Monday, February 1, 2016

Cruz Advisor: ‘It’s Between Ted Cruz And Donald Trump’

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by DAN RIEHL31 Jan 2016Des Moines, IA2151
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’s spokesman Rick Tyler was a guest on Breitbart News Sunday with host Stephen K. Bannon tonight, on the eve of tomorrow’s first-in-the-nation Iowa caucus.
“We believe it’s a two person race, it’s between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump,” said Tyler.
Tyler discussed the campaign’s effort to ensure every caucus location and every district would be fully covered by Cruz’s 12,000 plus force of Iowa volunteers.
He predicted a first or second place finish for Cruz tomorrow and believes the campaign will only get stronger as others drop out and leave the Tea Party and Evangelical lanes more wide open for them.
“Politics has always lagged behind the private sector a little bit. The marketing that goes behind this is very, very sophisticated,” he added. Tyler stressed the ground game and data as key to their anticipated success tomorrow in Iowa.
Tyler stressed the significance of Team Cruz’s Iowa effort that includes 99 county chairs, 1530 precinct captains to cover Iowa’s 1,682 precincts with speakers present at each of over 700 caucus locations. Tyler called the effort unprecedented.
Tyler said they made 27,000 phone calls from campaign headquarters yesterday and are also knocking on an average of 2,000 doors a day, as well. He also took time to discuss the campaign’s strategy beyond Iowa, in New Hampshire and also the South. Tyler said that was done to make sure people in Iowa understood that Cruz is in the race for the long haul.
Tyler also discussed the campaign’s marketing efforts to target not just likely Cruz voters, but to spend considerable time including on the phone with Trump’s supporters and Rubio’s supporters who have Cruz as a second choice.
The campaign believes some of them can be turned, resulting in their supporting Cruz when the time comes to actually caucus tomorrow. Those calls can last up to 20 minutes and are being conducted by specially trained individuals to win over more votes. “We also know what issues they care about and how to talk to them about the issues that they care about. That’s never been done before,” said Tyler.
The entire interview can be heard below.

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