Showing posts with label bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bush. Show all posts

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bloomberg Poll: Trump +19 in South Carolina

Listen To Military Veteran Talk Radio
AP/Matt Rourke
by MIKE FLYNN17 Feb 2016533
A new Bloomberg poll of South Carolina shows Donald Trump maintaining a strong lead in the state heading into Saturday’s primary.
Trump has the support of 36 percent of likely Republican voters, followed distantly by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in second with 17 percent support.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), with 15 percent support, is in third, followed closely by Jeb Bush with 13 percent. Ben Carson has 9 percent, while John Kasich has 7 percent.
The poll, conducted by Iowa’s Ann Selzer, was conducted after the GOP debate last Saturday. The poll doesn’t show any drop in support for Trump following his criticism of former President George W. Bush over the Iraq War.
A slight majority of voters say their minds are made up on which candidate to support, while 43 percent say they could still change their minds. Supporters of both Trump and Cruz, however, are more strongly committed.
Among Cruz supporters, 68 percent say their mind is definitely made up. Among Trump supporters, a similar 63 percent say their mind is made up.
Trump may be benefiting from his tough rhetoric on trade and proposals to impose tariffs on goods imported into the U.S. Only 20 percent of likely Republican voters believe trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership help the U.S. economy. A massive 70 percent of voters would support import tariffs and duties on goods manufactured overseas.
A strong dose of caution on this poll is warranted, however, because of its sample make-up. According to this poll, the largest single block of likely voters, 39 percent, describe themselves as “mainstream Republicans,” while only a third, 33 percent, describe themselves as evangelicals. Another 20 percent describe themselves at “Tea Party Republicans.”
In both 2012 and 2008, evangelicals made up more than 60 percent of the Republican primary electorate. One reason the final Bloomberg poll in Iowa was so off was that it significantly undercounted the number of evangelicals in the state. That poll also identified “mainstream Republicans” as the largest likely voting block in Iowa.
In both the Iowa poll and the recent South Carolina poll, Bloomberg has Trump running very strong with “mainstream” Republicans. In both polls, in fact, it is his strongest ideological block of voters.
It is unclear how Bloomberg defines “mainstream” Republican voters. It is clear, however, that they were not the largest block of voters in Iowa. They are unlikley to be the largest block of voters in South Carolina either.
The Bloomberg poll, even with this caveat, does reveal a very interesting piece of information. If, as it expects, “mainstream” Republicans make up the largest block of voters, dwarfing evangelicals and Tea Party supporters, then candidates like Bush, Rubio, and Kasich are in for even more of a struggle than anyone realizes.
If these three are still struggling to gain traction with such a favorable electorate, then they really are candidates and campaigns in search of supporters.
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Monday, January 4, 2016

Burned Out Bush: “Trump Will Never Be President”

Posted by Adam Lankford

Jeb Bush Continues Embarrassing Campaign Courting Graham Supporters

The pathetic campaign of what was supposed to be an inevitable nomination, continues with Jeb Bush to the point where he is now courting supporters of an equally pointless and failed Lindsey Graham 

campaign.  The former Governor of Florida refuses to let go and face the reality of the political climate where the establishment has been determined to be as equally destructive as Democrats to a free Republic.  Appearing at an event in South Carolina at Hudson BBQ, where he was over 45 minutes late, Bush spoke to some 100 supporters about the state of his campaign and his intention to win the state of South Carolina.  After taking questions at the town hall style event, Jeb insisted that “Donald Trump will not win the nomination and he will not be President.”

Jeb Bush is finished.

The promise from Jeb to his supporters was met with a smattering of applause similar to what would be heard when a golfer sinks a two foot putt for bogie.  The Golf clap is about all Jeb has been able to muster in this ridiculous campaign since being outed by Donald Trump over his “low energy” and open border stance on immigration.  What is still incredible, is the enormous amount of money still available to the Bush campaign with over $100 Million at his disposal through his Right To Rise super PAC.  The continuous bombardment of ads produced by the PAC, show a Vitamin B12 induced Bush with more energy, but will do little to achieve the desired result of establishment supremacy.  If your campaign is to a point where you need to scrape the bottom of the barrel and gain Graham supporters, who didn’t have any to begin with, then there isn’t much hope for you going any further.

The RAW Scoop is this.  Jeb Bush is a walking example of how powerful and dedicated the Republican Party is to keeping the current system in power.  With newly elected Speaker of The House Paul Crying about to launch another symbolic and intelligence insulting repeal vote on Obamacare while Obama is still in office, these people represent the epitome of all talk and no action.  They simply play to the desires of the electorate rather than actually accomplishing a goal or pushing back on a failed Obama agenda.  Nothing about moderate Republicans is appealing.  Not a single damn thing.  If you are a Conservative, at this point, your eyes are most likely stuck in the back of your head listening to the idiots in charge talk about what they are going to do, have done, and have stopped.  The reality is, Jeb Bush is a Democrat.  Plain and simple.  The American people know it, the party knows it, but the powers that be and the people in charge think you are stupid and don’t know any better.  If Jeb Bush loses in Iowa and New Hampshire, which he will, there is no reason for him to be in the race.  Hell…there is no reason for him to be in the race now.  Tell us what you think

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Obama Speechwriter: Obama Plagiarized Bush's 2007 SOTU FNC (1.28.2014)

OBAMA ONE SICK B@ST@RD. Hates Bush but stole his speech... WTF ???? If you are a liberal and support this jackass of a fool then you are one of the same. 

Speechwriter: Obama Plagiarized Bush's 2007 SOTU FNC (1.28.2014)