Showing posts with label new york. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new york. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Emerson Poll: Trump Positioned to Sweep Connecticut Delegates

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(Getty Images)
By Sandy Fitzgerald
Wednesday, 13 Apr 2016 7:53 AM
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Donald Trump is well-positioned to sweep Connecticut's 28 delegates in the April 26 primary election, according to results from an Emerson College poll released Monday.
According to the statewide poll conducted on April 10-11 of 354 likely GOP primary voters:
Trump, 50 percent;Ohio Gov. John Kasich, 26 percent;Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, 17 percent;6 percent, undecidedTrump holds the lead in all five congressional districts with margins of 18 to 38 points, with Kasich coming in second and Cruz third, the poll showed. 
Trump also commanded the most loyalty:
80 percent, Trump;38 percent, Kasich;37 percent, Cruz;The Democratic race is much more tight in the state. According to the 356 likely Democratic voters polled:
Hillary Clinton, 49 percent;Bernie Sanders, 43 percent;Six percent, undecided.However, with Connecticut being a closed-primary, same-day registration state, Sanders' gap is only 1 point, if people switch parties to vote for him. Once independents and Republicans who said they support Sanders are added in, bringing the gap to 47 percent for Clinton and 46 percent for Sanders. 
And in head-to-head matchups in the general election, both Trump and Cruz would lose to either Clinton or Sanders, the poll showed:
Kasich over Clinton, 49-38 percent;Kasich over Sanders, 48-40 percent;Clinton over Trump, 48-40 percent;Clinton over Cruz, 52-31 percent;Sanders over Trump, 49-40 percent;Sanders over Cruz, 55-30 percent.Democrats and Republicans alike said dissatisfaction with government is the most important issue in the election. 
Republicans said their second-most pressing issue is stopping ISIS and terrorism, while Democrats said their next most pressing concern is jobs and unemployment.
The margin of error by parties was 5.2 points. Meanwhile, the general election sample consisted of 1,043 likely general election voters, and carried a 3 point margin of error.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton Wants to Run Against Me, ‘Jimmy Carter Wanted to Run Against Ronald Reagan’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty
by ALEX SWOYER12 Apr 2016Washington, DC294
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump blasted the Republican Party leaders and Hillary Clinton during his campaign rally before roughly 5,000 supporters in Rome, New York, on Tuesday afternoon, where he also compared himself to President Ronald Reagan.
“He was behind Jimmy Carter by so much. Everybody said this is going to be a disaster. The last person Hillary wants to run against is me. But Jimmy Carter wanted to run against Ronald Reagan. By the time the election took place, it was an easy victory for Reagan,” Trump said, alluding to the fact that he can defeat Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton like Reagan defeated Carter.
“These are dirty tricksters,” Trump said about GOP officials and primary rules. “The Republican National Committee should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this kind of crap to happen … it has nothing to do with democracy.”
“The economy is rigged. The banking system is rigged. There’s a lot of things that are rigged in this world of ours,” the real estate mogul said. “We’re going to change it fast.”
“The party is playing dirty,” he charged. “They can’t get away with the stuff any longer.”
He said the Republican Party has had enough of the Mitt Romney types, calling them “stiffs that can’t get elected.”
“In Florida, it was set so I wouldn’t get it,” Trump said about the winner-take-all delegate rule in Florida, suggesting the Republican Party had that rule in place to benefit either former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush or 
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
 with all 99 Florida delegates.
“I want to be nice … only Marco,” Trump added, refraining from calling Rubio by his coined nickname “Little Marco.”
“Marco is actually a really nice guy,” Trump added, just a day after aninterview published in whivh he said he would consider Rubio as his vice president.
“I want to be nice,” Trump stated. “I want to be presidential.”
Trump made a notable mistake during his speech when he was referencing his endorsements and meant to mention Jerry Falwell Jr. of Liberty University but instead referenced “Bob Vander Plaats from Liberty University.”
Bob Vander Plaats is CEO of The Family Leader and endorsed 
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
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Monday, January 18, 2016

New York police say assailants chanted 'ISIS' while beating man

(Reuters) - New York City police were investigating on Sunday an assault on a man who was pummeled by suspects shouting "ISIS, ISIS," leaving him with bruises on his head and face, authorities said.

The 43-year-old man was attacked while walking with a nine-year-old girl in the Bronx around 5:30 p.m. on Friday, according to the New York City Police Department.
He was punched several times in the head, knocked down and kicked, police said. The victim, whose name was not given, was treated for injuries at a hospital and released.
He had been wearing a shalwar kameez, a traditional South Asian outfit featuring a long tunic, the New York Times reported.
The attack comes amid increasing anxiety in the United States over the threat posed by Islamic State, also known as ISIS, which has claimed responsibility for militant attacks around the world.
A Muslim couple inspired by the group killed 14 people on Dec. 2 in San Bernardino, California, just weeks after gunmen linked to Islamic State killed 130 people in Paris.
No one was immediately arrested in the New York assault, which is under investigation by the police department's Hate Crime Task Force, the agency said in a statement on Saturday.

(Reporting by Letitia Stein in Tampa, Fla.; Editing by Stephen Powell)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013