Showing posts with label  Breitbart California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label  Breitbart California. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Founder of Judge Curiel’s Group: Whites Should Go Back to Europe, California To Be ‘Hispanic State’

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Getty Images

by BRANDON DARBY9 Jun 2016859

The lawyers’ association to which Judge Gonzalo Curiel belongs was co-founded by a man who publicly bragged about Hispanics taking over California and all of the state’s governmental institutions–and insisted that whites should go back to Europe. The group, the California La Raza Lawyers Association, has been widely defended as “not pro-Mexican” by mainstream media outlets, though the outlets failed to report the inflammatory statements of the man listed first as a founder, Mario Obledo.

2010 Snopes report asserts that the first-listed co-founder of Judge Curiel’s group, Obledo, made the statements. They reported:

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Mario Obledo was a co-founder of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) and the La Raza Lawyers of California bar association, and he formerly served as California’s Secretary of Health and Welfare. We don’t know exactly when and where he first made his controversial statement about California’s becoming a “Hispanic state,” but he has confirmed he said it at least twice: during an appearance on Ray Briem’s talk radio show in May or June of 1998, and again on Tom Leykis’ talk radio show:

Obledo: “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. In five years the Hispanics are going to be the majority population of this state.”

Caller: “You also made the statement that California is going to become a Hispanic state, and if anyone doesn’t like it, they should leave. Did you say that?”

Obledo: “I did. They ought to go back to Europe.”

The statements were also reported by the New York Times in their 2010 obituary for Obledo. They wrote:

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When someone put up a sign at the California border saying, “Illegal Immigration State,” he threatened to burn it down personally.

He ignited an explosive response in 1998 when he said in a radio interview that Hispanics were on the way to taking over all of California’s political institutions. He suggested that people who did not like it go back to Europe.

The Washington Post asserts that Judge Curiel is a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is a local affiliate of the La Raza Lawyers Association of California.

The website for the group lists Mario Obledo as one of three co-founders. He is listed first.

Read More Stories About:

Big GovernmentBreitbart California,Breitbart Texas

Monday, April 4, 2016

Jerry Brown signs $15 minimum wage in California

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Gov. Jerry Brown, casting a living wage as a moral imperative while questioning its economic rationale, signed legislation Monday raising California’s mandatory minimum to $15 an hour by 2022, acting within hours of a similar bill signing in New York.

The bill’s enactment comes one week after Brown, Democratic lawmakers and labor leaders announced an agreement on the wage increase, averting a brawl on the November ballot.

In adopting the measure, California joined New York as the first states in the nation to enact a plan to raise their statewide minimums to $15. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed his state’s legislation and was cheered by labor unions at a rally moments before Brown spoke in California.

Brown, a fiscal moderate, had previously expressed reservations about a wage increase. But amid growing concern about income inequality in California and the national thrust of the labor-backed “Fight for 15” campaign, his hand was forced. Public opinion polls showed strong support for increasing the state’s mandatory minimum beyond its current $10.

The compromise Brown offered lawmakers – then celebrated with a bill-signing in Los Angeles – includesa provision allowing the governor to postpone a wage increase in the event of an economic downturn. It replaces a ballot measure that, if passed, would have raised the minimum wage to $15 by 2021, a year faster.

Brown, traveling to the state’s largest media market to sign the landmark bill, remained hesitant about the economic effect of raising the minimum wage, saying, “Economically, minimum wages may not make sense.”

But he said work is “not just an economic equation,” calling labor “part of living in a moral community.”

“Morally and socially and politically, they (minimum wages) make every sense because it binds the community together and makes sure that parents can take care of their kids in a much more satisfactory way,” Brown said.

The wage measures in California and New York reverberated nationally. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared with Cuomo at a rally in his state, while her rival Bernie Sanders, said in a prepared statement that he was “proud that today two of our largest states will be increasing the minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour.”

The California legislation will raise the statewide minimum to $10.50 on Jan. 1 for businesses with 26 or more workers, the first of several incremental increases to $15, with future raises tied to inflation. Smaller businesses will have an additional year to phase in each increase.

The law follows measures in Los Angeles and San Francisco, among other cities, to gradually raise their own minimum wages to $15. It is expected to affect millions of low-wage workers and businesses that employ them, especially in the state’s agriculture, restaurant and retail industries. Some 6 million Californians currently earn the minimum wage.

By 2022, a full-time minimum-wage worker would see annual earnings increase to $30,000 from $20,000 today.

Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León cast the legislation Monday as a recognition of “the contributions of hard-working men and women” throughout the state.

“No one who works full time should live in poverty,” he said.

In a concession to the state’s influential labor unions, the bill will also provide in-home health aides three annual sick days.

The Democratic-controlled Legislature passed the measure quickly last week, and on partisan lines. While labor unions and their Democratic allies celebrated the bill’s passage, no Republican supported it in either house.

Republicans and business groups said rising wages will force employers to increase prices or to cut costs by laying off workers or reducing their hours.

Research on the economic effect of a minimum wage increase is mixed, with findings ranging from little or no impact on employment rates, on one hand, to rising unemployment, on the other.

The measure will not come without a cost. According to the state Department of Finance, a $15 minimum would cost California about $4 billion a year.



Tuesday, March 29, 2016

17 Men Reportedly Heard Chanting, Firing Off Shots In Apple Valley Detained, Released

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APPLE VALLEY ( — Federal and local law enforcement authorities Tuesday are investigating after 17 men were detained for reportedly firing off hundreds of rounds in a remote part of Apple Valley.

San Bernardino County Sheriff’s deputies and an FBI agent were among the units that detained the men – reportedly all of Middle Eastern descent – who were camping out in the Deep Creek Hot Springs area Sunday morning, authorities said.

Feds & local law enforcement investigating after 17 men, reportedly Middle Eastern, fired 100s of rounds in Apple Valley. @KNX1070

— Margaret Carrero (@KNXmargaret)March 29, 2016

A 911 caller reported hearing over 100 shots fired and seeing five to seven men wearing turbans and shooting “assault rifles, handguns, and shotguns,” according to a Sheriff’s Department statement.

A county sheriff’s helicopter located the men walking near a creek with backpacks “and other items”, The Los Angeles Times reported.

Officials say the men were cooperative as they were detained and searched.

Several handguns, a rifle, and a shotgun were found at the scene, but a records check found all the weapons were registered with the exception of the rifle, which reportedly didn’t have a serial number because it was purchased in parts, an FBI spokesperson told The Times.

Police scanner traffic posted online by the Victor Valley News Group described “a large group of subjects wearing turbans and chanting” at the scene.

“They were up all night chanting ‘Allah akbar’-type stuff,” an unidentified officer is heard saying on the audio recording.

None of the hikers interviewed by Sheriff’s investigators say they witnessed any shots being fired, according to Sheriff’s officials.

A photo of the arrests was posted by the Victor Valley News Group but were not immediately confirmed by authorities.

All 17 men were eventually released because Sheriff’s investigators say they had no outstanding warrants or criminal histories.

“There was no evidence found that a crime had been committed by any of the subjects who were detained and they were released,” a Sheriff’s spokesperson said.

The FBI may conduct further interviews with the men to determine if any crimes were committed, The Times reported.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

California grants driver's licenses to 605,000 undocumented

Los Angeles (AFP) - Some 605,000 undocumented immigrants who live in California were granted driver's licenses in 2015, the first year they have been able to enjoy that benefit, officials said Monday.

The law known as AB60 took effect on January 2, 2015. The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) expects a total of about 1.4 million people will get their license under the law by late 2017.

Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, signed the law in October 2013 to give a legal document to the 2.5 million undocumented immigrants in California alone -- most from Latin America and particularly neighboring Mexico.

California officials believe the program -- which does not give license holders any US federal benefits -- does make roads in the most populous US state safer, several state sources said.

It does not allow license holders, for example, the right to fly on airplanes inside the United States, nor does it give anyone legal residency status, the right to work or to seek a US passport.

But among the upsides are that California drivers with the document can drive legally across the entire vast United States, without being fined or facing fear of having their vehicle impounded.

"If you can approve policies that integrate immigrants, I think it's a win-win for all people in a big state like California," said Luis Alejo, a California Assembly Member and author of the bill.

A total of 12 of the 50 US states plus the federal capital Washington have similar driver's license laws for undocumented immigrants.


Monday, December 28, 2015

California Laws: On January 1st, Students Won’t Have to Pass High School to Receive Diploma


by WILLIAM BIGELOW27 Dec 20156,327

On January 1, California residents will have to accustom themselves to a number of new laws that will be implemented in the state. These are some the laws that will likely have the most profound effect:

SB 172: High school seniors will receive their diploma whether or not they pass or even take an exit exam; the law also applies retroactively to students who have graduated since 2004;

SB 178: Will force law enforcement to obtain search warrants in order to examine citizens’ emails, text messages, Internet search history and other digital data;

SB 199: Airsoft guns will be required to show aspects marking them as toys, such as fluorescent trigger guards;

SB 277: Will require most children to obtain full vaccination by July so they can attend school in September;

SB 549: Allows in-game charity raffles allowing winners to keep 50 percent of ticket sales, rather than the current 10% and the rest going to charity;

SB 588: Permits the California Labor Commissioner to place a lien on an employer’s property to try and recoup the value of wages left unpaid;

SB 707: Bans concealed firearms from college campuses and K-12 school grounds;

AB 202: Cheerleaders for professional sports teams will be regarded as employees;

AB 329: Makes participation in sex education courses mandatory for students unless parents opt-out, would also inculcate the teaching of a fluid gender identity;

AB 359: Forces stores to keep employees for at least 90 days so they cannot be fired as a result of buyouts or mergers;

AB 775: Forces crisis pregnancy centers” to post a sign alerting clients of the existence nearby of public family planning programs, including abortions;

AB 1014: Will permit family members to obtain a restraining order to keep relatives who might commit gun violence from owning a gun;

AB 1100: Will raise the fee for a statewide proposition from $200 to $2,000;

AB 1422: Forces Uber, Lyft, and similar entities to give the California Department of Motor Vehicles access to driver records.

Read More Stories About:

Big GovernmentBreitbart California,EducationCalifornia2016New laws

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blue State Blues: Clinton Fans Know She Got ‘Schlonged’ in 2008

Breitbart News

by JOEL B. POLLAK23 Dec 2015113

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is being condemned–or praised–for saying this week that Hillary Clinton “got schlonged” by Barack Obama in 2008. To Democrats and the media, Trump had used a vulgar penis reference to humiliate Clinton. This was a new “war on women.”

To some conservatives, the word was either innocuous, or a brilliant way to bring up her husband’s scandals. (Or Anthony Weiner.)

Clinton die-hards know the truth: it is what really happened.

Go back to the late winter and early spring of 2008, and you will find ample commentary by frustrated feminists complaining that Clinton was being treated unfairly by the media and by the party largely because she is a woman, while neophyte Barack Obama was being let off easy–and not just because of his race.

The late Geraldine Ferraro said: “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”

Ferraro suffered for her political incorrectness. She was called a racist, andforced to step down from the Clinton campaign.

But others, including Clinton herself, agreed that she was a victim of sexism. That is partly why a teary Clinton was able to defy the polls and win a stunning upset victory in New Hampshire after losing Iowa to Obama.

There really was a double standard in the media, and it was obvious enough that Saturday Night Live lampooned the moderators of Democratic primary debates for swooning over Obama while giving Clinton a rough time.

Clinton even referred to the SNL parody in one debate: “And if anybody saw Saturday Night Live, maybe we should ask Barack if he’s comfortable and needs another pillow,” she said in a debate in Cleveland in Feb. 2008.

As Obama surged, there was a strain of frat-house bromance in the Democratic Party–one that continued into the “boys’ club” at the Obama White House, where senior female staff suffered a pay gap, professional condescension and social exclusion.

Rebecca Traister wrote at in April 2008 that women were noticing “something dark and funky, and probably not so female-friendly, running below the frantic fanaticism” of Obama’s liberal fans.

The real “schlonging” came when the party elite decided to abandon Clinton for Obama. The “superdelegates” on whom she had counted for victory against Obama’s left-wing insurgency, many of whom owed the Clinton machine their careers, began to defect to Obama.

Worse yet, the Democratic Party bigwigs hashed out a shady deal in which votes that had been cast for Clinton in Michigan and Florida’s “rogue” early primaries were handed to Obama.

Hillary fans, many of them female, crashed the meeting, jeering the Democratic National Committee for trashing the principle of “count every vote,” which had been the party’s mantra since the debacle of 2000.

“What is being proposed here is that you go into a voting booth and at some point later down the road, someone decides that your vote is for someone else,” a Clinton adviserexplained bitterly to the New York Times. And she was absolutely right.

It was the glass ceiling crashing down again on the country’s best chance to elect a woman president. Gail Collins of the New York Times quoted a leading feminist as “feeling that Hillary has not been respected” as a woman–by her own party.

Adding insult to injury, the Obama campaign tried to exploit Clinton’s gender by using her to attack Sarah Palin when the Alaska governor was nominated as Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)’s running mate.

In an interview with NBC in 2014, Clinton recalled: “The day [Palin] was nominated, the Obama campaign did contact me and asked me if I would attack her. I said, ‘Attack her for what–for being a woman? Attack her for being on a ticket that’s trying to draw attention? There’ll be plenty of time to do what I think you should do in politics, which is draw distinctions.'”

The Clinton and Obama camps reconciled when Clinton was appointed Secretary of State. Yet curiously, she was tasked with carrying out Obama’s most daring–and ill-fated–foreign policy moves, from the “reset” with Russia tolecturing Benjamin Netanyahu. Her own ideas–a no-fly zone in Syria–were ignored, in familiar sexist fashion.

She got “schlonged,” in other words. She is still getting “schlonged,” taking the heat for Obama’s failure in Benghazi while he golfs.

And The Donald is no chauvinist for saying so. It is what Clinton herself knows.

Read More Stories About:

Big GovernmentBreitbart California,Donald TrumpHillary Clintonfeminism,sexismfeministschlongSchlange,geraldine ferraro

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Hillary Clinton Fan Threatens Mosque; Media Blame Trump


by JOEL B. POLLAK21 Dec 2015127

The mainstream media are reporting that a Bay Area plumber who allegedly planned to bomb a California mosque was a Donald Trump supporter–though he explicitly supported Hillary Clinton.

On Sunday, police arrested 55-year-old William Celli “on suspicion of possessing an explosive device and making criminal threats,” CBS San Francisco reported. A bomb squad detonated a device at his house. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) cheered the arrest.

CBS elaborated further: “On Facebook, Celli repeatedly praised Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, whose plan to bar any Muslims from entering the United States has drawn criticism even as he continues to rise in the polls.”

The Huffington Post and other left-wing sites played up Celli’s support of Trump, implying that Trump was responsible for “propelling” bigotry and “white domestic terrorism” into the “mainstream” of political debate.

What the media left out, however, is that Celli also praised Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

In one post, Celli wrote: “Hillary Would make a great president. If she would commit to what she is hiding. But she has to crucify the president. Then her run for the White house is over.”

The post praising Hillary Clinton is dated Oct. 22–the day Clinton testified for 11 hours at the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

The Huffington Post and other outletsclaimed the story has been overlooked because

Celli doesn’t fit the profile of the “terrorist” who is likely to be invoked on cable news or on a GOP debate stage. In fact, judging by Celli’s Facebook page, he seems to be the exact inverse: a disgruntled white man who has bought into the xenophobic rhetoric of people like GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Or Hillary Clinton. But never mind the facts.

Update: The Contra Costa Times follows the same pattern, calling William Celli a “Donald Trump supporter” in the headline and throughout the piece, quoting extensively from his Facebook page without mentioning his support for Hillary Clinton.

(Screenshot of Contra Costa Times 11 p.m. Monday Dec. 21, 2015)

The article uses Celli’s arrest as a way to slam Trump:

Trump has received mounting criticism from both political parties for inflammatory comments about the Muslim community, such as the idea to create databases to track American Muslims and restrict Muslims from entering the country. Critics have warned that such comments could fuel Islamophobia.

No mention of Clinton whatsoever appears in the article.

One of the authors, Thomas Peele, mocked “Bill the Plumber” on Twitter:

Peele’s website boasts that he has won “more than 50 journalism awards.”

Update 2: Here’s Mediaite‘s Ken Meyer, linking to Talking Points Memo‘s Caitlin Cruz, linking to Raw Story‘s Travis Gettys, all regurgitating the “Trump supporter” claim, all quoting extensively from Celli’s Facebook page, and none mentioning his remarks about Hillary Clinton.

Update 3: The San Francisco Chroniclementions Celli’s posts about Trump but not his comments about Clinton. It also quotes CAIR–an organization that has been helping the family of the San Bernardino terrorists–raising concerns about Trump.

Read More Stories About:

Big GovernmentBig JournalismBreitbart CaliforniaDonald TrumpHillary Clinton,terrorismMedia BiasCAIRRichmond,Contra Costa Timeswilliam celli