Showing posts with label san jose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label san jose. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5, 2016


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  1. San Jose Trump Rally Riots
    1. Happened 6/2/16 Kid Hit in head bleeding (1A)
    2. Emmett Rensin, Vox editor tweeted at 12:10AM: "Advice: If Trump comes to your town, start a riot."
    3. Paul Cicala, sports anchor for KVOA News 4 in Tuscon Arizona was forced to publicly apologize after he responded to a Jacob Rascon tweet. (1B)
      1. Rascon, an NBCNews correspondent, tweeted a video of a young female Trump supporter getting surrounded, cornered and assaulted with bottles, eggs and other objects. 
      2. In his tweet Rascon said, "Watch: the moment a Trump supporter, surrounded by protestors, is egged in the face, hit by other food." 
      3. Paul Cicala responded, "Hey Brother.. you aren't reporting that she was taunting protesters moments before -pointing to her shirt etc Please be fair."
      4. As of yesterday, 
    4. San Jose Mayor name is Sam Riccardo
    5. Police allow violence to happen in San Jose Tom Llamas Sleeze reports (1C)
    6. Twitter scrubs hashtag San Jose from trending list
  2. Gorilla in Cincinnati zoo (SATURDAY)
    1. Named Haromby.
    2. Need names of mom, dad and kid.
  3. Cassius Clay died Friday night
    1. It would be nice to get soundbites of Ali. He is a soundbite machine!
    2. Florida Marlins posted a tribute to Ali an hour before he died, giving new meaning to the question, "too soon?"
  4. Trump Press conference (date?) about Veterans fundraiser
    1. Al Baldasaro USMC spoke (4B)
    2. Called someone a sleeze (Tom Llamas) (4C)
    3. Bill Krystol Third party run a joke. Laura Ingram destroys him (4A)
  5. Hillary Clinton FBI indictment
    1. BREAKING! FBI made a statement FRIDAY. Read up!
    2. Email Scandal Sen. James Lankaford responds to Hillary camp not cooperating with IG. (5A)
    3. On Saturday Night, a journalist employed by liberal Huffington Post reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) will recommend that the Department of Justice file a Federal criminal complaint, indicting U.S. Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. Frank Hugenard is a political scientist, public speaker and freelance contributor to the Huffington Post. He had his story removed by HuffPo editors and his account disabled without explanation. His article bore the title: ""Hillary Clinton to be Indicted On Federal Racketeering Charges" It quickly went viral before being removed.
a.       FBI Director James Comey will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General and head of the U.S. Department of Justice, that includes a compelling argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic. Huguenard, a Bernie Sanders supporter, says that he has sources within the FBI. They say the Bureau will recommend that the DOJ file Racketeering charges against Mrs. Clinton. After Bill Clinton’s lucrative 2010 Laureate appointment, Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. began pumping millions of its USAID dollars to a sister nonprofit, International Youth Foundation (IYF), which is run by Laureate’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker. Indeed, State Dept. funding skyrocketed once Bill Clinton got on the Laureate payroll.
    1. FBI threatened Loretta Lynch to indict or else
    2. May 25th the Inspector General report came out.
  1. Hillary Foreign policy speech (date?)
    1. was more about Trump than foreign policy
    2. Read up on reactions from experts
  2. Paul Ryan endorses trump (DATE?)
    1. Backtracks endorsement (date?)
    2. Need soundbites or quotes of both
  3. Trump says "My African American" at his rally in Redding California (date?)
    1. See clip I emailed you (CNN)
    2. Get soundbite of Trump saying it. (8A)
  4. Trump University debacle (9A) Lou Dobbs lays out the facts
    1. Name of judge? Gonzelo Curiel
    2. Trump could have settled but didn't because he thinks he is right
    3. Calls judge bias because he is Hispanic? IMO is a big gaffe.
  5. Obama bashes trump
    1. 1 Jun 16 Wednesday
    2. Spit out lies (10A) in Elk Hart Ind.
    3. Mr. Obama framed this year’s presidential contest as a choice between a Democratic Party committed to working families and a Republican Party he said was beholden to China, “big oil,” “big banks” and the wealthiest Americans. White House aides cast the speech as the president’s first major attempt to influence the race to succeed him.
    4. “If what you care about in this election is your pocketbook; if what you’re concerned about is who will look out for the interests of working people and grow the middle class,” Mr. Obama said in a fiery, campaignlike speech, “if what you’re concerned about is the economy, then the debate is not even close.”Railing against one of Mr. Trump’s comments — that he would roll back rules imposed on Wall Street — Mr. Obama’s voice grew louder as he declared, “That is crazy!” Sleeves rolled up and his finger wagging, the president asked the supportive crowd, “Have we really forgotten what just happened eight years ago?”
    5. The president said that when he heard that working families were voting for the Republican economic agenda, “I want to have an intervention!”
  6. Michelle O Bashes trump in Commencement
    1. Need date, place and what she  NY City College Wake up in a house build by slaves (11A)
  7. UCLA Shooting
    2. Name of Shooter and all victims
    3. WTF happened? LOL
  8. Obama Unemployment a FRAUD
  9. FBI says Clinton caused Vince Foster to kill himself
    1. UK Dailey mail article
  10. Mexican Border
    1. ISIS is being helped by Mexican cartels to enter into USA across border? (source)
  11. Matt Damon is speaker at MIT commencement. WTF?