Showing posts with label pure evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pure evil. Show all posts

Thursday, February 25, 2016

China Warns U.S. After Trump Wins Nevada Caucus

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Chinese Communist Party leaders stand up while the international communist anthem is played. / AP
BY: Bill Gertz Follow @BillGertzFebruary 24, 2016 5:00 pm
China warned the United States on Wednesday not to adopt punitive currency policies that could disrupt U.S.-China relations after Donald Trump’s win in the Nevada caucus.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing that “we are following with interest the U.S. presidential election.”
Hua was asked about China’s response to a possible Trump presidency and his announced plan to punish China for currency manipulation with a tax on Chinese goods.
“Since it belongs to the domestic affair of the U.S., I am not going to make comments on specific remarks by the relevant candidate,” she said.
“But I want to stress that China and the U.S., as world’s largest developing and developed countries, shoulder major responsibilities in safeguarding world peace, stability and security and driving world development,” the spokeswoman added.
“The sustained, sound and steady growth of China-U.S. relations serves the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries and benefits the world. We hope and believe that the U.S. government will pursue a positive policy toward China in a responsible manner.”
The comments came as Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister, is holding talks in Washington that include U.S. concerns about a Chinese military buildup on disputed islands in the South China Sea, and cooperation on dealing with North Korea’s nuclear and missile provocations.
Hua said Wang and Secretary of State John Kerry agreed the two sides will enhance cooperation and increase talks and exchanges.
“We stand ready to preserve and advance China-U.S. relations together with the U.S. side,” she said.
Kerry said he spoke to Wang about reducing tensions and finding diplomatic solutions to competing South China Sea claims.
“We want there to be a halt to the expansion and militarization of occupied features,” Kerry said. “Everyone benefits by true demilitarization, non-militarization.”
Kerry also said the United States remains committed to freedom of navigation and overflight, “something which China says it does not stand in the way of; it agrees that there should be peaceful freedom of navigation.”
Reports from Asia say Chinese state-run media have been ordered by the Communist Party to minimize reporting on the U.S. presidential election.
Hong Kong’s Chinese-language news outlet Oriental Daily reported Feb. 5 that the Party’s Propaganda Department, which sets policies for all state-run media, ordered all publications to ban election coverage of U.S. policies toward China and to focus election coverage on negative stories and scandals.
Trump won the Nevada caucus with 45 percent of the vote, increasing his chances of winning the Republican nomination later this year.
Last month, Trump vowed to impose a 45 percent tariff on Chinese good to offset China’s devaluation of the yuan.
“They’re devaluing their currency, and they’re killing our companies,” Trump said. “We are letting them get away with it, and we can’t let them get away with it.”
The Obama administration has adopted conciliatory policies toward China on trade and currency issues.
Trump, on his campaign website, outlined a hardline approach to dealing with China that involves officially declaring China a currency manipulator and negotiating an end to the practice.
Trump also wants to thwart China’s theft of intellectual property and adopt policies aimed at bring jobs back from overseas to the United States.
Bolstering the U.S. military and “deploying it appropriately in the East and South China Seas” are other goals.
“These actions will discourage Chinese adventurism that imperils American interests in Asia and shows our strength as we begin renegotiating our trading relationship with China,” the Trump website states. “A strong military presence will be a clear signal to China and other nations in Asia and around the world that America is back in the global leadership business.”

Sunday, April 6, 2014

“Pure evil”: 9 Muslims convicted in UK teen sex ring

Since when is luring young girls with drugs and alcohol, kidnapping and selling them to be raped termed “grooming”? Apparently only when Pakistani Muslims, err “Asians”, do it. Do these guys look “Asian”?
Top – Abdul Qayyum, Hamid Safi, Kabeer Hassan, Abdul Rauf; Bottom – Abdul Aziz, Mohammed Amin, Adil Khan, Mohammed Sajid.
Images via Nine guilty in Rochdale sex grooming trial, but more arrests on way in hunt for FIFTY sex beasts

Wanted: Mohammed Shahzad
via Guilty: the gang who groomed girls for sex – Crime – UK – The Independent.
Mistakes by police, social services and the Crown Prosecution Service led to potentially dozens of young girls being raped, beaten and trafficked by a child exploitation ring, it emerged yesterday.
A failure in 2008 to believe a 15-year-old girl’s evidence that she had been systematically groomed at the hands of a network of taxi drivers and takeaway workers in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, led to at least two more years of abuse being meted out to the gang’s victims, many of whom have still not come forward.
Nine men were described as “pure evil” by detectives as they were convicted at Liverpool Crown Court for the on-street grooming of vulnerable young people.
The 11-week trial heard how the girls, aged between 13 and 15, were befriended with the offer of alcohol and drugs, kebabs, or mobile-phone credits by the older men at late-night outlets before being sexually exploited by up to 50 men across the North of England. One 15-year-old victim described how she was forced to have sex with up to 20 men in one day. Another told how she was raped by two men as she was being sick from alcohol. Police interviewed 47 potential victims but proceedings were only bought in connection with five of them.
In the end, the panel of nine women and three men took five days to find Kabeer Hassan, Abdul Aziz, Abdul Rauf, Mohammed Sajid, Adil Khan, Abdul Qayyum, Mohammed Amin, Hamid Safi and a 59-year-old man – who cannot be named for legal reasons – guilty of exploiting the five young victims on 25 of the 35 charges they faced.
Two defendants, Liaquat Shah, 41, and Qamar Shahzad, 30, both of Rochdale, were cleared of all charges.
Det Ch Supt Mary Doyle, head of public protection at Greater Manchester Police, said the men subjected their victims to years of degradation. “It was pure evil. They were exploiting the vulnerable in our society for their own gratification,” she said.
The men, who were predominantly of Pakistani descent, passed the girls around the network, paying their victims to recruit other young people for them to abuse. A teenage girl referred to by the gang as the “Honey Monster”, who helped procure victims, was not charged in the public interest.
Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, accused Pakistani community elders of “burying their heads in the sand” on the issue of on-street grooming.
He said: “There is a significant problem for the British Pakistani community; there is an over-representation amongst recent convictions in the crime of on-street grooming. There should be no silence in addressing the issue of race as this is central to the actions of these criminals. They think that white teenage girls are worthless and can be abused without a second thought; it is this sort of behaviour that is bringing shame on our community.”
Race or Islam?
In the U.S. they won’t call traffickers of underage girls Muslims either. Just Somalis…who get special Islamic prayer breaks during trial.

Obama Knows Where Benghazi Terriors are but Refuses to Arrest Them.

Written By : Ashley Herzog
April 5, 2014
Well, this is enraging. Rep. Mike Rogers, the House Intel Committee Chair, says Obama knows where the Benghazi terrorists are hiding, but refuses to go after them because of his “kinder, gentler approach” to terrorism.


He revealed this information to Time Magazine this week.
We have numerous people that we know participated in the Benghazi attacks affiliated with al-Qaeda that are still on the battlefield. We have the capacity to get them but there’s no planning to get them. We have other serious al-Qaeda threats that normally we would take off the battlefield, but because of this Administration’s more kinder, gentler approach we have not done that.
As the saying goes, the more things change around here, the more they stay the same.
Also see: An Interview With Warren Farrell, The Author Of “Why Men Are the Way They Are.”


Sunday, December 15, 2013