Showing posts with label epic failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label epic failure. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2016

Donald Trump: ‘Cruz Is in Free Fall,’ Kasich’s Eating ‘Not Presidential’

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Mark Makela Getty

by ALEX SWOYER25 Apr 2016Washington, DC1,330

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump bashed his competitors 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)


 and Ohio Gov. John Kasich during his second campaign rally on Monday at West Chester University in Pennsylvania.

“I better be careful not to be too presidential, folks,” Trump said about his strategy and how he has defeated nearly 16 competitors. “It’s been so much fun,” and “so interesting.”

“Cruz is in a free fall,” the billionaire said, referencing Cruz’s third place finish in the New York primary last week.

“I’ve debated him 11 times,” Trump said, responding to recent reports that Cruz wants to debate Trump again. “We’ve beat him 11 times according to every single poll,” Trump bragged. “How many times can you answer the same question about the same people?”

Trump blasted Cruz on job creation, saying, “He doesn’t know what the word means.”

The Republican frontrunner also criticized Kasich for how he eats during press conferences, which occurred earlier in the day, jabbing, “That’s not presidential!”

“All of a sudden, he started getting the image like he was a nice guy. He’s not a nice guy. Take a look at the early debates, the way he came after me, and the way I said, ‘But you headed up Lehman Brothers … [it] almost brought down the country,’” Trump said of Kasich. “What the hell are you doing running for president?”

Trump also commented on the coordination by the Cruz and Kasich campaigns about trying to deny Trump obtaining 1,237 delegates to clinch the GOP nomination.

Late Sunday night Cruz and Kasich released statements saying Cruz will focus on Indiana and Kasich will focus on Oregon and New Mexico in order to stop Trump in upcoming primaries.

“He broke the deal!” Trump said of Kasich, referencing how less than 24-hours later, Kasich told Indiana voters to vote for him. “This is politicians, folks.”

Trump also commented on the Republican Party primary process.

“When you have millions of more votes more, it’s supposed to be yours,” Trump said about the GOP nomination. “It’s as crooked almost as Hillary Clinton,” Trump added about the process. “You certainly should win on the first ballot when you’re millions of votes ahead.”

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpPennsylvaniaWest Chester University

Friday, February 19, 2016


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Hillary Clinton just can’t win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP

In one major poll, Bernie Sanders is now leading Hillary Clinton nationally. In most others, he’s not far behind from the former Secretary of State. Vermont’s Senator already has an “edge over Clinton in matchups with GOP opponents,” dispelling Clinton’s electability myth. In an average of national polls, Bernie Sanders is less  than eight points from Hillary Clinton, after being over 50 points behind in 2015. In addition, there’s only one person capable of challenging a Republican in 2016 without James Comey declaring national security was jeopardized by a private server.

Bernie Sanders is the only Democratic candidate capable of winning the White House in 2016. Please name the last person to win the presidency alongside an ongoing FBI investigation, negative favorability ratings, questions about character linked to continual flip-flops, a dubious money trail of donors, and the genuine contempt of the rival political party. In reality, Clinton is a liability to Democrats, and certainly not the person capable of ensuring liberal Supreme Court nominees and President Obama’s legacy.

The precious and all-knowing polls already show Bernie Sanders defeating Republicans in a general election and Robert Reich has already explained why Sanders can easily win the presidency. In a Huffington Postpiece titled “6 Responses to Bernie Skeptic,” Reich debunks the trusted myth of Clinton supporters and Republicans:

“He’d never beat Trump or Cruz in a general election.”

Wrong. According to the latest polls, Bernie is the strongest Democratic candidate in the general election, defeating both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in hypothetical matchups. (The latest RealClear Politics averages of all polls shows Bernie beating Trump by a larger margin than Hillary beats Trump, and Bernie beating Cruz while Hillary loses to Cruz.)

“America would never elect a socialist.”

P-l-e-a-s-e. America’s most successful and beloved government programs are social insurance – Social Security and Medicare. A highway is a shared social expenditure, as is the military and public parks and schools. The problem is we now have excessive socialism for the rich (bailouts of Wall Street, subsidies for Big Ag and Big Pharma, monopolization by cable companies and giant health insurers, giant tax-deductible CEO pay packages) – all of which Bernie wants to end or prevent.

As Reich points out in his article, America is already a nation of Democratic-Socialists, but many of us (Democrats and Republicans) simply uphold “excessive socialism for the rich.”

Bernie Sanders, unlike Clinton, defeats Donald Trump in a landslide of  “epic proportions” in a general election and is the antithesis of a Republican. If you don’t believe me, then watch my friend Brian Hanley’sanimated rap videos about Bernie Sanders demolishing Donald Trump.

Most importantly, and something the naysayers should learn, is that Bernie Sanders does better than Clinton against the GOP in a general election.

In addition, American voters don’t trust Hillary Clinton. At what point will critics of Bernie Sanders realize that American voters will never vote for a candidate they don’t trust and don’t like? In October of 2015, I explained in the following YouTube segment why Clinton is unelectable, and in another segment why Clinton must always evolve on key issues.

53.8% of all American voters have an “unfavorable” view of Hillary Clinton.

67% of American voters find Hillary Clinton “not honest and trustworthy,” compared with 59% for Donald Trump. Yes, more people trust Donald Trump.

After all, it’s difficult to trust a politician who completely fabricated a story about being fired upon by snipers. Like POLITIFACT states, “it’s hard to understand how she could err on something so significant as whether she did or didn’t dodge sniper bullets.”

71% of men and 64% of women find Clinton “not honest and trustworthy.”

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74% of Independent voters find Clinton “not honest and trustworthy.”

35% of Democrats find Clinton “not honest and trustworthy.” Yes, even Democrats.

In contrast, Kathy Frankovic of states “Bernie Sanders is the most widely trusted presidential candidate of either party.”

Quinnipiac’s Feb. 18 report states “Sanders has the highest favorability rating of any candidate and the highest scores for honesty and integrity, for caring about voters’ needs and problems and for sharing voters’ values.” Sanders also ties Clinton on “having strong leadership qualities.”

In terms of Clinton’s leadership qualities, they haven’t translated to good judement. If the Clinton campaign expects to build upon President Obama’s accomplishments, then it should first discuss things with a former Obama intelligence official. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn explains his view of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal in a CNNarticle titled “Former Obama Intel Official: Hillary Clinton Should Drop Out”:

President Barack Obama’s former top military intelligence official said Hillary Clinton should pull out of the presidential race while the FBI investigate her use of a private email server for official government communication while secretary of state.

“If it were me, I would have been out the door and probably in jail,” said Flynn, who decried what he said was a “lack of accountability, frankly, in a person who should have been much more responsible in her actions as the secretary of state of the United States of America.”

“This over-classification excuse is not an excuse,” Flynn said Friday. “If it’s classified, it’s classified.”

Flynn, who headed the Defense Intelligence Agency from July 2012 to August 2014, told Tapper that Clinton “knew better…“

No, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn isn’t part of the GOP. He actually worked for President Obama. If you think the FBI, a former Obama intelligence official, the State Department’s own“internal watchdog,” and all the other elements of this expanded investigation make for a great presidency, then you’re certainly ready for Hillary in 2016.

Yes, a former Obama intelligence official suggests Clinton “drop out” of the presidential race. The FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s emails is“not letting up” and there is no end in sight. Good luck with nationally televised debates against a ruthless opponent like Trump (who will certainly make the email scandal a primary issue of every discussion), if you fear the loss of Supreme Court nominees and the future of our country. It’s doubtful any GOP challenger would gracefully declare, “Enough of the emails.”

Even if you believe Clinton would win a general election, remember that the FBI, or even the State Department, could uncover yet another group of“Top Secret” emails well into Clinton’s first term. The FBI could also urge the Justice Department to take action; even if Clinton wins the presidency. We’ve already seen one Clinton White House defend against scandal.

By the way, can anyone at The Daily Beast, The Daily Banter, or The Daily Hillary Clinton Inevitability Press please explain why Hillary Clinton felt the need to own a private server?

Vermont’s senator will become our next president and it should come as no surprise to people actually paying attention, and not repeating establishment talking points. I’ve been saying this since June 25, 2015, when 730,000 people on Facebook liked my article titled “It’s Official — Bernie Sanders Has Overtaken Hillary Clinton In the Hearts and Minds of Democrats.” True, I was wrong about Iowa, but at least I got the winner right, and I’ll be right about my greatest prediction: On Jan. 20, 2017 Bernie Sanders Will Be Sworn In as America’s 45th President.

More H.A. Goodman.


Sen. Bernie Sanders Passes Hillary Clinton Faster than Barack Obama Did in 2008

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images

by MIKE FLYNN18 Feb 201664

A new Fox News poll of the Democrat primary race shows socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) edging past Hillary Clinton for the first time — and at a faster rate than Barack Obama outpaced Clinton in 2008.

The national poll, conducted Monday through Wednesday, shows Sanders with 47 percent support, 3 points higher than Clinton, with 44 percent support.

Just one month ago, Clinton led Sanders by 12 points in the Fox poll. The change in fortunes is due, in part, to Sanders’ landslide victory in New Hampshire and his almost-level outcome in the Iowa caucus.

The most interesting thing about this latest national poll, however, is how quickly Sanders has edged Clinton. In 2008, Barack Obama did not lead a national poll against Clinton until after Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina AND Florida and Michigan had voted.

The first time Obama led a national poll against Clinton was on the eve of Super Tuesday voting in 2008.

In 2008, Super Tuesday was held on February 5th. Twenty-two states and an American territory voted on Super Tuesday. Obama won 12 states, while Clinton captured two and America Samoa.

For the next two weeks, Obama and Clinton traded leads in national polling. After March, Clinton would only recapture the lead in national polling a handful of times.

When Obama first took the lead in national polling in 2008, he had won Iowa and South Carolina. Clinton had won New Hampshire, Nevada and claimed victories in Michigan and Florida. (Because of a dispute over DNC rules, neither candidate campaigned in Michigan or Florida.)

The Clinton and Obama campaigns had also been furiously campaigning ahead of Super Tuesday in 22 states. Again, it was only on the eve of voting in these 22 states, where Obama was poised for victory in a dozen, did he take a lead in a national poll.

The Clinton campaign has tried to argue that the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary aren’t representative of the nation, and Democrat electorate, at large. It has argued that, while Sanders has done well in these early states, Clinton still has the edge for the nomination as voting moves to other contests.

The risk of that argument is that past performance can in fact influence future results. Sanders’ wins, or in the case of Iowa, near win, have made him a more plausible contender for the White House. This is most clear in recent polls in Nevada, which votes on Saturday. In the last few days, Sanders has surged in the Silver State into a tie with Clinton.

At the end of 2015, just about six weeks ago, Clinton had a 23-point lead in Nevada. Clinton’s lead in South Carolina, which votes next Saturday, has also been narrowing in recent days.

Sanders surge to the top of a national poll at this time, then, is simply extraordinary. Nevada and South Carolina haven’t even voted yet and Super Tuesday is still seeks away.

Sanders is simply doing far better than even Barack Obama in 2008. Of course, it could equally be the case that Hillary Clinton is simply that much weaker than she was 8 years ago.

It is certainly fitting to quote Karl Marx here. “History repeats itself,” Marx said. “First as tragedy, second as farce.”


Read More Stories About:

Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Hillary ClintonBernie Sanders

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pope Francis Rips Capitalism, American Immigration Policy at Mexican Border

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Getty ImagesMARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images
by BEN SHAPIRO18 Feb 20161808
Pope Francis, apparently desperate to reach out to the Catholic Church’s growing base in Latin America, spent the day slapping Americans in the face from across the US-Mexico border.
In Ciudad Juarez, one of the most violent cities in the Western Hemisphere thanks to the drug cartels, the pope walked up a ramp covered in flowers toward a cross “erected… in memory of migrants who have perished trying to reach the United States just a stone’s throw away,” according to Reuters.
Funny, he never did that while visiting Cuba to pay tribute to those who died attempting to escape that Communist hellhole. He reserved his spite for a nation with one of the most generous immigration policies on the planet.
The pope then blessed three more small crosses, at which “shoes of migrants who died” were laid. “We cannot deny the humanitarian crisis,” Pope Francis intoned. “Each step, a journey laden with grave injustices: the enslaved, the imprisoned and extorted; so many of these brothers and sisters of ours are the consequence of trafficking in human beings…Injustice is radicalized in the young; they are ‘cannon fodder,’ persecuted and threatened when they try to flee the spiral of violence and the hell of drugs. Then there are the many women unjustly robbed of their lives.”
He concluded, “Let us together ask our God for the gift of conversion, the gift of tears, let us ask him to give us open hearts like the Ninevites, open to his call heard in the suffering faces of countless men and women. No more death! No more exploitation!”
This came shortly after the pope said that capitalism cut against God, and that God would punish “slave drivers of our days” supposedly exploiting workers, adding, “The flow of capital cannot decide the flow of people.”
This is, simply put, asinine.
The reason for the humanitarian crisis driving people north is the corrupt anti-capitalist governance so common to Latin America – the same sort of governance the pope believes is apparently more godly than the capitalism drawing people like a magnet to the United States. So the same system the pope decries is the system the pope wants inundated with victims of those who oppose that system. How ironic. Even more ironic: the Vatican remains one of the most immigration-restrictive states on earth.
This is nothing new from Pope Francis, who has spent much of his tenure bashing capitalism and American border policy. Back in September, Pope Francis spoke on the National Mall, where he explained, “Thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and their loved ones, in search of greater opportunities. Is this not what we want for our own children? We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays: to discard whatever proves troublesome. Let us remember the Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’”

Next, Pope Francis infamously lectured members of Congress about immigration policy that same month, bashed capitalism, and then completely ignored the issue of abortion while speaking before Democrats who see partial-birth abortion as a sacrament.
All of this represents an extension of Pope Francis’ slightly-concealed liberation theology. Liberation theology is essentially a mashup of Christianity and Marxist redistributionism – a theology in which capitalists must be blamed for the world’s ills and then forced to absorb all of its problems. As The New York Times reported last May, Pope Francis now regularly hosts Father Guitterez, a founder of liberation theology; they state, “Francis has brought other Latin American priests into favor and often uses language about the poor that has echoes of liberation theology.”
All of this would appall Pope John Paul II,who said, “This conception of Christ as a political figure, a revolutionary, as the subversive of Nazareth does not tally with the church’s catechism.” Pope Benedict XVI said liberation theology was a “singular heresy” and “fundamental threat” to the Catholic Church.
But in the Catholic Church’s effort to reach out to residents of anti-capitalist regimes, Pope Francis now pushes liberation theology under the guise of doing Biblical good. It turns out, however, that tearing down nations that work while encouraging immigrants with different values to swamp them does nobody any real good in the long run.
Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News, Editor-in-Chief of, and The New York Times bestselling author, most recently, of the book, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

It’s Clinton Déjà Vu — New Hampshire Brings Snow and Rumors of Campaign Implosion

A Clinton supporter waving banners on the side of the road in Manchester, N.H.



FEBRUARY 9, 2016

So, I was driving along somewhere in New Hampshire on Monday, the day before the storied primary. It was snowing, just as the clichés of the New Hampshire Primary dictate: It is always snowing in New Hampshire. (Really, though, it actually was snowing).

The email came in from an editor in New York at around 4 p.m. Subject line: “Hillaryworld.” Body content: “What do you make of the supposed looming implosion?”

What supposed looming implosion? Or, to be more precise, which supposed looming implosion? Isn’t Hillaryworld always on the verge of one?

Yes, but they do have a tendency to occur at this precise moment. Periods of intense hand-wringing and recrimination always occur in Clintonworld around the New Hampshire primaries, if history is any guide — and what is Clinton history, if not utterly repetitive?

Slide Show | A Hillary Clinton Rally in Manchester, N.H.Jonno Rattman photographed a Hillary Clinton event ahead of the 2016 New Hampshire primary.

These brawls traditionally follow difficult results in Iowa. In 1992, the native Hawkeye Tom Harkin beat Bill Clinton in the year’s first caucuses. Barack Obama beat Hillary in 2008 (as did John Edwards, who finished second). And last week, Bernie Sanders essentially tied the former secretary of state, setting up the latest Clinton bloodbath-in-waiting. Hillary is down big in the New Hampshire polls. Her nervous staff and extended community of sycophants, hangers-on and self-professed “confidantes” keep unburdening themselves in the press — while being granted anonymity in exchange for their self-aggrandizing candor.

And then Politico writes all about it, as the site’s Glenn Thrush and Annie Karni did yesterday: “Clinton weighs staff shake-up after New Hampshire.

We’ve been here before. This is how it all rolls in the Clinton precincts of Blue America. The situation is so familiar to be its own Democratic Party cliché, like nominating unelectable liberals in the 1980s or engaging in nasty platform fights in the 1990s.

Say this about the Clintons, for better or worse: They are predictable. Thrush and Karni’s New Hampshire pre-autopsy contained all the paint-by-number refrains of Clinton crackups past:

· The term “staff shake-up” would need to appear in the story’s headline (or, at least, the lede).

· Also, somewhere, the phrase “lack of trust” or “mutual suspicion.”

· The story would have to include a nod to the trusted old Clinton hands who were selflessly offering themselves up as potential campaign saviors.

· Embedded in the article would be the clear implication that all of this could have been avoided if only Mark Penn, Clinton’s 2008 strategist, were more involved.

· The story would also inevitably include at least one blind quote from a former Obama campaign aide who knows how to do things better.

· The story would have to offer up for sacrifice at least one scapegoat, whose job was allegedly in peril.

· Bonus points if said scapegoat hails from Obama’s campaigns (watch your back, Joel Benenson).

So, yes, this latest chapter in the Clintons’ book of Supposed Looming Implosions, 2016 edition, contains all the predictable elements. And I have no doubt that everything in the Politico story is 100 percent correct. Again: This is how it all goes in Clintonworld. For whatever reason — for all of their political gifts — Bill and Hillary are addicted to this high-wire act. And the slick roads of New Hampshire seem to be their preferred recurring backdrop, like those repeating cactuses in the background of an old cartoon.

We, the political gallery, become codependents. Ho-hum. (My Clinton Fatigue is acting up again.) And yet here we are, back in New Hampshire, with another Clinton inevitability parade being snowed on by someone — Sanders, in this case — who is, allegedly, unelectable.

This, of course, is when the Clintons are at their best and most dangerous. Their well-honed survival instinct kicks in. The challenger gets cocky. Next thing we know, there the Clintons are again, up on another New Hampshire pedestal, claiming victory. In other words, here we are in the midst of another Supposed Looming Implosion in New Hampshire, and as of noon on Primary Day, I am ruling nothing out.

And of course Joe Biden, who is tanned and tested, is ruling nothing out either.

Mark Leibovich is the chief national correspondent for the magazine.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Cruz, Rubio tensions flare at Trump-less GOP debate | Fox News


Tensions between Republican presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio erupted over immigration and more Thursday night during the Fox News/Google debate, as the campaigns tried to put aside their battles with front-runner Donald Trump -- "the elephant not in the room” who chose to boycott -- and focus on the issues, and their Democratic rivals.

While the Iowa debate assumed a somewhat more subdued tone without Trump, Cruz and Rubio got into a barbed dispute over “amnesty” in the second half of the debate.

Rubio accused Cruz of falsely describing himself as the most conservative candidate, and changing his position on immigration.

“This is the lie that Ted’s campaign is built on,” the Florida senator said. “Throughout this campaign, you’ve been willing to say and do anything in order to get votes.”

He said Cruz used to talk about bringing immigrants out of the shadows, and, “now, you want to trump Trump on immigration.”

The Texas senator flipped the allegation, saying it is Rubio who vowed to fight against “amnesty” and then reversed course for political expediency.

“I like Marco, he’s very charming, he’s very smooth,” Cruz said, before accusing him of siding with donors in the immigration debate.

The exchanges came at the final Republican debate before the Iowa caucuses on Monday.

For the first time, Trump was not on the debate stage, instead hosting a veterans event nearby in Des Moines. He boycotted the Iowa showdown over complaints about Fox News and co-moderator Megyn Kelly.

His absence gave other candidates more time, though, to engage the issues and each other. 

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie interjected during the Rubio-Cruz spat to tout his status as a Washington outsider. 

"This is why you need to send someone outside of Washington to Washington," he said. "Stop the Washington bull and let's get things done." 

Cruz and Rubio also tangled over who would be tougher on the Islamic State, and the rancor even spilled out into tensions between the candidates and the moderators.

At one point, Cruz complained about the moderators urging the candidates to attack each other, and half-jokingly threatened to “leave the stage” if they asked another “mean question.”

Rubio mocked those comments, telling the moderators: “First of all, I’m not leaving the stage no matter what you ask me.”

Rubio also questioned Cruz’ record on supporting the military, moments after Cruz said he’d “utterly and completely destroy ISIS.”

“The only budget that Ted has ever voted for was a budget that Rand Paul sponsored that brags about cutting defense spending,” Rubio said.

Cruz, though, doubled down on comments that he’d “carpet bomb” the enemy, saying that's what was done in the first Iraq war.  

Meanwhile, the candidates dispatched with their Trump comments at the very beginning of the debate.

After Cruz was asked to “address the elephant not in the room,” he quipped: “I’m a maniac, and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly … now that we’ve gotten the Donald Trump portion out of the way.”

Jeb Bush, who used to take the brunt of Trump's debate attacks, also joked about Trump’s absence. “I kind of miss Donald Trump. He was a little teddy bear to me. We’ve always had such a loving relationship … during these debates and in between.” 

Bush later sparred as well with Rubio on immigration. Bush said Rubio sponsored the “gang of eight” bill that allowed for legalization, but “then he cut and run” because it wasn’t popular with conservatives. 

The debate marked a particular opportunity for Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul – who did not qualify for the recent Fox Business Network debate but returned to the prime-time stage Thursday after making the cut this time. 

"It's great to be back," Paul said Thursday. 

Paul, despite struggling with low poll numbers, seemed to have plenty of supporters in the audience, as his responses drew applause from the crowd several times. He also took shots at both Cruz and Rubio on their records. 

Echoing Cruz' criticism, he said Rubio made a deal with Democrats on immigration and suggested he was weak on border security. 

At the same time, Paul suggested Cruz was being disingenuous by claiming he was never for "amnesty." He said Cruz has an "authenticity problem." 

Also on stage Thursday night were retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.  

Carson’s standout moment seemed to come at the end of the debate, when he used his closing statement to recite the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

“Please think of our founding fathers as you listen,” Carson asked. After reading aloud the Preamble -- including its call for a “more perfect union” – he said, “Folks, it’s not too late. Enough said.” 

Kasich pitched himself as a problem-solver, once again pointing to his record as Ohio’s governor.

“At the end of the day, I’m an optimist, because I’ve seen so many things get accomplished in my lifetime, and we can do it again together,” he said.  

Four candidates also participated in the earlier, 7 p.m. ET debate: Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina; former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee; former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum; and former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore. 

Santorum and Huckabee, following the evening debate, attended the veterans event that Trump hosted nearby. 

After Trump’s rally, Fox News released a statement saying Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes had three brief conversations with the Republican candidate Thursday about possibly appearing at the debate.

“Trump offered to appear at the debate upon the condition that FOX News contribute $5 million to his charities,” a Fox News spokesperson said. “We explained that was not possible and we could not engage in a quid pro quo, nor could any money change hands for any reason. In the last 48 hours, we've kept two issues at the forefront — we would never compromise our journalistic standards and we would always stand by our journalist, Megyn Kelly. We have accomplished those two goals and we are pleased with the outcome.” 

The polls in the Hawkeye State show essentially a two-man race for first between Trump and Cruz in the final stretch. Rubio has been holding steady in third position, while Carson’s numbers have been on a downward course in recent weeks.

After Iowa, the candidates head to New Hampshire, where Trump also leads but several other candidates are jockeying for position behind him.

The debate Thursday was moderated by Fox News anchors Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace. 


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump will ‘definitely not’ participate in Fox debate, campaign says

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign stop at Farmington High School,in Farmington, N.H. on Jan. 25, 2016. (AP/John Minchillo)

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa -- Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski confirmed to The Washington Post Tuesday that Trump would "definitely not" participate in Thursday's Fox News debate.

“He’s definitely not participating in the Fox News debate," Lewandowski said. "His word is his bond."

He said Trump would remain in Iowa as planned and would instead host a event in the state to raise money for wounded warriors and other veterans groups.

Trump has made such threats before, but he said that the Fox News Channel had gone too far by issuing press statements on Tuesday that he said kicked his concern about Megyn Kelly, one of the debate co-moderators.

When Trump saw the press release from Fox, "I said, 'Bye bye,'" he said.

Earlier Tuesday, Fox News Channel President Roger Ailes told The Post that "Megyn Kelly is an excellent journalist, and the entire network stands behind her. She will absolutely be on the debate stage on Thursday night."

Later, the network poked fun at Trump in a satirical statement: "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president. A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

Trump's feud with Kelly began during the first debate in August, when she questioned him about disparaging remarks he has made about women with her opening question.

Trump is scheduled to appear later Tuesday in Iowa City. On Wednesday, he is scheduled to travel to Lexington, S.C. for a rally before returning to Iowa for Thursday night's GOP debate in Des Moines.


Monday, January 18, 2016

Markets suffer their worst start to the year since Great Depression | The Times

Obama resides over the worse economy in 80 years. 


The start of this year has been the worst for financial markets since the onset of the Great Depression, with stock prices slumping around the world amid mounting concern over the situation in China.

A wave of selling has swept the world’s leading financial centres over the past two weeks, with the value of Britain’s leading companies falling by more than £110 billion since the start of the year.he year.

The FTSE 100 index of Britain’s biggest quoted companies fell 114 points, or 2 per cent, to 5,804 yesterday — the lowest close since November 2012. Indices in Europe and America have fared even worse: the Shanghai market was the worst performer, closing down 3.6 per cent, taking its total losses to 18 per cent for 2016. This was prompted by the price of a barrel of Brent crude dipping below the $30 mark, for the third time this week. In America the Dow Jones industrial average closed down 391 points, or 2.4 per cent, at 15,988.

The FTSE 100 index of Britain’s biggest quoted companies fell 114 points, or 2 per cent, to 5,804 yesterday — the lowest close since November 2012. In America the Dow Jones industrial average closed down 391 points, or 2.4 per cent, at 15,988.

The Shanghai market was the worst performer, closing down 3.6 per cent, taking its losses for the year so far to 18 per cent. This was prompted by the price of a barrel of Brent crude dipping below $30 for the third time this week.

David Buik, of Panmure Gordon, the investment bank, suggested that the “financial carnage” in stock markets in the first two weeks of the year was the worst since 1928.

Investors seeking safe havens have turned to gold, sparking a 2 per cent recovery in its price to $1,094 an ounce.

George Osborne underlined the pessimistic mood by warning last week of grave threats to the British economy, the chancellor saying that it could be “the year we look back at the beginning of the decline” if the country abandoned his agenda. Fears of another crash were heightened by a research note by an economist at RBS advising clients to “sell everything except high-quality bonds”.

Some economists have said, however, that the risk of contagion from China has been exaggerated. It is only Britain’s sixth-largest export market, representing no more than 3.6 per cent of overseas sales, behind the Republic of Ireland.

In China, interventions by the Communist party to prop up markets have done little to reassure investors, and the plight of the world’s second-largest economy is gripping markets. There is strong evidence of a slowdown, after an unprecedented boom between 2000 and 2014, when the size of the Chinese economy ballooned by a factor of eight. The Beijing authorities have set a growth target of 6.5 per cent for this year, but scepticism over the accuracy of its economic data is growing.

Fathom Consulting, an economic forecaster, thinks that growth in China could be as low as 2.4 per cent, rather than the official 6.8 per cent. The difference between those figures, in dollar terms, equated to more than the entire economy of the United Arab Emirates, suggesting that a severe jolt is in store for the rest of the world.

The Chinese government’s botched interventions in local stock exchanges have heightened the nervousness, and added to the steep fall in the price of oil. It tumbled to below $29 a barrel yesterday, its lowest since 2004.


Monday, January 4, 2016

Burned Out Bush: “Trump Will Never Be President”

Posted by Adam Lankford

Jeb Bush Continues Embarrassing Campaign Courting Graham Supporters

The pathetic campaign of what was supposed to be an inevitable nomination, continues with Jeb Bush to the point where he is now courting supporters of an equally pointless and failed Lindsey Graham 

campaign.  The former Governor of Florida refuses to let go and face the reality of the political climate where the establishment has been determined to be as equally destructive as Democrats to a free Republic.  Appearing at an event in South Carolina at Hudson BBQ, where he was over 45 minutes late, Bush spoke to some 100 supporters about the state of his campaign and his intention to win the state of South Carolina.  After taking questions at the town hall style event, Jeb insisted that “Donald Trump will not win the nomination and he will not be President.”

Jeb Bush is finished.

The promise from Jeb to his supporters was met with a smattering of applause similar to what would be heard when a golfer sinks a two foot putt for bogie.  The Golf clap is about all Jeb has been able to muster in this ridiculous campaign since being outed by Donald Trump over his “low energy” and open border stance on immigration.  What is still incredible, is the enormous amount of money still available to the Bush campaign with over $100 Million at his disposal through his Right To Rise super PAC.  The continuous bombardment of ads produced by the PAC, show a Vitamin B12 induced Bush with more energy, but will do little to achieve the desired result of establishment supremacy.  If your campaign is to a point where you need to scrape the bottom of the barrel and gain Graham supporters, who didn’t have any to begin with, then there isn’t much hope for you going any further.

The RAW Scoop is this.  Jeb Bush is a walking example of how powerful and dedicated the Republican Party is to keeping the current system in power.  With newly elected Speaker of The House Paul Crying about to launch another symbolic and intelligence insulting repeal vote on Obamacare while Obama is still in office, these people represent the epitome of all talk and no action.  They simply play to the desires of the electorate rather than actually accomplishing a goal or pushing back on a failed Obama agenda.  Nothing about moderate Republicans is appealing.  Not a single damn thing.  If you are a Conservative, at this point, your eyes are most likely stuck in the back of your head listening to the idiots in charge talk about what they are going to do, have done, and have stopped.  The reality is, Jeb Bush is a Democrat.  Plain and simple.  The American people know it, the party knows it, but the powers that be and the people in charge think you are stupid and don’t know any better.  If Jeb Bush loses in Iowa and New Hampshire, which he will, there is no reason for him to be in the race.  Hell…there is no reason for him to be in the race now.  Tell us what you think

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Democrat Leaders Dance, Gloat, Declare Speaker Paul Ryan ‘Gave Away The Store’

Getty Images

by NEIL MUNRO18 Dec 2015472

Democratic leaders are unanimous in declaring a complete victory over House Speaker 

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)


 and his close allies, who wrote the $1.1 trillion omnibus budget without asking House conservatives for any input — or even for some public objections to help their closed-door negotiations.

The Democrats’ victory, and Republican Ryan’s defeat, was garishly displayed when his omnibus got more Democratic votes in the House and in the Senate than it got Republican votes.

“I said I would not accept a lot of [conservative] ideological riders that were attached to a big budget deal,” President Barack Obama said Friday, at his end-of-year press conference. “And because of some terrific negotiations by the Democrats up on Capitol Hill and I think some pretty good work by our legislative staff here… it was a good win,” he said. “We met our goals,” he said.

In 2015, “we wanted to get rid of sequestration, we were able to do that,” gloated the Democrats’ leader in the Senate,

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)


. “We wanted to make sure there is parity between defense and the middle class, we wanted to make sure that we kept these poison pills off the legislation… All three goals we had, we accomplished,” he said. Ryan’s omnibus deal “caps off a successful year for Senate Democrats,” he added.

“Well, if you would’ve told me this year that we’d be standing here celebrating the passage of an omnibus bill, with no poison pill riders, at higher [spending] levels above sequesters than even the president requested, I wouldn’t have believed it, but here we are,” Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer told reporters shortly after the $1.1 trillion omnibus bill was passed.

“Almost anything, the Republican leadership in the Senate achieved this year, they achieved on Democratic terms… Democrats had an amazingly good year,” he declared.

Over in the House, the Democrats’ upbeat press conference began with laughter, according to the transcript.

(Leader Pelosi. Good morning, everyone. Good morning. I know you’re out there. I see you.


Some of you, for the second time this morning – thank you for coming by. We’re very pleased to say that today, we delivered sweeping victories for hard-working American families. The Omnibus bill makes vital investments that will create jobs, strengthen our future and grow the paychecks of American people… We passed the best possible, under the circumstances, appropriations bill… the Republicans’ obsession with lifting the oil-export ban, they really gave away the store. Democrats were able to strip scores and scores of poison pills, destructive poison pills, some of which they had to have, which they ended up with not having… it is a monumental improvement… But again, we feel very, very good about what it is.… and thank the Speaker for his cooperation.

You can watch it all here, including the claim by Maryland 

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD)


, the Democrats’ deputy leader, that “this was an extraordinarily big victory.”

The Washington Post scored the results, and kindly give only 10 victories to the Democrats, and then four to Ryan.

At his press event, Ryan claimed a victory, but had little evidence to prove his point. “Today, the House came together to ensure our government is open and working for the American people,” he said in a statement. “This bipartisan compromise secures meaningful wins for Republicans and the American people, such as the repeal of the outdated, anti-growth ban on oil exports,” said the statement.

What did he trade to get that one win? — “scores and scores of poison pills, destructive poison pills, some of which they had to have, which they ended up with not having,” according to Pelosi.

So Ryan claimed “meaningful wins,” but very few of them.

“The legislation strengthens our military and protects Americans from terrorist threats, while limiting the overreach of intrusive government bureaucracies like the IRS and the EPA,” he said, weakly, before changing the subject by promising to do better in 2016. “Congress can now move into 2016 with a fresh start and a plan to return to regular order in order to better protect taxpayer dollars,” he claimed.

On the Michael Medved radio show, Ryan defended stepped up his claims — with a stronger adjective, but not more evidence.

We scored major policy wins for conservatives—for our country—in this bill. We advanced our principles. Did we advance all of our principles as far as we want to go? No, because we’re in divided government. But we did advance them in the right direction. So the way I look at these things, is take what you can get now, and then go fight for more later. And I think we’ve set ourselves up for more success in 2016.

Ryan didn’t tout one of the most unpopular inserts in the bill  — the GOP-approved legislation to import up to 200,000 extra foreign workers to take American’s blue-collar jobs.

Ryan’s main claim to success was the removal of the barrier to the export of crude oil — and to get that win, he gave up a huge list of conservative priorities.

“If you take a look at what’s in this bill, at what this bill actually does, it has a permanent lift—a permanent removal—of the ban on petroleum exports, on crude oil exports. That’s something we’ve been trying to do for 40 years in this country. Think of what we get by removing the ban. And the Obama administration, on oil exports—when America can export its oil, that means we can compete with OPEC. We can put OPEC out of the business of controlling the world’s oil markets. We can take Putin out of business with respect to selling oil and gas to his customers. We can create more jobs. We can become more independent. We can keep our prices low by having more control over the marketplace and create more jobs right here in America. It’s fantastic for our foreign policy. It’s really good for American jobs. And it’s something we’re actually getting done that we haven’t been able to do for decades.”

The commenters on his website tend to disagree with Ryan’s claim of “meaningful wins.”

“Ryan… just spit in the face of his constituents,” said one. “Why vote Republican? The Democrats claim this bill as a great victory for their priorities and party! Did Republicans cut the budget? NO,” said the next commenter.  “And they wonder why Trump is beating them. I suppose now that they’ve funded all of Obama’s priorities through 2018, they can play “Pretend Opposition Party” in 2016 and hope we’ll forget how they boned us,” said the next comment.

Many GOP politicians — especially the roughly 100 Representatives and Senators who voted against the deal — are very unhappy, including 

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)


, who posted this statement on his website:

A rotten process yields a rotten result, and this 2,000-page, trillion-dollar bill is rotten to its core, resulting from secret, backroom negotiations and getting dumped in the dead of the night on Americans with barely two days before the vote. Corporate lobbyists had a field day, but working Americans lost out. Take just one sordid example: this bill will quadruple the number of foreign guest-worker visas at a time when millions of Americans are still looking for full-time work and working-class wages remain stagnant.

At the Senate Democrats’ press conference, Schumer gloated at length and in great detail, unlike Ryan. He’s always worth listening to, if only because he’s expected to take over Sen. Reid’s leadership position in January 2017.

This bill is a great victory for the principles Democrats stand for. And as we look back in the year of the Senate, I think there have been three major trends, two of which are getting noticed, but the third is getting overlooked.

First, the Senate is getting things done.

Second, we are getting them done, because Democrats are not obstructing the same way Republicans did when they were in the minority, and those two points have been talked about in the media and elsewhere.

But third, the point that has been missed is that the bills were passing reflect Democratic values. We are getting, even though were in the minority, we are passing a program that we have been for all along. Today’s omnibus vote is a metaphor for that. The vote marks the end of the road the Democrats began mapping out last spring.

When Republicans made clear they were going to try to jam through partisan appropriation bills through the senate. [GOP] Senator [Mitch] McConnell thought he could jam the defense appropriation bill through, but Democrats stood firm and blocked him. Sen. McConnell said over and over again he wants to stay at sequestration levels. He said over and over again, that he wanted to put much more money into defense than into the nondefense. He didn’t get either of those, and we said the opposite, and we got what we wanted.  The relief from devastating cuts knowns as sequestration, the relief that was equal, no poison pill riders, the three principles Democrats laid out, Republicans opposed, are all laid out, are all in that bill today.

The bill were passing today, passes the test of Democratic values with flying colors and fits the framework we laid out years ago. And if you need any proof of this, look what happened on the floor a few minutes ago. Senator McConnell offered an amendment to strip out the omnibus portion of the bill, and a majority of Republicans voted for it. They don’t like it. But, our strategy worked. And the idea that we’d let people know that if the government was shut down, it would be because of their intransigence, maybe both Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell understand that they couldn’t shut down the government and that meant they couldn’t make unreasonable demands and that meant we were going to have a budget with Democratic priorities.

But it’s not just the budget. This has happened over and over again, take the transportation bill. Democrats demanded a long-term bill with increased investments. Republicans wanted a short term bill with flat funding. What’d we get? A long term bill with increased investments.

How about the Export-Import bank? Senator McConnell said, no. Most of the Republicans said, no. We now have an export import bank.

How about when Republicans sought to hold hostage funding [in early 2015] for the Department of Homeland Security and Democrats banded together to fully fund the department and protect the president’s order on immigration. And finally, the bill that Ranking Member [Democrat Sen. Patty] Murray mentioned the Education Bill, loaded with Democratic values, attempts to switch the funding formula, attempts to do all of these other things, didn’t happen.

So, anything, almost anything, the Republican leadership in the Senate achieved this year, they achieved on Democratic terms.

By sticking together, as we have been, we’ve been unified under Harry Reid’s leadership, by fighting for the middle class, which we have focused on like a laser, while Republicans carry the water for the special interests; Democrats had an amazingly good year, as a minority party. We can only hope that our Republican colleagues will be as a cooperative minority, as we were this year, when Democrats take back the senate in 2016.

In comparison, Ryan only declared “This bipartisan compromise secures meaningful wins for Republicans and the American people, such as the repeal of the outdated, anti-growth ban on oil exports.”

“And I think we’ve set ourselves up for more success in 2016,” he says.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

YOU ARE FIRED Kathleen Sebelius and your boss is IMPEACHABLE !!!!!!

Stomp a Mud Hole in Kathleen Sebelius HHS YOUR FIRED BITAACHEE!!!!

SickBias   Kathleen Sebelius get a mud hole stomping by Republican Pat Roberts of Kansas. 
  He gives her an utter beat down and then asks her to resign once again because she is so incompetent.  How much longer is She going to take it, being obamas whipping girl and how it must suck to have made a deal with the devil.  You reap what you sew now GO HOME !!!!

kathleen sebelius,Pat Roberts,kansas,obama care,epic failure,fail,black slavery,racisist,train wreck,death panels,impeach obama,osama bin laden,barack the magic negro,rush,glenn beck,law makers,capitol hill,white house,politics,republican,democrate,communist,socialist