Thursday, February 4, 2016

ALERT: Hillary Clinton Wear Blackface Costume??

Hillary Clinton


 by: Perry Sanders III  17 days ago


Lead Stories' Trendolizer has detected a photo that has been circulating social media recently which supposedly shows Hillary and Bill Clinton at a costume party, with Hillary as a Blackface and Bill as a country hillbilly.

The above image is the one supposedly of Hillary and Bill Clinton, but after Lead Stories' research into the matter we have debunked this story and proved it to be a hoax. The image featured above traces back to a Twitter account (@BrianTourville) from 2015, in response to a Huffington Post tweet.

Although a well attemtpted bit of humor and satire by @Brian_Tourville, Hillary is obviously not the BlackFace as shown in the alleged costume party photo, as can be seen by the difference in eye color. Hillary has blue eyes, not brown as shown in the costumed photo. In addition, it is highly unlikely for a photo of that is so politically detrimental to go unnoticed for all these years.

As can be seen in the comparison above, the height difference between Hillary and Bill are way off in the costumed picture.

Despite the attempt to show Hillary Clinton dressed with a blackface, we regret to inform you that this is absolutely a hoax. Nice try, internet!

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