Showing posts with label RNC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RNC. Show all posts

Saturday, August 6, 2016


Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio






I have a new bunch of docs from the DNC server for you.

It includes the DNC action plan during the Republican National Convention, Surrogate Report, POTUS briefing, financial reports, etc.

This pack was announced two days ago but I had to keep you waiting for some security reasons. I suffered two attacks on my wp account.

You might be aware of the rumors about Marcel Lazar aka Guccifer. Those are a.c. fake stories, but who knows. Please keep me updated if there is any news.



POTUS Briefing 05.18.16_AS Edits

Big Spreadsheet of All Things

DRAFT Platform Press Release (DWS)

And other docs:

051916 Simas Sue and Grace

Democracy TV Presentation

DNC LGBT List_6 9 2016

Finance_LGBT Reception Guest List

Sample Report


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Pingback: 1 – Trumpocalypse and other DNC plans for July – GUCCIFER 2.0


JULY 7, 2016 AT 12:37 AM

Looks authentic to me.

Liked by 1 person



AUGUST 6, 2016 AT 11:25 AM

Its real alright. We called the phone numbers listed and questioned them on this and the response was priceless. We will air this on 7AUG16 on at 5-8pm est (UTC -5)




JULY 7, 2016 AT 5:20 AM

Man you gotta start making an archive of these dumps.




JULY 7, 2016 AT 5:56 AM

We know the DNC rigged the elections too? Could you upload documents that validate this?

Liked by 1 person


Pingback: Trumpocalypse and other DNC plans for July | HISTÓRIA da POLÍTICA


JULY 7, 2016 AT 4:27 PM

Reblogged this on Kill The Paradigm and commented:
The latest #Guccifer2

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JULY 8, 2016 AT 4:43 PM

Beautiful, my friend. We need MORE




JULY 8, 2016 AT 4:45 PM

Have you seen DC leaks? They also have good stuff:

Liked by 2 people



JULY 8, 2016 AT 11:56 PM

Guccifer 2.0,
Thank you for sharing the information you uncover so we can know the truth about our government. Seeing as the msm is serving up propaganda as “news” nowadays, I’ve been wondering if there’s any way to hack into the corporate media systems to shut down what’s loaded to be broadcasted and replace those programs with real stories that need to reach the people that are still in the dark about what’s really going on. I don’t know the first thing about computers/ technology so forgive me if my question is a ridiculous one. Thanks again.

Liked by 1 person



JULY 9, 2016 AT 6:18 PM

Reblogged this on aRT for a Gloomy Day and commented:
Wow. Reading through these documents makes me sick. RNC, DNC what’s the difference? Not much. Yeah. The “social issues.” And how long do we really believe that will last? As long as the DNC’s nominee accepts money from human rights violators, not long is my guess. Remember, Republicans weren’t always as unreasonable as they are now. It’s only a matter of time until the Democrats join them.




JULY 10, 2016 AT 7:57 AM

I think they already have joined them.

Liked by 1 person



JULY 9, 2016 AT 6:20 PM

Thank you again, Guccifer 2.0. I hope all is well in your world.




JULY 9, 2016 AT 8:54 PM

Reblogged this on and commented:
Wow. Reading through these documents makes me sick. RNC, DNC what’s the difference? Not much. Yeah. The “social issues.” And how long do we really believe that will last? As long as the DNC’s nominee accepts money from human rights violators, not long is my guess. Remember, Republicans weren’t always as unreasonable as they are now. It’s only a matter of time until the Democrats join them.




JULY 11, 2016 AT 6:39 AM

Anyone else notice how they can’t do math. $15 for gimmicks at 100 ea is marked as $15,000. That’s a huge difference.

Liked by 1 person



JULY 27, 2016 AT 3:40 AM

That’s core math for you




JULY 11, 2016 AT 8:37 PM

Hello Guccifer

Thank you for all of the information you have posted. I am 66 and have never participated in the political process until now. I can`t imagine my country electing someone that the FBI showed is nothing but a criminal and a thug. Hopefully you can post things from her private server that will destroy her campaign.


Liked by 1 person



JULY 12, 2016 AT 1:19 PM

Please accept my sincere appreciation for all that you do for us who know that our government is betraying us left and right. You work and info is not only helpful but informative for each one of us to counter their treasonous actions.
Thanks my friend and keep it coming!

Liked by 1 person



JULY 14, 2016 AT 6:04 AM

this is the left left




JULY 14, 2016 AT 8:33 PM

Thank you, keep it coming. Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 22:57:36 +0000 To:




JULY 23, 2016 AT 12:21 AM

That you think Trump is in anyway “honest” means

1) you haven’t read or researched anything about him. His compulsive dishonesty is well known. You think he is “self made”? His father was one of the richest men in America. He grew up far far wealthier than Hillary did lol.

2) You are a Russian shill.

Sorry but it is hard to believe you are stupid enough to think Trump is “Honest”. When you say that it removes all your credibility. It seems clear to me that Putin is helping Trump out by posting internal and embarrassing DNC material. Trump in turn has changed the republican platform to be more russian friendly. Two of trumps advisors have direct ties to Russia – one advisor used to work for Putin-supported Ukrainian president. The other has ties to Russian Oil – and recently spoke in Russia.




JULY 24, 2016 AT 6:07 PM

Hey wanker,Trump is 1000 times more honest then Hitlery.Get your head out of your ass.She’s been in power ever since her perverted husband was in the White house and she has more fuck ups then good ye retards like you think she’d be great for the White House.Manning made public a video showing how unarmed people were killed by the US airforce and he’s facing over 30 years in prison.Hillary intentionally moved her email server where she was receiving TOP SECRET information that got out to China and Russia and nothing happens to her.She’s fucking incompetent and a traitor yet here you are either defending her so i have to ask….are you blind,illiterate or fucking retarded?

EVEN IF Trump was dishonest that doesn’t take anything away from what Hillary did.

Trump 2016 for President.Hillary for Prison!

Liked by 1 person



JULY 26, 2016 AT 11:18 PM

You’re a member of the Democratic Party. Your party is spreading lies that the hack is on Trump’s behalf when the FBI notified the DNC TWO YEARS AGO of it. Stop lying for once in your pathetic life.

Just face a few acts, asshat:

1) You Democrats can’t secure your email servers if your lives depended on it. Hillary just got out of federal charges because of her connections and nothing else.
2) Trump did not get Russia to hack emails at his request starting ONE YEAR before he announced his candidacy. You’re desperate and reaching.
3) The contents of your DNC emails wouldn’t matter if you all weren’t so fucking corrupt and racist.
4) You spout off false moral outrage while tonight (7/26/16) on the stage at the DNC is the parents of attempted cop killer Michael Brown, held up as victims and martyrs.
5) You Democrats are filthy from the top down and have no ability to be honest to get what you want.
6) The Trump/Russia connection is concocted to deflect from the horrible contents of the DNC emails so you don’t have to actually address them.

So go fuck yourself.

Guccifer, keep up the good work. I bet there’s even worse out there to yet find.




JULY 24, 2016 AT 10:32 PM

I’m sorry, but your obsession with Clinton is very suspect and very one sided. The country is run by big corporate interests and money. Nothing is going to change. The political parties are just pawns in the game.
Jane Mayer – ” Dark Money”




JULY 26, 2016 AT 11:20 PM

Your deflection on behalf of Hillary is very suspect and one-sided.




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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Watch Trump live streaming 8.30 p.m. est in Cleveland

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Trump's convention pledge to nation: Safety will be restored
CLEVELAND (AP) — Donald Trump will pledge to Americans Thursday night that "safety will be restored" and the middle class will experience "profound relief" if he becomes president, using his acceptance speech at the Republican convention to paint an optimistic vision of the nation's future.
"I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end," Trump says, according to excerpts released ahead of his address.
Trump casts Democrat Hillary Clinton as the direct cause of "many of the disasters unfolding today." Appealing to Americans deeply frustrated with the political status quo, Trump says those troubles will persist if his rival wins the White House.
"As long as we are led by politicians who will not put 'America First,' then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect," Trump says in the excerpts.
Trump takes the stage in Cleveland facing a daunting array of challenges, many of his own making. At the top of the list: Unifying a fractured party and quieting Americans' concerns about his preparedness for the presidency.
Overseas U.S. allies as well as voters at home will be closely watching his address, which comes the day after his suggestion that he might not defend America's NATO partners as president.
His comments only added to the chaotic nature of Trump's nominating event, which has been consumed by a plagiarism charge, unusually harsh criticism of Democrat Hillary Clinton, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's dramatic refusal to endorse the GOP nominee from the convention stage.
Trump's wife, Melania, foreshadowed it all on opening night, noting, "It would not be a Trump contest without excitement and drama."
His team hopes to close the convention on a more traditional note, with the businessman delivering a scripted speech to the convention crowd and millions of Americans watching on television. Balloons will drop from the ceiling, and the stage will be filled with Trump family members and supporters.
Trump is to be introduced by his eldest daughter, Ivanka, one of his most polished and effective advocates.
Father and daughter took the stage together in the afternoon for an extensive walkthrough, taking turns standing at the podium and staring out into an arena that will be filled with jubilant delegates by evening.
"I love the media," Trump said with a smile as he tested the microphone.
By night's end, Trump's campaign hopes voters see the real estate mogul as a candidate who, despite his unorthodox political temperament, is prepared to lead the nation.
"I think he needs to lay out some clear policy views," Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback said. "There are still a lot of people at the convention and within the party who are not sure where he's going to stand."
On the eve of his address, Trump suggested a new course for U.S. foreign policy, saying he would set different conditions before coming to the defense of NATO allies. The remarks, in an interview published online Wednesday by The New York Times, deviate from decades of American doctrine and seem to reject the 67-year-old alliance's bedrock principle of collective defense
As president, Trump said he would defend allies against Russian aggression only after first ensuring they had met their financial commitments. "If they fulfill their obligations to us, the answer is yes," he said.
Democrats, Republicans and international partners warned of the risks of backing away from NATO obligations.
"Two world wars have shown that peace in Europe is also important for the security of the United States," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.
Democrat Clinton's top policy adviser, Jake Sullivan, said Trump's proposal showed he was "temperamentally unfit and fundamentally ill-prepared to be our commander in chief."
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, a reluctant Trump backer, praised NATO's role in the world and said he hoped the comments were only "a rookie mistake."
Trump had hoped the four-day Republican convention would bolster his support among GOP leaders and win over skeptics. But that goal seemed guaranteed to go unfulfilled following Cruz's stubborn defiance on the convention stage.
The Texas senator refused to endorse Trump during his Wednesday speech, even as delegates loudly jeered him from the convention floor. It was a surreal moment given how carefully scripted political conventions normally are, and served as a fresh reminder that Trump events rarely go by the rules.
Trump's advisers say they saw Cruz's remarks in advance and had not expected an endorsement. However, a Cruz aide said Thursday that one of Trump's advisers had reached out to the senator's team shortly before the speech in hopes of getting a last-minute commitment.
Trump supporters were furious at Cruz, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who called the senator "totally selfish."
Speaking to members of the Texas delegation, Cruz held his ground. He moved no closer to an endorsement, saying only that he, too, would be watching and listening Thursday night. He insisted he would not be a "servile puppy dog," especially after Trump's criticism of his wife and father.
Steve Lonegan, who ran Cruz's New Jersey presidential campaign, defended the Texan's refusal to back the nominee.
"There was a time in American history when a real man would have called the other guy out to a duel" for disparagement of his wife, Heidi, Lonegan said. "Every woman in this country should wish they had a man like that."
Trump brushed aside the controversy, insisting Cruz was an outlier in an otherwise unified party.
"Other than a small group of people who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the party is VERY united. Great love in the arena!" Trump wrote on Twitter.
AP writers Kathleen Hennessey, Alan Fram and Thomas Beaumont in Cleveland, and John Hanna in Topeka, Kansas, contributed to this report.
Follow Julie Pace at

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

RNC member: Trump can win with 1,100 delegates

Republican National Committee member Randy Evans said Wednesday that Donald Trump would likely be able to secure the Republican nomination if he captures anything more than 1,100 delegates, short of the 1,237 delegates needed for a simple majority.

"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

Evans' comment is good news for Trump if it's a sentiment shared by other RNC members, since Trump is at risk of falling short of a majority of delegates by the time of the convention in July. But Evans also warned that if Trump slips much more, the nomination would likely fall to someone else.

"If he gets less than 1,000 delegates, then I think we're looking at a contested convention that could go on for many, many days," Evans said.

"And then in the middle, there's that grey area between 1,000 and 1,100, and that's where the unbound delegates or the delegates that have been released by other candidates come into play to see if there are enough of those to get either Cruz or Trump over the finish line," he added.

As of this week, Trump leads Cruz in the delegate race 743-545, but he's expected to pick up most of New York's delegates next week, and has polled well in other states whose primaries are approaching.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Debate Debacle: Donald Trump Declares RNC in ‘Default of Their Pledge’

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

by JOHN NOLTE 15 Feb 2016
During a Monday afternoon campaign appearance in South Carolina, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump declared the Republican National Committee in “default of their pledge.” Here’s the full quote:
But what happened is that some of the college kids sold their [debate tickets] to the special interests for good money, they made a couple of bucks, I don’t blame them. But the RNC does a terrible job. A terrible job. And just remember what I said, remember in this room: I signed a pledge, but it’s a double-edged pledge.  As far as I’m concerned, they’re in default of their pledge.

According to Ali Vitali at NBC News, Trump is referring specifically to the “terrible job” the RNC did when it comes to those invited to the primary debates. The State adds, “Trump said the debate audience was stacked with lobbyists and big Republican donors.”
The “pledge” in question is the one Trump signed last year agreeing not to run as a third-party candidate. In exchange, however, the Party agreed to a level playing field.
Later that same day at a South Carolina town hall covered by Breitbart’s Alex Swoyer, Trump repeated his assertion that “the pledge isn’t being honored by the RNC.”
The debate audience Saturday night was a disgrace, a stacked deck against Trump that behaved like a bunch a children at a high school basketball game. Trump was relentlessly and loudly interrupted with boos, even before he could finish his first sentence. Establishment favorites Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) were just as loudly cheered.
The audience not only made the Republican Party look childish and not ready to lead, it was a terrible strategic move on the audience’s part. During the debate, the audience made Trump look the Establishment Fighter his supporters love.
And now this audience has handed Trump a valid reason to violate the pledge he signed not to run as a third party candidate. There is no question the RNC did not play fair here, and a level playing field was the deal.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               
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Exclusive — Donald Trump, Ted Cruz Campaigns Bash RNC for Stacking Audience with Pro-Amnesty Donor Class

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio 

by MATTHEW BOYLE 13 Feb 2016GREENVILLE, South Carolina
GREENVILLE, South Carolina — Corey Lewandowski, the campaign manager for 2016 GOP frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump, bashed the Republican National Committee (RNC) for stacking the debate audience here with pro-amnesty consultant class party donor figures.
Lewandowski told Breitbart News in the spin room after the debate:
I think the RNC does a terrible job in allocating the tickets, to be honest with you, There’s an opportunity—there’s 2,000 seats out there, there’s six candidates on stage, they should just divide them evenly so everyone has them, but instead they just give them to the donor class, they give them to the lobbyists and to all the special interests. It’s not fair, it’s not equitable. So I think what they should do moving forward is take the total number of seats available, allocate them across the board and let the candidates bring their people in, because that’s who should be here, not the donors.

Repeatedly throughout the debate, the audience cheered as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and his protegé Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) consistently and repeatedly made the case to grant amnesty to illegal aliens, while the audience oddly booed both Trump andSen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as they made eloquent cases against amnesty.
“I don’t think it’s representative of the people of South Carolina,” Lewandowski added. “Those who don’t have the resources to give large sums of money to the RNC didn’t get a ticket here tonight and that’s a shame on the RNC.”
Trump’s campaign was hardly the only one upset with how the debate turned out as it relates to how audience tickets are handed out. Both Reps. Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) andRep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) bashed the establishment for stacking the audience with donor class folks not representative of America or of South Carolina’s electorate. Duncan and Meadows have both endorsed Cruz for president and were representing his campaign in the spin room.
“I was a little disappointed in CBS and the moderators in that they kind of let the debate and the crowd get out of control,” Duncan told Breitbart News, adding that the pro-amnesty cheers and boos aren’t representative of his state.
“It doesn’t represent the voters of South Carolina,” Duncan said. “Definitely, the room was stacked for Rubio—there’s no doubt about it, especially from where I was sitting. But look, I thought Ted Cruz had a great night and I thought he made a great point about the economy and about how he’d unleash an unbridled entrepreneurial spirit with less taxes and less regulation.”
When asked if the party was trying to game the system to help the establishment candidates like Rubio and Bush, Duncan said “yeah” but added that it probably won’t work, since most of the audience were donors imported into the state by party bosses.
“It depends on how it came across on TV,” Duncan said. “This is a small smattering of folks, and most of them are not from South Carolina. I don’t think Donald Trump had a great debate—he came across to a South Carolina audience as a little brash.”
Meadows added that he thinks the debate lacked focus on issues that people from Main Street—not from K Street or Wall Street, like the donor class—care about. Meadows said:
Obviously it was a fairly contentious debate as you start to see that, the feathers were flying so to speak. I think what most people want us to focus on are what’s going on on Main Street and what’s the key there. Being able to address those policy concerns, obviously it felt like Sen. Cruz had a very strong night tonight as he was able to articulate not only on national security but the economy as well—two things that affect not only the people of South Carolina but also my state of North Carolina and across the country.

Meadows added that the support for amnesty on display in the donor-packed audience this evening wasn’t just counter to South Carolina or North Carolina values, but run counter to American values.
“I can tell you from an amnesty standpoint, that’s not a South Carolina value, that’s not a North Carolina value—it’s really not a value that most people across the country support,” Meadows said. “I can tell you that no matter where you are on the immigration issue, ‘amnesty’ is that word that quite turns most people the other way. So I was surprised to hear some of the clapping as it related to that, perhaps an uninformed clap.”
Meadows also said that he doesn’t think an audience of ordinary people on Main Street would have applauded amnesty plans from Rubio and Bush while booing Trump and Cruz being against amnesty, as happened in the audience this evening.
“It’s hard to say—I can tell you that when you go on Main Street and you’re not at a debate, the amount of applause you got to hear on different topics doesn’t necessarily correspond to what you heard in the auditorium tonight,” Meadows said.
The RNC’s Sean Spicer, asked to comment on these concerns from the two top-polling presidential campaigns here in South Carolina—the only two campaigns to have actually won a state, Iowa or New Hampshire, that has voted already—said that while party donors did receive tickets this was the best debate yet for candidates.
“Each candidate received the greatest number tickets than any prior debate and overall the candidates received the largest share of tickets,” Spicer said in an email.
Spicer hasn’t answered, however, if future debates will see candidates represented better–and if the party will do as Lewandowski is calling for by eliminating donor tickets and giving them exclusively and evenly to the campaigns.
Earlier in the day, before the debate, Spicer told Breitbart News exclusively that there were 1,600 seats in the audience and only 600 tickets were divided among the campaigns. State party and local officials got 550 tickets, while the RNC got 367 tickets. Another hundred tickets were given to the debate partners, CBS News, the Peace Center, and Google.
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Friday, January 22, 2016

Moody’s model gives Dem candidate advantage in 2016

The Democratic presidential nominee will win the race for the presidency but the election is shaping up as historically tight, according to a political model. 

Less than 11 months from Election Day, Moody’s Analytics is predicting that whomever lands the Democratic nomination will capture the White House with 326 electoral votes to the Republican nominee’s 212. 

Those results are heavily dependent on how swing states vote. The latest model from Moody’s reflects razor-thin margins in the five most important swing states — Florida, Ohio, Colorado, New Hampshire and Virginia. 

In each of those states, the Democratic advantage is less than 1 percentage point, well within the margin of error.

The election model weighs political and economic strength in each state and determines the share of the vote that the incumbent party will win.

The most important economic variable in the model is the growth in incomes in the two years leading up to the election. 

That factor captures the strength of the job market in each state, including job growth, hours worked, wage growth and the quality of the jobs being created. 

The model also factors in home and gasoline prices. 

So far, the strength of the economy has kept the model on track for the Democratic nominee.

But the trajectory of the president’s approval rating also makes a difference in who could win the White House. 

If President Obama’s approval rating shifts only a little more than 4 percentage points, a bit more than the margin of error for many presidential opinion polls, the move could further cut into Democratic hopes to retain the White House. 

Growing concern about terrorism and other issues could dent Obama’s approval rating further.

Usually, if the sitting president’s approval rating is improving in the year leading up the election, the incumbent party receives a boost. 

But in most elections, the president’s rating has declined in the lead-up to the election, favoring the challenger party. 


Who had the worst week in Washington? Hillary Clinton.
For Hillary Clinton, it’s starting to look like deja vu all over again.
Start a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination as giant front-runner. Check. Raise tens of millions of dollars and look unbeatable for large swaths of the year before the primaries start. Check. An insurgent challenger running to her ideological left? Check. Collapsing poll numbers on the eve of actual votes? Check.
Over the past week or so, Clinton has watched as her national polling lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), a self-avowed socialist, has shrunk. And, far more important, Clinton’s standing vis a vis Sanders in the key early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire has eroded as well.
In Iowa, after holding a high-single-digit lead (at worst) for months, Clinton now finds herself in a dead heat with the caucuses just over a week away. The Real Clear Politics polling average gives Clinton an edge of less than five points.
Sanders has always run stronger in New Hampshire than in Iowa, but of late several polls suggest that he is widening his steady lead over the former secretary of state. In the Real Clear Politics polling average, Sanders is up by almost 13 points.
As Hillary Clinton's lead in the polls continues to fall, her attacks on Bernie Sanders have stepped up. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post)
Lose both of those states early next month, and Clinton’s inevitability bubble bursts. Period.
Clinton, to her credit, is doing everything she can to avoid a repeat of 2008. She’s savaging Sanders as both too conservative (on guns) and too pie-in-the-sky liberal (on health care).
Complicating those efforts is the news that broke midweek: The intelligence community’s inspector general confirmed that dozens of emails on the private server Clinton used while she was at the State Department contained extremely highly classified information.
Clinton continues to stick by her original line on the email controversy — that she never sent or received anything that was classified at the time — but the latest news is proof that the story and its reverberations are likely to dog her all the way through November.
Hillary Clinton, for watching history repeat itself, you had the worst week in Washington. Congrats, or something.
Each week, Chris Cillizza awards the worst week in Washington to an inhabitant of Planet Beltway who stands out for all the wrong reasons. You can check out previous winners or e-mail Cillizza with candidates. You can also read more from Outlook and follow our updates on Facebook and Twitter.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Democrat Leaders Dance, Gloat, Declare Speaker Paul Ryan ‘Gave Away The Store’

Getty Images

by NEIL MUNRO18 Dec 2015472

Democratic leaders are unanimous in declaring a complete victory over House Speaker 

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)


 and his close allies, who wrote the $1.1 trillion omnibus budget without asking House conservatives for any input — or even for some public objections to help their closed-door negotiations.

The Democrats’ victory, and Republican Ryan’s defeat, was garishly displayed when his omnibus got more Democratic votes in the House and in the Senate than it got Republican votes.

“I said I would not accept a lot of [conservative] ideological riders that were attached to a big budget deal,” President Barack Obama said Friday, at his end-of-year press conference. “And because of some terrific negotiations by the Democrats up on Capitol Hill and I think some pretty good work by our legislative staff here… it was a good win,” he said. “We met our goals,” he said.

In 2015, “we wanted to get rid of sequestration, we were able to do that,” gloated the Democrats’ leader in the Senate,

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)


. “We wanted to make sure there is parity between defense and the middle class, we wanted to make sure that we kept these poison pills off the legislation… All three goals we had, we accomplished,” he said. Ryan’s omnibus deal “caps off a successful year for Senate Democrats,” he added.

“Well, if you would’ve told me this year that we’d be standing here celebrating the passage of an omnibus bill, with no poison pill riders, at higher [spending] levels above sequesters than even the president requested, I wouldn’t have believed it, but here we are,” Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer told reporters shortly after the $1.1 trillion omnibus bill was passed.

“Almost anything, the Republican leadership in the Senate achieved this year, they achieved on Democratic terms… Democrats had an amazingly good year,” he declared.

Over in the House, the Democrats’ upbeat press conference began with laughter, according to the transcript.

(Leader Pelosi. Good morning, everyone. Good morning. I know you’re out there. I see you.


Some of you, for the second time this morning – thank you for coming by. We’re very pleased to say that today, we delivered sweeping victories for hard-working American families. The Omnibus bill makes vital investments that will create jobs, strengthen our future and grow the paychecks of American people… We passed the best possible, under the circumstances, appropriations bill… the Republicans’ obsession with lifting the oil-export ban, they really gave away the store. Democrats were able to strip scores and scores of poison pills, destructive poison pills, some of which they had to have, which they ended up with not having… it is a monumental improvement… But again, we feel very, very good about what it is.… and thank the Speaker for his cooperation.

You can watch it all here, including the claim by Maryland 

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD)


, the Democrats’ deputy leader, that “this was an extraordinarily big victory.”

The Washington Post scored the results, and kindly give only 10 victories to the Democrats, and then four to Ryan.

At his press event, Ryan claimed a victory, but had little evidence to prove his point. “Today, the House came together to ensure our government is open and working for the American people,” he said in a statement. “This bipartisan compromise secures meaningful wins for Republicans and the American people, such as the repeal of the outdated, anti-growth ban on oil exports,” said the statement.

What did he trade to get that one win? — “scores and scores of poison pills, destructive poison pills, some of which they had to have, which they ended up with not having,” according to Pelosi.

So Ryan claimed “meaningful wins,” but very few of them.

“The legislation strengthens our military and protects Americans from terrorist threats, while limiting the overreach of intrusive government bureaucracies like the IRS and the EPA,” he said, weakly, before changing the subject by promising to do better in 2016. “Congress can now move into 2016 with a fresh start and a plan to return to regular order in order to better protect taxpayer dollars,” he claimed.

On the Michael Medved radio show, Ryan defended stepped up his claims — with a stronger adjective, but not more evidence.

We scored major policy wins for conservatives—for our country—in this bill. We advanced our principles. Did we advance all of our principles as far as we want to go? No, because we’re in divided government. But we did advance them in the right direction. So the way I look at these things, is take what you can get now, and then go fight for more later. And I think we’ve set ourselves up for more success in 2016.

Ryan didn’t tout one of the most unpopular inserts in the bill  — the GOP-approved legislation to import up to 200,000 extra foreign workers to take American’s blue-collar jobs.

Ryan’s main claim to success was the removal of the barrier to the export of crude oil — and to get that win, he gave up a huge list of conservative priorities.

“If you take a look at what’s in this bill, at what this bill actually does, it has a permanent lift—a permanent removal—of the ban on petroleum exports, on crude oil exports. That’s something we’ve been trying to do for 40 years in this country. Think of what we get by removing the ban. And the Obama administration, on oil exports—when America can export its oil, that means we can compete with OPEC. We can put OPEC out of the business of controlling the world’s oil markets. We can take Putin out of business with respect to selling oil and gas to his customers. We can create more jobs. We can become more independent. We can keep our prices low by having more control over the marketplace and create more jobs right here in America. It’s fantastic for our foreign policy. It’s really good for American jobs. And it’s something we’re actually getting done that we haven’t been able to do for decades.”

The commenters on his website tend to disagree with Ryan’s claim of “meaningful wins.”

“Ryan… just spit in the face of his constituents,” said one. “Why vote Republican? The Democrats claim this bill as a great victory for their priorities and party! Did Republicans cut the budget? NO,” said the next commenter.  “And they wonder why Trump is beating them. I suppose now that they’ve funded all of Obama’s priorities through 2018, they can play “Pretend Opposition Party” in 2016 and hope we’ll forget how they boned us,” said the next comment.

Many GOP politicians — especially the roughly 100 Representatives and Senators who voted against the deal — are very unhappy, including 

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)


, who posted this statement on his website:

A rotten process yields a rotten result, and this 2,000-page, trillion-dollar bill is rotten to its core, resulting from secret, backroom negotiations and getting dumped in the dead of the night on Americans with barely two days before the vote. Corporate lobbyists had a field day, but working Americans lost out. Take just one sordid example: this bill will quadruple the number of foreign guest-worker visas at a time when millions of Americans are still looking for full-time work and working-class wages remain stagnant.

At the Senate Democrats’ press conference, Schumer gloated at length and in great detail, unlike Ryan. He’s always worth listening to, if only because he’s expected to take over Sen. Reid’s leadership position in January 2017.

This bill is a great victory for the principles Democrats stand for. And as we look back in the year of the Senate, I think there have been three major trends, two of which are getting noticed, but the third is getting overlooked.

First, the Senate is getting things done.

Second, we are getting them done, because Democrats are not obstructing the same way Republicans did when they were in the minority, and those two points have been talked about in the media and elsewhere.

But third, the point that has been missed is that the bills were passing reflect Democratic values. We are getting, even though were in the minority, we are passing a program that we have been for all along. Today’s omnibus vote is a metaphor for that. The vote marks the end of the road the Democrats began mapping out last spring.

When Republicans made clear they were going to try to jam through partisan appropriation bills through the senate. [GOP] Senator [Mitch] McConnell thought he could jam the defense appropriation bill through, but Democrats stood firm and blocked him. Sen. McConnell said over and over again he wants to stay at sequestration levels. He said over and over again, that he wanted to put much more money into defense than into the nondefense. He didn’t get either of those, and we said the opposite, and we got what we wanted.  The relief from devastating cuts knowns as sequestration, the relief that was equal, no poison pill riders, the three principles Democrats laid out, Republicans opposed, are all laid out, are all in that bill today.

The bill were passing today, passes the test of Democratic values with flying colors and fits the framework we laid out years ago. And if you need any proof of this, look what happened on the floor a few minutes ago. Senator McConnell offered an amendment to strip out the omnibus portion of the bill, and a majority of Republicans voted for it. They don’t like it. But, our strategy worked. And the idea that we’d let people know that if the government was shut down, it would be because of their intransigence, maybe both Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell understand that they couldn’t shut down the government and that meant they couldn’t make unreasonable demands and that meant we were going to have a budget with Democratic priorities.

But it’s not just the budget. This has happened over and over again, take the transportation bill. Democrats demanded a long-term bill with increased investments. Republicans wanted a short term bill with flat funding. What’d we get? A long term bill with increased investments.

How about the Export-Import bank? Senator McConnell said, no. Most of the Republicans said, no. We now have an export import bank.

How about when Republicans sought to hold hostage funding [in early 2015] for the Department of Homeland Security and Democrats banded together to fully fund the department and protect the president’s order on immigration. And finally, the bill that Ranking Member [Democrat Sen. Patty] Murray mentioned the Education Bill, loaded with Democratic values, attempts to switch the funding formula, attempts to do all of these other things, didn’t happen.

So, anything, almost anything, the Republican leadership in the Senate achieved this year, they achieved on Democratic terms.

By sticking together, as we have been, we’ve been unified under Harry Reid’s leadership, by fighting for the middle class, which we have focused on like a laser, while Republicans carry the water for the special interests; Democrats had an amazingly good year, as a minority party. We can only hope that our Republican colleagues will be as a cooperative minority, as we were this year, when Democrats take back the senate in 2016.

In comparison, Ryan only declared “This bipartisan compromise secures meaningful wins for Republicans and the American people, such as the repeal of the outdated, anti-growth ban on oil exports.”

“And I think we’ve set ourselves up for more success in 2016,” he says.