Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Former NSA Director Hayden admitts his GOP hate back fires hits Cruz

***Horse Race LiveWire*** Super Tuesday: Part Deux

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by BREITBART NEWS8 Mar 20161038
Welcome to Breitbart News’s daily live updates of the 2016 horse race. 
10:36 – Former NSA Director Michael Hayden: Trump is making us unsafe!
10:33 – Erick Erickson: #NeverTrump is becoming #NeverTed which is bad so Rubio needs to drop out.
I helped launch the #NeverTrump movement with my piece written late two Friday’s ago. That night it got over 60,000 hits and the #NeverTrump hashtag became a worldwide trend. Credit for the hashtag goes to my friend Aaron Gardner. I’d used #AgainstTrump, the title of the National Reviewcover, but Aaron suggested I change it.
What I am seeing at this point, however, is that #NeverTrump is guaranteeing Trump’s nomination because #NeverTrump is really #NeverTed. Many of the most vocal supporters of the #NeverTrump movement are Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) supporters and they are handing the nomination to Trump because they cannot face the reality of this election.
The only way to stop Trump now is to ally with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). But too many of the #NeverTrump brigade are really #NeverTed. They don’t want to look at the math, they don’t want to look at the road ahead, they don’t want Ted Cruz. They’d rather lose with Rubio and stay home in November than ally with Ted Cruz and even have a shot in November.

That is genuinely unfortunate and will either guarantee Trump is the nominee or guarantee the Republican Party is destroyed. Marco Rubio, a great man with a struggling campaign, has a cult of personality every bit as committed as Trump’s. The difference is that Rubio’s cult will give us Trump where Trump’s cult alone never could.

10:29 – Bret Baier: Republicans in DC are saying privately that they’ll vote for Hillary just to keep their power over the party.
Fox News Channel anchor Bret Baier said it’s possible that some Republicans will vote for Hillary Clinton just to stop Donald Trump from taking over the party.
“Listen, there are Republicans in Washington who are privately saying that already,” Baier told TheWrap on Monday. “Maybe some don’t publicly say it, but I think there are some who are that adamant about it who would.”

10:17 – Purported Cruz campaign email monopolizes on CNN’s Rubio report:
10:15 – Romney robocall for Kasich in Michigan–seems he’s all about the brokered convention rather than an anti-Trump candidate winning a majority of delegates:
“Hello, this is Mitt Romney calling, and I’m calling on behalf Kasich for America,” the former Massachusetts governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee, says at the beginning of the call, audio of which was shared by the Kasich campaign.
“Today you have the opportunity in Michigan to vote for a Republican nominee for president,” Romney continues. “These are critical times that demand a serious, thoughtful commander-in-chief. If we Republicans were to choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future would be greatly diminished — and I’m convinced Donald Trump would lose to Hillary Clinton. Please vote today for a candidate who can defeat HC and who can make us proud.”

10:09 – Kasich throws some shade on Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)’ campaign during a Morning Joe appearance (Bernie has won eight more states that Kasich):
10:04 – Another finding from the Morning Consult poll: Mitt Romney’s speech was anet positive for Trump.
A new Morning Consult poll finds that Mitt Romney’s speech last weekcondemning Donald Trump apparently had very little effect on the GOP front-runner.
Thirty-one percent of GOP voters said they were more likely to vote for Trump, while 20 percent said less likely, and 43 percent said it had no impact either way.

9:57 – Morning Consult national poll: Trump 40, Cruz 23, Rubio 14, Kasich 10. Big gains for Cruz & Kasich:
In the latest survey, taken March 4 through March 6, Cruz picked up 8 percentage points to pull within 17 points of Trump. It’s a 12-point swing from our previous poll after the New Yorker dropped four percentage points.

9:54 – NYT op-ed: “Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand Common Core (and Neither Do His Rivals)”
9:46 – Mitt Romney does a GOTV robocall for Rubio:
9:40 – From the “You Have to Go Back” file:
An Egyptian Muslim man who threatened to kill Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will leave the US of his own accord this week, his lawyers say.
23-year-old aviation student Emadeldin Elsayed was arrested in February by US Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) agents, after posting an article about Trump on Facebook, along with the comment: “I literally don’t mind taking a lifetime sentence in jail for killing this guy, I would actually be doing the whole world a favor.”
One day after posting the status on February 3, Secret Service agents called him in for questioning and searched his property and phone. They then arrested him less than two weeks later.

9:23 – On Rubio’s “half-empty conference room” in Tampa: “No, I’m here to see the trainwreck.”
The man was standing alone, leaning against the wall in the still half-empty conference room that the Marco Rubio campaign had rented for the senator’s “big” Tampa rally. It was only 15 minutes before start time, and people were only trickling in.
“Are you a Rubio supporter?” I asked the 60-something gentleman.
“No. I’m just here to see the train wreck.”

9:10 – WaPo poll: Trump’s unfavorables among Republicans in the fifties and sixties.

“Yeah, I sort of do,” Trump said on “Fox and Friends” when asked if he thought it was wrong to have the contested convention if he’s leading in the delegate count but fails to reach the required 1,237 delegates.
“I think that whoever is leading at the end should sort of get it. That’s the way that democracy works,” Trump said on the program.

8:51 – Wapo poll: Trump loses to Cruz and Rubio in one-on-one race.
In hypothetical two-way matchups, Cruz leads Trump by 54-41 percent and Rubio leads Trump by 51-45 percent in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates. While the latter lead isn’t statistically significant, both are further signs of the apparent limits to Trump’s popularity within his party. Indeed, among non-Trump supporters, seven in 10 say they’d prefer Cruz, and as many say they’d pick Rubio, in head-to-head contests.

8:44 – Wapo poll: National race tightens. Trump 34%, Cruz 25%.
Trump continues to lead in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, with 34 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents who are registered to vote saying they’d like to see him win the nomination. But he trails both Cruz and Rubio one-on-one. And preferences for Cruz, Rubio and John Kasich have grown as others have left the race, while Trump’s support has essentially remained unchanged for months.
In the current multi-candidate race, 25 percent say they’d like to see Cruz win the nomination, with 18 percent for Rubio and 13 percent for Kasich; those are +4, +7 and +11 points compared with January, respectively, to new highs for each. Trump, by contrast, peaked at 38 percent in December.

Tonight’s primaries in Michigan and Mississippi — as well as the contests in Idaho (primary) and Hawaii (caucus) — are important for Donald Trump to regain his momentum heading into next week’s winner-take-all primaries and increase his narrow delegate lead over Ted Cruz.
Is Trump losing ground? Or were last weekend’s results due more to the fact that they were closed contests (not open to non-Republicans)? We’ll find out tonight. Both Michigan and Mississippi are open primaries, and Trump SHOULD win them by double digits; Trump is way ahead in the Michigan polls.

8:22 – Mickey Kaus sees through the Establishment Matrix

8:02 – Trump releases Trump University video that purports to show glowing report cards from two of the three students currently starring in attack ads against him.
Using what might be the most dishonest headline of all time, the Huffington Post accuses Trump of threatening students.
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