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Showing posts with label loses. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


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West Virginia Primary Results: 2016 Election - NBC News

Gender Male 51% of voters Trump +6711678 Female 49% Trump +66 9775Age 17-29 17% of voters Trump +5112663 30-44 26% Trump +72 6678 45-6441% Trump +75 8583 65 or over 17%Trump +53 161369 Age 17-44 43% of voters Trump +64 9673 45+ 57% Trump +68 11779 Race White 97% of votersTrump +66 10776 Black 2% Not enough data --- Hispanic/Latino 1% Not enough data --- Asian 0% Not enough data ---Other 1% Not enough data --- Which best describes your education? High school or less 26% of voters Trump +747481 Some college/assoc. degree 36%Trump +74 6580 College graduate 25%Trump +60 13873 Postgraduate study12% Not enough data --- Education by race White college graduates 35% of voters Trump +53 141267 White non-college graduates 62% Trump +73 7480Non White college graduates 2% Not enough data --- Non White non-college graduates 1% Not enough data --- 2015 total family income: Under $30,00015% of voters Trump +73 11284$30,000 - $49,999 21% Trump +7511386 $50,000 - $99,999 37% Trump +66 8874 $100,000 - $199,999 25%Trump +59 8968 $200,000 or more 2%Not enough data --- No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a: Democrat 3% of votersNot enough data --- Republican 73%Trump +71 9680 Independent or something else 24% Trump +56 11967On most political matters, do you consider yourself: Very conservative40% of voters Trump +62 13375Somewhat conservative 39% Trump +66 10976 Moderate 17% Trump +802888 Liberal 3% Not enough data --- On most political matters, do you consider yourself: Conservative 79% of votersTrump +64 11675 Moderate or liberal21% Trump +71 11081 Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian? Yes 70% of voters Trump +68 9577 No 30% Trump +64 91175 White evangelical or white born-again Christians White evangelical or white born-again Christian 66% of voters Trump +6710577 All others 34% Trump +66 91076Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country? Immigration 9% of voters Not enough data --- Economy/Jobs 55% Trump +688676 Terrorism 13% Not enough data --- Government spending 19% Trump +55 131268 Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted today? Can win in November 9% of voters Not enough data --- Shares my values 31%Trump +22 201742 Tells it like it is 23%Trump +93 2195 Can bring needed change 36% Trump +86 5391 Overall, would you say trade with other countries: Creates more U.S. jobs 25% of voters Trump +58 16874 Takes away U.S. jobs 67% Trump +73 7580 Has no effect on U.S. jobs 6% Not enough data --- Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working? Enthusiastic 2% of votersNot enough data --- Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 5% Not enough data ---Dissatisfied, but not angry 47% Trump +64 8872 Angry 45% Trump +72 10382Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working? Enthusiastic or satisfied7% of voters Not enough data ---Dissatisfied or angry 92% Trump +689677 Would you say you feel betrayed by politicians from the Republican Party? Yes 49% of voters Trump +6113774 No 49% Trump +73 6679 If Donald Trump is elected president, which best describes your feelings about what he would do in office? Excited 30% of voters Trump +96 2-98Optimistic 45% Trump +84 4488Concerned 15% Not enough data ---Scared 9% Not enough data --- If Donald Trump is elected president, which best describes your feelings about what he would do in office? Excited or optimistic 74% of votersTrump +89 3292 Concerned or scared23% Cruz +7 322025 If these were the candidates in November, would you: Vote for Hillary Clinton 2% of votersNot enough data --- Vote for Donald Trump 82% Trump +86 4390 Not vote for either candidate 15% Not enough data --- If Donald Trump is nominated, how likely is it that he would beat Hillary Clinton in November? Very likely 59% of voters Trump +89 3192Somewhat likely 28% Trump +57 13970Not too likely 7% Not enough data ---Not at all likely 4% Not enough data ---Do you think the Republican Party: Is united now 9% of voters Not enough data --- Is divided now but will unite by November 55% Trump +79 6485 Will still be divided in November 34%Trump +39 171356 When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential primary? Just today 6% of voters Not enough data --- In the last few days 6% Not enough data ---Sometime last week 5% Not enough data --- In the last month 20% Trump +52 91365 Before that 62% Trump +7010580 Population City over 50,000 3% of voters Not enough data --- Suburbs37% Trump +59 13872 Small city and Rural 60% Trump +73 7580 Region North Industrial 14% of voters Trump +70 101080 E Panhandle/Allg 30%Trump +64 11675 Central 37% Trump +61 10771 Coal Country 19% Trump +78 8386