Showing posts with label lgbt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lgbt. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2016

Cruz: If Trump dresses up as Clinton, he still can???t go to girls??? bathroom

Listen to Military Veteran Talk Radio
Ted Cruz is not backing down from criticizing rival Donald Trump for his comments about North Carolina’s controversial bathroom bill. 
The Texas senator sought to further condemn the real estate mogul at an event Sunday for his opposition to a law that segregates bathrooms by biological sex
“If Donald Trump dresses up as Hillary Clinton, he still can’t go to the girls’ bathroom,” Cruz quipped. 
Trump said Thursday that North Carolina is “paying a big price” for the law, which supporters of LGBT rights see as discriminatory toward transgender people. 
Trump said transgender people should use whatever bathroom they want. 
Cruz has assailed Trump for being “politically correct.” 
Cruz says the law is necessary to protect children from predators. 
“When you deal with people who are repulsive perverts and criminals — there are some bad people in the world and we shouldn’t be facilitating putting little girls alone in the bathroom with grown, adult men. That is just a bad, bad, bad idea,” Cruz said Thursday.