January 21, 2016

SOCIALISM AT WORK: France Declares State of Economic Emergency


by SARKIS ZERONIAN20 Jan 2016329

As investor sentiment plunges across the world, President François Hollande of France has unveiled an economic plan to deal with what he describes as his country’s “state of economic emergency”.

Setting out a new €2 billion (£1.5 billion) job creation plan for France, the socialist leader said the country is facing an “economic and social emergency” as well as an “uncertain economic climate and persistent unemployment”, reports the BBC.

Recently President Hollande said that the social emergency in France, caused by unemployment, was as every bit as serious as the emergency caused by terrorism. In his annual speech to business leaders he reinforced that idea, prioritising his response to it.

“Our country has been faced with structural unemployment for two to three decades,” he said, “and this requires that creating jobs becomes our one and only fight.”

France’s unemployment rate has soared to an 18-year high of 10.6 per cent, against a European Union average of 9.8 per cent and 5.4 per cent in Britain. Facing re-election next year an increasingly desperate President Hollande proposes to pay French employers to hire young unemployed people as a means to restore confidence in his country’s “broken” economic model, one which is marred by low output and stagnant growth.

France’s state of economic emergency was declared at the same time as Germany faces its most difficult start to a year in recent memory, reports The Express. With consumer confidence plummeting, industrial production growth in the EU’s biggest economy has slipped to zero per cent.

Germany and France are the eurozone’s two biggest economies, and two of the six largest economies in the world. Economists have warned that if the French and German economies collapse the ensuing domino effect would bring down the entire eurozone and severely damage the global economy at a time when it is already under considerable stress.

Some are even warning that with the downturn in China a global recession is now more likely than at any time since the 2008 financial crisis.

Follow Sarkis Zeronian on Twitter: Follow @SarkisZ or e-mail to:

Read More Stories About:

Breitbart LondonGermanyFrance,EconomicsFrancois Hollande2008 financial crisiseconomic crisis

Monday, January 18, 2016

Ban Donald Trump? You’ll Have To Ban Ex-Muslims, European Leaders, And Me As Well


by RAHEEM KASSAM18 Jan 20161,390

It was perhaps inevitable, when you note the wilful and lazy underreporting by Britain’s mainstream media of issues pertaining to radical Islam, that when a vocal critic came along, people’s first instincts would be to call him a “racist” and seek to curtail their own rights of free speech in response. Turkeys voting for Christmas. Cutting off your nose to spite your face. Choose whatever idiom you want… if the shoe fits… ahem.

So when Suzanne Kelly – a long-standing anti-Trump campaigner in Scotland – started a parliamentary petition, the media seized on it, failing to report that a) it was NOT in response to his comments about a moratorium on Muslim immigration to the U.S. and b) it was actually started BEFORE he even said anything of the sort.

It was one socialist, who has been “investigating Trump’s activities and the objections of local residents to his golfing development for several years” who inadvertently triggered tonight’s parliamentary committee debate on effectively banning people from saying anything even remotely critical of Islam. It accidentally turned from a socialist crusade against property rights, to a socialist crusade in favour of an Islamic blasphemy law in Britain.

Don’t worry – today’s debate isn’t binding. Nor is it in the House of Commons chamber. But if you were to turn Sky News on this morning, you’d think there was a key government vote on the matter. Of course, it has been seized upon by Muslim Members of Parliament.

But if Mr. Trump has to be banned from Britain, then who else? Well, a significant number of Britons, really, who believe, as Saxony’s Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillichhas said this weekend, that the West has “too little experience with Islam” and that inward migration should be curbed.

And what about Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has said that “Islam has never been a part of Europe” or Slovakia’s premier Robert Fico, who has said that Muslims are “impossible to integrate”? Do we ban these people too?

Do we ban ex-Muslims like Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Do we ban people like Sohail Ahmed, a self-professed former radical who has since left Islam? Or is the British reaction to Donald Trump’s comments – for that is what most thought they were signing the petition about – reserved for white American men?

Whatever the motivation – and whatever your answer to the questions posed above, it is surely obvious at this point that British democracy is in a very sorry state.

And we could talk about why until we’re blue in the face: self-censorship, post-colonial guilt, media indoctrination, the liberal monopoly on public life… the reasons are endless. Why waste the time?

Instead I suggest we become far more robust in our language. Far more robust in asserting our birthrights. And far more robust in rejecting the attempts at manipulation of our nation state.

Yes, a lot of our efforts this year should go to fighting a European referendum so that we may reassert ourselves on the world stage again. But don’t forget, once parliament is sovereign again, it will be a parliament that we have packed with soft-fascists. Those who want to tell us what to eat, drink, smoke, and think. And those who will today be discussing what amount of free speech should get you banned from this country.

It is this, coupled with the long-standing liberal monopoly of the press and our television channels that we have to think about fighting next. Otherwise what is the point in being a sovereign nation?

Whether or not you agree with me about Donald Trump – you surely believe that it is time for radical change in this country. And that starts with refusing to vote for the same old parties, buying the same old newspapers, and watching the same old TV channels. Turn it off.

Follow Raheem Kassam on Twitter hereand on Facebook here for less of the same, and more of what’s really going on

Read More Stories About:

Breitbart LondonIslamImmigration,Donald TrumpMuslimsfree speech,Parliament