Tuesday, February 9, 2016

While Trump and Sanders smell victory, Hillary Clinton contemplates humilation

"What will be a good result for Hillaryin her race against Bernie Sanders?" I asked a Democrat. He replied: "She'll be happy with second place."
Today’s New Hampshire primary will be all about the post-match rationalisations. We expect Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump to win – that’s a foregone conclusion. But the political establishment, the pundits and the media can’t even contemplate the thought of a Sanders v Trump race – so they’ll put a wall around New Hampshire, say that it didn’t really matter, and look ahead to the states to come. Ergo who comes second, and how close to first they come, could dominate media interest. Among the Republicans, Jeb Bush is looking for a comeback. Among the Democrats, Hillary may have to do some soul searching. Her campaign thus far has showcased her greatest weaknesses.
Clinton's politics are the politics of identity, narrowed down to a very specific constituency: she’s selling herself as the hope of everyday rich white women who want to be president

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