Showing posts with label shale revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shale revolution. Show all posts

Monday, January 25, 2016

Saudis 'will not destroy the US shale industry'

Hedge funds and private equity groups armed with $60bn of ready cash are ready to snap up the assets of bankrupt US shale drillers, almost guaranteeing that America’s tight oil production will rebound once prices start to recover.

Daniel Yergin, founder of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates, said it is impossible for OPEC to knock out the US shale industry though a war of attrition even if it wants to, and even if large numbers of frackers fall by the wayside over coming months.

Mr Yergin said groups with deep pockets such as Blackstone and Carlyle will take over the infrastructure when the distressed assets are cheap enough, and bide their time until the oil cycle turns.

“The management may change and the companies may change but the resources will still be there,” he told the Daily Telegraph. The great unknown is how quickly the industry can revive once the global glut starts to clear - perhaps in the second half of the year - but it will clearly be much faster than for the conventional oil.

“It takes $10bn and five to ten years to launch a deep-water project. It takes $10m and just 20 days to drill for shale,” he said, speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Shale has proven much more resilient than people thought Daniel Yergin


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

We’ve defeated the shale revolution, claims Opec | The Times

Low oil prices finally damage US production

Opec was on the verge of claiming victory over its North American rivals last night after its strategy of squeezing out the shale industry by flooding the markets with oil appeared to be vindicated.

The oil producers’ cartel said that falling prices would force lower production from its rivals by the end of this year, with American and Canadian producers particularly affected.

Opec, led by Saudi Arabia, has maintained production levels even as crude prices have collapsed 70 per cent from their level in 2014. In its first monthly report of the year, Opec said that its policy was starting