Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Roger Stone Launches Pro-Trump Super PAC to Defeat Rubio

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by PATRICK HOWLEY17 Dec 2015404

Legendary political operative Roger Stone is launching a super PAC to support Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump by bludgeoning Trump’s establishment rivals.

The Committee to Restore America’s Greatness, chaired by Stone and already cleared with the Federal Election Commission, is taking dead aim at SenatorSen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

“It is an effort to educate the voters in the early primary states about the establishment candidates who may be challenging Donald Trump for the nomination,” Stone told Breitbart News. “We’re focusing specifically on Marco Rubio, but it could also conceivably be Chris Christie.”

Stone, who formally resigned from the Trump campaign in August, met Trump at a Ronald Reagan campaign event decades ago and led his exploratory committee during Trump’s shortlived run for the Reform Party nomination in 2000. The veteran political trickster is making it clear that he intends to go for the jugular.

“TV and cable is certainly the most effective” method for getting anti-Rubio information out to the voters, Stone said. “If we raise more, perhaps we’ll do broadcast TV.”

“We specifically are not going to take corporate or lobbyist money because I think that corrupts the political process,” Stone added, noting that his PAC wants small-dollar donations and that it has not and will not coordinate with Trump in any way.

But as for Trump-style putdowns of his weak-kneed competitors? Stone thinks it’s fair game.

“The donor class of the Republican Party is shocked at how easily Donald Trump ended the viable candidacy of former Governor Jeb Bush,” Stone explains in his introductory email announcing the PAC. “Jeb was supposed to be the anointed one, and all the other candidates were expected to drop out of the race to make way for the restoration of the ‘House of Bush.’ But Trump branding Jeb as ‘low energy’ and a ‘stiff’ was the beginning of the end of his candidacy. He is now in 5th place.”

With Bush knocked to the sidelines, Stone thinks it’s time to go after Rubio, who has picked up the support of Republican donor heavyweight Paul Singer and is angling for the endorsement of billionaire Sheldon Adelson.

Stone identified Rubio’s support for the Gang of 8 amnesty bill, for President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership deal with East Asian countries, and his support for importing Syrian refugees as the issues that make him “the Establishment’s Water Boy.”

“Rubio’s campaign slogan is ‘A New American Century,” Stone said. “But make no mistake, Rubio’s New America is the wet dream of the crooked lobbyists, Wall Street billionaires and special interests.”

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald Trump

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