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Showing posts with label  GOP. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2016

New York GOP Chairman Endorses Business Mogul Donald Trump

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John Moore/Getty

by JEN LAWRENCE21 Apr 2016Washington DC272

New York State GOP Chairmain Ed Cox came out Thursday morning endorsing GOP frontrunner, business mogul, and fellow New Yorker Donald Trump after he swept the state in the primary on Tuesday.

“Donald Trump has remarkable potential to not only beat Hillary Clinton, but to restore the American dream by jumpstarting our economy and creating jobs, fixing our nation’s finances and building a strong national defense.” Cox said in a statement regarding the endorsement on Thursday.

“As a newcomer to elected office, Donald Trump has shown remarkable political skill that has energized Americans who have felt disenfranchised by a government that hasn’t worked for them,” the Chairman continued “He has a record of cutting through bureaucratic dysfunction and his message to ‘Make America Great Again’ is exactly what we need after two failed terms of President Obama.”

Donald Trump released a statement regarding this very important endorsement from the NY chairman. “I’m honored to have Ed’s endorsement and I look forward to working with him and the entire New York Republican Party as we head toward victory in November.”

In an interview with Breitbart news last week, Chairman Cox was very hesitant to commit to anyone currently running.

“My duty to the state party, to the state committee, to myself as chairman of the state committee, that’s the most important thing and we planned that from the start,” he told Breitbart News. He went on to say:

That’s why the state committee did not endorse anyone at its convention, and there wasn’t even a resolution to endorse anyone. We all had the strategy. We suspected we would end up in this position, working with former governor Patterson who was then my counterpart as Chair, we decided we would have our primary on the 19th, being the ONLY state on the 19th. With at least a couple weeks run up to that. Five weeks to run up to it. With only three other smaller primaries in between.

Following the release of Donald Trump’s statement, Carl Paladino, the Trump campaign’s NY co-chair, released a statement:

In the wake of Donald Trump’s complete domination of the recent New York primary, I welcome New York Republican Party Chairman Ed Cox aboard the Trump train. I look forward to working with Ed in the weeks ahead to assure our state’s delegation stands equally as strong for Donald Trump as our voters did on Tuesday.

Carl Paladino, who nearly accurately predicted Donald Trump’s landslide victory in New York in an interview with Breitbart news leading up to the primary last week, said, “I think we are going to reach 65 percent. I think he is going to beat my 63 percent that I polled when I ran against [Rick] Lazio.”

Read the text of Chairman Ed Cox’s endorsement of Donald Trump here.

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Big Government2016 Presidential Race,Donald TrumpGOPNew YorkSenator Ted CruzGovernor John Kasich