Showing posts with label mexicans cant vote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mexicans cant vote. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lawyer Releases Video Of Man's Death In Police Custody In Moore

Abuse - Of the Police -
Posted: Feb 25, 2014 9:16 AM EST Updated: Feb 25, 2014 1:14 PM EST - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | 

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Lawyer Releases Video Of Man's Death In Police Custody In Moore

Posted: Feb 25, 2014 9:16 AM EST Updated: Feb 25, 2014 1:14 PM EST

The Rodriguez family's lawyer released the video of the incident during a press conference on Tuesday. The Rodriguez family's lawyer released the video of the incident during a press conference on Tuesday.
MOORE, Oklahoma -
A lawyer for the family of a man, who died outside the Moore Warren Movie Theater while in police custody, has released a video of the incident.
Luis Rodriguez died earlier this month after a confrontation with police outside the theater in Moore.
2/15/2014 Related Story: Family Says Moore Police Beat Father To Death
Police say the 44-year-old Rodriguez became uncooperative when officers questioned him about a possible domestic disturbance. Police handcuffed the man.
2/18/2014 Related Story: Moore Police Hold News Conference Concerning In-Custody Death
Rodriguez's wife and daughter say police then started beating him. Autopsy results are pending.
The Rodriguez family's lawyer released a cellphone video of the incident and a statement at a Tuesday news conference in Oklahoma City.
The video shows 44-year-old Luis Rodriguez on his stomach on the ground outside the theater with five police officers restraining him. One officer holds Rodriguez's head down and the others are on top of him as they handcuff his hands behind his back.
Rodriguez's wife, who shot the video, is later heard screaming and asking if Rodriguez is dead as he is placed on a stretcher.
We have attached the video to this story. Warning: the video may be considered graphic to some viewers.
"He was not involved in the disturbance. However, when police came, they focused their attention on Luis. Taking him face down onto the pavement, pepper-spraying his mouth, nose and eyes and putting the weight of five grown men on top of him, and then handcuffing him as he was unconscious or already dead," said Michael Brooks-Jimenez, attorney for the Rodriguez family.
Moore Police Chief Jerry Stillings said he stands behind his officers' actions and said he did not see anything inappropriate on the cell phone video as far as his officers' actions.
There is security camera footage from the Warren Theater. However, that has not yet been made available for us to see.
OSBI has taken over the investigation into the death.
Police say three officers involved in the incident are on administrative leave.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ted Cruz : Illegal law breaking mexicans cant vote, EVER !!!

Senator Cruz Proposes Limbaugh Amendment to Immigration Bill
May 8, 2013

Senator Ted Cruz Proposes Limbaugh Amendment to the Immigration Bill

RUSH: Here are the details on Ted Cruz.  It's a story from US News & World Report: "Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a newly elected Republican with a penchant for making headlines --"  Did you know that about Ted Cruz?  Yeah, he has a penchant for making headlines.  That's what they say about Ted Cruz.  He's really a great, great senator -- he makes a lot of headlines.

Anyway, Senator Cruz "filed an amendment that would bar undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States from ever earning citizenship."  Meaning they could never vote.  "There are an estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally, and a bipartisan immigration reform measure would create a pathway to citizenship over the course of 13 years by requiring those people to pay penalties and back taxes, as well as learn English. Conservatives opposed to reform decry the path as amnesty, but Democrats say they will not support reform that does not cope with the immigrants already living in the US.  Cruz also filed amendments that he says would 'strengthen border security measures.'"  He wants to, okay, look, these 11 million, whatever we're gonna do, they will never be granted citizenship.  You can do whatever you want with them, but they'll never be granted citizenship.
Now, that's similar to a proposal that we made.  Okay, we'll support amnesty on this program with one proviso, and that is that everybody granted amnesty can't vote for 25 years.  Yes.  I am accused of purity, and my purity -- meaning standing fast to my principles -- is leading to Republicans losing elections.  Me and my purity and your purity, all of us standing firm on principle, means that Republicans can't win elections until we punt our principles.
So just to illustrate the point: Okay, I'll support amnesty, but they can't vote for 25 years.  And let's just gauge the reaction to that.  I guarantee you the people for amnesty will never go for it that way.  "What's the point, Mr. Limbaugh?"  The point is to prove nobody cares about 'em coming out from the shadows and nobody cares about 'em being treated with dignity and nobody cares about any of that.  They're looked at as voters.  If we make everything else in immigration possible, except they can't vote, then what happens to the support for it?  It would all plummet and fall apart.