Friday, December 7, 2012

Save Our Christmas Tree Keep Christ in Christmas

  When I say that things have really changed since I was a young boy, I mean it.  Remember when we had Christmas trees in our classrooms and we put our hand over our heart and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag ?   It breaks my heart to see the Democrats and Left Wing attach Christ, Christmas and anyone who believes and prays to God and Christ.  If you (democrats) think your going to take Christ out of America, you are sadly mistaken because there are too many Christians that are fighting back and are ready to stand against the hateful words and actions that you continue to use against us. 

  Dear Lord,
Please continue to watch over America, continue to carry us through our darkest hour.  Thank you for the mirales that you have give us yesterday, the miracles that you gave us today and the miracles that you are going to give us tomorrow.  Lord give us the stregnth to make the hard decisions and stand up in the fact of evil, knowing that you will always be in our lives whether or not we ask.  And finally, Lord grant us the wisdom to know the best, safest and quickest way to remove Socialism and Spirit killing Communism from our beloved Democratic Capitalist America which will allow all men and women to continue to Live Free from Tyrany and Dictatorship and be able to worship and praise you everywhere in our daily live.

  In Jesus Christ we Pray Amen.

Amen..  ...

1 comment:

  1. This is one of many stories I hear more often this year, Atheist Liberals are selfish and need to mind their own business just how we allow people their own freedom of speech and religious belief however anyone may feel or think of it do the same with our christian faith since this is what our country was established by. Amen To our lord and praise for those standing up for our Christmas.
