Showing posts with label Sandy Hook Elementary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandy Hook Elementary. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winthrop coach Pat Kelsey addresses Sandy Hook shooting

Winthrop coach Pat Kelsey addresses Sandy Hook shooting 

Awake up America, its about the way we are raising our children and the lack of Jesus Christ in our society that is at the root of this evil.  obama needs to be man up and somehow become a leader over night and "Lead".  Im not asking him to do something, Im telling him to be Presidential and man the hell up and lead.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Walter Shapiro Exposing His Sick Bias

Walter Shapiro is not the first liberal to politicize the Connecticut elementary school massacre, but it's the first one I've read an article about. 

In his article HERE, Shapiro calls the fight to rid the US Constitution of it's 2nd Amendment, "The longest war." He claims that Americans cry "Never Again!" every time one of these shootings happens, but really, think about it - what is he basing that on? I think it's in his own head.

He goes on to cite what he hopes you will think are sobering or staggering statistics. You know, estimates of how many guns are in America and the number of places to buy guns. But what does this matter? If you the reader were as stupid as this guy, you would believe that the odds of getting shot are proportional to the amount of guns out there. Why? Because he, just like all liberals want you believe that guns kill people. But that is simply FALSE. If that were true, the most dangerous place on earth would be an unmanned armory. The truth they don't want you to know is that PEOPLE kill, not guns.

The author goes on to demonize Americans for "stubborn individualism." So what is the alternative? I guess one day we will decide to upgrade to "reluctant collectivists?" Maybe this author's end goal dream is for America to achieve the utopian status of "sheepish dependents" of the State?

He also says we are a nation of "lethal gun violence." Is there such a thing as "non-lethal gun violence?" I guess that would be a first person shooter on Playstation 3 or XBox360. Seems the author doesn't know those are a little more popular than ACTUALLY shooting people in America.

And then the whopper - Shapiro says, "I sadly know nothing [about ridding the Constitution of the 2nd Amendment] will change in my lifetime." Sadly? The only thing sad here is your insistence that we start slashing up the Constitution.

And now for the statement that caused me to write this article: "It is hard to pin down exactly when Americans made the collective decision that periodic massacres of the innocent are the price that we supposedly pay for our liberties."

First of all allow me to explode this ridiculous FALACY of yours that the right of all American citizens to bear arms requires us to endure periodic massacres: Your theory only makes sense if you believe that only bad people or people with malicious intent would ever want to bear arms. Taking away guns from everyone makes it more likely that a killer will be able to commit his murders unopposed for a longer period making it more lethal. It's called the Law of Unintended Consequences. The TRUTH is that the right to bear arms allows more law abiding citizens to bear the arms necessary to stop the killing. Moreover, the idea that so many people are armed must give potential criminals pause.

Secondly, Americans made the collective decision to have the liberty you actively oppose and work tirelessly to destroy was made in 1776 and it was one of the founders of the Land of the Free who said, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Interestingly, Shapiro practically answered with the obvious solution: "Who in his right mind wants to live in a country where maybe twice a year a crazed individual guns down dozens of people in schools and theaters? There is no plausible remedy since we are neither going to disarm Americans nor are we going to pass out guns to elementary school teachers as a just-in-case precaution."

Why not? As long as I know that all the gun carriers are properly trained, I would rather my 6 year old daughter have an armed teacher than be a sitting duck!

Don't let freedom haters like Shapiro take away our rights as citizens!