Showing posts with label Phil Robertson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phil Robertson. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2013

#ISTANDWITHPHIL 100's of Thousands Sign Petition and Stand With Freedom of Speech.



Dear A&E Network,
I am writing to you regarding your network's intolerant, discriminatory, and punitive treatment of Mr. Phil Robertson, star of A&E's #1 hit show, Duck Dynasty.
Mr. Robertson’s comments in GQ Magazine are simply reflective of a Biblical view of sexuality, marriage, and family – a view that has stood the test of time for thousands of years and continues to be held by the majority of Americans and today’s world as a whole.
Many members of the LGBT community may not agree with this view, but the notion that a free-thinking American should be discriminated against simply for expressing a perspective that is in conflict with another is patently un-American and flies in the face of true tolerance and civility. A&E's position, which in your own words is “championing” the gay and lesbian community — which I believe you have the freedom to do — excludes the views of Faith Driven Consumers and effectively censors a legitimate viewpoint held by the majority of Americans.
As a Faith Driven Consumer, I am signing this petition to demand that my views be treated with equality and respect in America’s rich rainbow of diversity.
I am asking your network to immediately reinstate Mr. Robertson to Duck Dynasty, and to formally apologize to him, his family, and the millions of viewers who tune in every week, stand by him, and share his worldview. While the LGBT community may be offended by his opposing viewpoint, your rash, discriminatory, and unfair treatment toward Mr. Robertson — a recognized symbol of the faith community — is a slap in the face to Faith Driven Consumers and everyday Americans alike.
There are 46 million Faith Driven Consumers in America today who spend 1.75 trillion dollars annually. Should you refuse to equally respect and welcome our legitimately held views, we will gladly stop watching this and all other A&E programming and turn to any reformulation of Duck Dynasty on another network – while simultaneously supporting brands that stand with the show and the Robertson family.
John Q. Public

PS: If you submit your signature and it doesn't go through, refresh the page and try again, or text ISTANDWITHPHIL to 1-919-800-0751.
GOAL: 200,000 signatures



We Support Do You ???

Thank you for signing!


Showing 129765 reactions

Dimple Boynton signed via Tennelle Boynton 1 min ago
These gay right people need to stop bending out of shape every time people disagree with their lifestyle. It’s not about you, it’s about what’s right in the sight of God. I’m sure gay peopl (show all)
samantha ferrell signed 1 min ago
May god show those who live in glass houses not to throw the first stone. Phil keep up the good fight.
Dwayne Scott signed 1 min ago
I FULLY SUPPORT Phil’s right to Free Speech; ESPECIALLY when it comes to speaking on issues of Faith!!!!! For if you don’t have Freedom to speak your Faith, then you DON’T have Free Speech AT ALL!!!!
Suzette Vosters signed 1 min ago
Samuel Klunker signed 1 min ago
Phil needs to stay!
Jon Ferns signed 1 min ago
Margaret Jackson signed 1 min ago
Julie Bourland signed 1 min ago
Brian Capella signed 1 min ago
jeff copeland signed 1 min ago
Marshall Meier signed 1 min ago
Christine DiNovo signed 1 min ago
Chris greear signed 1 min ago
Timothy Mathis signed 1 min ago
Brian Smyth signed 1 min ago
We will stand and support Free Speech and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Chris Sturm signed 1 min ago
Grace McCloskey signed via Jim McCloskey 1 min ago
Our big Family is all Christians too and it make me so angry..Stand up and keep fighting and we are with you..

God loves all,but I’m sure He gets so upset with his Children. When they ignor (show all)
Richard Neisen signed 1 min ago
Janeth Pashanasi signed 1 min ago
As Americans we have the right to speak openly about our faith and live following our believes, and no company or government has the right to tell us to shut up!!
Stacy Johnson signed 1 min ago
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"I am Second" - The Robertsons

Published on Nov 20, 2013

Three generations. One duck related Dynasty. The Robertson family story told through the lens of Phil, Kay, Jep and Reed. From their humble beginnings and struggle in keeping their family together to a behind the scenes look into the Robertsons' continued commitment to faith, family and ducks amidst their immense success.

GOP Candidate: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson is the Rosa Parks of our generation'

  • Ian Bayne, 39, is running for the 11th District of Illinois in the US House of Representatives in 2014
  • He is not the first conservative politician to rush to 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson's defense

A Republican candidate for Congress from Illinois says ‘Duck Dynasty’ patriarch Phil Robertson is the ‘Rosa Parks of our generation.’

Ian Bayne, 39, and running for the House of Representatives seat for the 11th District of Illinois, made the comparison to Ms Parks in an official statement released Friday on his website.

Mr Bayne, from the Chicago suburb of Aurora, is running against a handful of other candidates in the 2014, according to the Daily Herald, which first flagged the remarks.

‘In December 1955, Rosa Parks took a stand against an unjust societal persecution of black people, and in December 2013, Robertson took a stand against persecution of Christians,’ Mr Bayne said

‘What Parks did was courageous,’ he added. ‘What Mr. Robertson did was courageous too.’
The GOP candidate’s comparison of the reality star to the famous civil rights activist came under immediate criticism.
after the he came under fire for his racially charged remarks to GQ.
‘I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person,’ he told the magazine. ‘Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers.’
‘They’re singing and happy,’ he continued. ‘I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word.’
Mr Robertson was immediately suspended from ‘Duck Dynasty’ as several conservative politicians came to his defense.
Outspoken: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson has ignited a firestorm with his comments to GQ
Outspoken: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson has ignited a firestorm with his comments to GQ

‘Phil Robertson and his family are great citizens of the State of Louisiana,’ Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said in a statement. ‘The politically correct crowd is tolerant of all viewpoints, except those they disagree with - I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment.’
Even more damning footage emerged Thursday of an anti-gay sermon given by the 67-year-old born-again Christian.
‘They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents and they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.'
Though he never directly calls out homosexuals, the implications are obvious.
Fans of the show have completely bought out Walmart’s stock of ‘Duck Dynasty’ merchandise, showing that not everyone is upset with his controversial comments.
The Robertson family is currently in discussions with A&E over the future of the show.