Showing posts with label West Virginia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Virginia. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

West Virginia Primary Results: 2016 Election - NBC News

Gender Male 51% of voters Trump +6711678 Female 49% Trump +66 9775Age 17-29 17% of voters Trump +5112663 30-44 26% Trump +72 6678 45-6441% Trump +75 8583 65 or over 17%Trump +53 161369 Age 17-44 43% of voters Trump +64 9673 45+ 57% Trump +68 11779 Race White 97% of votersTrump +66 10776 Black 2% Not enough data --- Hispanic/Latino 1% Not enough data --- Asian 0% Not enough data ---Other 1% Not enough data --- Which best describes your education? High school or less 26% of voters Trump +747481 Some college/assoc. degree 36%Trump +74 6580 College graduate 25%Trump +60 13873 Postgraduate study12% Not enough data --- Education by race White college graduates 35% of voters Trump +53 141267 White non-college graduates 62% Trump +73 7480Non White college graduates 2% Not enough data --- Non White non-college graduates 1% Not enough data --- 2015 total family income: Under $30,00015% of voters Trump +73 11284$30,000 - $49,999 21% Trump +7511386 $50,000 - $99,999 37% Trump +66 8874 $100,000 - $199,999 25%Trump +59 8968 $200,000 or more 2%Not enough data --- No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a: Democrat 3% of votersNot enough data --- Republican 73%Trump +71 9680 Independent or something else 24% Trump +56 11967On most political matters, do you consider yourself: Very conservative40% of voters Trump +62 13375Somewhat conservative 39% Trump +66 10976 Moderate 17% Trump +802888 Liberal 3% Not enough data --- On most political matters, do you consider yourself: Conservative 79% of votersTrump +64 11675 Moderate or liberal21% Trump +71 11081 Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian? Yes 70% of voters Trump +68 9577 No 30% Trump +64 91175 White evangelical or white born-again Christians White evangelical or white born-again Christian 66% of voters Trump +6710577 All others 34% Trump +66 91076Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country? Immigration 9% of voters Not enough data --- Economy/Jobs 55% Trump +688676 Terrorism 13% Not enough data --- Government spending 19% Trump +55 131268 Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted today? Can win in November 9% of voters Not enough data --- Shares my values 31%Trump +22 201742 Tells it like it is 23%Trump +93 2195 Can bring needed change 36% Trump +86 5391 Overall, would you say trade with other countries: Creates more U.S. jobs 25% of voters Trump +58 16874 Takes away U.S. jobs 67% Trump +73 7580 Has no effect on U.S. jobs 6% Not enough data --- Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working? Enthusiastic 2% of votersNot enough data --- Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 5% Not enough data ---Dissatisfied, but not angry 47% Trump +64 8872 Angry 45% Trump +72 10382Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working? Enthusiastic or satisfied7% of voters Not enough data ---Dissatisfied or angry 92% Trump +689677 Would you say you feel betrayed by politicians from the Republican Party? Yes 49% of voters Trump +6113774 No 49% Trump +73 6679 If Donald Trump is elected president, which best describes your feelings about what he would do in office? Excited 30% of voters Trump +96 2-98Optimistic 45% Trump +84 4488Concerned 15% Not enough data ---Scared 9% Not enough data --- If Donald Trump is elected president, which best describes your feelings about what he would do in office? Excited or optimistic 74% of votersTrump +89 3292 Concerned or scared23% Cruz +7 322025 If these were the candidates in November, would you: Vote for Hillary Clinton 2% of votersNot enough data --- Vote for Donald Trump 82% Trump +86 4390 Not vote for either candidate 15% Not enough data --- If Donald Trump is nominated, how likely is it that he would beat Hillary Clinton in November? Very likely 59% of voters Trump +89 3192Somewhat likely 28% Trump +57 13970Not too likely 7% Not enough data ---Not at all likely 4% Not enough data ---Do you think the Republican Party: Is united now 9% of voters Not enough data --- Is divided now but will unite by November 55% Trump +79 6485 Will still be divided in November 34%Trump +39 171356 When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential primary? Just today 6% of voters Not enough data --- In the last few days 6% Not enough data ---Sometime last week 5% Not enough data --- In the last month 20% Trump +52 91365 Before that 62% Trump +7010580 Population City over 50,000 3% of voters Not enough data --- Suburbs37% Trump +59 13872 Small city and Rural 60% Trump +73 7580 Region North Industrial 14% of voters Trump +70 101080 E Panhandle/Allg 30%Trump +64 11675 Central 37% Trump +61 10771 Coal Country 19% Trump +78 8386


Monday, March 7, 2016

West Virginia Lawmakers Override Veto: Permitless Carry ‘Becomes Law In 90 Days’

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio

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by AWR HAWKINS6 Mar 20161461
On March 4, the West Virginia House voted to override Governor Earl Ray Tomblin’s (D) veto of permitless carry legislation and on Saturday, March 5, the West Virginia Senate followed suit.
When Tomblin vetoed the legislation–House Bill 4145–he released the following statement:
West Virginia’s law enforcement officers have dedicated their lives to keeping us safe and helping us in times of need, and it’s disheartening that the members of the Legislature have chosen not to stand with these brave men and women – putting their safety and the safety of West Virginians at risk. It’s unfortunate that the concerns of officers from every law enforcement branch in the state, including the West Virginia State Police and university campus police officers, have been ignored by today’s action.

But lawmakers who view the requirement of a concealed carry license as a burden on the exercise of Second Amendment rights saw things differently. WSAZ 3 reports that the Senate override the veto by a vote of 23-11.
The override means persons 21-year-old or older who are not barred from gun possession will be able to carry a gun without permit and persons 18-20 years of age will be able to get a concealed carry permit to carry a gun.
Permitless concealed carry “now becomes law in 90 days.”
AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at
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