Showing posts with label CCW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCW. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Evolution of Angry Hateful Despot Muslims VS Happy Loving Capitalist Americans.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Newtown Shooter Sane? Comment of the Day

A new article on Yahoo! by Jason Sickles attempts to shed new light on the Newtown Massacre. Apparently the gunman didn't just snap, but rather showed control by planned his operation. Among the things he did in his planning - destroyed his hard drives and loaded numerous rounds into gun clips. The main point of the article was that the author didn't want the public to think this guy was insane, psycho, or more generally, suffering from mental disorders. Why? Because he wants you to believe that a sane person could do something like this. How? Well he would never actually say this out loud but liberals want you to subconsciously believe that guns have their own minds, and that these evil guns can convince good people to fill innocent people up with lead. It's just another nuanced angle they can use to pry our rights away in the future. They want you to believe that ANYONE and possibly EVERYONE that has access to guns not only can do it, but most likely will if you don't take all the guns away.

But luckily, this is still a very unpopular view. Nearly ALL of the most popular comments in the comments section reject this thesis and instead seem to collectively agree that just because the guy was clearly 100% psycho doesn't mean he is stupid or incompetent.

But my favorite comment came from a guy that wanted to throw everyone's opinions out and start fresh and clean:

"Look I'm black, and I am very aware of all the statistics regarding crime from those that look like me. Everyone has a reason, my dad wasn't around, my mom was on crack, or I live in a bad neighborhood, and you looked at me wrong. Guess what, I don't care. America has become such pansies until we want to accept all reasons. How about a reason to live right, a reason to respect others. I don't tolerate excuses from myself, my kids, or the lame excuses I hear from others. I'm certainly not going to listen to this hogwash about some allegedly brilliant kid living in a 4k SQ ft. house in a fantastic neighborhood talk about how miserable his life has been. He was evil, and it would've helped if they had given the kid a fricken hair-cut. No way we would've given this kid this kind of empathy had he been black, and neither should we. We all have mental challenges, stress, and other concerns. But to blow away little kids, unforgivable, another point, had this been some Arab......please. No this was one of our home grown young American gone bad, just like the gang bangers ruining this country." - Truthbetold

 Way to put things back into perspective, Truthbetold. I like it.

BREAKING: Shooter DID "snap." Watch this video that has Rick Levanthal with real information: