Showing posts with label killing america. Show all posts
Showing posts with label killing america. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mass Exodus of Jobs in America

  In order to create a new job a few things must come into play in order for this to happen.

1.  Healthy and growing economy
2. Augmentation of New Business
3. Expanding business to match consumer demand
4. Business Owner confidence in expansion

  So if you think about it business starts with Entrepreneurship and grows because of supply and demand from the consumer.  Government plays a key role because it will directly effect a business by regulation or deregulation. 
The best example of this in our history is during Ronald Reagan's presidency.  Reagan enacted lower marginal tax rates in conjunction with simplified income tax codes and continued deregulation.
What this means is that the Government got out of the way of Business to grow and prosper which actually created more jobs, more millionaires, and greater consumer and business confidence.  Lower taxes created more money for the Government as well because consumers and business had more money and didnt look for ways to evade taxes.  

Remember when you first got cable t.v. and were able to watch MTV or HBO ?  Stop and think for on minute and understand that the cable t.v. BOOM was because of one simple thing Reagan enacted...  DEREGULATION of the telephone and cable line.  In 1984, Congress passed the Cable Communications Policy Act. This created millions of new jobs and new inventions as well as new business and the American people were the beneficiary of deregulation.  It was so easy to get a job during the 1980's and 1990's.

What is going on in America today that is making it so hard to get a job ? 

1. Corporate bankruptcy has soared during Obama administration and no net growth.
2. New business filings are non-exsistant
3. Consumer demand is down due to many factors including 15% unemployment 
4. Obama HATES business owners and ran against them in his reelection and in the first week of his reelection he enacted over 6,100 new regulations.  

We need to get back to what the founding father believed which was small federal government and that the power lies with the states. They revolted against Britain because of regulations and taxes and when you have a federal government that is spending deficit of $120 billion dollars in the month of October 2012 that's just absolutely insane.