Showing posts with label  GOP Debate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  GOP Debate. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Nuclear Option: No Cure in Sight for Elites’ Donald Trump Derangement Syndrome

by CHARLES HURT29 Jan 2016131

Beware the latest nasty virus sweeping the East Coast, particularly the most elite citadels of New York City and Washington, D.C.

It is a fast-moving disease, highly contagious and attacks the nervous system. Early stages are inexplicable, fast eye-blinking, light palsy, stammering and overbearing snobbery. Sometimes redness of the face and shortness of breath accompany.

Later stages include total delusionment, dementia, inability to think clearly and, ultimately, a madness that cannot be contained.

Basic rule of thumb is that if you are blinking and twitching like Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus, Inspector Jacques Clouseau’s boss in Pink Panther, then it is still early and there is still hope.

In final stages, patients are often found wild-eyed, naked, frothing at mouth and writhing on the floor. This behavior has been likened to that of Antonio Salieri in the final scenes of “Amadeus.”

Researchers have yet to arrive at a scientific name for the debilitating disease but it is generally referred to as Donald Trump Derangement Syndrome (DTDS). It is found in its most virulent and highly contagious strain among media and punditry circles and top ranks of Republican Party leaders.

While researchers are still confounded about almost everything about DTDS, they do believe that early detection could be vital. Here are symptoms and remedies they recommend:

The disease-stricken often say things like, “He is Hitler!”

It is best to calmly explain to the person that Adolph Hitler exterminated six million Jews. Mr. Trump has not. Also, advise the patient to read “Mein Kampf,” and then read “Art of the Deal.”

Some victims, it is found, take the extermination of six million Jews more seriously and, instead, compare Mr. Trump to “Mussolini,” kind of a Hilter lite. Sometimes in their hallucinations, people suffering DTDS see a similarity in the ways both men purse their lips and speak.

Best remedy is to explain that Benito Mussolini was Hitler’s stooge and, to date, it is safe to say Donald Trump has never been anybody’s stooge.

Another symptom has people his hysterics over how “vulgar” Donald Trump is and talking about how he lacks the virtue and morals to be president.

Recommended remedy is to explain to victim how Lyndon Baines Johnson used to force reporters and staffers to join him in the bathroom to conduct business while he took care of his own business in front of them.

Or have them read the memoir detailing how John F. Kennedy took the virginity of a teenage intern within minutes of meeting her while she was touring the White House.

It is advised not to get into the known exploits of Bill Clinton because, well, it is just so disgusting that it could trigger other complicating illnesses, such as vomiting.

A startling recent symptom has one member of Congress demanding to know whether Donald Trump has repented for past sins. The best remedy for this is to remind members of Congress they are not preachers and ordering people into the confessional booth is both very creepy and unconstitutional and totally violates the separation of church and state in America.

Some victims of DTDS are found agonizing about how Donald Trump threatens to destroy the Constitution.

It is best to advise these people that Donald Trump is the most litigious person to ever run for president and that the very foundation of litigiousness is the Constitution. He probably reveres the Constitution more highly than anybody suffering from DTDS.

Sadly, researchers do not have the slightest hope of a cure for those in advanced stages of the disease. The only known Hail Mary prescriptions have been to either send them to Syria as DTDS refugees or allow them to sneak across the Mexican border before the Trump Wall and Casino is built.

Scientists, meanwhile, are hurriedly developing an 8-year, slow-release Ambien that can be taken now so that the patient wakes up in the final months of the Trump administration, once America has been Made Great Again.

Charles Hurt can be reached at and on Twitter via@charleshurt.

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Fox’s News Corp Is a Major Donor to the Clintons

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

by PATRICK HOWLEY29 Jan 2016357

The parent company of Fox News has helped to finance the career of Hillary Clinton. In fact, the company has helped a lot.

21st Century Fox/News Corp. ranks ninth on the list of the top “corporate and union donors to the Clintons over two decades,” according to a little-noticed list compiled byThe Wall Street Journal in 2014. The list counts donations from “companies, foundations, and employees.”

21st Century Fox also ranks as the 13th biggest contributor to Hillary Clinton during her political career, according to a database maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics. The database credits the Rupert Murdoch-owned company as having pitched in $340,936 to her campaigns. That puts Fox just below Lehman Brothers, but eleven spots below second-place Goldman Sachs, on the pro-Clinton list.

“The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations’ PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals’ immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates,” the database notes.

Murdoch’s charitable foundation and his son James are also contributors to the Clinton Foundation, which is nowreportedly being examined by the FBI, which is investigating Hillary Clinton for possible Espionage Act violations regarding her private email use and also possible instances of public corruption regarding the Foundation.

The News Corporation Foundation is listed on the Clinton Foundation website as a donor to the tune of between $500,001 and $1,000,000, placing it alongside progressive donor heavyweights like Peter Lewis and Paul Newman’s foundation.

James R. Murdoch, meanwhile, is listed as a Clinton Foundation donor to the tune of between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000.

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump skipped Thursday night’s Fox News debate, which included Megyn Kelly as a moderator. Kelly has a track record of targeting Trump on the debate stage.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,FOX NEWSHillary ClintonBill Clinton

POLITICO: Megyn Kelly Just Did Trump’s Dirty Work for Him, Kneecapped Rivals

Getty Images

by BREITBART NEWS29 Jan 2016100

This article was originally published by Politico:

Donald Trump skipped last night’s Fox News debate in a fit of pique over the “very biased” Megyn Kelly. But since the shocking things he does and says always seem to work out for him, someone else used his pet issue of immigration to tie his top Republican rivals into knots. And that someone else was Megyn Kelly.

Kelly flummoxed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), currently polling second and third in Iowa, with brutal video montages that vividly demonstrated their flip-flops on immigration reform. To make things even more delicious for Trump, his other favorite bullying target, “low-energy” Jeb Bush, helped twist the knife into Rubio. And another one of his punching bags, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), helped deliver the beatdown to Cruz.
Story Continued Below

It’s hard to see how the debate could have gone any better for Trump if he had actually participated. Meanwhile, Democrats who hope to expand their majorities among Latino voters had to enjoy watching two Cuban-American Republicans scrambling to walk back their previous flirtations with reform.

Read the rest of the article here.


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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpMegyn KellyFox Debate

Drudge: ‘The Seven Dwarfed’ by Donald Trump

Seven Dwarfed (Drudge)

by JOEL B. POLLAK29 Jan 2016455

The Drudge Report summarized Thursday night’s GOP debate, which frontrunner Donald Trump skipped, with the headline: “The Seven Dwarfed!”

That assessment matches the consensus, left and right, from media observers: that Trump benefited from staging a fundraiser for wounded veterans, where he appeared relaxed, magnanimous, and in command, rather than placing himself in the crosshairs of the Fox News moderators and his Republican rivals.

The Washington Post‘s Dan Balz wrote that Sens. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), two of Trump’s main rivals, had “failed to seize the Trumpless moment,” opening new space for struggling GOP rivals. Even Jim Geraghty of National Review, which devoted its last issue to attacking Trump, conceded that Trump had likely benefited from avoiding the “flip-flopping immigration bloodbath” that the GOP debate became in his absence.

The Cruz camp appears to have made a strategic miscalculation. By sticking with the debate, and accusing Trump of cowardice, Cruz hoped to place himself at the head of the anti-Trump opposition. Instead, however, he exposed himself to a gang-tackle by the moderators and the other candidates. Had he joined Trump in protest at Fox News’ behavior, he would have signaled that he and Trump were the prohibitive final two candidates in the GOP primary.

Trump may have drawn Cruz into a direct fight before the conservative Tea Party favorite from Texas was fully prepared for it. As strong as his organization is in Iowa, Cruz’s political challenge remains distinguishing himself from the rest of the field, rather than overtaking Trump.

While ratings for the Fox News debate were still high, they were about half of the ratings for the first Fox News debate last August. Ratings for Trump’s fundraiser, carried on several networks, are not available as of this writing.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Scarborough: ‘I’d Rather Set Myself on Fire’ Than Participate in Debate With Megyn Kelly

by JEFF POOR27 Jan 2016914

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough reacted to Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s decision not to participate in Thursday’s Republican debate hosted by the Fox News Channel.

Scarborough ripped Fox News for provoking Trump and said he wouldn’t have participated in the debate either based on Fox News Channel’s tack regarding the possibility of bias by debate moderator Megyn Kelly, host of FNC’s “The Kelly File.”

“First of all, a news organization that is going to run a debate provoking a candidate like that just is asking for it,” Scarborough said. “Donald Trump, I will tell you, I would literally go to the center of Sixth Avenue and set myself on fire – set myself on fire before I stood on a debate stage with any news organization that did that statement. I would tell them to go to hell a lot faster than Donald Trump did. I’m not talking about Fox. I got a lot of friends at Fox. I love Fox. I know a lot of people at Fox are really twisted up about how this has gone down and how Megyn Kelly is somehow with Michael Moore taking over the network. They provoked him. They had to know.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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Breitbart TV2016 Presidential Race,Morning JoeMegyn KellyJoe Scarborough

Poll: More than 83 Percent Won’t Watch Fox News Debate Sans Donald

Andrew Harnik/AP

by ALEX SWOYER27 Jan 2016Washington, DC3,421

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, posted onTwitter that 83 percent of Fox News viewers surveyed said they won’t watch the Fox News GOP primary debate on Thursday without Trump participating.

“POLL: Without Trump 83% Say They WILL NOT Watch GOP Debate,” Lewandowski posted on Twitter.

Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren polled her viewers on whether or not they will watch Thursday’s debate with Trump not participating.

More than 83 percent have said they will not be watching the debate.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,FOX NEWSDonald TrumpGOP Debate

FLASHBACK: Ronald Reagan Skipped Last Debate Before IA Caucus – Went on to Win in Landslide

2016 ElectionJan 27, 2016


Jim Hoft Jan 27th, 2016 7:57 am

On Tuesday night Donald Trump and the Trump campaign announced that GOP frontrunner Trump will skip the FOX News GOP Primary debate this week in Iowa.

Trump is not the first Republican candidate to skip a debate.
Ronald Reagan skipped the Republican debate ahead of the 1980 Iowa caucus.
Bloomberg reported:

Trump isn’t the first top-tier presidential candidate to skip a debate. Ronald Reagan did not attend a Republican debate ahead of the 1980 Iowa caucuses, which he lost to George H.W. Bush. Reagan went on to the win the nomination and the presidency.

Reagan went on to win in a landslide.

Fox News Worse than Liberal Media to Donald Trump

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

by JOEL B. POLLAK27 Jan 2016983

Donald Trump is boycotting Thursday’s final pre-Iowa GOP debate. And every Republican candidate should. Fox News is treating Trump worse than any liberal media outlet would–worse, even than John Harwood and CNBC.

Last week, moderator Megan Kellyconvened a special panel of anti-Trump writers from National Review to mark the launch of their attack on Trump. This week, Fox News prepared for the debate byinviting a Muslim activist who has criticized Trump to be one of three YouTube personalities to question the candidates. And on Tuesday, as Trump considered whether to participate in the debate, Fox issued a petulant, snarky press statement mocking him:

We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.

No candidate should agree to participate under those conditions. Indeed, the other GOP candidates–including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who led the charge against Harwood–should be standing with Trump against Fox, on principle, instead ofattacking him. And conservatives who are mocking Trump should look in the mirror and ask themselves whether they are applying a different standard to center-right Fox News than they do to the mainstream media.

Fox News’ behavior after Trump’s withdrawal vindicates his decision. The network issued a statement that attacked Trump politically–“We’re not sure how Iowans are going to feel about him walking away from them at the last minute”–and accused him of “terrorizations.” Kelly followed up with radical leftist filmmaker Michael Moore on her program for what the Washington Post called a “televised love-in,” where Moore defended her against Trump.

How hard would it have been for Fox News simply to issue a statement expressing disappointment and reiterating that the debate would proceed as planned? Instead, Fox cast aside neutrality and integrity to join the political fray.

Indeed, Politico is openly wonderingwhether Trump walked into Fox News’ “trap.” No news network should try to “trap” a presidential candidate, but that is what Fox News appears to have done to Trump, damning him either way.

Every candidate should expect difficult questions, and no presidential candidate has the right to dictate to networks which journalists should be allowed to ask them. If it were just a matter of Trump ducking Kelly’s tough questions, he would deserve to be criticized. After all, as Trump himself once told Kelly, debating takes courage. The nation already has one president who thinks he can bully the media, and Fox News in particular. It does not need another.

But Fox News’ behavior towards Trump is the kind of bias viewers have turned to Fox to avoid. We would not tolerate it from NBC or CNN–and we should not tolerate it when Fox News sinks to–and below–their level.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump will ‘definitely not’ participate in Fox debate, campaign says

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign stop at Farmington High School,in Farmington, N.H. on Jan. 25, 2016. (AP/John Minchillo)

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa -- Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski confirmed to The Washington Post Tuesday that Trump would "definitely not" participate in Thursday's Fox News debate.

“He’s definitely not participating in the Fox News debate," Lewandowski said. "His word is his bond."

He said Trump would remain in Iowa as planned and would instead host a event in the state to raise money for wounded warriors and other veterans groups.

Trump has made such threats before, but he said that the Fox News Channel had gone too far by issuing press statements on Tuesday that he said kicked his concern about Megyn Kelly, one of the debate co-moderators.

When Trump saw the press release from Fox, "I said, 'Bye bye,'" he said.

Earlier Tuesday, Fox News Channel President Roger Ailes told The Post that "Megyn Kelly is an excellent journalist, and the entire network stands behind her. She will absolutely be on the debate stage on Thursday night."

Later, the network poked fun at Trump in a satirical statement: "We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president. A nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings."

Trump's feud with Kelly began during the first debate in August, when she questioned him about disparaging remarks he has made about women with her opening question.

Trump is scheduled to appear later Tuesday in Iowa City. On Wednesday, he is scheduled to travel to Lexington, S.C. for a rally before returning to Iowa for Thursday night's GOP debate in Des Moines.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Throwdown: The Donald Says Megyn Must Go

by ALEX SWOYER23 Jan 2016Washington, DC4,958

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump argues that Fox News’s Megyn Kelly shouldn’t moderate the upcoming debate on January 28 in Iowa, three days before the Iowa caucus.

“Based on @MegynKelly’s conflict of interest and bias she should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate,” Trump posted to Twitter on Saturday.

Kelly was criticized for being unfair to Trump following the first GOP primary debate. And two days ago, Kelly was charged with unleashing “on Donald Trump and Sarah Palin,” who recently endorsed the GOP frontrunner.

“Breaking tonight, a moment with the potential to change the Republican race for the White House — or not,” Kelly sarcastically announced, referencing Palin’s endorsement of Trump.

Kelly also featured the “National Review Against Trump” story, having several of the anti-Trump commentators on her show, which resulted in the National Review being dumped from co-hosting an upcoming GOP primary debate.

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Big GovernmentBig Journalism2016 Presidential RaceDonald TrumpMegyn KellyGOP Debate