Showing posts with label colorado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colorado. Show all posts

Sunday, April 17, 2016


1.       New York Primary
-          The president of the New York Veteran Police Association (NYVPA) Lou Telano delivered an award to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump at a press conference in Staten Island, New York on Sunday morning. Feb 11-15 AP Poll: 86% of Republicans Think Donald Trump Can Win General Election
-          On morning Joe Wednesday Member of the Georgia Republican party, former Newt Gingrich backer, and RNC rules committee member Randy Evans told MSNBC's Morning Joe that Donald Trump could win the GOP nomination even if he comes short of 1,237 delegates but must get 1100.

-          Poll: Donald Trump Hits 65 Percent in New York, More than 50 Percent Ahead of Ted Cruz 12% and Kasich 1% - By Boston  Emerson College
-          On Saturday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Republican party convention won 14 out of the 14 Wyoming delegates who will go to the Republican National Convention in July – Cruz (23) 66.3% 644 – Trump (1) 7.2% 70 – Rubio (1) 19.5% 189 delegates
a.       The Wyoming win is another victory demonstrating how Cruz’s campaign has organized party insiders and activists to make it difficult for Trump to secure the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the GOP nomination, ABC reported.
b.      Prebuis Know the rules (1B)
c.       ABC are you getting beat on the ground? Manafort (1A)
-          After Brussels terrorist attacks and with the European Union estimating that 3 million more migrants will arrive in Europe this year, the patience of Slovenians, traditionally known for tolerance, is wearing thin. Today, anti-Muslim protesters in Slovenia chanted "Donald Trump, Donald Trump!".
-          During the RNC speech Cruz mic went dead for 7 mins and Rush calls it dirty tricks.
-          Ted and the Dildo
a.       A Time for Truth, Sen. Ted Cruz proudly chronicles his days as a Texas solicitor general, a post he held from 2003 to 2008. Bolstering his conservative cred, the Republican presidential candidate notes that during his stint as the state's chief lawyer before the Supreme Court and federal and state appellate courts, he defended the inclusion of "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, the display of the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the state capitol, a congressional redistricting plan that assisted Republicans, a restrictive voter identification law, and a ban on late-term abortions. He also described cases in which he championed gun rights and defended the conviction of a Mexican citizen who raped and murdered two teenage girls in a case challenged by the World Court. Yet one case he does not mention is the time he helped defend a law criminalizing the sale of dildos
2.       Public Re Education Program
-          Treasury Secretary Jack Lew is expected to announce this week that Alexander Hamilton’s face will remain on the front of the $10 bill and a woman will replace Andrew Jackson on the face of the $20 bill, a senior government source told CNN on Saturday
-          Over 50 million students are heading off to approximately 98,500 public elementary and secondary schools for the fall 2015 term, and before the school year is out, an estimated $634 billion will be spent related to their education. By
-          70 percent of inmates in America’s prisons cannot read above a fourth grade level, according to
-          32 million adults in the U.S. can’t read. That’s 14 percent of the population. 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates can’t read.
-          The current literacy rate isn’t any better than it was 10 years ago. According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy
-          The Act of 1867 directed the Department of Education to collect and report the "condition and progress of education" in annual reports to Congress. In the first report of 1870, the Commissioner proudly reported that nearly 7 million children were enrolled in elementary schools and 80,000 were enrolled in secondary schools. Also some 9,000 college degrees had been awarded. (.15%) This contrasts with 1990, when 30 million enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools and 11 million enrolled in secondary schools. Over 1.5 million bachelors and higher degrees were awarded. (3.7%)
-          In 1979, President Carter advocated for creating a cabinet-level Department of Education.
-          Upgrading Education to cabinet level status in 1979 was opposed by many in the Republican Party, who saw the department as unconstitutional, arguing that the Constitution doesn't mention education, and deemed it an unnecessary and illegal federal bureaucratic intrusion into local affairs
-          Susan Brownell Anthony (February 20, 1820 – March 13, 1906) was an American social reformer and feminist who played a pivotal role in the women's suffrage movement. Born into a Quaker family committed to social equality, she collected anti-slavery petitions at the age of 17. In 1856, she became the New York state agent for the American Anti-Slavery Society.
-          7.8: At least 77 dead, hundreds injured in Ecuador earthquake
-          Japanese Authorities have confirmed 32 deaths from Saturday’s magnitude-7.3 earthquake, and nine from a magnitude-6.5 quake in the same area Thursday night.

Friday, April 15, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: Colorado Caucus Volunteers: Ballot Errors Hurt Trump Delegate Candidates, Could Have Violated State Rules - Breitbart

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio


by Patrick Howley15 Apr 20160

15 Apr, 201615 Apr, 2016 Volunteers at the Colorado Republican Assembly are coming forward with evidence to indicate that their state’s delegate selection process was riddled with errors that disadvantaged some Donald Trump supporters who were running to become national delegates.

The errors could have violated state bylaws significantly enough that some of the results could be contested, according to the volunteers.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) took all 34 of Colorado’s delegates last week in a process that closed down traditional caucus voting to the public.

A handful of volunteers spoke to Breitbart News about the process.

“I’m the former Chairman of the Pueblo County Republican Party and the person who developed the Slates for National Delegates for the Trump team. The Colorado GOP website was filled with errors posted about the National Delegates,” Nancy Mizel told Breitbart News.

Mizel took a photograph of a ballot in Congressional District 7 that included ONLY the ballot numbers of delegate candidates, NOT the names of the candidates as required by state bylaws.

(Photo: Becky Mizel)

But Article Xiii of the Colorado Republican Convention bylaws (Assemblies and Conventions Section A) show that a delegate candidate must be identified alongside the name of the presidential candidate that he or she is pledged to support, so long as the delegate candidate discloses that information:

Candidates for national convention delegate need not identify the presidential candidate they are pledged to support, but may do so at their option. The ballot shall include the presidential candidate each candidate for national delegate is pledged to support, or shall indicate that the candidate for national delegate is unpledged. CRC Bylaws, Art. XIII, § A(5)(c).

Here are stories of three of the volunteers in their own words:

Kimberly JaJack:

JaJack, a Trump supporter, tells Breitbart News that she was not allowed to vote at the State Assembly:

I was a delegate. I pledged support for Donald Trump. In the Arapahoe County section they had designated seating areas for your last name. When it came time to pass the ballots out, someone from the Colorado GOP came around and started calling out names. When you received your ballot you received a mark on your name.

She went directly from K to I and skipped the Js. She said she didn’t have the Js….

…I asked a few people, no one seemed to have the ballots for my last name. At that particular time, I had to do my ten-second speech because I was running for national delegate. I came back and said I don’t have a ballot and I went to Andie, the president of the Cherry Creek Republican Women in Colorado, and she looked at her board. She had my name on this page and it had a check mark next to it. She looked at it and said “this is a check mark.” I said “This is my badge, you do NOT see a mark on it, do you?”

I approached a representative of Donald Trump’s campaign and I went to Steve House, chairman of the Colorado GOP. He took my name and telephone number.

JaJack said that she found out that another woman in Arapahoe County later told her that she had her ballot, but by then it was too late to vote. JaJack said that she has not heard back from the Colorado GOP. She says her case represents a “serious injustice.”

JaJack told her story at the time in a video obtained by Breitbart News:

Becky Mizel:

Mizel told Breitbart News about the extent of the errors she observed:

While I was putting together the National Delegate Slates for Mr. Trump on April 5th or 6th, copied and pasted from the Colorado GOP website – I noticed my name was missing from the website as being a national  delegate candidate. Even though I had submitted timely paperwork.  I called the GOP HQ. They said it was an error and they would correct it. Gave me ballot number 602 over the phone.  I assumed my delegate name was corrected and added although even as ofThursday my name was still not on the website as a delegate.

I don’t know if it was ever added to the website.  If I had not checked the website, which probably few do, I would never have even known the mistake and would have been completely missed as a delegate candidate.  This may have happened to others who thought they were delegate candidates and were not. Only a guess. I have never implied my number was deliberately changed nor claimed I was deliberately left off the lists. If  names were left off possibly numbers were also confused. I have no idea regarding their process,  A series of errors that appeared to happen to myself and  others and  were not unique to only Trump candidates.

Folks with ballots numbered higher  than 588 –  those people I assume we’re errors in entry – were not published as national delegate candidates in the GOP program- nor listed in the voting booklet. Disappointing, since candidates were only allowed 10 second speeches. Being left off both informational programs was disheartening.

Nancy McKiernan:

Trump volunteer Nancy McKiernan described the chaos to Breitbart News:

Jan Herron and I and another friend were volunteers at the Trump table at the Colorado Republican State Assembly on Saturday, 4/9/2016 and witnessed a lot of confusion regarding these numbers.

When I arrived at the table at around noon, I was told by other volunteers that some of the numbers that were printed on the official Trump slates (Exhibit A) were wrong and needed to be changed.  My understanding from speaking with Becky is the numbers on the slate were taken directly off of the Colorado GOP website.  In trying to ascertain what the correct numbers should be, I looked in the Assembly & Convention program (Exhibit B, Paid for by the Colorado Republican Committee, and noticed that the numbers only went up to 588, yet for 4 of the delegates on the slate, their numbers were higher than 588, and therefore not listed in the program:

#589 Kimberly Jajack

#598 Rheba Massay

#602 Becky Mizel

#610 Gabriel Schwartz

I started asking around to try to figure out what the delegates were using as a reference to vote with; what was the “official” guide to match names to numbers?  I was given a “Delegates to the Republican National Convention Ballot Supplement” (Exhibit C) and cross referenced numbers and names on the slate with this.  Inserted into it was a blue sheet of paper containing names of delegates with numbers from 596 – 619 (Exhibit D). This sheet of paper included names for Unpledged, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and John Kasich delegates.  When cross checking the slate with this “supplement”, I found these discrepancies between the Official Trump slate and the Ballot Supplement:

Name                          Number on Slate         Number on Ballot Supplement

Robert Jenkins            #257                            #259

William Lambert          #289                            #298

Jerome Parks             #379                            #401

Becky Mizel                #602                            #606  (from blue sheet insert)

I witnessed several Trump delegates coming to the volunteer table, confused and frustrated, asking what numbers they should be using to vote for people on the Trump slate.  While I was helping one gentleman fill out his ballot, I noticed errors/misprints on the ballots themselves (Exhibit E-1, E-2), e.g. two number 523’s but no 513, two 378’s, but no 379.  I also noticed there were 948 numbers on the ballot, but as far as I could tell delegate numbers only went up to 619.

One woman reported that she was very angry that numbers corresponding to Trump delegates were left off the ballot. I do not have specifics on this, other than #379, Nicolas Robert Neitzel…

…Another woman/Trump supporter, reported that she was an alternate delegate and was elevated to delegate, and then was told they made a mistake and the delegate credential she had been given was ripped up. She said she was elevated again and then dropped back down to alternate a 2nd time.  She was visibly upset, said I feel like I’m in a third world country and left without filling out her ballot…

When I left at approximately 5:00 pm, delegates were still walking up to the Trump volunteer table, confused, upset and asking questions.  Shortly before I left, a gentleman, who was very upset, asked if he should go talk to Colorado GOP State Chairman Steve House to report the issues he encountered and set off to do just that.

Overall, what I witnessed appeared to be very chaotic, confusing and lacking in integrity.  I saw delegates walking around with ballots and wondered if anyone was keeping track of them.  Was there anything to stop someone from getting some extra ballots as they were roaming about and putting them in the ballot boxes?  I don’t know, as I didn’t go into the arena itself, where ballots were being turned in.  However, I got a general feeling of uneasiness in how things were being run.

From what I understand, mistakes were also made for Cruz delegates. However I did not track those.

The Colorado Republican Party did not immediately return a request for comment for this report.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Truth About The Colorado Delegate Controversy | Donald Trump vs. Ted Cruz

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Is Donald Trump being cheated out of the Republican Presidential nomination? Without a single vote being cast by Republican voters in Colorado, Ted Cruz won 21 delegates from the state’s seven 

congressional assemblies and 13 delegates at the state convention on Saturday April 9th, 2016. While the Colorado GOP establishment changed the primary process in August 2015 – the opposition to Trump delegates has supporters of the businessman up in arms. What is the Truth About The Colorado Delegate Controversy?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Trump erupts as Cruz sweeps Colorado without votes

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Donald Trump

Republican presidential front-runner Trump erupted on Twitter Sunday night, after a weekend which saw Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas sweep all of Colorado’s 37 delegates without any votes being cast by citizens in a traditional primary process.

“How is it possible that the people of the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Primary? Great anger – totally unfair!” wrote Trump.

He followed it up with a second tweet: “The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!”

It was last August when officials with the Republican Party in Colorado decided it would not let voters take part in the early nomination process.

The Denver Post reported Aug. 25: “The GOP executive committee has voted to cancel the traditional presidential preference poll after the national party changed its rules to require a state’s delegates to support the candidate that wins the caucus vote.”

“It takes Colorado completely off the map” in the primary season, Ryan Call, a former state GOP chairman, told the paper.

The ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: ‘Clinton for prosecution, not president’

In late February, just before Super Tuesday, the Post published a scathing editorial, saying the party blundered on the 2016 presidential caucus:

“GOP leaders have never provided a satisfactory reason for forgoing a presidential preference poll, although party chairman Steve House suggested on radio at one point that too many Republicans would otherwise flock to their local caucus.

“Imagine that: party officials fearing that an interesting race might propel thousands of additional citizens to participate. But of course that might dilute the influence of elites and insiders. You can see why that could upset the faint-hearted.”

One self-avowed Trump supporter took to YouTube to express his displeasure at the process, and burned his Republican registration on camera.

“Republican Party, take note. I think you’re gonna see a whole lot more of these,” he said as he ignited his registration.

“I’ve been in the Republican Party all my life, but I will never be a Republican ever again. …You’ve had it. You’re done. You’re toast. Because I quit the party. I’m voting for Trump, and to hell with the Republican Party.”

The popular Drudge Report news site splashed a headline in red stating, “Cruz celebrates voterless victory.”

The delegate selection process in Colorado is complicated.

The Cortez Journal reported: “Cruz had 17 bound delegates ahead of the Republican state convention. Another four delegates are unpledged but publicly expressed support for the candidate, who hopes to curb momentum seen by front-runner Donald Trump.

“Cruz declared victory in Colorado, pointing out that he won all 21 delegates from the state’s seven congressional assemblies. Another 13 delegates were awarded at the state convention on Saturday. An additional three delegates in Colorado’s 37-member national delegation are unpledged party leaders.”

Cruz himself noted on Saturday, “This has been a remarkable year. I will say this, it hasn’t been boring.”

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