Thursday, May 5, 2016

Magazine Depicts Donkey with Hillary Tattoo Raping Donald Trump

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OC Weekly

by ADELLE NAZARIAN5 May 201629

This week’s OC Weekly cover features a Democratic donkey, with a Hillary for America tattoo, raping a naked depiction of Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.

The less-than-savory cover appears to be a take on the infamous Donkey Show myth in Mexico, in which a woman has sex with the animal.

“Yes, that is a Democratic ass on top of Donald Trump on the cover of this week’s dead-tree Weekly,” the magazine writes. “And it’s only fitting.”

The image was drawn by Hispanic “cartoonista” Lalo Alcaraz who was born in San Diego, California to Mexican parents. In the dialogue bubbles, the Clinton donkey says, “check out our Trump coverage!” while it shows off its abnormally large teeth. The Trump caricature depicts a flustered and humiliated man saying, “It’s yuuuge!”

The donkey, or ass, is the Democratic Party’s mascot.

The magazine offers the following description of its Charlie Hebdo-like cover choice, which it self-praises as “good stuff!”

For more than a year, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee has peddled all sorts of nasty myths against Mexicans, from painting undocumented immigrants as rapists and Typhoid Marias to insisting a massive wall on the U.S.-Mexico border will make America great again.” His campaign has grown as grotesque as adonkey show, those Tijuana spectacles that exist only in the fevered minds of gabachos, and it made a stop in Costa Mesa last week, with Trump the featured star and theWeeklydocumentingeveryscream,punch and lie. So it’s also only fittinglegendary cartoonista Lalo Alcarazcapture the moment, you know? Besides, Democrats violating Trump from behind is what he can expect when he faces Hillary Clinton come November. Enjoy our package, and don’t forget to register to vote!

BTW, the idea for this cover came from our former sister paper the Riverfront Times, who infamously had theDemocratic donkey humping former Missouri congressman Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akins on its cover in 2012—good stuff!

The OC Weekly cover arrives just one month away from the California primary, which will likely decide the state of the race in the Democratic Party. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, is just 178 total delegates away from clinching the party’s nomination.


Follow Adelle Nazarian on Twitter @AdelleNaz 

Read More Stories About:

2016 Presidential RaceBig Journalism,Breitbart CaliforniaDonald TrumpHillary ClintonDemocratic Party2016 presidential electionDonkeyOC Weekly

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