Showing posts with label party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label party. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lesson of 2012: Propaganda Works!

A new Pew Poll came out today that says if America falls off the "Fiscal Cliff," 53% will blame the GOP (Republicans) to only 29% blaming President Obama.

First of all remember the difference between reality and perception. We are talking about a party that let their president add $4.8 trillion to the national deficit in only 3 years, more than Bush did in 8 years. The economic crisis started when Democrats took over the real power in America - both the House of Representatives and Senate of Congress, in 2006. Meanwhile the downward spiral looks to be slowing finally, thanks largely to the sweeping victories of the GOP (particularly the Tea Party) in the 2010 election, which gave the House back to the party which I thought everyone knew was the more fiscally responsible.

I should think again.

It turns out, whatever lie NBC, CBS, ABC, CNNHollywood, teachers, professors, labor unions, musicians, the NY Times, community organizers or any other entity that makes up the propaganda arm of the progressive movement tell you or your children, IS REAL.

This Pew Poll just tells me two things: #1 the false propaganda worked. #2 the GOP needs to spend all of their time, energy, resources and money into taking back the schools to stop the indoctrination of our children and implement a program to properly educate adults not only of the righteousness of conservatism, but the evils of socialism.

And don't listen to the simpletons on the news networks saying "the GOP has a demographics problem." That is just code for, "the indoctrination of graduates of the last 20 years is finally paying dividends." We have a perception problem. Re-educating them is now required, but let's prevent the Cancer of America in the first place, not just administer chemotherapy. We just have to prey Socialism in America is not stage 4.

Here is a guy named Toots Sweet that points out that our ability to get the message out is so bad compared to the Left that we are left with no other choice but to "get out of their way" and "let them sink themselves" by letting them raise taxes and spend like drunken sailors until America is collapsed. His video:
I really hope it doesn't collapse but if we can't get our message out, Toots is right - we must let them see for themselves what communism does.