Friday, February 12, 2016

Twitter Is Gearing Up To Interfere In The Election

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Image: Mike Ma
by MILO YIANNOPOULOS12 Feb 2016284
Last week, a report from BuzzFeed claimed that Twitter was about to implement an algorithmic news feed, a departure from the chronologically-ordered tweets which users have grown accustomed to, and by which the platform is defined.
CEO Jack Dorsey sought to calm users by saying they had no plans to implement the change this week, but reports from other tech publications indicate Twitter has already completed tests of the new feature. And indeed the company launched a feature along these lines this week.
For conservatives, this is bad news. If our feeds are ordered by algorithm, this effectively means that Twitter, rather than users, decides which tweets should be seen. Tweets that the algorithm decides are “uninteresting” to users might not be seen at all. Needless to say, I am already receiving DMs from fans claiming that my tweets are not showing up in their feeds.
As the #RIPTwitter user revolt demonstrated, an algorithmic timeline is not exactly in demand with Twitter’s core fans. For a company already suffering from user growth problems and taking a battering at the stock market, why would they seek to implement such a massively unpopular change?
One potential reason is that more top-down control over content gives Twitter more to offer advertisers — and politicians. In a USA Today article two weeks ago, comments from a senior Twitter employee showed that the company is eager to demonstrate its influence over politics.
“Traditional predictors of success apply no longer,” said Adam Sharp of Twitter. “Money raised and spent, endorsements received, years-old field infrastructure are now all secondary to the ability to deliver a compelling message directly to the voter base. We are in a new age of retail politics, where the one-to-one intimacy and authenticity of the handshake and ask for a vote can be executed at scale as candidates turn to Twitter and other tools to bypass the wholesale channels of the last half-century of campaign craft.”

So who is Adam Sharp? He’s the head of news, government and elections at Twitter, and one of the company’s longest-serving employees. His bio for a sponsored speech he gave for the Online News Association in 2015 reads:
Called “the human embodiment of Twitter” by the New York Times, Sharp joined the company in November 2010 as its first hire in Washington, DC. Now based in New York, he is the longest-serving member of Twitter’s global media partnerships team.

But that’s not all. The bio goes on to say that Sharp also served as the Deputy Chief of Staff for a Democrat senator in Louisiana in 2008, and that he is also a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Exactly the sort of  neutral, non-partisan guy you’d want curating the world’s political discourse… right?
With an algorithm, Twitter could easily control the content users receive on a politically partisan basis. For a modern social media company like Twitter, nestled in the ultra-progressive San Francisco Bay Area, it wouldn’t be unprecedented, would it?
Facebook is openly stamping out reasonable, mainstream anti-immigration sentiment on its platform, in cahoots with the German government, and Twitter has a history of targeting populist conservatives. We shouldn’t assume that Twitter will tell us what they’re doing, either. Transparency is not the company’s strong suit — to put it mildly.
We’re just now getting into the thick of the presidential elections, and “establishment” candidates of both parties – Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, respectively — have not had an easy time on social media. The left wing of millennial internet culture, veterans of countless hashtag campaigns, is firmly in Sanders’ camp.
Meanwhile, web-savvy Trump supporters pour forth from the depths of 4chan, 8chan, and “Twitterchan,” armed to the teeth withcutting-edge pepes and viciously waspish commentary. A social media ecosystem in which ordinary users determine the popularity of posts is no friend to the establishment.
But a social media of algorithms, controlled from the top down by achingly PC Silicon Valley companies, just might be.
In an article on Buzzfeed from just two weeks ago titled, “Black Lives Matter Leaders Are Reaching Out To Silicon Valley, And It’s Paying Off”it says Deray Mckesson is:
Something of a regular at the New York offices of Medium, has strong relationships with executives at Slack and Twitter, and has a fledgling relationship with top heads at Facebook.

Mckesson’s friendliness with Twitter sure paid off. At his behest, Twitter banned conservative journalist Chuck Johnson for saying he wanted to “take out” the Black Lives Matter activist. Johnson was of course speaking metaphorically about an upcoming exposé on Mckesson.
But Twitter pounced on the chance to permanently ban a mortal enemy of one of their favourite activists. It accepted Mckesson’s dubious contention that Johnson’s words constituted a threat of violence — thus a conservative journalist was effectively banned from Twitter for using a metaphor.
There have even been reports of Twitter censoring embarrassing news stories from popular progressive hashtags, such as #BlackLivesMatter. A City Councilwoman who used Twitter to dox opponents of the movement was let off with a slap on the wrist, where others would have been permanently banned.
None of this should be surprising, seeing as Twitter and Black Lives Matter have both publicly stated that they have a close relationship. Now that Mckesson is running for mayor in Baltimore, it seems almost certain that their “close personal relationship” will become an electoral one, too.
Twitter’s influence isn’t just confined to US politics, by the way. If the company was so inclined, it could affect elections worldwide. Indeed, Twitter has already started its electoral activity in developing nations such as the Philippines:
The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is collaborating with Twitter, an online social networking service for the May 2016 polls.
Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista expects the partnership to make the presidential debates more accessible to millions of Filipinos via the social media.
“We look forward to working with Twitter to make presidential debates more accessible to millions of Filipinos, and on a larger scale to increase voter participation and political transparency throughout the Philippine presidential elections,” Bautista told a press briefing.

As the Comelec’s partner, Jaitly said Twitter will be providing premium inside data and visualizations that help represent the pulse of the country, the pulse of viewers with respect to what is top of mind, with respect to audience during the debate.

Twitter wants to become the de facto, worldwide platform for politicians to reach the masses, usurping broadcast media. Unlike broadcast media, however, it’s currently difficult for Twitter to control the message.
If FOX wants to give Donald Trump a tough time, they’ll appoint Megyn Kelly to moderate their presidential debates. If MSNBC wants a liberal slant on the news, they’ll put Chris Matthews on the story. Twitter, where users control the flow of information, currently lacks that ability.
But an algorithmic timeline, coupled with the company’s horrifically politically biased support teams and terms of service, look set to change all that.
For political partisans, control over Twitter is the Holy Grail. Even uncontrolled, Twitter has proven formidable in its influence over elections. And, as a report from Voanews highlights,  this influence is set to increase as the digital generation grows up.
Voters are increasingly turning to their smartphones to read political news and follow political figures, according to a2014 Pew Research survey.  Those numbers are highest among young voters, who value making personal connections with politicians.
“Without social media, you’re ignoring millennial voters,” said Chris Wilson, director of research and analytics for the Cruz campaign. “Sen. Cruz is someone who is very active on social media, he’s someone who is just as likely to be playing Candy Crush on his phone as reading the National Journal.”
Perry, the 27-year-old who runs the day-to-day operations of Cruz’s Twitter feed, agrees.

Twitter even has its own data analysis department which basically gives them their own polling center — one that operates in real time. Recode explains:
Twitter data anticipated Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’s narrow Iowa caucus victory Monday over his billionaire rival for the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump.
On the eve of Monday’s caucuses, Twitter released information showing a shift in sentiment away from the brash presumptive front-runner to Cruz, who had assiduously built relationships in all 99 counties ahead of the voting.
Adam Sharp, Twitter’s head of news, government and elections, said the results don’t replace traditional polling “any more than satellite and radar will replace the thermometer.” But the Twitter conversation did reflect a change in the days following the final Des Moines Register poll Saturday that showed Trump reclaiming the lead.
“Those several days are a political eternity,” Sharp said. “What I think the Twitter conversation did in the last few days was lend an interesting perspective on the natural conversations these Iowans were having between those final polls and showing up to caucus.”

If Twitter is already polling in real time, there is no reason why it wouldn’t be able to tweak its algorithm in real time to manipulate elections by controlling what political messages people end up seeing.
For instance, it could instantly track when an undesirable candidate was starting to see growth, and then change the algorithm to nip it in the bud. And of course, they will be able to do this not only in the US, but worldwide.
Users are already convinced that Twitter curates trending hashtags. Is it such a leap to assume the company will do the same with its new, Facebook-like feeds?
Remember, it’s not just anti-establishment conservatives who should be worried. Sanders supporters, increasingly at odds with Black Lives Matter, and feminist activists favoured by Twitter, should also be concerned about which candidate Twitter might back.
For conservatives, this is bad news. If our feeds are ordered by algorithm, this effectively means that Twitter, rather than users, decides which

Trump Up +16 In Latest SC Poll; Cruz Beats Rubio +5


by JOHN NOLTE12 Feb 20160

After a dry spell of nearly a month, and all the political drama and actual voting that has taken place in Iowa and New Hampshire, we finally have a new poll out of South Carolina, where the next round of voting begins in less than 10 days. And, quite incredibly, it shows that … almost nothing has changed. Donald Trump is still up by double digits, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is in second, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)is in third.

The Augusta Chronicle poll, taken on February 10 and 11, almost perfectly mirrors its immediate predecessor, a NBC poll taken during the third week of January. With 36% support, Trump is in first place by +16 points. Cruz is in second with 20%. Rubio jumped a statistically insignificant +1 to enjoy 15% support.

Jeb Bush jumped +2 to 11%.

The only notable change is Kasich’s leap from 1% to 9%. That’s a nice jump … into fifth place.

The best news is for Trump, who has managed to hold on to a substantial lead. The news for Rubio is mixed. After that brutal debate performance, the Florida senator’s support didn’t crater in South Carolina like it did in New Hampshire. Nevertheless, he’s still stuck -21 points behind Trump. On the flip-side, he is leading in the Establishment Lane, and holding that lead will become increasingly important as this primary campaign rolls on.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter@NolteNC               

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,South CarolinapollTrump2016 Polls

PBS' Donor-Moderator Fails to Ask About Clinton Foundation

Morry Gash / Associated Press

by Joel B. Pollak11 Feb 20160

11 Feb, 201611 Feb, 2016 The PBS moderators at Thursday night’s Democratic debate failed to ask former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton any questions about the Clinton Foundation, despite news earlier in the day that the State Department had sent it a subpoena for documents about its activities during her tenure in office.

Co-moderator Judy Woodruff happens to be a donor to the Clinton Foundation, and faced criticism from the PBS ombudsman in 2015 for giving to the Clintons.

Woodruff is one of several journalists who has contributed to the Clinton Foundation, which has beencriticized as a “slush fund” for the Clintons’ own expenses, rather than on direct giving to charitable programs.

PBS has covered the potential conflict of interest for Hillary Clinton, who has been accused of using her position as Secretary of State to direct donations to the foundation. Emails to that effect are suspected of being on her private email server.

The subpoena to the foundation from the State Department inspector general sought “documents about the charity’s projects that may have required approval from the federal government during Hillary Clinton’s term as secretary of state,” according to the Washington Post, which broke the story Thursday.

The subpoena also apparently sought information on Clinton aide Huma Abedin, “who for six months in 2012 was employed simultaneously by the State Department, the foundation, Clinton’s personal office, and a private consulting firm with ties to the Clintons.”

Neither Woodruff nor co-moderator Gwen Ifill broached the subject. Clinton’s rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), has also declined to criticize her for her emails and potential conflicts of interest.

Voters, however, have noticed. Exit polls from New Hampshire showed that 5% of Democrats saw Clinton as trustworthy, versus 93% for Sanders.


DNC allowing donations from federal lobbyists and PACs

The Democratic National Committee has rolled back restrictions introduced by presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008 that banned donations from federal lobbyists and political action committees.

The decision, which may provide an advantage to Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, was viewed with disappointment Friday morning by good government activists who saw it as a step backward in the effort to limit special interest influence in Washington.

“It is a major step in the wrong direction,” said longtime reform advocate Fred Wertheimer. “And it is completely out of touch with the clear public rejection of the role of political money in Washington,” expressed during the 2016 campaign.

The change in the rules, already apparent to leading Washington lobbyists, was quietly introduced at some point during the past couple of months.

The ban was both a symbolic and substantive way for Obama to put his stamp on the party in 2008 when he promised voters “we are going to change how Washington works.”

Since it was introduced, lobbyists and corporate advocates in Washington have complained about the ban and other limitations imposed by Obama. The only portion of the old rules now remaining in place is that lobbyists and PAC representatives will still not be able to attend events that feature Obama, Vice President Biden or their spouses, according to Mark Paustenbach, deputy communications director for the DNC.

“The DNC’s recent change in guidelines will ensure that we continue to have the resources and infrastructure in place to best support whoever emerges as our eventual nominee,” Paustenbach said in an email. “Electing a Democrat to the White House is vital to building on the progress we’ve made over the last seven years, which has resulted in a record 71 straight months of private-sector job growth and nearly 14 million new jobs.”

Last summer the DNC announced it was lifting a ban on lobbyist contributions to convention-related expenses. At the time, DNC officials said the move was necessary because Congress had eliminated about $20 million in federal funding for the quadrennial party gatherings.

The DNC’s recent, sweeping reversal of the previous ban on donations from lobbyists and political action committees was confirmed by three Democratic lobbyists who said they have already received solicitations from the committee. The lobbyists requested anonymity to speak freely about the committee’s decision, which has been otherwise kept quiet.

For the most part, they said, the DNC is back to pre-2008 business as usual. The DNC has even hired a finance director specifically for PAC donations who has recently emailed prospective donors to let them know that they can now contribute again, according to an email that was reviewed by The Washington Post.

The decision is the latest move likely to inflame tensions between the DNC and supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who has railed against lobbyist influence, particularly those representing Wall Street.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, has set up a joint fundraising committee with the DNC and the new rules are likely to provide her with an advantage.

The new rules have already opened up opportunities for influence-buying “by Washington lobbyists with six-figure contributions to the Hillary Victory Fund,” said Wertheimer, suggesting that lobbyists could also face “political extortion” from those raising the money.

Sanders has made his small-dollar-infused campaign a hallmark of his stump speech, boasting that he is the candidate of the little guy, to the point where supporters in Iowa could finish the portion of his stump speech in which he crowed that the average donation was $27.

In recent months Sanders’s supporters have accused the DNC of trying to prevent more primary debates, trying to tilt the race in Clinton’s direction. Just this week his backers were enraged that the DNC allowed the senior members of the Congressional Black Caucus to use the committee’s Capitol Hill headquarters to announce that their PAC had endorsed Clinton over Sanders.

Sanders backers have also expressed concern that the DNC is not playing a more vigorous role in checking out disputes over voting in the recent Iowa caucuses, which Clinton narrowly won.


Hillary wins more delegates despite getting crushed.


Limbaugh: 'Wait 'til Bernie finds out New Hampshire was rigged'

Published: 2 days ago

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Despite being the victim of a popular vote landslide in the New Hampshire Primary on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton is actually a winner when it comes to the number of delegates earned.

The former secretary of state is leaving the Granite State with at least two more delegates than Sen. Bernie Sanders, even though Sanders won by a margin of 60 to 38 percent of votes.

How is this possible?

New Hampshire not only has 24 “pledged” delegates, which are awarded based on the results of the popular vote, it also has eight “superdelegates,” who are free to lend their support to the candidate of their choice irrespective of the vote.

The ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: ‘Clinton for prosecution, not president’

Though Mrs. Clinton had only nine pledged delegates through the voting process, she has an additional six superdelegates as of Wednesday morning, giving her a total of 15.

Sanders has 13 delegates, all of which he won through the popular vote. Two superdelegates are uncommitted at this point. So even though the results appeared to be a massive win for Sanders, the delegate count, where it matters, tells a different story.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh commented on the absurdity of the Democratic Party process, saying, “What kind of system is that? You go in and you get skunked, you get schlonged, your get landslided out by 22 points and you leave the state with two more delegates than Bernie. Bernie’s always talking about how this system’s rigged and that system’s rigged, the economy is rigged and Wall Street’s rigged. Wait ’til he finds out that New Hampshire was rigged.”


Radio host Rush Limbaugh

Overall, Clinton holds a commanding lead over Sanders, with 394 delegates compared to 42 for Sanders.

Limbaugh, meanwhile, said the left-leaning media is in “full-fledged panic” over the fact that Donald Trump won the Republican side of the New Hampshire primary, collecting more than twice the votes of his nearest competitor, Ohio’s John Kasich.

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As WND reported, the New York Daily News featured a bluntly offensive lead story that calls out voters as stupid for picking Donald Trump.

The newspaper tweeted: “Front page: DAWN OF THE BRAIN DEAD – Trump comes back to life with N.H. win.”


The New York Daily News responded to Donald Trump’s win in New Hampshire.

The cover itself showed Trump with a white-painted face and huge red-painted lips drawn into a smile – akin to the Joker in Batman movies. And its headline, in all caps, blasted “Dawn of the Brain Dead.”

The subtitle read: “Clown comes back to life with N.H. win as mindless zombies turn out in droves.”

RELATED: Newspaper calls voters ‘mindless zombies’ over Trump win

Limbaugh opined: “When the media starts insulting and blaming the voters as being stupid idiots, you know that full-fledged panic has set in. Because this means that they are unable to control the outcome. And that is what the media lost when they lost their monopoly, their inability now to control the outcome, to control the message, to control how people vote, to control what people think, to control what people’s opinions are. It’s all out the window, and everybody that considers themselves to be part of the establishment is facing a major, big-time rejection today.”

“On the Republican side,” Limbaugh said, “this would not be happening had there been some official, real, serious, consistent pushback to Obama.”

Moderator at Democrat Debate on Live Mic: ‘Oh God’

Morry Gash / Associated Press

by JOEL B. POLLAK12 Feb 2016395

A PBS moderator at Thursday night’s Democratic debate in Milwaukee was apparently caught on a live mic sighing, “Oh, God,” as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) began an answer on foreign policy by referring to the Vietnam War.

Gawker has the catch–though it is not clear which off-camera moderator is speaking.

Sanders had seized on Hillary Clinton’s relationship with Henry Kissinger, the statesman who served as President Richard Nixon’s Secretary of State. Though Kissinger negotiated the end of the Vietnam War–an achievement for which he later received a Nobel Peace Prize–he also has been accused of helping Nixon of secretly expanding the war into Cambodia.

The left has long regarded Kissinger as a kind of war criminal. A year ago, as Kissinger appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to testify about the Iran deal, activists from Code Pink tried to arrest him, prompting Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to expel them from the room, adding: “Get out of here, you low-life scum.”

One moderator at the Democratic debate, Judy Woodruff, has donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Read More Stories About:

Big Journalism2016 Presidential Race,Hillary ClintonWeird NewsBernie SandersVietnamPBSDemocrat debate,dem debatehenry kissinger

Trump calls Cruz a liar

Donald Trump has tweeted five times in the last 24 hours that Ted Cruz is not truthful. | AP Photo

Donald Trump has a new line of attack against Ted Cruz — he’s a liar.

Over the past 24 hours, Trump has tweeted five times in some variation that the Texas senator is not truthful.

It all started Thursday morning with a tweet from the billionaire that Cruz was making negative robo-polls. Cruz flat-out denied the allegations Thursday to reporters before a rally in Fort Mill, South Carolina.

“We are getting reports from many voters that the Cruz people are back to doing very sleazy and dishonest 'pushpolls' on me. We are watching!” Trump tweeted.

"I have no idea. We had nothing to do with them. I don't know what they were. We had nothing to do with them. So I had read reports of what is being said but somebody else is doing them, not us," Cruz said.

But Trump was not swayed.

"@truthinvest@CNN @tedcruz@realDonaldTrump Ted Cruz is the definition of sleaze. Just ask@RealBenCarson,” he retweeted.

Followed by: “Cruz caught cold in lie after denial of push polls like lies w/@RealBenCarson. How can he preach Christian values?” he tweeted with the link to a POLITICO story about Cruz’s denial.

Trump’s reference to Carson is about an incident in Iowa where members of the Cruz camp told caucus-goers that retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson had dropped out of the race and that they should throw their support behind Cruz.

While Cruz has apologized to Carson, he has repeatedly said the source of the information was a CNN report. CNN has strongly objected to the idea it said Carson was bowing out of the race. Following a second-place finish in Iowa, Trump took on the issue, saying that it could have cost both Carson and himself higher placements.

On Friday morning Trump continued to bash Cruz, bringing up the fact that Cruz had attempted to associate him and Rubio with gay marriage.

“Lying Cruz put out a statement, 'Trump & Rubio are w/Obama on gay marriage.' Cruz is the worst liar, crazy or very dishonest. Perhaps all 3?” Trump tweeted.

“How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?” he continued, jabbing at Cruz on religion as the two battle for the evangelical vote in South Carolina.

At the Carolina Values Summit at Winthrop University Thursday Cruzattempted to tie Trump and Rubio to Obama on the issue.

Cruz said that while both oppose gay marriage they’ve called the Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage the "law of the land.”

"Those are the talking points of Barack Obama," Cruz said.