Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Rubio: I Missed Omnibus Bill Because I Was Running to Ensure We Don’t Have Bills Like It In the Future

by IAN HANCHETT22 Dec 2015160

Florida Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) stated that he missed the vote on the omnibus bill because “I was doing something, and that is running for president so we don’t have to keep doing this in the future” on Tuesday’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on the Fox News Channel.

Rubio said the outcome was “predetermined.” He added, “we are going to win this election, so the American people are no longer subjected to these kind of votes where the outcome is already predetermined, and at the end of the day, it’s an issue there was no transparency on.”

When pressed on why he didn’t show up, Rubio responded, “I was doing something, and that is running for president so we don’t have to keep doing this in the future. I want to win this race so that we have a president that doesn’t force us to take the garbage that was in that omnibus that was passed last week. A lot of those things that are in that bill are because we have a president that will not sign it unless it has his pet projects, and the things that it had in there like, for example, no changes whatsoever to the Syrian refugee process, which poses a danger to the United States. I’m running to win, so that we have a president that no longer forces upon us votes of this kind, and that’s what I was out there doing, and I’m going to continue to do, because I want to win this race so we no longer are faced with these…choices when it comes to the future of our country.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter@IanHanchett

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Breitbart TV2016 Presidential RaceMarco Rubioomnibusomnibus bill

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