Showing posts with label Syrian refugees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syrian refugees. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Paul Ryan Lies to O’Reilly: Says He Passed Bill to Pause Somali Refugee Program

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by JULIA HAHN16 Jun 2016Washington D.C.25

In a Wednesday interview with Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly, House Speaker Paul Ryan made a demonstrably false declaration about his efforts to pause the Somali refugee program.

During the interview, O’Reilly criticized Ryan for failing to message on immigration controls and asked Ryan specifically about the Somali refugee crisis in Minnesota.

O’Reilly: “We have a Somali problem up in Minneapolis-St. Paul. [We] have a problem there and those are refugees from Somalia. And if, God forbid, some refugee comes in and blows people up, it’s going to be grisly.”

Ryan replied by explaining that he passed a bill to pause the refugee program. Ryan said: “Right. Right. That’s why– just so you know that’s why we passed a bill pausing this refugee program, because we don’t think the refugee program works. That’s why we don’t want it to continue right now.”

However, Ryan did no such thing. The bill Ryan championed did not in any way pause the Somali refugee program– it applied solely to refugees from Syria and Iraq.

The House bill would “not have affected the Somali refugee program at all,” said NumbersUSA Director of Government Relations Rosemary Jenks.

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Jenks further noted that, “The bill the House passed would in no way pause the refugee program. They had the option of taking up the Babin bill, which would have paused the refugee program, but they refused to do that… All [the House bill] required was that the government sign off that individuals had been vetted. It didn’t even change the fact that we don’t have any information by which to vet them.”

As National Review’s Rich Lowry explained at the time, the Ryan-championed House bill “when you get down to it, it doesn’t do anything,” Lowry wrote in a piece entitled, “Uh, the House Bill to Pause the Syrian Refugee Program Doesn’t Really Pause the Syrian Refugee Program.”

Hot Air’s AllahPundit said that Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein’s bill was more substantive than the Ryan-backed bill because it was not strictly limited to refugees from Iraq and Syria:

When you compare the House GOP’s bill to what Senate Dems are pushing, it’s the Democratic bill that’s more substantive. Dianne Feinstein wants to add an exception to the current policy of waiving the visa requirement for visitors from France; the exception would require a visa for anyone who’s visited Iraq or Syria in the last five years.

Reports seem to confirm O’Reilly’s concerns about assimilation with regards to the Somali population of Minnesota.

Last year, filmmaker Ami Horowitz interviewed Muslim residents of the Cedar Riverside section of Minneapolis, many of whom said that they would prefer to live under Sharia law. As CBS has reported, “The Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis is sometimes called ‘Little Mogadishu’” given that it is the “center of the nation’s largest concentration of Somalis.”

CBS notes that the area is also “fertile ground for Islamic terrorist groups recruiting new fighters.” As the Minneapolis Star Tribune has reported, a Congressional report found that “Minnesota leads the nation in would-be ISIL terrorists from U.S.”

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“During the last two years, more than 20 Somali-Americans from Minnesota have left to fight alongside terrorists under the banner of ISIL,” a  report from 2015 states.

A separate report from the Star Tribunewrites:

No state in the country has provided more fresh young recruits to violent jihadist groups like Al-Shabab and, more recently, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Over the last decade, dozens of mostly young men have abandoned the relative comfort and security of life in the Twin Cities to fight and, in many instances, die, in faraway lands… the exodus of local men abroad, its impact on the families and the Twin Cities Somali-American community — the largest in the U.S. — has been profound.

Moreover, our current immigration policy with Somali has imported certain views and values that are antithetical to Western values.

For instance, the prevalence rate of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) for women and between the ages of 15 and 59 is 98 percent in Somalia. The Population Reference Bureau estimates there are more than 75,000 women and girls at risk of FGM in the United States due solely to Somali immigration. In Minnesota, there are over 44,293 U.S. women and girls at risk of undergoing the barbaric, misogynistic, and anti-Western practice.

Moreover, in Somalia, homosexuality can be punishable by death. As the Washington Post writes, “The penal code stipulates prison, but in some southern regions, Islamic courts have imposed Sharia law and the death penalty.”

Between 2001 and 2014, the U.S. has permanently resettled 82,759 Somali nationals throughout the United States on green cards.

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During the interview, O’Reilly pressed Ryan on his failure to message on immigration controls: “With all due respect, I didn’t even know Harry Reid was blocking that bill [on Iraqi and Syrian refugees]. Ya know, you guys got to get out there. And you’ve got to bang the drum on this thing. Like him or not, Trump bangs that drum. And you guys don’t. I mean, I didn’t know until you just told me tonight that Harry Reid—who is a villain—he blocked Kate’s Law, he’s trying to block this… You guys should be screaming at the top of your lungs.”

With all due respect, I didn’t even know Harry Reid was blocking that bill [on Iraqi and Syrian refugees]. Ya know, you guys got to get out there. And you’ve got to bang the drum on this thing. Like him or not, Trump bangs that drum. And you guys don’t. I mean, I didn’t know until you just told me tonight that Harry Reid—who is a villain—he blocked Kate’s Law, he’s trying to block this… You guys should be screaming at the top of your lungs.

In response, Ryan laughed and said: “We passed the bill in January.”

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2016 Presidential RaceBig Government,Immigration

Thursday, February 4, 2016

La Opinión: Marco Rubio Is a ‘Republican Obama’

by JULIA HAHN3 Feb 20161,629
Wednesday’s cover ofLa Opinión, the nation’s largest daily Spanish-language newspaper, prominently portrays donor-class favoriteSen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) with the infamous “hope and change” imagery that defined Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.

The cover of the Spanish-language paper writes: “The Republican Obama? The surge of the Latino Senator in the presidential campaign has made him a target of criticism on the subject of immigration.”
Marco Rubio and Barack Obama share many of the same policy goals, such as Obamatrade and military intervention in Libya, but their most striking similarities are on the subject of immigration. Both men support citizenship for illegal aliens, expanded refugee resettlement, more green cards, more H-1B visas, and large permanent expansions to the rate of immigration and foreign worker importation.
Marco Rubio was the co-author of the 2013 Obama-backed immigration bill. Rubio’s immigration bill was endorsed by La Raza, the AFL-CIO, SEIU, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), Mark Zuckerberg, and George Soros. Rubio has not renounced his support for a single policy item outlined in the Gang of Eight bill—including his desire to triple green card issuances, double foreign worker visas, and grant citizenship to illegal immigrants.
Rubio has even borrowed much of the language of the Obama’s campaign—prompting Joe Scarborough to mock the young Senator. Following the Iowa caucus, “Morning Joe” replayed Obama’s 2008 acceptance speech celebrating his victory at the Iowa caucus and juxtaposed that with Rubio’s strikingly similar Iowa speech celebrating his campaign’s ability to inch up to third place.
“You know, I have said for a year that he is the Republican Obama,” Scarborough said. “He is the Republican Obama and he just stole the speech… In my opinion having somebody with little experience before they become president has not actually been great.”
However, there is one important distinction between Rubio and Obama. Obama represented the core views of his most ardent base, and presented a vehicle for turning his base’s dreams into reality. By contrast, the Republican base is overwhelmingly opposed to large-scale immigration, amnesty and refugee resettlement—the pillars of Rubio’s campaign. It is the GOP’s donor base, not its voter base, that supports these policies.
In that sense, Rubio is the “Obama” for Republican donors, but not the Republican Party’s actual voters. Indeed, whereas Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) lacked the Obama-esque tools to pass mass immigration for the donors in 2007, Rubio was able to bypass conservatism opposition and pass a bill with far more foreign workers through the Senate in 2013—using the affection of conservatives to neutralize opposition to a top donor class priority.
That may explain Rush Limbaugh’s prediction that, with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)as Speaker and Marco Rubio as president, in the “first 12-to-18 months, the donor-class agenda [will be] implemented, including amnesty and whatever else they want.” Ironically, underscoring just how potent a tool Rubio can be for the donors, Rush—usually a voice of donor opposition—seemingly forgot his own warning and warmly embraced Rubio on his show. Rush’s earlier embrace of Rubio in 2013 may have helped give the Gang of Eight the boost of momentum it needed to pass the Senate.
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