Showing posts with label orlando. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orlando. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Why did the White House just humiliate Loretta Lynch?

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Idiotic: That’s the only word for the Obama administration’s move to scrub references to Islam or ISIS from the transcripts of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s calls.

Under an avalanche of ridicule, the Justice Department on Mondayrelented and released the full transcripts. But what was the point? Everyone already knew that he’d pledged allegiance to ISIS and its “caliph.”

Fine: President Obama wants to make this about gun control, not terrorism — but ham-handed editing only calls attention to what you’re deleting, and to Obama’s peevish rules against uttering terms like “radical Islam.”

Just look at the redactions:

Mateen: “I pledge of allegiance to [omitted]. “I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted].”

All the omissions did was make Team Obama look determined to keep its head in the sand about the nature of the enemy.

Even the “explanations” sounded dumb. Here’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch on ABC’s “This Week”: “What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda.”

Further his propaganda? Seriously? The answer to Islamist jihad is to black out the words?

Lynch never did anything this absurd in all her years as US Attorney here in New York, so you know the order came down from above.

It’s also idiocy déjà vu: Four years ago, Team Obama made then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice tour all the Sunday shows to blame the deadly Benghazi attack on an Internet video, rather than on the terrorist plot they all knew it was. She looked a fool once the administration finally admitted the truth, just as Loretta Lynch does now.

It makes you wonder: Who at the White House feels compelled to send women of color out to humiliate themselves on national TV?


Friday, June 17, 2016

Obama Imports 1 million Muslims during his presidency

Chart: Obama Admin. On Pace to Issue One Million Green Cards to Migrants from Majority-Muslim Countries - Breitbart


by Caroline May17 Jun 20160

17 Jun, 201617 Jun, 2016


The Obama Administration is on pace to issue more than a million green cards to migrants from majority-Muslim countries, according to an analysis of Department of Homeland Security data.

A chart released by the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest Friday details the surge in immigration to the U.S. from majority-Muslim countries since President Barack Obama took office in 2009.


Specifically, in the first six fiscal years of Obama’s presidency (FY2009 – FY2014), his administration issued 832,014 green cards to migrants majority-Muslim countries, the most of which were issued to migrants from Pakistan (102,000), Iraq (102,000), Bangladesh (90,000), Iran (85,000), Egypt (56,000), and Somalia (37,000).

The total 832,014 new permanent residents do not include migrants on temporary, nonimmigrant visas — which allow foreign nationals to come to the U.S. temporarily for work, study, tourism and the like. As the subcommittee notes, the number also does not include those migrants who overstayed the terms of their visas.

Regardless, as the subcommittee explained in its analysis, the U.S. is playing host to immigrants from majority Muslim countries at an increasing pace.

Between FY 2013 and FY 2014, the number of green cards issued to migrants from Muslim-majority countries increased dramatically – from 117,423 in FY 2013, to 148,810 in FY 2014, a nearly 27 percent increase. Throughout the Obama Administration’s tenure, the United States has issued green cards to an average of 138,669 migrants from Muslim-majority countries per year, meaning that it is nearly certain the United States will have issued green cards to at least 1.1 million migrants from Muslim-majority countries on the President’s watch. It has also been reported that migration from Muslim-majority countries represents the fastest growing class of migrants.

Green cards, or Lawful Permanent Residency, puts immigrants on the path to citizenship and allows for lifetime residency, federal benefits, and work authorization. Included in the totals are refugees, who are required to apply for a green card after one year of residency in the U.S. Unlike other types of immigrants, refugees are immediately eligible for welfare benefits including Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), food stamps, and Medicaid.

report from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) indicated that in FY 2013, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare.

Green Card Totals, FY09-FY14:

Pakistan (102K), Iraq (102K), Bangladesh (90K), Iran (85K), Egypt (56K), Somalia (37K), Uzbekistan (30K), Turkey (26K), Morocco (25K), Jordan (25K), Albania (24K), Afghanistan (21K), Lebanon (20K), Yemen (20K), Syria (18K), Indonesia (17K), Sudan (15K), Sierra Leone (12K), Guinea (9K), Senegal (8K), Saudi Arabia (9K), Algeria (8K), Kazakhstan (8K), Kuwait (6K), Gambia (6K), United Arab Emirates (5K), Azerbaijan (4K), Mali (4K), Burkina Faso (3K), Kyrgyzstan (3K), Kosovo (3K), Mauritania (3K), Tunisia (2K), Tajikistan (2K), Libya (2K), Turkmenistan (1K), Qatar (1K), Chad (1K)


Thursday, June 16, 2016


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Further proof Hillary fueled rise of ISIS

Kit Daniels - JUNE 13, 20162027 Comments 




Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. shut down an investigation into the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen attended because it “unfairly singled out Muslims.”

The Fort Pierce Islamic Center, where Mateen worshipped several times a week, was under investigation by both the FBI and DHS as early as 2011 for ties to a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaal which was linked to several terrorist organizations.

But the investigation was shut down under pressure from the Clinton-ran State Dept. and DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office out of fear of offending Muslims, according to recently retired DHS agent Philip Haney.

“The FBI had opened cases twice on him, and yet they found no evidence to charge him; it means they didn’t go through the same basic, analytical process that I went through over a three- or four-hour period in which I was able to link the mosque to my previous cases,” he told WND on Sunday.

In other words, the FBI had limited options at stopping Mateen because it was ordered to back off its investigation into his mosque.

Both Clinton and the Obama administration have a history of enabling Islamic terrorism.

In 2012, Clinton’s State Dept. was backing al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and other Islamic extremist groups as a proxy army to topple Syrian President Bashir al-Assad.

“The Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” a leaked memo between her State Dept. and the Pentagon stated. “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support [this] opposition, while Russia, China and Iran ‘support the [Assad] regime.’”

This secret document confirms that Clinton’s State Dept. – and the Obama administration in general – were directly responsible for the rise of ISIS, which is now targeting the West.

The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, confirmed the document’s importance.

“I don’t know that [the Obama administration] turned a blind eye [to ISIS], I think it was a decision; I think it was a willful decision,” he said.

Clinton even admitted some responsibility.

“…The United States had – to be fair – we had helped create the problem we’re now fighting,” she said in an interview with Fox anchor Greta Van Susteren. “When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, we had this brilliant idea we were going to come to Pakistan and create a force on Mujahideen, equip them with Stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets inside Afghanistan.”

“Now you look back [and] the people we’re fighting today, we were supporting in the fight against the Soviets.”

Additionally, on Oct. 1 President Obama authorized a shipment of guns to ISIS-linked militants in Syria – the exact same day he demanded more gun control in response to Umpqua Community College shooting in Ore.

“The approval came at a National Security Council meeting on Thursday,” CNN reported at the time. “…The President also emphasized to his team that the U.S. would continue to support the Syrian opposition as Russia enters the war-torn country.”

But as his administration admitted in the 2012 leaked memo, the “Syrian opposition” is predominantly jihadist militants – just like the Orlando killer.

Paul Ryan Lies to O’Reilly: Says He Passed Bill to Pause Somali Refugee Program

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by JULIA HAHN16 Jun 2016Washington D.C.25

In a Wednesday interview with Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly, House Speaker Paul Ryan made a demonstrably false declaration about his efforts to pause the Somali refugee program.

During the interview, O’Reilly criticized Ryan for failing to message on immigration controls and asked Ryan specifically about the Somali refugee crisis in Minnesota.

O’Reilly: “We have a Somali problem up in Minneapolis-St. Paul. [We] have a problem there and those are refugees from Somalia. And if, God forbid, some refugee comes in and blows people up, it’s going to be grisly.”

Ryan replied by explaining that he passed a bill to pause the refugee program. Ryan said: “Right. Right. That’s why– just so you know that’s why we passed a bill pausing this refugee program, because we don’t think the refugee program works. That’s why we don’t want it to continue right now.”

However, Ryan did no such thing. The bill Ryan championed did not in any way pause the Somali refugee program– it applied solely to refugees from Syria and Iraq.

The House bill would “not have affected the Somali refugee program at all,” said NumbersUSA Director of Government Relations Rosemary Jenks.

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Jenks further noted that, “The bill the House passed would in no way pause the refugee program. They had the option of taking up the Babin bill, which would have paused the refugee program, but they refused to do that… All [the House bill] required was that the government sign off that individuals had been vetted. It didn’t even change the fact that we don’t have any information by which to vet them.”

As National Review’s Rich Lowry explained at the time, the Ryan-championed House bill “when you get down to it, it doesn’t do anything,” Lowry wrote in a piece entitled, “Uh, the House Bill to Pause the Syrian Refugee Program Doesn’t Really Pause the Syrian Refugee Program.”

Hot Air’s AllahPundit said that Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein’s bill was more substantive than the Ryan-backed bill because it was not strictly limited to refugees from Iraq and Syria:

When you compare the House GOP’s bill to what Senate Dems are pushing, it’s the Democratic bill that’s more substantive. Dianne Feinstein wants to add an exception to the current policy of waiving the visa requirement for visitors from France; the exception would require a visa for anyone who’s visited Iraq or Syria in the last five years.

Reports seem to confirm O’Reilly’s concerns about assimilation with regards to the Somali population of Minnesota.

Last year, filmmaker Ami Horowitz interviewed Muslim residents of the Cedar Riverside section of Minneapolis, many of whom said that they would prefer to live under Sharia law. As CBS has reported, “The Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis is sometimes called ‘Little Mogadishu’” given that it is the “center of the nation’s largest concentration of Somalis.”

CBS notes that the area is also “fertile ground for Islamic terrorist groups recruiting new fighters.” As the Minneapolis Star Tribune has reported, a Congressional report found that “Minnesota leads the nation in would-be ISIL terrorists from U.S.”

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“During the last two years, more than 20 Somali-Americans from Minnesota have left to fight alongside terrorists under the banner of ISIL,” a  report from 2015 states.

A separate report from the Star Tribunewrites:

No state in the country has provided more fresh young recruits to violent jihadist groups like Al-Shabab and, more recently, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Over the last decade, dozens of mostly young men have abandoned the relative comfort and security of life in the Twin Cities to fight and, in many instances, die, in faraway lands… the exodus of local men abroad, its impact on the families and the Twin Cities Somali-American community — the largest in the U.S. — has been profound.

Moreover, our current immigration policy with Somali has imported certain views and values that are antithetical to Western values.

For instance, the prevalence rate of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) for women and between the ages of 15 and 59 is 98 percent in Somalia. The Population Reference Bureau estimates there are more than 75,000 women and girls at risk of FGM in the United States due solely to Somali immigration. In Minnesota, there are over 44,293 U.S. women and girls at risk of undergoing the barbaric, misogynistic, and anti-Western practice.

Moreover, in Somalia, homosexuality can be punishable by death. As the Washington Post writes, “The penal code stipulates prison, but in some southern regions, Islamic courts have imposed Sharia law and the death penalty.”

Between 2001 and 2014, the U.S. has permanently resettled 82,759 Somali nationals throughout the United States on green cards.

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During the interview, O’Reilly pressed Ryan on his failure to message on immigration controls: “With all due respect, I didn’t even know Harry Reid was blocking that bill [on Iraqi and Syrian refugees]. Ya know, you guys got to get out there. And you’ve got to bang the drum on this thing. Like him or not, Trump bangs that drum. And you guys don’t. I mean, I didn’t know until you just told me tonight that Harry Reid—who is a villain—he blocked Kate’s Law, he’s trying to block this… You guys should be screaming at the top of your lungs.”

With all due respect, I didn’t even know Harry Reid was blocking that bill [on Iraqi and Syrian refugees]. Ya know, you guys got to get out there. And you’ve got to bang the drum on this thing. Like him or not, Trump bangs that drum. And you guys don’t. I mean, I didn’t know until you just told me tonight that Harry Reid—who is a villain—he blocked Kate’s Law, he’s trying to block this… You guys should be screaming at the top of your lungs.

In response, Ryan laughed and said: “We passed the bill in January.”

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceBig Government,Immigration

Roger Stone Has Three Questions About Huma Abedin That Hillary WON’T Answer

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AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

by ROGER STONE15 Jun 2016203

Hillary Clinton can run from questions about her top aide Huma Abedin, but she can’t hide.

Earlier this week as America was trying to make sense of the deadliest case of Islamic terrorism on US soil since 9/11, I wrote a detailed article here at Breitbart News that laid out the clear factual case about Hillary Clinton’s top assistant Huma Abedin.

I showed how she has deep, clear, and inarguable connections to a Saudi Arabian official named Abdul Omar Naseef, a powerful Kingdom insider who has helped lead a group called the Muslim World League.

The Muslim World League is the huge “charity” whose goal is to spread Islam throughout the world and which has been connected to terror groups like Al Qaeda.

If that sounds like a serious accusation, you’re damn right it is.

I said that it’s time for Hillary Clinton to give Americans straight answers about Huma.

The reaction was typical: Hillary Clinton blew off questions from the press, who went into full protection mode to cover her. But like I always say, any day you’re attacked by both David Brock and Keith Olbermann is a good day.

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Let’s make this very simple.

I’m going to give a list of three questions that any media outlet in the world can ask Hillary Clinton to give some straightforward answers to. All Hillary has to do is answer the questions and Americans are going to see that there is a very real connection here that should have them very worried that this woman has been anywhere near the White House, much less been Hillary’s top confidant for the last 20 years.

The three questions are very simple, very straightforward, and, frankly, anybody can research the answers themselves. They are:

1) What is Huma’s relationship with a Saudi Arabian official named Abdullah Omar Naseef?

2) Was he the founder of a Saudi charity called the Rabita Trust?

3) Right after 9/11, was the Rabita Trust put on a list by the U.S. government of groups that were funding terrorism?

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That’s it. Three very simple questions.

Anybody else out there who is concerned about this issue can put pressure on Hillary Clinton and the media themselves, by using social media like Twitter and Facebook to say: “answer the three questions about Huma.”

Hillary Clinton is not some princess and America is not some Muslim kingdom — yet. She’s a public official, and as citizens, we have a right to know who she’s giving access to. We have a right to know who she could be sharing state secrets with.

We’re under deadly threat and the media had better start doing their job and informing us, rather than being Hillary Clinton’s defense team.

Answer the three questions about Huma, Hillary… because I’m not going to stop asking them.

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceHillary Clinton,National SecurityHuma AbedinRoger Stone

Roger Stone: It’s Time America Got Some Answers About Huma Abedin

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Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty

by ROGER STONE13 Jun 20166,401

Chic gal pal? Mild mannered politician’s wife? Harmless clotheshorse? Saudi plant? Innocent aide? Handler?

Huma Abedin is Vice Chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. But Huma is more, much more than that. She is the person closest to the most powerful woman in American politics and perhaps the next President. Huma has been described variously as Hillary’s “body woman,” a sort of glorified go-to personal maid, gentle confidant, and by others as an Islamic spy. She may be all of these things, because as we shall see, Huma Abedin has an interesting and complex career history.


Abedin was deeply involved with the establishment of Hillary’s private email server, which was used for all of her work as Secretary of State. Now, since we know Hillary had hundreds of classified or top-secret documents on her vulnerable server (despite her early lies saying she did not), any faith in Huma’s judgment — at the very least — has been demolished. You will soon ask yourself, “how did this woman get a security clearance?”

She was born Huma Mahmood Abedin in 1976 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her father, Syed Zainul Abedin, was Indian and born in New Delhi. In the early 1970s, he was affiliated with the Muslim Students Association at Western Michigan University. The Muslim Students Association or MSA was started in 1963 by Saudi Arabia’s biggest charity, the Muslim World League, a group formed and funded by the Kingdomto spread Islam throughout the world.

Her mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, was born in Pakistan. Saleha received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1977.

Two years after Huma was born, the family moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and with the patronage of Abdullah Omar Naseef of the Muslim World League, founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs with offices in Saudi Arabia and London, England. In the 1980’s Syed Abedin was a counselor of the Muslim World League. After his death in 1993, his wife Saleha took over and serves as director of the IMMA (Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs) and as the editor of that organization’s academic magazine, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. More recently she still edits the Journal and is also a part of the administration of Dar Al-Hekma Women’s College.

Naseef’s connections to the entire Abedin family are significant — and, for reasons you’ll see in a moment, very troubling. AsVanity Fair wrote, during “his early years as the patron of the Abedins’ journal, Nasseef was the secretary-general of the Muslim World League” and gives more shocking details about the Abedins:


It turns out the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is an Abedin family business. Huma was an assistant editor there between 1996 and 2008. Her brother, Hassan, 45, is a book-review editor at the Journal and was a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, where Nasseef is chairman of the board of trustees. Huma’s sister, Heba, 26, is an assistant editor at the Journal.

That’s what all the fuss is about. Since 1962, the Muslim World League has been funded by the Saudi government to the tune of more than $1.3 billion.

Naseef, the Muslim World League, and the government of Pakistan created the Rabita Trust in 1988. Naseef was a sponsor and financial supporter of Syed Abedin’s IMMA.

Just a month after the 9/11 jihadist attack left thousands dead and brought down the World Trade Center, President George W. Bush’s Executive Order designated the Rabita Trust as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity and the Treasury Department froze its assets on October 12, 2001.

Naseef founded the Rabita Trust and remains involved with it to this day. ATreasury Department press release issued when Rabita Trust’s assets were frozen indicated that Rabita Trust is headed by Wa’el Hamza Jalaidan, one of the founders of al-Qaida with bin Laden. He was the logistics chief of bin Laden’s organization and fought on bin Laden’s side in Afghanistan. Jalaidan himself was branded a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity by the United States Treasury Department, and his assets have been frozen, as well.

But the connections between the Abedin’s Saudi benefactor, the Muslim World League, and al-Qaeda don’t end there.

In 1984, foreign mujahidin fighters were streaming in from all over the world to an office in Peshawar, Pakistan known as Maktab al-Khidamat or MAK.


MAK had been created by two Muslims to recruit and raise money: a radical cleric named Abdullah Azzam and Azzam’s protege, the infamous leader behind 9/11, the Saudi Arabian named Osama bin Laden. Before and after his creation of MAK, Azzam subsisted on money provided by the Muslim World League:

Azzam, now determined to move to Pakistan, obtained a teaching position at the newly established International Islamic University of Islamabad, whose foreign faculty were paid directly by the Muslim World League. Thus, from his arrival in Pakistan in December 1981 until his permanent move to Peshawar in 1986, the leader of the Arab Afghans subsisted on a Muslim World League salary.

Donations to MAK came from a number of “Islamic charities” such as the Saudi Red Crescent, as well as some Saudi Arabian princes and mosques.

The office that bin Laden and the other MAK founders were based out of 1984 in Peshawar was the office of the Muslim World League and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim World League was also a principal funder of MAK, bringing in Saudi funds that would eventually go to jihad against the West.

The head of the Muslim World League when their offices in Pakistan were used by Bin Laden, Zawahiri and Azzam in 1984 was none other than the Abedin’s benefactor, Abdullah Omar Naseef.

Naseef’s Rabita Trust, a subsidiary of the Muslim World League, is also connected to a U.S.-based group, called the SAAR Network, through two officers — Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef and Abdullah al-Obaid. The SAAR Network was the focus of a March 2002 raid led by United States authorities for the network’s alleged ties to al Qaeda.

This brings us back to Huma Abedin. She lived in Saudi Arabia until she was 17, while her family worked closely with Naseef. Back in the U.S., she studied at George Washington University. Two years later she, along with Monica Lewinsky, became interns at the White House under Bill and Hillary Clinton. Monica served as Bill’s intern – until their sexual relationship got out of hand and onto her blue dress – and Huma served as Hillary’s intern. In 1998, as the Lewinsky sex scandal was raging, she along with other staff girls formed a sort of shield around the humiliated First Lady.


While she worked at the White House, Abedin was an editor at the family business—the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs.

When Clinton ran for the Senate in 2000, Huma moved up the ladder to become her aide and personal adviser.

When the towers fell in 2001, Hillary Clinton was the Senator from New York. When the assets of the Rabita Trust were frozen and the group declared a terror funder, there was no point where Sen. Clinton’s assistant Huma Abedin stepped forward to shed light on her family’s benefactor Abdullah Omar Naseef, the Muslim World League, or the Rabita Trust.

Sen. Clinton and Huma Abedin betrayed every New Yorker and every America with their silence.

Also worth noting: from April 2005 to March 2006, Huma was paid a total of $27,999.92, yet on September 18, 2006, she bought an apartment in Washington D.C. costing $649,000.

The question here is, on an annual salary of no more than $28,000, where did the money come from? We’ve caught of the greatest spies due to their spending well beyond their salaries.


At the least, what to make of someone who has lived for 17 years in Saudi Arabia, with parents who have close, long-standing ties with people connected to terrorist organizations, and then comes to the U.S. and within two years gets a job as the First Lady’s assistant?

By 2008, she was Hillary’s traveling chief of staff and was always at Hillary’s side. In 2009, she was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. At this time, Huma had her name removedfrom the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs masthead.

In 2010, Huma married Congressman Anthony Weiner. In 2011, her husband was caught sexting — sending pictures of his erection to several women. He resigned from Congress that same year.

Huma’s luck seemed to know no end when Hillary Clinton personally signed off on a controversial deal in 2012 that allowed Huma to simultaneously work for the State Department and a private New York firm with deep ties to the Clinton family foundation. Mrs. Clinton personally signed a title change form that approved of the transition from being her Deputy Chief of Staff, to an SGE (special government employee), the equivalent of a contractor with special privileges. This allowed Huma to work for both the State department and for the Teneo Group. Some of you might remember the Teneo Group as a top consulting firm run by Bill Clinton gatekeeper Doug Band. Bill Clinton was also on the payroll of Teneo. From June 2012 to February 2013, she held four jobs. She was Hillary’s State Department aide, a consultant at Teneo Group, she worked and was paid a salary at the Clinton Foundation, and she worked as Hillary’s private personal assistant. Huma was triple-dipping.

There were several issues being investigated both internally by the State Department and Sen. Charles Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee for conflicts of interest and embezzlement. She filed inaccurate time sheets overpaying herself $10,000. Mr. Grassley has also questioned whether the deal with Abedin really met the requirements for a special government employee status. One of those requirements is that someone’s work as a contractor be different enough from the original job to warrant giving the person contractor status. Documents acquired by the Washington Times show that she told State officials that she planned to do the same kind of work as an SGE that she did as Deputy Chief of Staff.

She became part of Hillary’s transition team in 2013, helping her to return to private life. She continued her work at the Clinton Foundation and set up her own consulting firm, Zain Endeavors LLC.

On October 16, 2015, Abedin testified in a closed session before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, in a session that was expected to focus on the 2012 Benghazi attack during which Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed. She said, “I came here today to be as helpful as I could be to the committee. I wanted to honor the service of those lost and injured in the Benghazi attacks,” adding she was “honored” to work for Clinton at State and “proud” of her service there. Representative Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican panel member, said Abedin frequently answered questions with responses of “‘I don’t remember’ and ‘I don’t recollect.'”

There is no doubt that she and Hillary have an extremely close relationship. She has been loyal and faithful to Hillary for twenty years. “I have one daughter. But if I had a second daughter, it would be Huma.” So spoke Hillary in 2010. She even visited with Huma’s mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia in 2011, telling her that Huma’s position was “very important and sensitive.” Saleha is reportedly an outspoken advocate for genital mutilation for girls in the Islamic world.

So how has the media dealt with Huma Abedin? In short, they haven’t. The family’s critics have been attacked and labeled as conspiracy theorists.

One exception to this was the February 2016 issue of Vanity Fair. Author William D Cohen’s story, titled “Is Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton’s Secret Weapon or Her Next Big Problem?”  tackled some of the issues I have gone over in this piece. It was well written, informative, and controversial. The backlash was immediate.

Media Matters for America, Hillary Clinton’s private propaganda machine, went into overdrive, putting out a response to Cohen’s article that attacked his credibility and just about every fact he had raised in his piece. According to Lee Stranahan writing in Breitbart, the Media Matters article was filled with false information and smears to protect the Clinton campaign.

This isn’t some minor aide. Huma Abedin has been at Clinton’s side for decades, and it’s time America got some answers.

Listen to Roger Stone discuss Abedin and Clinton on Breitbart News Daily, airing weekdays from 6 AM to 9 AM EST on SiriusXM Patriot 125:

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Leaked DNC Files: Dems Planned to Hit Trump With Widely Discredited Hit Piece Falsely Accusing Him of Rape

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Mitchell Gerber/Getty

by MATTHEW BOYLE15 Jun 2016Washington, DC204

Top allies of Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton planned to falsely accuse presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump of rape, a leaked file from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) shows.

The table of contents of the file shows that midway through the Democrats’ anti-Trump document is the supposed revelation that “Trump’s ex-wife accused him of rape.”

That entire section of the document includes references to a widely discredited hit piece from The Daily Beast’s Tim Mak.

“Donald Trump’s Ex-Wife Ivana Has Used The Words ‘Violated’ And ‘Rape’ To Describe a Sexual Encounter With Trump,” reads the subheading of that section.

Then it quotes from the headline and subheadline of Mak’s article from late July 2015. “Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex” was the headline and the sub-headline read: “Ivana Trump Once Accused The Real-Estate Tycoon Of ‘Rape’ Although She Later Clarified: Not In The ‘Criminal Sense.’”

The Democratic Party document repeated the accusation, which the Trump campaign was hit with in its earliest days as Mak and Fox News talk show host Megyn Kelly rushed the story on air before verifying its contents, over and over again.

The document quotes from Mak’s article:

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It was an unfortunate turn of phrase for Trump—in more ways than one. Not only does the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination have a history of controversial remarks about sexual assault, but as it turns out, his ex- wife Ivana Trump once used ‘rape’ to describe an incident between them in 1989. She later said she felt ‘violated’ by the experience.

The document from the DNC quotes no other sources for the allegations but continues to go through claims about an interview regarding the story that Trump attorney Michael Cohen had given to The Daily Beast—and a follow-up on that part specifically, as reported by The Hill newspaper.

But the DNC document makes no mention of the fact that Ivana Trump—the woman who originally made the accusation in fury during divorce proceedings, but has since become friendly again with her ex-husband—said the accusations were not true the very next day.

Ivana Trump told CNN right after the story broke in The Daily Beast:

I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit. Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.

Ironically, The Daily Beast never made any attempt to verify the story with Ivana Trump before rushing the 1,700-word smearto print back in July. What’s perhaps most important about this situation is that, despite the story being entirely disproven about Trump—disproven by his own ex-wife no less— the DNC wanted to send Trump through the exact same ringer again at one point or another during the forthcoming battle with Hillary Clinton. The Democrats clearly care not one bit about accuracy, since the Party’s official opposition research files on Trump don’t even include the full story—or the fact that said accusations have been discredited.

The DNC opposition research file stolen by Russian hackers and printed online by Gawker among others contains many other planned hits on Trump, but nothing substantial enough to cause Trump much worry. Trump, in a statement, even said he believes the DNC did this on their own to distract from Hillary Clinton’s ever-burgeoning email scandal.

“We believe it was the DNC that did the ‘hacking’ as a way to distract from the many issues facing their deeply flawed candidate and failed party leader,” Trump said. “Too bad the DNC doesn’t hack Crooked Hillary’s 33,000 missing emails.”

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This playbook–falsely accusing Trump of rape–comes as new polling shows that Americans don’t view Hillary Clinton becoming the first woman to win the presidential nomination of either major U.S. political party to be “historic.” As Democrats and Hillary Clinton gear up to play the “woman card” over and over again against Trump, the Morning Consult poll–as Breitbart News previously reported–shows that they could care less about the phony Democratic “war on women” narrative. 

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2016 Presidential RaceBig Government,Hillary ClintonDNCDonald TrumpHillary ClintonIvana Trump

Pamela Geller: Trump Is Right, and He Must Win

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Branden Camp/Getty Images

by PAMELA GELLER15 Jun 2016413

The post-jihad denial that we see in the wake of every Islamic attack since 9/11 has made possible the wild successes of Islamic groups that are waging jihad in the cause of Islam.

After every jihad terror attack, Islamic supremacists and their paid shills in the media unleash relentless, vicious attacks upon those of us who oppose jihad. Never do we hear or see them go after the Islamic texts and teachings that fuel this war.

A case in point was a Salon article published Tuesday: “Donald Trump’s war with Islam: A campaign rooted in pernicious religious discrimination,” by Simon Maloy. Maloy said that the Orlando jihad massacre gave Trump “the opportunity he needed to define the campaign he intends to run: a campaign that casts the Muslim faith and its practitioners – both inside and outside the U.S. – as antagonistic to American interests.”

He accused Trump of running a campaign “that casts the Muslim faith and its practitioners – both inside and outside the U.S. – as antagonistic to American interests.” Trump’s speech in the wake of the Orlando jihad massacre was, according to Maloy, “a relentlessly ugly diatribe that unambiguously embraced the pernicious and anti-American idea that a person’s religious faith makes them a threat to national security.”

The idea that the depraved left sees the murdered nightclub-goers as an “opportunity” for Trump is as vicious as the attack itself. Trump sounded a warning, and he was right to do so. It was not Donald Trump who made Islamic jihad “antagonistic to American interests”; the jihad doctrine itself is antagonistic to American interest and freedoms. How many thousands have to die in the cause of Islam?

In his speech, Trump said that he would “suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.” He is right. After the Boston Marathon jihad bombing, my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), called for the following:

— AFDI calls for immediate investigation into foreign mosque funding in the West and for new legislation making foreign funding of mosques in non-Muslim nations illegal.
— AFDI calls for surveillance of mosques and regular inspections of mosques in the U.S. and other non-Muslim nations to look for pro-violence materials. Any mosque advocating jihad or any aspects of Sharia that conflict with Constitutional freedoms and protections should be closed.
— AFDI calls for curriculum and Islam-related materials in textbooks and museums to describe the Islamic doctrine and history accurately, including its violent doctrines and 1,400-year war against unbelievers.
— AFDI calls for a halt of foreign aid to Islamic nations with Sharia-based constitutions and/or governments.
— AFDI denounces the use of Sharia law in any Western court or nation.
— AFDI advocates deportation hearings against non-citizens who promote jihad in our nations.
— AFDI calls for an immediate halt of immigration by Muslims into nations that do not currently have a Muslim majority population.
— AFDI calls for laws providing that anyone seeking citizenship in the United States should be asked if he or she supports Sharia law, and investigated for ties to pro-Sharia groups. If so, citizenship should not be granted.
— AFDI calls for the cancellation of citizenship or permanent residency status for anyone who leaves the country of his residence to travel for the purpose of engaging in jihad activity, and for the refusal of reentry into his country of residence after that jihad activity.
— AFDI calls careful investigation of Muslims resident in non-Muslim country who have obtained naturalized citizenship or permanent residency status, to ensure that that status was not obtained under false pretenses.
— AFDI calls for the designation of the following as grounds for immediate deportation: fomenting, plotting, financing, attempting or carrying out jihad attacks; encouraging or threatening or attempting to carry out the punishments Islamic law mandates for apostasy, adultery, blasphemy, fornication or theft; threatening or attempting or carrying out honor murders, forced marriage, underage marriage, female genital mutilation, or polygamy.
— AFDI calls for the U.S. and other free nations to have jihad, as it is traditionally understood in Islamic jurisprudence to involve warfare against and subjugation of non-Muslims, declared a crime against humanity at the U.N., or to withdraw from the U.N. and have its headquarters moved to a Muslim nation.
— AFDI calls for legislating making illegal the foreign funding of Islamic Studies departments and faculty positions in our universities.

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How many people would be alive today had American politicians heeded our calls? Instead, we are blacklisted, smeared, libeled, and defamed, while pro-jihad groups are feted on Capital Hill.

But Maloy complained that Trump’s focus was “on Muslims exclusively – not radicalized Muslims, but every Muslim person outside the U.S. He referred to the expanded admittance of refugees from Syria as potentially ‘a better, bigger version of the legendary Trojan Horse.’ Per Trump, Hillary Clinton, as president, would ‘be admitting hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East with no system to vet them, or to prevent the radicalization of their children.’ It’s all fearmongering based on lies and prejudice.”

Such idiocy is without peer. ISIS has vowed to send jihad killers to the west via migration. They are coming — why let them in? No, not all migrants are Muslim soldiers, but enough are to cause unimaginable death and destruction. Would you eat from a bowl of M & M’s if you knew two of them were laced with cyanide?

Muslims groups such as the Hamas-tiedCouncil on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have urged Muslims not to cooperatewith law enforcement. Muslim groups have demanded that law enforcement agencies dismantle counterterror programs. Muslim groups demand adherence to sharia in the language used in counterterror training material: the Department of Homeland Security issued guidelines just days beforethe Orlando jihad massacre forbidding agents from using the words “jihad” and “sharia” in connection with terrorism because doing so offended Muslims.

Maloy is likewise interested in policing language to avoid offending Muslims, saying of Trump’s immigration proposal: “It’s reprehensible, and it’s the kind of language that results in people getting hurt… If your goal is to promote the radicalization of a population within your own borders, having a major party presidential candidate talk about them all as if they’re criminals is an excellent way to go about it.”

No. What is reprehensible is how viciously the lapdogs for jihad blame the victim — led by the scrubber-in-chief in the White House. They call upon the targets to change their behavior, to subjugate themselves to Islam. Maloy is saying that Trump has to change his language or else Muslims will become “radicalized.” Last year, the mainstream media likewise said that the jihad assassination attempt on my free speech event in Garland, Texas was my fault, that I was taunting Muslims. Were the gay revelers in the Pulse nightclub last Saturday night taunting Muslims? Based on that flawed logic, yes. Our very way of life taunts sharia-adherent Muslims.

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Jihad terror attacks present a unique opportunity for Islamic supremacists and jihadis. First, the kill, which is a great victory in the cause of Islam. The successful jihad attack attracts more Muslims and converts to the cause.

Secondly and most importantly, terror-tied groups like CAIR, their lapdogs in the enemedia, and pro-Islamic politicians like President Obama use the slaughter to push, proselytize, lie, deceive, and talk, talk, talk up Islam (while denigrating all other religions) on every major media news channel.

Trump is right. He was wrong about Garland, but he surely gets it now. And this is why he is so wildly popular — because finally, someone with a huge platform is calling out the enemedia and the dhimmi press, and giving them the long overdue, much-needed middle finger they so richly deserve.

Trump must win in order for this nation to survive. Trump must win if we are to prevail in this worldwide war against freedom.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author ofThe Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the ResistanceFollow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.

Read More Stories About:

Big JournalismFaithJihadDonald Trump,Islamic StateOrlando Terror AttackSalon,Sharia LawSimon Maloy

Monday, June 13, 2016

Trump Promises End to 'Days of Deadly Ignorance'

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Republican Donald Trump asserted Monday there are thousands of people living in the United States "sick with hate" and capable of carrying out the sort of massacre that killed at least 49 people in a Florida nightclub. 

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee gave a long speech Monday previewing the foreign policy he would enact as president, including ending immigration from areas in the world from which people have attacked the U.S. and its allies, and attacking Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama for being weak on immigration.

"I refuse to be politically correct. I want to do the right thing, I want to straighten things out, and I want to make America great again. The days of deadly ignorance will end, and they will end soon, if I'm elected," he said in a speech at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire that doubled down on his propsed ban on Muslims entering the country.

He spoke after giving a host of broadcast interviews to preview his remarks. 

"The problem is we have thousands of people right now in our country. You have people that were born in this country" who are susceptible to becoming "radicalized," the billionaire real estate mogul told Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends. He claimed that there are Muslims living here who "know who they are" and said it was time to "turn them in." 

The gunman, identified by police as Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old U.S. citizen from Fort Pierce, Florida, opened fire with an assault-style rifle inside a crowded gay nightclub in Orlando early Sunday, killing at least 49 people before dying in a gunfight with police. Another 53 people were hospitalized, most in critical condition. 

Trump's longstanding proposal to temporarily ban foreign-born Muslims from entering the United States has triggered outrage from Democrats and Republicans alike, who see it unconstitutional, un-American and counterproductive. But it has helped him win over many primary voters who fear the rise of Islamic extremism and believe that "political correctness" — the fear of offending Muslims — is damaging national security. 

"I want every American to succeed, including Muslims, but they have to work with us," he said in his speech. "They knew that he was bad. They knew that the people in San Bernardino were bad. But they didn't turn them in, and we had death and destruction."

He also turned his ire on Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, who gave also delievered a speech about the nightclub shooting on Sunday. In Trump's eyes, Clinton "has no clue" about radical Islam and "won't speak honestly about it, but wants to take Americans' guns way. 

He also linked Clinton to Obama's immigration policy, saying both had failed Americans.

"Ask yourself who really is the friend of women and the LGBT community? Donald Trump with actions or Hillary Clinton with words," he said.

Trump earlier said in a phone-interview with NBC's "Today" show that he would not support a ban on the sale of assault-style rifles in the wake of the weekend massacre in Orlando. 

He told the network "there are millions" of such weapons already in circulation and said he didn't think instituting a ban would help, since "people need protection."


Trump harshly criticized Obama for referring Sunday to a "terror" attack without going further. "He's not calling it what it is," Trump said. "This is radical Islamic terrorism. He doesn't want to properly describe it. And if you don't want to discuss it and describe it, you're not going to solve the problem."

Trump planned later Monday to further address the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history in a campaign speech originally intended to attack Hillary Clinton. That switch came a day after Trump called for Clinton to drop out of the race for president if she didn't use the words "radical Islam" to describe the Florida nightclub massacre. 

Clinton addressed the Orlando massacre and responded to Trump's early morning attacks Monday in asober national security address in Cleveland, vowing to make stopping "lone wolf" terrorists a top priority if elected president and calling for ramping up the U.S. air campaign targeting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

But she also vigorously reiterated her call for banning assault weapons, like one of the guns the Orlando shooter used.

"I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets," she said.

Clinton also emphasized her position on increased gun control. When pressed by "Today's" Savannah Guthrie Monday morningn about why policy makers have been unable to pass gun reform, Clinton said the gun lobby has terrified elected officials into ignoring the necessary response to the many shootings across the country. 

"We cannot fall into the trap set by the gun lobby that says, if you cannot stop every shooting and every incident, you should not try to stop any," Clinton said. "That is not how laws work. It's not common sense. We need to get these weapons of war off the streets."

Trump's hardline approach to fighting Islamic terrorism was a hallmark of his primary campaign. Besides proposing a temporary prohibition on foreign Muslims from entering the country, he has advocated using waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods to try to stave off future attacks. 

In the hours after the Orlando shooting, Trump issued a statement calling on President Barack Obama to resign for refusing "to even say the words 'radical Islam'" in his response to the attack. He said Clinton should exit the presidential race if she does the same. 

In an address from the White House, Obama called the tragedy an act of terror and hate. He did not talk about religious extremists. He said the FBI would investigate the shootings in the gay nightclub as terrorism, but added the gunman's motivations were unclear. 

While some Republican leaders have encouraged Trump to abandon his proposed Muslim ban in an effort to broaden his support among voters before November's general election, the Orlando attack appeared Sunday to harden the billionaire businessman's position.

"What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning," Trump tweeted Sunday. "Our leadership is weak and ineffective. I called it and asked for the ban. Must be tough."

Published at 8:56 AM EDT on Jun 13, 2016 Copyright Associated Press / NBC New York


Trump Promises End to 'Days of Deadly Ignorance'

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Republican Donald Trump asserted Monday there are thousands of people living in the United States "sick with hate" and capable of carrying out the sort of massacre that killed at least 49 people in a Florida nightclub. 

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee gave a long speech Monday previewing the foreign policy he would enact as president, including ending immigration from areas in the world from which people have attacked the U.S. and its allies, and attacking Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama for being weak on immigration.

"I refuse to be politically correct. I want to do the right thing, I want to straighten things out, and I want to make America great again. The days of deadly ignorance will end, and they will end soon, if I'm elected," he said in a speech at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire that doubled down on his propsed ban on Muslims entering the country.

He spoke after giving a host of broadcast interviews to preview his remarks. 

"The problem is we have thousands of people right now in our country. You have people that were born in this country" who are susceptible to becoming "radicalized," the billionaire real estate mogul told Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends. He claimed that there are Muslims living here who "know who they are" and said it was time to "turn them in." 

The gunman, identified by police as Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old U.S. citizen from Fort Pierce, Florida, opened fire with an assault-style rifle inside a crowded gay nightclub in Orlando early Sunday, killing at least 49 people before dying in a gunfight with police. Another 53 people were hospitalized, most in critical condition. 

Trump's longstanding proposal to temporarily ban foreign-born Muslims from entering the United States has triggered outrage from Democrats and Republicans alike, who see it unconstitutional, un-American and counterproductive. But it has helped him win over many primary voters who fear the rise of Islamic extremism and believe that "political correctness" — the fear of offending Muslims — is damaging national security. 

"I want every American to succeed, including Muslims, but they have to work with us," he said in his speech. "They knew that he was bad. They knew that the people in San Bernardino were bad. But they didn't turn them in, and we had death and destruction."

He also turned his ire on Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, who gave also delievered a speech about the nightclub shooting on Sunday. In Trump's eyes, Clinton "has no clue" about radical Islam and "won't speak honestly about it, but wants to take Americans' guns way. 

He also linked Clinton to Obama's immigration policy, saying both had failed Americans.

"Ask yourself who really is the friend of women and the LGBT community? Donald Trump with actions or Hillary Clinton with words," he said.

Trump earlier said in a phone-interview with NBC's "Today" show that he would not support a ban on the sale of assault-style rifles in the wake of the weekend massacre in Orlando. 

He told the network "there are millions" of such weapons already in circulation and said he didn't think instituting a ban would help, since "people need protection."


Trump harshly criticized Obama for referring Sunday to a "terror" attack without going further. "He's not calling it what it is," Trump said. "This is radical Islamic terrorism. He doesn't want to properly describe it. And if you don't want to discuss it and describe it, you're not going to solve the problem."

Trump planned later Monday to further address the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history in a campaign speech originally intended to attack Hillary Clinton. That switch came a day after Trump called for Clinton to drop out of the race for president if she didn't use the words "radical Islam" to describe the Florida nightclub massacre. 

Clinton addressed the Orlando massacre and responded to Trump's early morning attacks Monday in asober national security address in Cleveland, vowing to make stopping "lone wolf" terrorists a top priority if elected president and calling for ramping up the U.S. air campaign targeting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

But she also vigorously reiterated her call for banning assault weapons, like one of the guns the Orlando shooter used.

"I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets," she said.

Clinton also emphasized her position on increased gun control. When pressed by "Today's" Savannah Guthrie Monday morningn about why policy makers have been unable to pass gun reform, Clinton said the gun lobby has terrified elected officials into ignoring the necessary response to the many shootings across the country. 

"We cannot fall into the trap set by the gun lobby that says, if you cannot stop every shooting and every incident, you should not try to stop any," Clinton said. "That is not how laws work. It's not common sense. We need to get these weapons of war off the streets."

Trump's hardline approach to fighting Islamic terrorism was a hallmark of his primary campaign. Besides proposing a temporary prohibition on foreign Muslims from entering the country, he has advocated using waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods to try to stave off future attacks. 

In the hours after the Orlando shooting, Trump issued a statement calling on President Barack Obama to resign for refusing "to even say the words 'radical Islam'" in his response to the attack. He said Clinton should exit the presidential race if she does the same. 

In an address from the White House, Obama called the tragedy an act of terror and hate. He did not talk about religious extremists. He said the FBI would investigate the shootings in the gay nightclub as terrorism, but added the gunman's motivations were unclear. 

While some Republican leaders have encouraged Trump to abandon his proposed Muslim ban in an effort to broaden his support among voters before November's general election, the Orlando attack appeared Sunday to harden the billionaire businessman's position.

"What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning," Trump tweeted Sunday. "Our leadership is weak and ineffective. I called it and asked for the ban. Must be tough."

Published at 8:56 AM EDT on Jun 13, 2016 Copyright Associated Press / NBC New York


Orlando shooting gunman Omar Mateen father Seddique Mateen a Taliban supporter says God will punish gays

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The Orland gay club gunman's father has well-known anti-American views and is an ideological supporter of theAfghan Taliban. A new message posted by the father on Facebook early Monday morning also makes it clear he could have passed anti-homosexual views onto his son.

Seddique Mir Mateen, father ofOrlando gunman Omar Mateen, who died in a shootout with police after killing at least 49 people early Sunday morning, regularly attended Friday prayers at a Florida mosque with his son.

Play VideoCBSNDetails on suspected Orlando gunman Omar Mateen

Officials are trying to find more information about the gunman, Omar Mateen, who killed 50 and injured 53 in a mass shooting at a gay nightclub i...

In the video posted early Monday, Seddique Mateen says his son was well-educated and respectful to his parents, and that he was "not aware what motivated him to go into a gay club and kill 50 people."

The elder Mateen says he was saddened by his son's actions during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

He then adds: "God will punish those involved in homosexuality," saying it's, "not an issue that humans should deal with."

The statement, and previous videos by Seddique Mateen, lend some insight into the environment in which his U.S.-born son was raised.

Seddique Mateen hosts a program on a California-based satellite Afghan TV station, aimed at the Afghan diaspora in the in the U.S., called the "Durand Jirga Show."

A senior Afghan intelligence source tells CBS News correspondent Lara Logan that the show is watched by some in people in Afghanistan but the primary audience is ethnic Pashtun Afghans living in the U.S. and Europe.

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Orlando police officers seen outside of Pulse nightclub after a fatal shooting and hostage situation on June 12, 2016 in Orlando, Florida.

Gerardo Mora/Getty Images

The Taliban Islamic extremist movement is comprised almost entirely of Pashtuns, and Mateen's show takes a decidedly Pashtun nationalistic, pro-Taliban slant; full of anti-U.S. rhetoric and inflammatory language aimed at non-Pashtuns and at Pakistan, the source told Logan.

The name of the show references the Durand line, the disputed border between Afghanistan and Pakistan that was established in the 19th century by Britain. It has long been at the heart of deep-seated mistrust between Afghans and Pakistanis.

Seddique Mateen once campaigned in the United States for current Afghan President Ashraf Ghani -- seen as a moderate leader -- who appeared on his program in 2014. But since then Seddique has turned against Ghani in both his broadcasts and numerous videos posted to a Facebook account.

In his Facebook videos, the alleged gunman's father has often appeared wearing a military uniform and declaring himself the leader of a "transitional revolutionary government" of Afghanistan. He claims to have his own intelligence agency and close ties to the U.S. Congress -- assets he says he will use to subvert Pakistani influence and take control of Afghanistan.

After watching his videos -- none of which were recorded in English -- CBS News' Ahmad Mukhtar said it seemed possible that Seddique Mateen is delusional. "He thinks he runs a government in exile and will soon take the power in Kabul in a revolution," notes Mukhtar.

Play VideoCBSNSuspected gunman's ex-wife speaks to reporters

Speaking from her home in Boulder, Colorado, the ex-wife of Omar Mateen, the suspected gunman in the deadly Orlando mass shooting, said that Mate...

The younger Mateen, suspected of the killings in Orlando, was said by his ex-wife to have suffered from mental illness. She said she left him just months after they were married as he appeared to suffer from a mood disorder and would become violently abusive and controlling.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack in Orlando, lauding "brother Omar Mateen, one of the soldiers of the Caliphate in America," for the killings.

Thus far, however, there has been no indication that Mateen had any tangible connection to the terrorist group prior to the shooting spree.


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Saturday Night Slaughter

Terrorist ‘was organized and well prepared' during deadly nightclub mass shooting, official says

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Updated: Jun 12, 2016 - 8:31 AM


As many as 20 people were killed and 42 injured Sunday morning when a gunman opened fire inside an Orlando nightclub, police say.

The FBI classified the shooting spree as an act of domestic terrorism.

An on-duty officer was at the club and responded at about 2 a.m., returning fire and backing the gunman into a bathroom at Pulse Nightclub, 1912 S. Orange Ave.

At that point, the incident became a hostage situation, Orlando Police Chief John Mina said.

Investigators were in contact with some of the hostages inside the club and at about 5 a.m., “the decision was made to rescue the hostages that were in there,” he said.

OPD SWAT stormed the building, using an armored vehicle to break down a wall and explosive devises as distractions, he said.

Officers engaged the gunman, who was shot and killed, and were able to rescue 30 hostages, Mina said.

One officer was injured when he was hit in the head by one of the gunman’s bullets, but sustained only an injury to the eye, thanks to his Kevlar helmet, Mina said.

The helmet “saved his life,” he said.

While the shooting was considered an act of terrorism, FBI spokesman Ron Harper said there was no credible information that would indicate there was a further threat to Orlando or the rest of Florida.

Investigators were not immediately able to determine the shooter’s motivation, but said there is a possibility that radical Islamic views could have contributed, Harper said.

“We do have suggestions that individual may have leanings toward that particular ideology, but right now we can’t say definitively,” he said.

As the shootings happened, witnesses and family members were alerted early via text and social media that there was something wrong at Pulse Nightclub.

“At about 2:07 a.m., I got a text message from my daughter and my two nieces,” a woman at the scene who did not want to be identified, said. “(They said) ‘Please come and get us. Please come and get us now. They’re shooting. They’re shooting.’”

A few minutes later, the woman said she received another text that her daughter had been shot.

The 18-year-old’s condition was unknown.

Christopher Hanson was inside the club when the shooting started and said at first the gunshots sounded like it was part of the music.

“’Bang, bang,’ it sounded like it was a song,” he said. “All I know is that when I turned around, everyone was screaming and jumping.”

Hanson found himself on the ground, groping his way through the crowd as he tried to escape.

“I crawled my way out, and once I was able to see, I got up and crossed the street immediately,” he said. “I just didn’t know what else to do.”

Even safely across the street, Hanson said he could hear the horror that continued inside the club.

“You could still hear (gun)fire going, and the banging,” he said. “It sounded like there was more than one (shooter), there’s no way it was just one person.”

But it appears there was only one shooter: A well-armed, prepared and organized one, Mina said.

When they approached the dead gunman, officers found an assault rifle and handgun, and a “suspicious device” on the man, Mina said.

Other such devices were seen around the club and possibly in the shooter’s car, so specialists were brought in to clear the building.

In the meantime, the 20 victims killed in the shooting could not be removed from the building, Mina said.

Harper said his office, along with all the other agencies participating, will find out why the shooting happened and keep one from happening in the future.

“Every resource in the FBI will be brought to bear in this investigation,” he said. “There is nothing we won’t do to get to the bottom of this case.”

© 2016 Cox Media Group.



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Paris. San Bernardino and now Orlando…..
You can not trust the Mainstream Media to report mass killings tied to Radical Islam accurately.
You see, the liberal media as well as the Obama administration and Hillary try to preach “tolerance first” rather than accurately report the disease that is radical islam.
Thank God for Social Media users on Twitter and Facebook that are revealing the TRUTH. 

Orlando Shooter was a Registered Democrat

Mateen’s Parents are from Afghanistan


A Registered Florida Democrat


Not Your “Garden Variety Christian”

Radical Islam Attacked AMERICANS

Not exactly a “Gun Toting Redneck”

Radical Muslim Shooter Went Full Jihad

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