Internet Stunned: Geraldo Rivera Tweets
Semi-Nude Photo of Himself — Warning: You Will Not Be Able to Unsee This
(UPDATE: Rivera Deletes Tweet, Writes ‘Note to Self’)
UPDATE: Rivera deleted his tweet with the selfie photo Sunday afternoon and offered this kinda, sorta
mea cupla (to which fellow Fox News host
Greg Gutfeld replied in his own special way):
(Credit: Twitter)
Original story:
Fox News host Geraldo Rivera
tweeted a jaw-dropping half-nude “selfie” mirror photo early Sunday.
“70 is the new 50,” the shirtless Rivera
wrote from what appears to be a bathroom, a fluffy white towel or robe
positioned very low in front of his hips. “(Erica and family are going
to be so pissed…but at my age…)”
Image source: Geraldo Rivera/Twitter @GeraldoRivera
Rivera, incidentally, is wearing rose-colored glasses in the photo.
The tweet came from Rivera’s verified Twitter account. Rivera has given no indication his account was hacked.
Image source: Geraldo Rivera/Twitter @GeraldoRivera
The photo was posted hours after Rivera was
reportedly jeered at a rally for slain teenager Trayvon Martin in New York on Saturday.
Stunned reaction to the photo
poured in from Twitter users, many involving variations of “Why?!,” “Oh my God” or the Internet-speak version, “OMG.”
“Leave the selfies to the teenage girls YOU CREEP!” radio host Gregg “Opie” Hughes tweeted.
@ I think you've been hanging out with Weiner too much.
.@ You're taking this anti-hoodie thing a bit too far now.
.@ You've made a horrible mistake.